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命题点6 议论文











Surrmg: It's Not Just for Boys Anymore

If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports, most would probably say basketball or volleyball.

I happen to be one of the few girls who would 1 :surfing(冲浪运动). But isn't that a boy thing? Some people

2 . Most certainly not.

I started surfing about five years ago and 3 in love with the sport on the very fist day. Riding that first 4 was the best felling I had ever experienced.

When I try to 5 surfing with other things,I find it very difficult because,in my 6 ,there's nothing like it. It involves (牵涉到)body, 7 , and soul. There's sand between my toes and cool, salt water all 8 us. The feeling I get when I'm surfing across that 9 ,becoming one with the 10 ,is like I'm weightless. The one thing I can 11 from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge (挑战). You can never be the "best surfer" because the ocean 12 an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master. The variations of surfing styles are wonderful. Some surfers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive (活

跃有力的) and 13 . All of these things attract me to surfing and make it 14 from any other sport.

I've 15 to tell every girl I know to do something that people don't think girls can do. It's part of being human to adil vance to new 16 , so shouldn't it be expected that girls should step up and start 17 the limits of things boys ant men used to dominate (主宰)?

There're women 18 side by side with the President of our country,so why not side by side with the boys 19 the football team or out in the water surfing? Give girls a chance to 20 ,and they will.

1. A. tell B. answer C. give D. realize

2. A. wonder B. understand C. reply D. believe

3. A. stayed B. came C. dropped D. fell

4. A. wave B. storm C. sail D. boat

5. A. bring B. connect C. compare D. tie

6. A. work B. study C. holiday D. life

7. A. mind B. effort C. health D. time

8. Pt. along B. above C. around D. by

9. A. beach B. water C. board D. lake

10. A. sky B. world C. earth D. ocean

11. A. take B. get C. make D. keep

12. A. catches B. includes

C. offers

D. collects

13. A. sharp B. great C. hard D. calm

14. A. known B. right C. far D. different

15. A. chosen B. tried C. learned D. promised

16. A. levels B. points C. steps D. parts

17. A. reaching B. accepting

C. pushing

D. setting

18. A. sitting B. walking C. fighting D. working

19. A. of B. from C. on D. with

20. A. think B. succeed C. perform D. feel

命题目的与解题技巧:本文是完形填空中的议论文体裁,考查学生的逻辑能力与对文章的整体把握。此类题材一般是直接提出论点,通过论据论证,最后作者提出自己的看法或提出另一个论题供大家讨论,本文论点是"Surfing:It's NotJust for BoysAnymore”作者通过自己的亲身经历出发,论述此论点,从而表达了作者一种积极进取的人生态度,做好此类型题的关键是抓住论点,有条理性的去论证,得出结论。

答案:1.B 解析:一问一答,answer与ask相呼应。

2.A 解析:wonder意为"feelsurprised”,冲浪运动一般是男孩喜欢的运动,有些人就奇怪,她是一个女孩,怎么也喜欢它?wonder与文中的“?”相呼应,其他三个选项不合题意。

3.D 解析:fall in love with...意为“爱上……”是个固定短语。

4.A 解析:ridethewave意为“漂行于水上”,冲浪运动就是一项“漂行于水上的”运动。第一次在水上漂行是我经历过的最好的感觉。很多考生误选n很明显,这里作者指的是一种乘风破浪的感觉,而不是驾船的感觉。

5.C 解析:首先从搭配上可将选项A、D排除;再从意义上看,connect...with与下文"there'snothinglike it”不符。故答案只能选C,意思是“把……与……进行比较”。

6.D 解析:从上文的"withotherthings"可以看出,答案应选D(生活),因为冲浪只能说是生活中的一部分,而不应该是工作或学习中的内容;而选项C(假日)又太狭隘,因为,冲浪不一定只能在假日中,平常工作之余也可进行。

7.A 解析:mind意为“心智”。在此句中,body,mind,soul分别代表人的三个方面。冲浪运动能增进身体健康,能启迪心智,能陶冶心灵。这是一种很美的境界。

8.C 解析:人在冲浪,四周都是水。


10.D解析:在"The feeling I get when I'm surfing across that water,becoming one with the 10 ,is like I'm weightless"这个句中,去掉定语从句I get,去掉状语从句"when I'm surfing across...”后,原句变成了:Thefeelingthat...islikeI'mweightless.这就容易理解了。冲浪时,人与海融为一体,这种感觉就像身轻无重一样。 11.B 解析:getstkfrom...意为“从……得到”。本句话意思为:从冲浪而不是其他的运动中,我可以得到无穷的挑战。其他三个选项在此不合题意。

12.C 解析:挑战无穷是因为大海提供了千变万化的波浪,谁都无法主宰。catches意为“抓住”,includes意思为“包括”,offers意为“提供”,collects意为“收集”,只有offers符合题意。

13.A 解析:sharp在此意为“敏捷的,生气勃勃的”;aggres sive and sharp(积极主动,勇敢征服)与上文的free a nd flowing(自由放松,随波逐流)相呼应。

14.D 解析:由上文可知,冲浪运动给我所带来的乐趣,让我觉得它不同于其他运动,而不远离(farfrom)其他运动。 15.B 解析:trytodosth.意为“努力做某事”。我设法告诉每一个我认识的女孩去做别人认为女孩子不能做的一些事情。

16.A 解析:advancetonewlevels:提高到新的水平。

17.C 解析:作者认为女孩子应勇敢地向以前只局限于男人的领域推进。此题很多考生误选九reach意为“到达”,表达的是一种结果,与前面的"start"(开始)明显矛盾。

18.D 解析:在我们的国家有女性与总统肩并肩地工作。A、B、C明显不合题意。

19.C解析:on有“从事于”之意,如:I am on China Daily.我在人民日报工作。onthefootballt team意为“从事足球运动”。

20.B解析:给女孩子一个成功的机会,她们就会成功的。有考生误选C,perform意为“表演”,强调的是过程,succeed 强




Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldn't have done or something you didn't do which you should have? At one time or another we probably all have. There's no 1 in getting depressed about it now- it's no 2 crying over spilt milk. However, there may be some gain in thinking about exactly whathappened and why 3 we might be able to draw some conclusions for the future.

One thing we all do now and again is to lose our 4 with a friend or close relative. The odd thing is that we more often display great 5 towards someone we are fond of than towards 6 . The explanation may be that we see friends and relatives as a kind of safety net, an opportunity to 7 a bit of steam in a safe environment, while the consequences (后果) of 8 a stranger could be far more serious.

Being honest is usually thought of as a virture (美德) and undoubtedly this is the 9 . On the other hand, we have all experienced occasions when spoken our minds to someone, telling them exactly what we feel, and then have found ourselves filled with feelings of 10 . Perhaps we should have kept our mouths shut?

1. A. reason B. purpose C. point D. result

2. A. use B. help C. value D. benefit

3. Pt. so B. because C. but D. though

4. A. mind B. memory C. manner D. temper

5. A. anger B. interest C. love D. respect

6. A. strangers B. friends C. relatives D. colleagues

7. A. run through B. throw away

C. give up

D. let off

8. A. inviting B. insulting C. speaking D. believing in

9. A. issue B. case C. event D. factor

10. A. excitement B. happiness

C. pride

D. guilt

答案:1.C 解析:there is no point in doing sth. 是固定句式,意为“干……事情没有意义”,此处是说做了事情再去难过已经没有意义。其他选项不符合这一固定句式。

2.A 解析:it’s no usedoingsth.=thereisnOpoint indoing sth.本句是承接上句进一步说明后悔没有用。其他选项


3.B 解析:此处作者建议我们应该想一想事情发生的原因等,因为我们可以从中吸取经验教训。故用because引导原因状语从句。其他选项不能引导原因状语从句。

4.D 解析:loseone'stemper为固定用法,意为“发脾气”。此处指我们经常会对自己的亲戚朋友发火。loseone's mind “精神失常”,loseone'smemory"失去记忆”都不合题意。

5.A 解析:从前面的“发脾气”,可推断出此处应用anger,还是表示我们更容易“把怒气、脾气发泄在我们喜欢的人身上”。

6.A 解析:从前后文的对比关系,我们可以推断出此处指的是“陌生人”。前面已经出现了“我们喜欢的人(熟人)”,由此可排除其他选项:“朋友”、“亲戚”和“同事”。

7.D 解析:letoff为固定短语,当“发泄”讲,相当于giveout/off.后面是比喻的说法,意为:在安全的环境中发脾气。run through"从……中间跑过";throwaway''扔掉”;8iveup"放弃”。

8.B 解析:从后面后果严重程度看,此处指“冒犯”陌生人。

insult=make 5b.angry.

9.B 解析:说明“情况”就是如此:诚实是一种美德。issue"问题”,event"事件”,factor"因素”都不合题意。

10.D 解析:当我们对别人直言不讳而冒犯了别人时,我们会感到后悔,有“负疚”感。guilt当“内疚”讲。


Gloze 1

My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as,"Oh, Beckham is so handsome, so cool, that I can't help falling in love with him!" Or"what perfect skills he has!". Yeah, I 1 to some degree, though

I sometimes do want to 2 them how much they know about Beckham, apart from his 3 and how much they know about football apart from 4 goals. It seems funny that we are 5 for things, with which we are unfamiliar or about which we are 6 , but we all, my friends as well as I, consider this one of life's 7 We need these pleasures to 8 our liveres But that doesn't 9 to craziness or nonsense. As an old saying goes: "Don't judge

a book by its cover. ' We 10 not judge anything from its appearance. We should all know, it is one's good

11 and great contribution that makes one a star and unforgettable. There fore we'd better say 12 about Beckham's good looks.

If we close our eyes, falling in deep 13 we can find that the things that move us to be really happy or sad have a 14 meaning. If we don't go deeper and are just satisfied with 15 things, sooner or later we will find that we have not re ally gained anything because our first 16 has blinded and misled(误导) US, and we'll remain ignorant (无知的) 17 realize that and make some changes.

It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before 18 of great progress. If one day we are willing to go deep into everything, no matter how much it 19 us, we will finally prove how much we have 20 up, how much more sen; sible, mature (成熟的) , and intelligent (智慧的) we have be come.

1. A. like B. agree C. hope D. think

答案:B 指导:作者先说在一定程度上“同意”上述人对贝克汉姆相貌和球技的看法,为下一步阐述自己的观点做好铺垫。此处后面的tosomedegree对答案有提示作用,而且议论文讲究逻辑严密,因此作者首先说:在一定程度上同意。其他选项“喜欢”、“希望”和“认为”,都不能表达此处作者此处的用意。

2. A. ask B. tell C. teach D. doubt

答案:A 指导:从后面的句式how much看,作者是在“质问”对方对贝克汉姆和足球究竟知道多少。把握作者的反问语气,可排除其他选项。

3. A. skills B. fame C. team D. appearance

答案:D 指导:从前面看,有些人喜欢贝克汉姆仅仅是因为他的“外貌”。作者认为有些人仅仅是以貌取人,由此排除他的“球技”、“声誉”和“球队”。

4. A. kicking B. hitting C. scoring D. controlling


5. A. thankful B. crazy C. curious D. anxious

答案: B 指导:这儿作者指出人们为一些自己并不了解的事情而疯狂,be crazy for意为“为…而疯狂、着迷”。如果表

达“对……感到好奇”,应用be curious about;be anxious about 意为“对……担忧”;be thankful for意为“对……


6. A. uncertain B. unhappy C. displeased D. careful

答案:A 指导:uncertain和前面的unfamiliar相互补充,说明人们对待事情的盲目性。此处主要是把握前面be unfamiliar with对后文的限制作用,前而是“对……不熟悉”,后面应是“对……不肯定”。be unhappy with/be displeased with意

为“对……不满意”;be careful with“对……很小心”。

7. A. aims B. qualities C. pleasures D. truths

答案:C 指导:这儿人们把盲目追星当作生活的乐趣,pleasure当“生活的乐事”讲时是可数名词。追星不可能是生活的



8. A. keep up B. brighten up

C. find out

D. bring about

答案:B 指导:brighten up 当“照亮、为……增添光彩”讲。我们需要这些快乐使生活丰富多彩。此处主要是理解原文。由此很容易排除其他选项:keepup意为“保持……水平”;find out"弄清楚、搞明白(真相)等”;bringabout"使……发生”=cause sth.to happen.

9. A. come B. increase C. amount D. rise

答案:C 指导:amountto此处是动词短语,原意为“与……相当.总计……”,此处意为“达到……程度”。作者的观点为:追星可以仅仅作为生活的一点乐趣,而不能达到疯狂的程度。Come to"到达某个地方、苏醒过来”;increaseto"(数量)增加到……”;riseto"高度上升至上到……”。

10.A. dared B. would C. could D. should

答案:D 指导:should表达作者的观点:我们不应该以貌取人。把握了作者此处是在建议我们不应该以貌取人,其他选项便很容易排除。

11.A. thinking B. character C. looks D. ability

答案: B 指导:作者认为明星最重要的东西是他们的“性格”和对社会的贡献,而不是他们的相貌。把握后文“对社会的贡献”对前文的提示,可排除其他选项,looks"相貌、表情”,thinking"思维”和ability"能力”干扰性比较大,但一个人要对社会做出贡献,光有“思维”和“能力”是不行的,最重要的是个人的“人品、性格”。

12.A. more B. something C. less D. nothing

答案: C 指导:承接上文,作者建议我们还是“少”谈明星的外貌,而应注重他们的人格。把握了作者的思想“注重明星的人格”,再体会此处具有比较的含义,可排除其他选项: more和something意义与作者的观点正相反;nothing意义表达太绝对。

13.A. love B. sleep C. sense D. thought

答案: D 指导:从前面“闭上眼睛”判断,这儿应是陷入深思。

deep in thought当“陷入沉思”讲。把握此处作者的思想:我们应该深刻思维,可排除其他诜项,love,sleep脱离了作者的观点,sense不搭配。

14.A. clear B. puzzling C. moving D. valuable

答案:A 指导:经过深思,我们才能把引起我们高兴或悲伤的事情想“清楚”。把握与前面“沉思”的因果关系,可得出正确答案:沉思的结果必定是看“清”事情的真相。由此排除其他选项:puzzling"令人迷惑的”;moving"动人的”;valuable “有价值的”。

15.A. material B. deep C. surface D. pleasant

答案: C 指导:surface things意为“表面现象”。从前面“我们如果不思维深刻而且…”可推知,我们满足的是“表面的东西”,因此排除material“物质的”;deep"深层的”;pleasant“令人愉快的”。

16.A. conclusion B. experience

C. lesson

D. impression

答案: D 指导:surface things与前面的不去深思在逻辑上一致,说明如果我们仅仅停留在事情的“表面”,我们将一无所获,因为我们往往会被第一“印象”所迷惑、误导。because引导的是原因状语从句,说明我们一无所获的原因,“第一印象”符合逻辑。“第一结论”、“第一经历”、“第一堂课”缺乏逻辑性。

17.A. since B. although C. unless D. before

答案: C 指导:unless引导条件状语从句,说明我们深思、调整思维的重要性。把握句子的逻辑关系,可排除其他选项。 since引导原因状语从句,意为“既然”,引导时间状语从句,意为“从……到现在”;although引导让步状语从句;before引导时间状语从句。

18.A. sign B. cause C. value D. willingness

答案:A 指导:sign当“迹象、象征”讲,我们上深思就是进步的象征。理解此处句子的意义,可排除其他选项。cause"起因”;value"价值”;willingness"意愿”。

19.A. worries B. pains C. satisfies D. offers

答案:B 指导:pain此处用作动词,当“使……痛苦”讲。作者认为,有时我们弄清事情的本质是痛苦的事情。由常识和作者的观点可排除其他选项:worry"使……担心”;satisfy"使……满足"off"向……提供”。

20.A. given B. sent C. built D. grown

答案:D 指导:“长大”与后面的成熟和智慧在逻辑上一致。注意后面“成熟”,“智慧”对前文的限制作用,可排除其他三个选项:“给予”、“发出”和“建造”。

Cloze 2

Many of us spend a great deal of time and energy trying to prove that we are right--and others are wrong. Many people believe that it's their job to 1 others how their positions,statements, and points of view are 2 , and that in doing so, the person they are correcting is going to somehow 3 it, or at least learn something. Wrong!

Think about it. Have you ever been 4 by someone arm said to him, "Thank you so much for showing me that l'n wrong and you're right. ' or, has anyone you know ever 5 you when you corrected them, or made yourself "right" at their 6 ? Of course not. The truth is, all of us 7 to be corrected. We all want our positions to be 8 and understood by others. Being listened to and heard is one of the greatest 9 of the human heart. And those who learn to 10 are the most loved and respected. Those who are in the 11 of correcting others are often resented (怨恨) and 12

A wonderful way for becoming more peaceful and loving is to practice 13 others.

The joy of being right-- give them the glory(荣耀). 14 correcting. When someone says, "I really feel it's important to... ' rather than jumping 15 and saying, "No, it's more important to... ' simply let it go and allow their statement to 16 . The people in your life will become less defensive and more 17 . They will appreciate you more than you could ever have 18 . You'll discover the joy of joining in and witnessing (目睹) other people's 19 , which is far more re- warding than a battle of egos (自我) . Starting today, let others be" 20 ",most of the time!

1. A. show B. ask C. prove D. teach

答案: A 指导:showsb.sth.“给某人展示……”。此处指有些人总是指出别人的立场、观点等是错误的。show后跟的是how引导的宾语从句。干扰性比较大的是teach,teach。b.ste教(会)某人什么,但后面一般不跟从句。

2. A. unimportant B. unbelievable

C. incorrect

D. imperfect

答案:C 指导:由下文“纠iE"别人可知。文章的第一段用以提出问题,有些人老是指出别人的观点、立场等“不对”,因此选incorrect,相当于wrong。其他选项“不重要的”、“不可信的”、“不完美的”都与前后文出现的“纠正"别人在表达的逻辑上不一致。

3. A. consider B. appreciate

C. understand

D. refuse

答案:B 指导:appreciate此处意为“感激”。有些人在指出别人错误的同时,期望别人会“感激”他们。首先refuses!拒绝”在此与作者所表达的意义相反,consider“考虑”,understand“理解”都没有把握好上下文的联系和提示。上文已经提到thank一词。

4. A. fooled B. helped C. taught D. corrected

答案: D 指导:此处作者以反问的形式指出:你在“纠正’’别人的时候,别人感激过你吗?correct此处用作动词,意为“纠正”。fooled"欺骗”,helped"帮助”,与“感激’’在逻辑上矛盾;taught"教学”,意义不通。

5. A. thanked B. rewarded C. cared D. accepted

答案: A 指导:此处整句都是作者的反问,言外之义:你在纠正别人的时候,别人并没有“感激”你,而是怨恨你、对你敬而远之。rewarded"报答”,cared"在乎”,accepted"接受”,意义上似乎都沾点边,但都脱离了上下文的逻辑和提示。

6. A. side B. price C. expense D. cost

答案: C 指导:atone'sexpense意为“以牺牲……为代价”。此处有踩着别人的肩膀往上爬之意。英语中。none's side 是“站在某人一边”;prtce指的是“价格”;cost指的是做什么事情的“成本”。

7. A. like B. hate C. prefer D. afford

答案:B 指导:此处作者指出实际的情况:我们都“不喜欢、痛恨”被别人“纠正”,hate to be done"痛恨、不喜欢被……”。like“喜欢”,prefer"更喜欢”偏离了此处的意义;afford to do意为“有钱干……”。

8. A. admired B. received C. realized D. respected

答案:D 指导:由后面的understood可知,我们都希望自己的立场得到别人的“尊重”和理解。admired"崇拜”在语意上意味太强;receive"收到(具体的东西)”,realized"实现”不符合表达的需要。

9. A. shortcomings B. advantages

C. desires

D. wishes

答案: C 指导:指我们内心的“欲望”。shortcomings"缺点”,advantages"优点”,从意思上很容易排除;wishes干扰性较大,意思是“理想”,语意太强,而且与后面的 of the human heart不搭配。

10. A. talk B. praise C. help D. listen

答案: D 指导:学会“倾听”别人的观点,才能得到别人的爱戴和尊敬。从不要老去纠正别人,而应该学会“倾听”这一角度,就能排除其他三个选项。

11. A. habit B. form C. position D. purpose

答案: A 指导:beinthehabit of相当于have the habit of

12. A. punished B. avoided C. left D. scolded

答案:B 指导:由前面的“怨恨”可知,老是纠正别人会引起别人的“憎恨”和“回避”。left"留下”,不符合此处表达的意义;punished"惩罚”和scolded"批评”表达上太绝对。

13. A. letting B. lending C. allowing D. owing

答案:C 指导:allowsb.sth.“允许某人拥有……”。1et没有此搭配;lendsb.sth.意为“借给某人某物”;owesb.sth.意为“欠某人什么”。

14. A. Stop B. Continue C. Practise D. Try

答案: A 指导:作者建议:“别再老是‘纠正’别人”,故用stopdoine"停止干……”。其他三个选项在搭配上都成立,但把握住作者的建议便可排除它们。

15. A. out B. up C. in D. off

答案: C 指导:jumpin相当于breakin"插话、打断别人”。理解了此处的意思,便可排除其他选项,break out当战争、火灾、争吵等“爆发”讲;break up当物体或关系“破裂”讲;breakoff当“挣脱”或“打断(锁链等)”讲。

16. A. last B. go C. work D. stand

答案:D 指导:stand意为“站得住脚、能成立”讲。last"持续”,work用作不及物动词,意为“起作用”,都脱离了作者表达的意图。

17. A. helpful B. loving C. careful D. popular

答案:B 指导:loving“友爱的”。helpful"有帮助的”,careful“细心的”,popular"流行的、受欢迎的”,此处应考虑与前面less defensive"减少敌意”在表达的逻辑上要一致。

18. A. dreamed B. wanted C. asked D. demanded

答案:A 指导:dream"梦想”。此处作者表达的意思是:一旦你停止纠正别人,别人就会对你非常感激,超出你的期望。此处应从“超出期望”这一角度去理解。asked和demanded意思都是“要求”,wanted“想”语意太弱。

19. A. sufferingsB. worries C. success D. happiness

答案: D 指导:目睹别人因为正确而获得的“幸福”。sufferings“磨难”,worries"担心的事”,success"成功”,都偏离了文章的意义。

20. A. happy B. right C. sorry D. proud

答案: B 指导:由全文可知,这是作者议论的中心:让别人“对”吧。

CIoze 3

Living one's life is really like driving on a highway.

First, to make a good driving, the driver must carefully examine the 1 of his car, just as he cares for his health for a good life. Once he enters into the highway, he must 2 certain rules for his own safety.

It also can be said that he must obey certain rules of 3 when living as a decent (体面的) adult. For example, on the highway, he is 4 to keep a constant speed which can be compared with his 5 activities through his life.

Neither driving nor living must be taken at too 6 a speed nor at too slow a speed. If he drives too

7 , the police will give him a ticket, just as he will be arrested when he breaks the law.

8 too conservatively(保守的) , he will be called an out of date person 9 the others driving at the proper speed. When he wants to change his lanes, he must give careful 10 to every direction of his ear.

It is sometimes 11 to change the way of life 12 he can be sure of completion by doing so. He 13 not make any unnecessary changing of lanes which gives him only danger.

Finally, he must 14 where he is now by recognizing some 15 appearing now and then. If he takes the wrong way, he must return to the fight as 16 as he can. But he may thus lose 17 and energy both on the road and in life.

18 the whole, driving on a highway and living one's life are both hard work. 19 if he is careful and serious enough, 20 will provide him much pleasure.

1. A. seat B. condition C. petrol D. passenger

答案: B 指导:开车前首先检查车。的“状况”,正如人们关心自己的健康一样。其他选项表示的意义都太片面。

2. A. listen to B. find C. follow D. insist on

答案: C指导:follow...rules"遵守……规则”。

3. A. society B. school C. group D. highway

答案: A 指导:由常识可知,人们要生活得好,必须遵守“社会”准则。

4. A. glad B. required C. made D. anxious

答案: B 指导:requiresb.To do sth.(要求某人做…),被动语态为be required to do sth.

5. A. broken B. outdoor C. good D. continuous

答案: D 指导:与前文的constant形成对照,人一生“连续不断的”活动正像在高速路上连续不断的开车。

6. A. large B. high C. limited D. expected

答案: B 指导:由后面的toOslow可知,人们无论是开车还是生活都要保持适当的速度,不能太“快”,也不能太慢。

7. A. speedily B. slowly C. orderly D. willingly

答案: A 指导:由后面遭到“罚款”可知,此处是车速“太快(speedily)”。

8. A. Doing B. Acting C. Going D. Working

答案: B 指导:此处指人们如果“行为”太保守,就会影响他人。其他语意用在此处不通。

9. A. persuadingB, getting C. interrupting D. refusing

答案: C 指导:生活中“行为(acting)”过于保守就会落伍,正如开车太慢也会“阻止、中断(interrupting)”别人的行


10. A. notice B. attention C. signs D. regards

答案:B 指导:开车时,人们必须集中“注意力”,看好每一个方向。故用give careful attention to=pay careful attention to。其他选项notice当“无意注意”讲,signs当“标志、符号、迹象”讲,都不合题意。

11. A. dangerous B. worthy C. unfit D. troublesome

答案: A 指导:在生活中,有时随便改变方向是“危险的”。worthy"值得的”,unfit"不适合、不称职”,troublesome"爱


12. A. if B. when C. unless D. because

答案: C 指导:开车要换道时,须“小心、注意(give careful attentionto)”车的方向,正如人生要改变目标时一样是“危险的”,“除非”你有把握。此处是条件状语从句,“除非……”。

13. A. dare B. need C. may D. should

答案: D 指导:有风险时,人们“不应该”改变行车道路。

14. A. think B. discover C. prove D. look

答案:B 指导:开车时必须要“发现”自己的位置所在。“思考”、“证明”、“看”都不合题意。

15. A. signs B. roads C. posters D. people

答案: A 指导:人们应不时通过辨认交通“标志”,来“发现”现在所处的位置。

16. A. possible B. soon C. much D. hard

答案:B 指导:如果走错了路,人们应“尽快”回到正确的路线上来。much,hard用在此处不合语境。possible不能放在as...as的中间,而只能放在其后面。

17. A. money B. luck C. time D. trust

答案: C 指导:走错了方向时应“尽快(as soonas possible)”改变,但消耗“时间和精力”在所难免。

18. A. In B. With C. About D. On

答案: D 指导:。nthe whole"总的说来”。此处是最后的总结。前面介词不合搭配。

19. A. Therefore B. But C. And D. Then

答案: B 指导:与前文形成转折关系。从正反两方面说明人们·怎样才能生活得好,因此此处只能用转折词but.

20. A. it B. he C. they D. you

答案: C 指导:they指的是driving on a highway and living one's life这两件事情。其他代词指代不对。

CIoze 4

Begin doing the work you love as soon as possible, even if you don't get paid for it, or if you can only work at it 1 . Albert Einstein was 2 to get a job as a physics professor. He could have said to himself, "Well, I just don't have the work relative to 3 I should give up on it and settle for some thing else." 4 , he wrote the two most famous papers while 5 as a patent (专利) ofrice worker. After the 6 , there was not any major 7 in the world that would not have wanted him to work for them

If you want to work as an artist and are 8 as a waiter, don't think of yourself as a waiter who 9 one day to become an artist. That puts the 10 you love somewhere off in the distant future. Rather, think yourself as 11 , supporting yourself by waiting tables and paint, or draw as much as you can. It is 12 to eam a living wage as a waiter working 24 hours a week. That 13 plenty of time to devote to training or developing your craft (手艺) in the 14 hours.

While seeking the work you love, 15 helps to expand your awareness(意识)into the universe of all possibilities. You don't want to be 16 the ideas of what you should do or what you have done before. Having opened 17 the possibilities, you can make a final 18 and select the work you love as your own.

Doing the work you love 19 that you be equally comfortable with the imaginative and the 20 . It requires the ability to dream big dreams and the ability to face and master all the little details that make dreams come true.

1. A. full-time B. hard C. easily D. part-time

答案:D 指导:联系全句,可知作者在此谈论尽早做自己喜欢做的工作的必要性。A项有一定的干扰性,从第二段作者所举的例子(一个想成为艺术家的人)我们可以看出,作者认为无论是兼职,还是不拿报酬做自己喜欢的工作都是有必要的。前面有“即使没有报酬”作为信息提示,因此只能是“兼职的、业余的”。

2. A. unable B. able C. unwilling D. anxious

答案: A 指导:从下文的"Well,I just don't have the work relative to 3(physics),I should give up on it ...”得知,Albert Einstein起初没有得到物理教授的工作,因此用was unable to.其他选项“不乐意”、“非常急切”都不符合题意。

3. A. science B. maths C. physics D. money

答案: C 指导:relative to在这里是“与……有关”的意思。Einstein没能找到做物理教授的工作,他觉得自己不适合物理方面的工作。由常识可知,爱因斯坦从事的是物理方面的工作,而不是其他方面。

4. A. So B. Instead C. Therefore D. And

答案: B 指导:instead of在这里相当于instead of getting a job as a physics professor,此处表示爱因斯坦并没有放弃,而是更加努力。表示“没有…而…”只能用instead,其他不合逻辑。注意这是高考完形填空的常没考点。

5. A. employed B. regarded C. worked D. recognized

答案: A 指导:while employed等于while he was employedo C项有一定的干扰性,在时间状语从句或条件状语从句中,从句的主语如果与主句的主语一致,且谓语动词含有be,可以省略主语和动词be.C项显然不符合这一规则。

6. A. inventions B. discoveries

C. successes

D. papers

答案: A 指导:the inventions指Einstein的两项理论的发明。此处不是“发现”,也不是“论文”,这里用“成功”的复数也不妥当。

7. A. city B. factory C. university D. company

答案:C 指导:从前文我们得知,Einstein起初想做物理教授,没有哪个大学想要他。现在他出名了,没有哪所重点大学不想要他。由前面爱因斯坦想当“大学教授”的信息提示,可排除其他选项。

8. A. known B. making a living

C. leading a life

D. chosen

答案: B指导:从后文"supporting(养活)yourself by waiting tables"可知,以艺术为自己的工作时,做饭店服务员只是为了挣钱养活自己。be known as“作为……出名”;lead a life"生活”;bechosenasa!被选为”都不合题意。

9. A. thinks B. imagines C. hopes D. decides

答案: C 指导:who在这里代表awalter,本句的意思是“不要把自己看成一个有一天能成为艺术家的饭店服务员”。显然作者认为,你应该把自己看成艺术家,而不是服务员。“决定”成为艺术家不合逻辑,think,imagine后不能直接跟不定式。

10. A. man B. woman C. person D. work

答案:D 指导:that在这里指“认为自己是一个有一天能成为艺术家的服务员”;work指“成为“艺术家”,本句的意思是“那只能让你喜欢的工作(成为艺术家)留在遥远的未来”。

11. A. an artist B. a waiter C. a waitress D. a painter

答案: A 指导:这里还是表示为了你自己成为“艺术家”的梦想而努力。

12. A. impossible B. possible C. important D. lucky

答案:B 指导:“一个星期做24小时的服务员也许能挣到生存的薪水。”possible在这里表示“可能性。”此处表示“什么事情可能”,其他选项不合题意。

13. A. sends B. spares C. leaves D. takes

答案:C 指导:“一个一周只做24小时的服务员,那会给自己留下足够的时间投身于培训或提高手艺”。此处应用表示“留下”的动词,spare意为“抽出”,显然不能在工作时间抽出时间去学习手艺。

14. A. on B. office C. business D. off

答案:D 指导:off在这里用作形容词,意思是“休假的、业余的”。整个第二段以working as anartist,while supporting yourself by waiting tables为例说明作者开头所提出的Begin doing the work you love as soon as possible,even if you don't get paid for it ,or if you can only work at it part time.

15. A. it B. which C. that D. this

答案: A 指导:分析本句结构是选对此空的关键。While seeking the work you love是时间状语从句,you love即that you love,作定语修饰work,因此it helps to...为主句。it 为形式主语,真正的主语是不定式,help在这里是“有帮助,起作用”的意思。其他选项都不能作形式主语。

16. A. interested in B. devoted to

C. limited to

D. troubled by

答案: C指导:从下一句"Having opened l7 the possibilities,you can make a final 18 and select the work you love as your own”可知作者在此认为你不应该把自己局限到(1imted to)你应该是什么或已成为什么的观念上。“投入到”、“被扰乱”等都不合逻辑。

17. A. no B. all C. few D. both

答案: B 指导:从空后youcanmakeafinall8(decision)得出此答案,此处指眼界打开了,所有的可能性都出现了。

18. A. decision B. plan C. conclusion D. judge

答案:A 指导:先是打开所有的可能,然后做出最终决定,最后选出最喜欢的。此处是做最终的“决定”,而不是制定计划


19. A. suggests B. requires C. insists D. encourages

答案: B 指导:“做你最喜欢的工作要求你把想像和实际平等对待”。注意作主语的是动名词短语,由此可排除其他选项。


20. A. necessary B. practical C. careful D. honest

答案: B 指导:从后文我们得知the imaginative指big dreams,而the practical指all the little details.从对




Cloze 1

A couple from Minneapolis,in the north,decided to go to Florida,in the south, for a long weekend during one particularly icy cold winter. They hbth had jobs, and had 1 managing their travel schedules(日程安排). It was decided the husband would fly to Florida on a Thursday,and his wife would 2 him the next day. Upon arriving as 3 ,the husband into the 4 . There he decided to 5 his laptop (computer) and send his wife an E-mail in Minneapolis. However,he 6 left off one letter in her 7 and sent the E-mail without 8 his error. In the 9 ,in Houston,a widow(寡妇)had just returued from her husband's burial service. He was a minister of many years who had been"called home to glory'following a heart 10 (died and gone to report in heaven). The widow checked her E-mail, 11 messages from family and friends. Upon 12 the first message, she was so shocked as to fall to the floor. The widow's son 13 into the room, found his mother on the floor and saw the computer 14 which read: To:My 15 Wife From: Your 16 Husband Subject: I've arrived ! I've just 17 and have been checked 18 . I see that everything has been prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you then. Hope your 19 is as uneventful(平安的) as mine was. P. S. Sure is 20 down here.

1. A. confidence B. argument C. doubt D. difficulty

答案: D 指导:因为双方都有工作,所以这次旅行安排有一定难度。

2. A. visit B. detect C. follow D. track

答案: C 指导:丈夫先到,妻子随后而至。

3. A. aimed B. planned C. meant D. programmed

答案: B 指导:按照计划,丈夫一到就……

4. A. hotel B. office C. airport D. station

答案: A 指导:住进了旅馆。

5. A. open B. set C. show D. begin

答案: A指导:打开电脑发送E-mail.

6. A. willingly B. accidentallyC. purposely D. aimlessly

答案: B 指导:丈夫出于偶然失误漏掉了一个字母。

7. A. article B. sentence C. address D. letter

答案: C 指导:“致辞,打招呼”。在这儿用letter不恰当,因为发送的是E-mail.

8. A. looking at B. watching out

C. noticing

D. observing

答案: C 指导:没有注意到自己的失误。

9. A. absence B. course C. meantime D. case

答案: C 指导:固定搭配,“与此同时”。

10. A. blow B. knock C. strike D. attack

答案: D 指导:这位牧师死于心脏病。

11. A. hearing B. typing C. hoping D. expecting

答案: D 指导:牧师的妻子期望能收到朋友或家人的来信。

12. A. taking B. reading C. staring D. bringing

答案: B 指导:“读信”,故选B.

13. A. rushed B. charged C. hurried D. walked

答案: A 指导:儿子听到母亲倒在地上十分慌张,故应是“跑过来”看。

14. A. screen B. keyboard C. window D. mouse

答案: A 指导:E-mail只能通过电脑屏幕显示。

15. A. Living B. Loving C. Brave D. Poor

答案: B指导:习惯性说法,“给我亲爱的妻子”。

16. A. Disappeared B. Deserted

C. Departed

D. Dead

答案: C 指导:因为丈夫先到佛罗里达,所以是来自“你离别的丈夫”。

17. A. gone B. died C. left D. arrived

答案: D指导:“我已抵达。”

18. A. over B. back C. out D. in

答案: D 指导:“而且已经住下。”

19. A. arrangement B. journey

C. voyage

D. adventure

答案: B 指导:“希望你能像我一样平安抵达。”

20. A. hot B. sad C. new D. quiet

答案: A 指导:因佛罗里达在南方,所以应该很热。

Cloze 2

The Voice of America began during the World War Ⅱ,when Germany was brodcasting a radio program to get international 1 . American officials believed they should 2 the German broadcast with words that they thought were the facts of world events. The first VOA news report began with words in 3 "The 4 may be good or bad, but we shall tell you the truth. "Within a week, other VOA 5 were broadcasting in Italian, French and English.

After the World War ended in 1945, some Americans felt VOA's 6 had to be changed 7 the Soviet Union(苏联) became enemy of America. They wanted to 8 Soviet listeners. Then VOA began broadcasting in Russian.

In the early days VOA began adding something new to its broadcast that was 9 "Music USA". Another new idea came along in 1959. VOA knew that many listeners did not know 10 English to completely understand its 11 English broadcast. So VOA 12 a simpler kind of English, 13 uses about 1,500 words and is spoken 14 . Of course,it is special English.

In the 15 of most VOA listeners, the most 16 program is the news report. News from around the world 17 into the VOA news room in Washington 24 hours a day. It comes from VOA reporters in 18 cities and also from other 19 like BBC. VOA writers and editors use these materials to 20 news reports, which are being broadcast in 43 lan- guages.

1. A. business B. culture C. support D. information

答案: C 指导;德国的广播节目是为了赢得世界范围的支持。

2. A. reply B. answer C. join D. interrupt

答案: B 指导:美国官员觉得他们应用事实来回应德国的广播。

3. A. time B. short C. English D. German

答案: D 指导:最初的节目是用德语广播的。.为回应德国的广播,用德文而不是英文是自然而然的事情。

4. A. news B. problems C. effects D. opinions

答案: A 指导:“可能是好消息,也可能是坏消息。”

5. A. stations B. news C. announcers D. officials

答案: C 指导:后面是主动,所以主语应为“人”,而非“新闻”。

6. A. home B. position C. purpose D. result

答案: C 指导:二战过后,VOA的目的就变了。

7. A. if B. supposing C. considering D. in order that

答案: C 指导:把苏联当成头号敌人。

8. A. reach B. satisfy C. attack D. support

答案: A 指导:他们想让苏联听众接收到他们的节目。

9. A. known B. reported C. called D. printed

答案: C 指导:早期的VOA加了一些“被称为……”的音乐。

10. A. American B. British C. standard D. enough

答案: D 指导:很多听众的英语有限。

11. A. normal B. fast C. good D. exact

答案: A 指导:听不懂正常英语的广播节目。

12. A. invented B. discovered C. taught D. stopped

答案: A 指导:他们发明了一种简单的英语。

13. A. it B. who C. which D. that

答案: C 指导:引导非限制性定语从句用which.

14. A. slowly B. rapidly C. normally D. loudly

答案: A 指导:广播得比正常的速度慢。

15. A. pleasure B. course C. opinion D. advice

答案: C 指导:“在……人看来”,固定词组。

16. A. difficult B. important C. various D. common

答案: B 指导:最重要的是新闻。

17. A. fly B. send C. deliver D. past

答案: A 指导:fly可以用物来作主语;若用其它动词需用被动式。

18. A. all B. major C. American D. news

答案: B 指导:“大城市”用major来修饰。

19. A. broadcasts B. forms C. newspapers D. countries

答案: A 指导:还有来自其它电台的新闻,据like后面的BBC可知。

20. A. broadcast B. announce C. translate D. prepare

答案: D 指导:“用这些材料来准备他们的新闻报道。”

CIoze 3

In ancient Creece, athletic festivals were very important and had strong religious associations. The olympian athletic festival, 1 every four years in 2 of Zeus, eventually lost its local character,became first a national event,and then, after the rules against foreign competitors had been given up, 3 No one knows exactly how far 4 the olympic Games go,but some official records 5 from 776B. C.

After an 6 history of almost 1,200 years, the Games were put an end 7 in A.D. 394, the Christian era. It was over 1,500 years 8 there was 9 such international athletics gathering. The Greek institution was restored in 1896 and the first small meeting 10 place in Athens. After the 1908 London olympics, success was

re-established and nations sent their best rep-resentatives. In 11 of peace, the Games have taken place 12 since at four-yearly 13 . In Munich in 1972,competitors from more than 120 countries were watched by 14 crowds.

Nowadays,the Games are held in different countries 15 turn. The host country 16 vast facilities, including a sta- dium, swimming pools and living quarters, but 17 countries pay their own athlefes expenses. Athletic contests are still the main feature but now many more sports are represented. The marathon races, started

in 1896, are now a popular event.

The olympics start 18 the arrival in the stadium of a torch, 19 on Mount olympus by the sun's rays.

It is carried by a 20 of runners to the stadium.

1. A. held B. met C. happened D. occurred

答案: A 指导:举行奥林匹克运动会,应用hold.

2. A. order B. pursuit C. honour D. search

答案: C 指导:in honour of…“出于对某人或某物的敬意”;in pursuit of"追捕,追求”。in search of"寻找”。A不


3. A. general C. international

C. compounding

D. domestic

答案: B 指导:intermational国际的;general普遍的;compounding混合的;domestic国内的。前文有national,所


4. A. forward B. late C. early D. back

答案: D 指导:指没有人知道奥运会能追溯到多久以前。soback(to)追溯。

5. A. keep B. create C. date D. set

答案: C 指导:date from追溯至……,keep from避开,阻止,B和D都不能与from搭配。

6. A. unusual B. uninterrupted

C. unpleasant

D. unexpected

答案:C 指导:uninterrupted未中断的,连续的;unusual非同寻常的;unpleasant不愉快的;unexpected出乎意料的。因为逗号后面的句子是“奥林匹克于394A、D.结束了”,所以前面的句意应是“奥林匹克在连续经历了1200年后”。

7. A. to B. at C. in D. on

答案: A 指导:put an end to是固定知识,表示“使……结束”。

8. A. since B. lest C. until D. before

答案: D 指导:这句话是说“过了1500多年才又举行了一次这样的运动会”。

9. A. rest B. other C. another D. else

答案:C 指导:此句指又有了一次像以前那样的国家运动会。another"又一个,再一个”,后接名词单数;other"其余的”,后接名词复数;rest作名词时,前面经常加上the,表示“剩余部分,其余,其余的人”。else"另外,其他”,与不定代词、疑问句、否定代词或副词连用。

10. A. located B. filled C. took D. opened

答案: C 指导:take place指“发生”。

11. A. day B. times C. period D. year

答案: B 指导:指“在和平时期”,而其他的词前面都需要加冠词。

12. A. ever B. even C. far D. long

答案: A 指导:ever since从此以后;long since很久以前,先前。even,far均不能与since构成搭配。

13. A. interviews B. interruptions

C. intervals

D. divisions

答案:C 指导:此处指每四年一次。at...intervals表示在一定的间隔时间内发生某事。t regular intervals每隔一定

时间;at short intervals频频;interviews采访;interruptions打扰,终止;division分开,分隔。

14. A. great B. huge C. vast D. magnificent

答案: B 指导:只有B在此处表示大的数量,而vast表示地域上的广阔。magnificent指物“富丽堂皇”,不但宏伟而且


15. A. in B. by C. for D. at

答案: A 指导:inturn表示轮流。其余的选项都不能与turn构成正确搭配。

16. A. offersB. gives C. awards D. provides

答案: D 指导:provide提供;offer(主动)给予;give送给;award授予。

17. A. fighting B. comparing C. competing D. composing

答案: C 指导:表示竞争的国家,而不是战斗的国家。fighting战斗的;comparing比较的;composmg组成的,构成的,


18. A. at B. with C. on D. from

答案: B 指导:startwith指“由……开始”。

19. A. lighted B. lightened C. lighting D. lightning

答案: A 指导:火炬应是被点燃。light作动词表示“点燃”。

20. A. couple B. sum C. system D. succession

答案: D 指导:D项中succession"连续”,a succession of一系列,一连串;A项中couple"一对,一双”,acouple of

几个,一些;B项中sum"总数(和)”,多指钱数,金额,a sum of money一笔钱;C项中system"系统”,asystem of一套方


Cloze 4

Besides electricity,a lion fears water the most and a rain storm with thunder and lightening that brings both. For that reason I always have a written 1 that frees me from 2 when it's raining.

For two days it was raining without stopping. By the third night, it wasn't raining at all. I gave the sign to the announcer, and began 3 my music.

The animal went through their tricks, but they were far from being 4 about the wetness.

And so we came to the head-in-mouth 5 . When I pulled Leo's mouth open, raising his face and nose to the 6 , I noticed that the muscles of his jaws were tense. Then, as I put my head in,a rain began pouring down. I felt Leo be- came 7 all over.

My bead was in now, I counted to ten and then gave him the tap-on-jaw 8 to let me go. But this time nothing happened.

I 9 again on his jaw. Leo's 10 was like a steel trap. I heard gunfire men were trying to get Leo's

11 . But already,with my face 12 in the back of his mouth,I was finding it hard to breathe. I knew what had happened: with the 13 beating on his face. Leo had 14 me. I heard the gunfire again. ..

I awoke with an oxygen mask 15 my face,and a doctor was working over me. "You're lucky, "said the doctor, "as soon as you went faint,the lion 16 you. For nearly three minutes you had no hearbeat!'

By then it had stopped raining. I called Leo back and 17 his jaw. "Don't be a fool!"the doctor said, but I put my head in and counted to ten. Then I gave Leo the tap on the jaw and he obeyed immediately.

Yet, when I tried the trick again the next time, Leo 18 . I believed he was unwilling to 19 me a second time, I 20 did the trick a gain.

1. A. suggestion B. notice C. agreement D. decision

答案: C 指导:agreement书面协议;suggesuon为“建议”;notice为“布告,通知”;decision为“决定”。

2. A. performing B trying C. acting D. training

答案: A 指导:狮子怕雨,故此下雨天可以不表演。

3. A. making B. playing C. enjoying D. practicing

答案: B 指导:开始奏乐。

4. A. happy B. sad C. sorry D. anxious

答案: A 指导:狮子也不喜欢潮湿。

5. A. joke B. trick C. play D. attempt

答案: B 指导:到了表演把头放人狮子嘴里的时候。

6. A. sky B. earth C. cage D. ceiling

答案: A 指导:把狮子的脸和鼻子向上掀起。

7. A. angry B. excited C. tense D. frightened

答案: C 指导:因为下雨,狮子浑身肌肉紧张。

8. A. mark B. sign C. order D. information

答案: B 指导:拍拍狮子的下巴,发出让我退出的信号。

9. A. hit B. beat C. pulled D. tapped

答案: D 指导:又拍了拍。

10. A. nose B. mouth C. teeth D. head

答案: B 指导:狮子的嘴就像钢铁铸就的牢笼。

11. A. silence B. control C. attention. D. death

答案: C 指导:其它人想要分散狮子的注意力。

12. A. buried B. hidded C. put D. sunk

答案: A 指导:我的脸在狮子的嘴里。bury为“埋起来”;hide为“藏起来”;sink为“沉没”。

13. A. stick B. gun C. rain D. hand

答案: C 指导:雨下到它脸上。

14. A. forgotten B. caught C. bitten D. killed

答案: A 指导:狮子忘了我的头在它嘴里。

15. A. in B. above C. below D. over

答案: D指导:脸上戴着氧气罩。

16. A. kept B. dropped C. fell D. bit

答案: B 指导:狮子放开了我。

17. A. opened B. trapped C. struck D. examined

答案: A 指导:让狮子张开了嘴。

18. A. obeyed B. refused C. agreed D. regretted

答案: B 指导:狮子不肯再让我把头放进去了。

19. A. hurt B. kill C. damage D. fool

答案: A 指导:它怕再次伤到我。

20. A. ever B. never C. often D. seldom

答案: B 指导:我再也没表演过这个节目。

Cloze 5

Trudy,an American girl, tried swimming across the English Channel. That was August 6,1962. Her father had 1 her two things. One was not to pull her out of the water 2 she asked. The other was to give her a red sports 3 if she! made it.

In gay spirits Trudy 4 out,swimming strongly. All the swimmers started at 7: 09 in the morning. Her father and the trainer were going along in a boat beside her.

At ten o'clock, rain began falling, 5 , Trudy trod(踩)water while drinking and eating a chicken leg. Then she stare swimming 6 . The wind was 7 and the sea became rougher.

Late 8 the wind became even worse. The trainer 9 it was useless trying to finish. He called Trudy to 10 "No human being could do it in this weather, "he said,"h's 11 to go on."

However her father shouted, "Don't grab her. Let hex 12 . 'At seven o'clock the tides(潮水) turned 13 her. It was more difficult to move ahead. But Trudy still swam on. She 14 victory was possible now, for the English coast was in 15 .

It was getting dark. A sound could be heard 16 the winds hundreds of car horns(喇叭)were cheering her on. With 17 strength,she finished the last 200 yards.

At 9 ' 35 p. m. , Trudy got out of water. She had swum some 35 miles in 18 the 21-mile-wide Channel 19 strong storm. But she had made it in 14 hours and 30 minutes, "Well,Pop,"she said to her father,"I 20 I get my car this time ,don't I?"

l. A. given B. refused C. allowed D. promised

答案: D 指导:promisesb.ste答应某人某事。

2. A. as B. unless C. even if D. when

B 指导:unlesssheasked除非她要求。

3. A. suit B. shoe C. hat D. car

答案: D 指导:由文章最后面的句子“Igetmycarthistime"得知。

4. A. rushed B. left C. started D. worked

答案: C 指导:startout出发。

5. A. At midday B. In the morning

C. In the evening

D. In the late afternoon

答案: A 指导:由“...startedat 7:90 inthemorning"和"while drinkingandeating"推测可知答案。

6. A. faster B. better C. again D. across

答案: C指导:由"trodwater”及"drinkingandeating"可看出。

7. A. stopping B. rising C. changing D. increasing

答案: B指导:由"theseabecamerougher"可知。

8. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night

答案: B 指导:白天分为上下午,前面的文字介绍了上午的情况,接着一定是介绍下午的情况。

9. A. thought B. considered C. decided D. felt

答案: C 指导:表示trainer根据客观情况“认定”该那样做。

10. A. keep up B. slow down C. give up D. take a rest

答案: C 指导:由教练对游泳进展情况的判断而定。keepup继续,slow down慢下来,give up放弃,takearest休息。11. A. dificult B. stupid C. impossible D. unnecessary

答案: B 指导:根据前面的“useless…”和“No human being could...”可确定此系最佳答案。

12. A. go B. decide C. come out D. go on

答案: D指导:参照However及"Don’tgrabher"。

13. A. towards B. with C. at D. against

答案: D 指导:见后面的It was more difficult...

14. A. realized B. noticed C. found out D. thought

答案: A 指导:realized意识到。

15. A. the distance B. reach

C. sight

D. hand

答案: C 指导:insight某物能被看得见。

16. A. over B. in C. with D. from

答案: A 指导:这里over表示“压过风声”。

17. A. fresh B. greater C. weakening D. remaining

答案: D 指导:Trudy已精疲力尽,受到鼓舞后,倾尽余力。

18. A. flying B. swimming C. crossing D. passing

答案: C 指导:cross意为“越过、横过、渡过”。

19. A. in spite of B. because ofC. against D. during

答案: B 指导:因风大而多游了“miles。

20. A. demand B. am afraid C. hope D. guess

答案: D 指导:用guess较幽默,也最能反映Trudy成功后的得意心情。

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