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2019版高二英语: 寒假作业 第一天(含答案)

2019版高二英语: 寒假作业 第一天(含答案)
2019版高二英语: 寒假作业 第一天(含答案)



1、Mr Brown stood at the door, welcomed newcomers with a large smile.

_______________________________________________________ ______________

2、I couldn't do my homework with all that noise go on.

_______________________________________________________ ______________

3、He had an illness after breath in coal dust for many years.

_______________________________________________________ ______________

4、It was the first time that our parents had allowed us to going to the New Year’s party and we were all very excited.

_______________________________________________________ ______________

_______________________________________________________ ______________

5、I did all that I could express myself clearly but my speech was a total failure.

_______________________________________________________ ______________


6、Jimmy Doolittle was a scientist, an airplane engineer and a general in the United States Army.

At one time, he held the record for flying faster than any other person. He was the first pilot to cross the United States in less than twenty-four hours. He was the first pilot to fly “blind’’,using only instruments to guide his airplane.

And, when his country entered World War Two, he led one of the first successful attacks against the enemy.

Jimmy Doolittle was bom on December, 14th, 18%,in the western state of California. His family soon moved to Nome,Alaska. Jimmy was a small boy. He never grew to be very big. Yet larger boys made a mistake if they thought being small also meant being weak. Jimmy would fight if someone tried to hurt him. And he almost never lost.

As a young man he became a boxing champion. When the United States entered World War One, young Jimmy Doolittle joined the army. He also asked to be trained as a pilot. On March 18th, 1918, Jimmy passed the tests and graduated from flight school. He had hoped to go to France and fight in the war. The army, however, had him train other pilots. When the war ended, Jimmy chose to stay in the army. He thought this would give him a chance to combine his flying skills and his interest in engineering.

For most of the years between World War One and World War Two, Jimmy Doolittle was involved in the growth of the airplane industry.

He helped test new airplanes. He flew longer and longer distances. He also entered the world-famous air races of the time.

On September 27th, 1993, the scientist, racing pilot, aviation pioneer and military leader Jimmy Doolittle died.

1.Which of the following statements about Jimmy is NOT true?

A.He was the first pilot to fly with his eyes covered.

B.He held the record for the flying speed at one time.

C.He was the first pilot that crossed America in less than 24 hours.

D.He was the first pilot to fly only by using instruments to guide his airplane.

2.What did Jimmy do during the First World War?

A.He went to France to fight.

B.He trained other pilots in the army.

C.He became a boxing champion.

D.He led the army to attack against the enemy.

3.Why did Jimmy choose to stay in the army when the war ended?

A.He liked the army very much.

B.He wanted to train more pilots in the army.

C.He thought the army could provide better salary.

D.The army was a good place to combine his skills and interest.

4.The last paragraph but one mainly tells Jimmy's _______.





7、Have you ever run into a careless cell phone user on the street? Perhaps they were busy talking, texting or checking updates on WeChat without looking at what was going on around them. As the number of this new “species”of human has kept rising, they have been given a new name —phubbers(低头族).

Recently, a cartoon created by students from China Central Academy of Fine Arts put this group of people under the spotlight. In the short film, phubbers with various social identities bury themselves in their phones. A doctor plays with his cell phone while letting his patient die, a pretty woman takes selfie(自拍照)in front of a car accident site, and a father loses his child without knowing about it while using his mobile phone. A chain of similar events eventually leads to the destruction of the world.

Although the ending sounds overstated, the damage phubbing can bring is real. Your health is the first to bear the effect and result of it. “Constantly bending your head to check your cell phone could damage your neck,”Guangming Daily quoted doctors as saying. “the neck is like a rope that breaks after long-term stretching.”Also, staring at cell phones for

long periods of time will damage your eyesight gradually, according to the report.

But that’s not all. Being a phubber could also damage your social skills and drive you away from your friends and family. At reunions with family or friends, many people tend to stick to their cell phones while others are chatting happily with each other and this creates a strange atmosphere, Qilu Evening News reported.

It can also cost you your life. There have been lots of reports on phubbers who fell to their death, suffered accidents, and were robbed of their cell phones in broad daylight.

1.For what purpose does the author give the example of a cartoon in Paragragh2?

A.To advertise the cartoon made by students.

B.To inform people of the bad effects of phubbing.

C.To indicate the world will finally be destroyed by phubbers.

D.To warn doctors against using cell phones while treating patients.

2.Which of the following is NOT a risk a phubber may have?

A.His social skills could be affected.

B.He will cause the destruction of the world.

C.His neck and eyesight will be gradually harmed.

D.He might get separated from his friends and family.

3.Which of the following may be the author’s attitude towards phubbing?





4.What may the passage talk about next?

A.Advice on how to use a cell phone.

B.People who are addicted to phubbing.

C.The possible consequences of phubbing.

D.Measures to reduce the risks of phubbing.



When I was a boy, smartphones and computers were not available, and our television only got one channel dearly. Still, the fields, hills, and woodlands around my home never got me bored. ①__________

I can remember that I went on a hike at a nearby lake when I was young. At the backside of it I was amazed to find an old dirt road that I had never seen before. It was full of potholes and muddy tire tracks and deep woods on both sides. ②__________

③__________ The dirt road gave way to a gravel one and then a paved one, yet there was still neither a car nor a house in sight. I noticed the sun was starting to go down and I didn't want to be trappefl on this road in

the dark of night, hut I was afraid it would be dark before I could make it hack to the lake again.

④__________ My heart was pounding and my legs were aching. I was almost in tears when I turned one curve and saw something in the distance. It was a house!

My heart heat fast! ⑤__________It was still over a mile away, but my legs felt like feathers and I run to my house in no time with a big smile on my face. Then I ended my adventure with a good night's sleep.

A. I knew the way home!

B. I realized I had to give up.

C. I took great interest in imagination.

D. Yet, exploring it still seemed like a fine adventure.

E. I continued to walk on with the fear wowing inside.

F. Unfortunately, I walked on and on for what seemed like hours.

G. The adventures they provide were only limited by my imagination.


9、 A common tip on fitting walking into your day is to park your car at the back of the parking lot when you shop or go to work. To take that idea one step further, why not consider ①__________(walk) from your home to the store or to your office? If you take public transportation ②

__________ someone gives you a lift, get off one stop earlier.

Another common ③__________(suggest) is to take the stairs whenever possible. However, some people find that they can do all the things on one floor and don t find the need ④__________(use) the stairs. If this is the case, you can regularly use a copier ⑤__________ is across the building from your desk or use a washroom on a different floor.

If you ⑥__________(frequent) go out for lunch, suggest to your workmates that you find a wonderful restaurant ⑦__________walking distance. If time is a matter, speak with your boss about lengthening(延长) your lunch break. And you promise that you can work for a few extra minutes at ⑧__________ end of the day.

As we all know, walking your dog really ⑨__________(provide) many health benefits. It is one of the ⑩__________(good) ways to get extra steps while you can appreciate the beauty of nature.







1.词数100左右, 开头和结尾已经为你写好不记入总词数;


Dear Peter,

I'm very sorry to hear that you have decided to leave home because of your conflict with your parents.

_______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _________________________


Li Hua



答案:Mr Brown stood at the door,

newcomers with a large


2答案及解析: 答案:I couldn't do my homework with all that noise



答案:He had an illness after

in coal dust for many years.

4答案及解析: 答案:It was the first time that our parents had allowed us to

to the New Year ’s party and we were all very excited. 解析:句意:这是第一次我们的父母允许我们参加新年派对, 我们都兴奋极了. allow sb. to do sth.是固定结构,意为“允许某人做某事”。


答案:I did all that I could express myself clearly but my speech was a total failure.

解析:句意:我竭尽所能想要清楚地表达我自己(的想法),但是我的演讲还是彻底失败了。that I could (do)是定语从句, 修饰先行词all, to express myself clearly 是不定式短语作目的状语.

min welcomed welco g go going breath breathing going go



答案:1.A; 2.B; 3.D; 4.A


2.细节理解题.根据第五段中的“The army,however,had him train other pilots. ”可知B项正确。


4.主旨大意题.根据倒数第二段的内容可知,主要介绍的是吉米的成就. 误解分析:易错项是B项,意为“贡献”。


答案:1.B; 2.B; 3.D; 4.D


答案:G; D; F; E; A

解析:1. G上文提到,我小时候没有手机和电脑,电视也只有一个频道。但是,房子周围的田野、小山和树林从没让我感到无聊再根据下文提到的探险经历可知,在这些地方探险无法满足我的想象力。

2. D上文提到,我去湖边远足,路上碎石遍地、路面崎岖不平,路的两旁密林高耸根据下文的描述可知,我认为到这里探索似乎是不错的冒险;

3. F下文提到,我担心天黑以前找不到冋湖边的路,因此说明已经花了很长时间、走了很远的路了。

4. E下文提到,我的心狂跳不止,我的腿也开始疼痛。说明此处表示内心害怕但是还在继续前行。误解分析:易误选B项。受到下文提到的“感到害怕和腿疼”的干扰但是根据下文“when I turned...”可知我没有放弃。

5. A 上文提到看到了远处的房子,下文提到“my legs felt like feathers and I run to niy house in no time”,可知此处表不找到了回家的路。


答案:walking; or; suggestion; to use; that/which; frequently; within; the; provides; best



Dear Peter,

I'm very sorry to hear that you have decided to leave home because of your conflict with your parents.

I think it's unwise to make such a decision.Addicted to playing online games,you are not only wasting your valuable time but also hurting the feelings of your parents.Your parents love you so much that they are trying every effort to make your life better.Therefore,wouldn't it be

reasonable for you to respect them,have a talk with them and apologize?Meanwhile,you should manage your time more wisely and find some meaningful ways to spend your free time.

I'm looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua 解析:【亮点说明】

本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种表达:because of;make such a decision;Addicted to;try every effort to努力去做;Therefore; Meanwhile; look forward to;


人教版五年级英语寒假作业答案 【人教版五年级英语寒假作业答案(一)】 Page 1(第一页):设计一份假期时间表。(每周从星期一到星期天的作息安排,安排好后请同学们认真执行,也可视情况自行修改) Page 2(第二页):为你喜欢的朋友、长辈或老师做一张 英语新年贺卡,并将样式设计画在本页。 Page 3(第三页):我的抄写和预习。(在这一页上抄写 五年级下册Unit1 并试着背下来;认真预习1”标注是否已朗读Unit1的 所有课文) 小学五年级寒假作业Page 4(第四页):画出自己喜爱 的小动物,涂上颜色,并用英文标出名称及音标。(至少3种,请参考五年级下册Unit1课文插图的动物图案) Page 5(第五页):我的摘抄和朗读。(在这一页上任选 自己喜欢的五年级下册Unit1的一篇单课课文,抄写英文及翻译中文,尽量不要抄全解,并试着背下来) Page 6(第六页):查找世界各地不同的节日,写出中英文。

Page 7(第七页):我的抄写和默写。(1)在这一页上抄写五年级下册Unit1所有双课的红蓝句子2遍,并翻译中文。 (2)家长在本页给孩子默写Unit1单词并签字。 Page 8(第八页):列出一年十二个月份,写出中英文,标出音标。选出自己最喜欢的月份,并说明原因。 Page 9—? (第九— ?页):自行预习五年级下册的剩余单元。 Page ?(最后一页):写一份下学期你的英语学习计划(课上听课表现,课后完成作业等方面的决心),并请家长在结尾附上家长寄语。 注:1. 遇到不认识的单词可以利用点读机、磁带、字等工具查阅其读音及中文意思。课 文的中文尽量自己翻译,实在不明白可以参考全解。 2. 不要急于求成,每周完成1~1.5了!也不要都攒到最后开学 【人教版五年级英语寒假作业答案(二)】 一、Listen and choose(听录音, 选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里 )(每小题1分,共10分) B1、My favourite food is potatoes. A 2、My computer is tall and smart. A 3、My brother can water the flowers.


Unit 3 The internet Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking 1、We have provided seats for the ________(convenient) of our customers. 2、It's about time we ________(update) our software. 3、Refugees ________(stream) into this place for months. 4、Cycling is highly ________ (benefit) to health and the environment. 5、He _______(chat) with his friends about the concert which was to be held the next week. 6、Our mother earth is going through a very ______(艰难的) situation. 7、Wu Changshuo then became another teacher to him and ______(启发) a lot of his works. 8、The concert will raise money for local ________(慈善机构). 9、We were ______(困在) in a traffic jam for two hours. 10、With the widespread use of mobile payment, WeChat and Alipay are two of the most _______(方便的) and safest ways to pay. 11、王阿姨极力留我们吃晚饭。 Aunt Wang tried to ______ ______ ______ for supper. 12、由于彼此之间有了进一步了解,我们相处得不错。 ______ ______ we know each other a little better, we get along fine. 13、我们已经讨论过了要走哪条路。 We have discussed ______ ______ ______ ______. 14、她是如此美丽以至于所有的男孩都想和她做朋友。 She is ______ ______ ______ all boys want to make friends with her. 15、Firstly, it will _______ those _______. 首先,它将为那些计划出国留学的人带来便利。 16、Buying books on the Internet is a great way to save time and money. Online bookstores offer new books and used books that can save you lots of money. They are far better compared to traditional bookstores as they offer much more kinds of books. Another advantage of shopping online is that you can also read the book reviews as


新目标七年级英语上册寒假作业 练习八 一、重点单词 1.大量;许多 (pron.& adj.) _________ 2.短袜 (n.) ________ 3.T恤衫 (n.)_________ 4.短裤 (n.)__________ 5.毛衣 (n.)____________ 6.裤子 (n.)___________ 7.鞋 (n.)___________ 8.裙子 (n.)________ 9.美元 (n.)__________ 10.大的 (adj.)________ 11.小的 (adj.)_________ 12.短的 (adj.)__________ 13.长的 (adj.)_________ 14.女子 (n.)___________ 15.需要 (v.)__________ 16.看 (v.)__________ 17.一双;一对 (n.)__________ 18.买下;拿 (v.)__________ 19.十 (num.)________ 20.十一 (num.)___________ 21.十二 (num.)____________ 22.十三 (num.)___________ 23.十五 (num.)__________ 24.十八 (num.)____________ 25.二十 (num.) ___________ 26.三十 (num.) ___________ 27.衣服 (n.)___________ 28.商店 (n.) ___________ 29.出售 (n.)__________ 30.卖;出售 (v.)__________ 31.所有的 (adj.)_______ 32.很;非常 (adv.)________ 33.价格 (n.)__________ 34.男孩 (n.)__________ 二、重点短语 1.多少钱 ______________ 2.8美元_____________ 3.服装店_______________ 4.大促销_____________ 5.一双______________ 6.白色的包_____________ 7.对于男孩____________ 8.以非常优惠的价格_________________ 9.买某物给某人_________________ 10.出售某物给某人_________________ 三、重点句子 1.这件T恤多少钱? ____________________________ 2.这些短袜多少钱? _____________________________ 3.您要买点什么吗? ____________________ 4.它看上去很漂亮。 ______________________ 5.我要买下它们。 _________________ 6.给你。 ________________


第二十天 单项选择 1、He gave himself a new name to hide his _____ when he went to carry out the secret task. A.emotion B.talent C.identity D.treasure 2、Chatting online can be ________ fun, but kids must be sure they stay safe on ________ web. A.不填; a B.a; the C.不填; the D.a; a 3、My brother would like to buy a good watch but was available from that shop. A.nothing B.none C.no one D.neither 4、— Why does Lucy look worried? —She may have failed the interview, and _____, she won’t be able to pay f or the electric bill. A.in her case B.in any case C.in which case D.in that case 5、As Daisy walked in she could feel the tension in the room, with her mother ______ herself straight in her chair. A.seating B.seated C.to seat D.to have seated 阅读理解 6、Welcome to the North Pole Adventure


2019人教版五年级上册语文寒假作业答案 第二页 五、快乐阅读 1、跨、踮、钻、挤。写店里顾客很多,也写出了“我”读书的如饥似渴。 2、突出了“我”对书、对知识的渴求心理。 3、在上书店看漫画书时,体验过这种既快乐又惧怕的滋味。 六、心领神会 “读书好”:读书对自己有益;“好读书”:喜欢读书;“读好书”:读有益的书。 第三页 三、词语接龙 呕心沥血--血气方刚--刚柔相济--济困扶危 大显身手--手无寸铁--铁案如山--山清水秀 悲欢离合--合家幸福--福寿齐天--天下太平 天长日久--久别重逢--逢凶化吉--吉祥如意 四、句子乐园,按要求写句子 1、我们只有多读课外书,才能提升我们的语文水平。 放寒假后,我不但要去北京,还要去青岛。 2、我差不多把这个小图书馆所有的文艺书籍都借阅了。 这个小图书馆所有的文艺书籍差不多都被我借阅了。

3、你不会因为熟悉家中的一切就弃家而去。 4、吃饭是身体成长的需要,读书是精神成长的需要。一个人要成长,既要吃饭,也要读书。 第四页 五、活学活用 1、朋友;故地;书能带给我们温馨的感受。 2、(1)营养;书能充实我们的头脑。(2)阶梯;书能使我们进步。 (3)船;书能拓宽我们的眼界。 3、一位良师,能让我们积累知识,了解人生。 六、口语交际 张华,这几天老师让我们写读后感,我想再看看那本书。你看完了吗? 张华,我有个同学向我借那本书,你看完了吗? 水浒英雄榜 即时雨--宋江;母夜叉--孙二娘;拼命三郎--石秀; 浪里白条--张顺;神行太保--戴宗。 第五页 三、仿照下面画线句的句式补写句子。 老师的课堂;鱼的海洋;翅膀的鸟。 第六页 四、阅读感悟 1、刻、果然。


四年级英语寒假作业答案 (一) I:1.water 2. dress 3. vest 4. apple 5. skirt 6. potato II:1. Canda 2. kite 3. water 4. raincoat 5. fruit III:ABBAB IV:CADCCA V:1. twelve 2. Six, Four 3. four, five, nine 4. nurse 5. Two, Five 6. eight, three, eleven 7. two 8. England VI:1. 8 2. C (二) I:FHGICDEAJB II:PRC: 中华人民共和国 WTO: 世贸组织 CCTV:中央电视台 TJTV: 天津电视台 UK: 联合王国 USA:美国 III:CEADB IV:DGAFBCE V:ABABABAA VI:略 (三) I:DBECA II:nine Four Seven six five eight III:CACBB IV:1. What is that? 2. It’s a cucumber.

3. Are you sure? 4. What’s this in English? 5. Let’s play a game. V:略 VI:1. I , water 2. apples, bananas 3. on, sweater 4. eight , seven (四) I:CCABA II:CDBC III:1. a ,dress 2. cloudy 3. Three, Six 4. bananas 5. twelve IV:ABABBB (五) I:DCEAB II:1. me 2. on 3. you 4. are 5. at 6. a, at 7. the 8. an 9. on 10. rainy III:small, big, big, short small, big tall, short IV:AABCAAAB V:AABA (六) I:BEDCA II:1 长鼻子 2 短尾巴 3 大嘴巴 4 两支长耳朵 5.a fat cat 6. a short girl 7. a small apple 8. a short shirt 9. a new vest 10. two tall boys III:DACEB IV:ACBCC BAAAA

2020学年高二英语 寒假作业(23)新人教版

寒假作业(23) 一、小题练习 1、I have made ______ a rule that I buy a copy of English Square every month. A.one B.that C.this D.it 2He hasn’t slept at all for three days. ________ he is tired out. A.There is no point B.There is no need C.It is no wonder D.It is no way 3、—Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find a supermarket? —I happen to know nearby. Come on, I’ll show you the way. A. one B. it C. that D. some 4、The chairman thought ______necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting. A.that B. it C. this D. him 5、He didn’t make____clear when and where the meeting would be held. A.this B.that C.it D.these

6、The two cars are racing close together —it’s unclear ___________ will be the champion. 7、It remains unknown to the public ______________ ready the newly-elected president is to solve problems such as acid rain. 8、I'd appreciate ____ if you could spread the news at once. 9、I would appreciate _____________ if you can pay in cash. 10、My wife is a shopaholic(购物狂). She is addicted to shopping on the Internet. ____________ seems that she can’t control herself well, just clicking constantly with the mouse. 11、An intelligent mind needs a strong body to make more useful. 12、Our company makes a rule not to smoke in the office. 13、I consider a great honor to be invited to this party. 14、I found that hard to break the bad habit. 15、I find them impossible to master a foreign language without much memory work. 二、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 It is important for you to be a good listener in class. ①_____ Listening is a cognitive (认知的) act that requires you to pay attention to and think about


八年级上册英语寒假作业 翻译各单元的短语和习惯用语,认真阅读词语辨析及重点语法 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 重点短语: (1)go on vacation (2)stay at home (3)go to the mountains (4)go to the beach (5)visit museums (6)go to summer camp (7)quite a few (8)study for…… (9)go out (10)most of the time (11)taste good (12)have a good time (13)feel like (14)go shopping (15)in the past (16)walk around….. (17)too many (18)because of+短语 (19)one bowl of (20)find out (21)take photos (22)something important (23)up and down (24)come up (25)of course (26)come down 重点语法: (1)Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City. (2)Did you go out with anyone? No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. (3)Did you buy anything special? Yes, I bought something for my father. (4)How was the food? Everything tasted really good. (5)Did everyone have a good time? Oh,yes. Everything was excellent. 习惯用法: (1)buy sth for sb./ buy sb. Sth (2)taste + adj. (3)nothing ….but + V.(原形) (4)seem + (to be) + adj (5). arrive in + 大地方 arrive at + 小地方 (6)decide to do sth. (7). try doing sth. (8)try to do sth. (9)try one`s best to do sth (10)enjoy doing sth. (11)want to do sth. (12)start doing sth. (13)stop doing sth. stop to do sth (14)look + adj (15)dislike doing sth. (16)Why not do sth (17)so + adj + that + 从句(18)tell sb. (not) to do sth. (19)keep doing sth.


高二年级英语寒假作业(一)语法 1. The girl was seriously _______ when her hair _____________ as she was cooking the other day. A. burnt, caught fire B. to burnt, catch fire C. burning, catching fire D. burn, to catch fire 2. The voice was _____________ in the noise from the airplane. A. expressed B. drowned C. wounded D. threatened 3. There was a _______ all over the country when SARS started to spread last year. A. cheer B. alarm C. panic D. prosper 4. I saw his cut __________ onto the ground when I got home last night. A. to bleed B. bleeding C. stress D. stressing 5. Two people passing by _________ the thief steal the lady’s purse earlier this afternoon. A. witnessed B. witnessed to be seen C. witnessed seeing D. witnessed to see 6. How much you eat is important , but _____ you eat daily ______ more. A. where , means B. what, counts C. how, minds D. why, values 7. The doctor recommended my father that he ________smoking and ____ more exercises to keep fit. A. stop, do B. stopped, did C. will stop, do D. should stop, did 8. We wish all the people from different cultural backgrounds could live _________ in the future. A. in press B. in summary C. in harmony D. in willingness 9. Many people began to doubt whether________ God or not. A. exists B. there exists C. it exists D. exists here 10. After the quarrel, he never went there again, ________ to explain. A. or he ever wrote B. nor he ever wrote C. but did he write D. neither did he write 11. Only by practicing as much as you can, ________ to make progress in English. A. you will be able to B. will you be able to C. you can be able to D. can you be able to 12. There is ___________ to their building from the main street, so you have to go round about . A. no issue B. no content C. no alternative D. no access 13. If the people get better educated and the world becomes less unfair, much of the poverty can be ____________. A. worked out B. wiped out C. left out D. cleaned out 14. Not until ________ more about the situation, _______ improve it. A. we learned, were we able to B. did we learn, we were able to C. we learned, we were able to D. did we learn, were we able to 15. The children nowadays are well ___________ all kinds of harm by their parents and the teachers. A. defended against B. defending from C. defended with D. to defend to 16. Not only _________ a place to have classes, but also _____ as a dinning room during lunch time. A. our classroom is, is it used B. is our classroom, it is used C. our classroom is , it is used D. is our classroom, is it used 17. I’ll wait for you at our school gate, beside which _________ . A. stands a tall red building B. a tall red building stand C. is a tall red building standing D. a tall red building is standing 18. If I _______ you , I ________ treat my friend like that. A. am , would not B. was , will not C. were , would not D. are, will not 19. I ______________ them when the accident happened, if I ____________ more about how to give first aid. A. could help, knew B. could help, had known C. could have helped, would know D. could have helped , knew If I _____a chance to travel to the moon, I _______ back something from there. A. have, will take B. had, would bring C. would have, would have brought D. were to have, would have brought 21. Out __________ as soon as they heard the bell . A. do the children rush B. did the children rush C. the children rush D. rushed the children 22. Y ou don’t have to come with us, if you don’t ___________. A. want to do B. want to come with C. want to D. want to doing it 23. After they retired , they ____________ in Europe for a few months. A. journeyed to B. traveled at C. knocked about D. voyaged around 24. It’s too early to say that your team ________, there is still a chance to win. A. was finished B. is beat C. will defeat D. is done for 25. Everybody was _________ by the earthquake which happened last week. A. spotted B. terrified C. frightening D. fleeing 26. It was _________ that he should be seriously punished for what he did to the people. A. urged B. upset C. whispered D. swear 27. While the policeman was examining the house, a drop of blood on the floor ____. A. paid his attention B. drew his attention C. attract his attention D. enter his attention 28. He __________ to a comfortable position. A. rolled over B. turned down C. kept up D. went upside down 29. _________ arrival, my uncle hugged Pompy and tried to give him courage. A. At B. By C. With D. Upon 30. Never ________ that water is so precious before I read the article.


2019高一化学寒假作业及答案参考 A.石墨 B.二氧化硅 C.氧化镁 D.氧化铝 2.金属钠着火时,可采用的灭火物质是 A.泡沫灭火器 B.水 C.沙子 D.干粉灭火器 3.下列实验操作中错误的是 A.用规格为10ml的量筒量取6ml的液体 B.用药匙或者纸槽把粉末状药品送入试管的底部 C.过滤时玻璃棒的末端轻轻靠在三层的滤纸上 D.如果没有试管夹,可临时手持试管给固体或液体加热 4.某同学在家中实行化学实验,按照图1连接 好线路发现灯泡不亮,按照图2连接好线路 发现灯泡亮,由此得出的结论准确的是 A.NaCl是非电解质 B.NaCl溶液是电解质 C.NaCl在水中电离出能够自由移动的离子 D.NaCl溶液中水电离出大量的离子 5.小华家中有如下生活用品:碘酒、食盐、食醋、84消毒液(内含NaClO),小华利用上述用品不能完成的任务是 A.检验买来的奶粉中是否加有淀粉 B.检验自来水中是否含有Cl- C.除去保温瓶中的水垢 D.洗去白色衣服上的番茄汁

6.下列实验现象,与新制氯水中的某些成分(括号内物质)没相关系的 A.将NaHCO3固体加入新制氯水,有无色气泡(H+) B.使红色布条褪色(HCl) C.向FeCl2溶液中滴加氯水,再滴加KSCN溶液,发现呈血红色(Cl2) D.滴加AgNO3溶液生成白色沉淀(Cl-) 7.将CO2气体通人CaCl2溶液,若要有白色沉淀产生,可加入的试剂是 A.氯化钾溶液 B.碳酸氢钙溶液 C.氯水 D.氢氧化钠溶液 8.下列相关物质用途的说法,不准确的是 A.过氧化钠可用于潜水艇的氧气来源 B.氯气可用于制农药 C.纯碱可用于治疗胃酸过多 D.钠可用于冶炼金属钛 9.下列相关离子的检验方法一定准确的是 A.向某溶液中滴加BaCl2溶液,若有白色沉淀,再滴加足量稀HNO3,若沉淀不溶解,则说明原溶液中一定含Ag+ B.向某溶液中滴加KSCN溶液,若溶液出现血红色则说明原溶液中含Fe3+ C.向某溶液中滴加足量稀HCl,产生气体使澄清石灰水变浑浊,则说明原溶液中一定含CO32- D.用铂丝蘸取某溶液在无色火焰上灼烧直接观察火焰颜色未见紫色,说明原溶液中不含K+

2019 英语寒假作业答案

二、阅读理解 21-25 CBDBC 26-30 CACDC 36-35 DADBC 三、单词拼写 1. field 2.period 3.painful 4. northern 5. crying 6.sleepy 7.daily 8. customers 四、语法填空 1. to write 2. more private 3. parents’ 4. safety 5. helpful 6. who 7. getting 8. was pushed 9. were having 10. made 五、完型填空 1.encourage 2. children’s 3. everything 4. deal with 5. among 6. before 7. choices 六、阅读表达 1. Because they go there to read. ` 2.It lasted for two days. 3.It has a theater, a hall for ceremonies, a restaurant and rooms for parties. 4.这个书店的成功为山区带来了一种新的生活。 5.Nbooks Club 七、写作 Dear Jason, Thanks for your e-mail. I’m writing to tell you how my life has been these days. Recently an invention that was designed by me has won a big prize. And my lost coat was also given back to me by a kind person. However, two problems are troubling me these days. I’m always under too much pressure from my parents. And I also wonder if we should be allowed to make our own decisions. Could you give me some advice? Although life is not easy, there is always hope. I’m wishing to take a trip to America and learn more about American history and culture. I believe my dream can come true. Look forward to your reply as soon as possible. Yours, Zhu Fang 二、阅读理解 21-25 DCCDC 26-30 ADBCC 31-35 DDDBC 三、单词拼写 1.down 2. shut 3. wounded 4. reflect 5. wars 6. prefers 7. total 8. performing 四、语法填空 1.the 2. to enjoy 3. and 4.listening 5.shows 6. themselves 7.by 8.truly 9. called 10. will continue 五、完型填空 1.get through 2. nothing 3. taught 4. successful 5. while 6. certain 7.whatever 六、阅读表达 1. To “grow” huge pictures in the fields. 2. Design the pictures on computers to decide where and how to plant the rice. 3. Different colors will appear in the rice fields. 4. 在最初的几年里,农民们用不同品种的水稻创作简单的图案。 5. Tanbo art in Japan 七、写作 Drear Mary, Thanks for your last letter. I’d like to tell you about my favorite kind of music. There’re many kinds of music, but I like classical mu sic best. I think classical music has a lasting value and it’s more attractive than any other kind of music, so it’s worth enjoying. I have been to many concerts for classical music in my free time and I enjoy all of them and feel really great. However, it seems that most young people prefer pop music and they think pop music is cool. Whatever happens, I won’t change my love for classical music. I hope more and more people will love it, too. Yours, Tony

(寒假)2019年高三英语寒假作业 专题18 综合测试(十八)(测)(含解析) (37)

(寒假总动员)2015年高三英语寒假作业专题09 综合测试(九)(测)(含解 析) I.语法填空(15分) 【2015届广东省阳东一中、广雅中学高三第一次联考】第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在标号为16~25的相应位置上。 Six days of spring rain had created a wild river __16___(run) by Nan cy Brown’s farm.As she tried to drive her cows to higher ground, she __17____(slip) and hit her head on a fallen tree trunk.Nancy was badly hurt and could only walk with great _18___(difficult).The water __19___(rise).Nancy’s pace got slower and slower.Finall y, all she could do was to throw her arm around Lizzie’s neck and try to hang on.About 20 minutes later, Lizzie managed to __20___ (succeed) pull herself and Nancy out of the water and onto a bit of high land. It took rescuers another two hours to discover Nancy.__21___ helicopter lowered a doctor, __22____attached Nancy to a life-support lift.They raised her into the helicopter and took her to the sch ool gym, __23____the Red Cross had set up an emergency shelter. When the flood subsided two days later, Nancy immediately went back to the highland.Lizzie was gone. __24____was one of the 19 cows that Nancy lost.“I owe my life _25____her,” said Nancy sobbingly.

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