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第十一篇:Virtual Driver

Driving involves sharp eyes and keen ears, analyzing with a brain, and coordination between hands, feet and brain. A man has sharp eyes and keen ears, analyzes through his brain, and maintains coordination between his hands and brains. He can control a fast-moving car with different parts of his body. ____1____ Apparently there isn’t anyone in the.driver’s cab, but there is in fact a virtual driver1. This virtual driver has eyes, brains, hands and feet too. The minicameras on each side of the car are its eyes and are responsible for observing the road conditions ahead of it as well as the traffic to its left and right. If you open the boot, you can see the most important part of the automatic driving system:a built:in computer ____2____ The brain is responsible for calculating the speeds objects surrounding the car are moving at2,analyzing their position on the road, choosing the right path, and giving orders to the wheel and the control system.

In comparison with the human brain, the virtual driver’s best advantage is that it reacts quickly. ____3____ However, it takes the world’s best racecar driver at least one second to react, and this doesn’t include the time he needs to take action.

With its rapid reaction and accurate control, the virtual driver can reduce the accident rate on expressways considerably. In this case, is it possible for us to let it have the wheel3 at any time and in any place? ____4____ With its limited ability to recognize things, the car can now only travel on expressways.

The intelligent car determines its direction by the clear lines that mark the lanes clearly and recognizes vehicles according to their regular shapes. ____5____ This being the case4, people still have high hopes about driverless cars, and think highly intelligent cars are what the cars of the future should be like5.


virtual / 'v?? t???l / adj.虚拟的 coordination / k??,?:d?'ne??n / n.协调,配合

cab / k?b / n.驾驶室 minicamera n.小型照相机

boot / bu?t / n.(车身后部的)行李箱 built-in adj.嵌入的

racecarn.赛车 expressway / ?k'spreswe? / n.高速公路

driverless adj.无驾驶员的


1.virtual driver:虚拟驾驶员

2.The brain is responsible for calculating the speeds objects surrounding the car are moving at:大脑负责计算汽车周围物体移动的速度。The brain is responsible for calculating the speeds objects surrounding the car are moving at The brain is responsible for calculating the speeds at which objects surrounding the car are moving

3.have the wheel:驾驶汽车

4.This being the case:虽然情况是这样。This being the case是独立主格结构。

5.highly intelligent cars are what the cars of the future should be like:未来的汽车就应该是高度智能化的汽车。


A Experts say that we cannot do that just yet.

B In the near future , intelligent cars will be put into commercial operation.

C This is the brain of the ear.

D But how does an intelligent car control itself?

E It completes the processing of the images sent by the cameras within 100 milliseconds.

F However, it cannot recognize moving people and bicycles on ordinary roads that have no clear markings on them.


1.D “空1”前面三个句子讲的是真人驾驶员驾驶汽车时脑、眼、耳、手、脚并用,而且要协调配合。“空1”之后话题转入虚拟驾驶员。“空1”之后的第一句“Apparently there isn't anyone in the driver's cab ... ”似乎来得有些突然,与前面句子接得很生硬。所以,中间应该有个过渡句。选项D就是连接上下文的过渡句。

2.C “空2”前面一句意思是,如果你打开车身后部的行李箱,你就能看到自动驾驶系统中最重要的部件,嵌入式计算机。“空2”后的句子中的the brain of the car自然是指前句的built- in computer,但接得太突然。选项C "This is the brain of the car. ”就把前后句子联系起来了。this指代上

一句的built-in comupter。后面句子的the brain of the car是重复选项C中的 the brain of the car,显得很自然。所以,C是答案。

3.E “空3”前面一句意思是,虚拟驾驶员最大的优点是反应快。“空3”后面一句意思是,最好的赛车手至少要1秒钟才能作出反应。“至少要1秒钟”已经暗示,虚拟驾驶员反应速度要比真人驾驶员快。选项E说,虚拟驾驶员只需100毫秒就能作出反应。选项E使上下文的意思完整,因此是答案。

4.A “空4”前面是一个问句,B卩“在这种情况下,是不是可以不分时间、不分地点都让虚拟驾驶员驾驶汽车?”“空4”的句子应该回答这个问题:“让还是不让?”选项A回答了这个问题,因此是答案。

5.F “空 5”前面一句意,思是,“The intelligent car determines its direction by the clear lines that mark the lanes clearly and recognizes vehicles according to their regular shapes. ”(智倉旨、汽车按清晰标出的车道线决定自己的行车方向,靠车辆的常规形状识别其他〒辆。)选项F

的内容正好相反。上一句说"recognizes”,还有"mark the lanes clearly",而 F 说“cannot recognize",又说“no clear markings”。从意思表达和词汇重复上,都能判断出,F的句子应该出现在“空 5”的位置上。

第十三篇 Affectionate androids

Computers are now powerful enough to allow the age of humanoid robots to dawn. And it won’t be long before we will see realistic cyber companions, complete with skin, dexterity, and intelligence. They will beprogrammed to tend to your every need.

Will we ever want to marry robots? Artificial intelligence researcher David Levy has published a book claiming human-robot relationships will become popular in the next few decades.________(1)

Will humans really be able to form deep emotional attachments to machines? It will, in fact, be relatively easy to form these strong attachments because the human mind loves to anthropomorphize: to give human attributes to other creatures—even objects.

For example, researchers in San Diego recently put a small humanoid robot in with a toddler playgroup for several months. _______ (2)The children ended up treating it as a fellow toddler. When it lay down because its batteries were flat,the kids even covered it with a blanket.

In a few decades, when humanoid robots with plastic skin look and feel very real, will people want to form relationships with them? What if the bots could hold a conversation? And be programmed to be the perfect companions—soul mates, even? ________ (3)And like those toddlers in the experiment, they will be very accepting of them.

The next question, then, is whether there is anything wrong with having an emotional relationship with a machine. Even today there are people who form deep attachments to their pets and use them as substitutes for friends or even children. Few consider that unethical.

Minsky, put it when asked about the ethics of lonely older people forming close relationships with robots: “If a robot had all the virtues of a person and was smarter and more understanding, why would the elderly bother talking to other grumpy old people?”

A robot could be programmed to be as dumb or smart, as independent or subservient, as an owner desired. And that’s the big disadvantage. Having the perfect robot partner will damage the ability to form equally deep human-human relationships. People will always seem imperfect in comparison. When you’re behaving badly, a good friend will tell you. ________(5)People in relationships have to learn to adapt to each other: to enjoy their common interests and to deal with their differences. It makes us richer, stronger, and wiser. A robot companion will be perfect at the start. However, there will be nothing to move the relationship to grow to greater heights.


affectionate adj. 深情的

dexterity n. 灵巧,敏捷

anthropomorphize v. 赋于人性,人格化

grumpy adj. 脾气暴躁的

cyber adj. 计算机的

tend v. 照料

bot n. 机器人

subservient adj. 屈从的,奉承的


1.Computers are now powerful enough to allow the age of humanoid robots to dawn:计算机技术已经足够成熟,能够支持人形机器人的诞生和普及,进入人形机器人的时代。


A It’s easier to have a robot companion instead of a human friend.

B But a sophisticated robot will probably be even more attractive.

C And if you want to go ahead and tie the knot with your special electronic friend,Levy said that such marriages will be socially acceptable by around 2050.

D However, few owners will program their robots to point out their flaws.

E Maybe your generation could resist, but eventually there will be a generation of people who grow up with humanoid robots as a normal part of life.

F The bot knew each child because it was programmed with face and voice recognition,and it giggled when tickled.


1.C 前文讲到David在书中认为人与机器人的关系在几十年后将变得普遍,因此接下来应该继续讲这种普遍性是怎样的。

2.F 前文讲在圣地亚哥的一个实验,研究人员将机器人放在儿童游乐园里,要填的句子应该是介绍这个机器人。

3.E 前文提了几个问题,是关于我们对人与机器人关系的看法,而后文讲“他们”会乐于接受,因此要填的句子应该是两类人的对比。E项讲我们这一代人可能会反对,但下一代人就不一定了,符合意思。4.B 前文讲有人和宠物发展深厚关系,后面讲的是与机器人发展深厚关系的吸引人之处,因此这里应该讲机器人做伴侣的好处。

5.D 前文讲好朋友会在你犯错的时候指出来,这里应该是表示对比——机器人不会这么做。

第十四篇Primer on Smell

In addition to bringing out1 the flavor of food, what does the sense of smell do for us? Smell “gives us information about place, about where we are,” says Randall Reed, a Johns Hopkins University professor whose specialty is the sense of smell. ___1___ “Whether we realize

Even at a distance, odors can warn us of2 trouble — spoiled food, leaking gas, or fire. “It’s a great alert,” offers Donald Leopold, a doctor at Johns Hopkins. For example, if something in the oven is burning, everyone in the house knows it.

With just a simple scent, smell can also evoke very intense emotion. Let’s say, for example, that the smell is purple petunias. ___2___ Now let’s imagine that your mother died when you were three, and she used to have a flower garden. You wouldn’t need to identify the smell or to have conscious memories of your mother or her garden. You would feel sad as soon as you smelled that spicy odor.

Compared with3 animals, how well do people detect smelts?

That depends on what you mean by “how well”. We are low on receptor cells : current estimates say that humans have roughly five million smell-receptor cells, about as many as a mouse. ___3___Reed says that, across species, there is a relatively good correlation between the number of receptor cells and how strong the sense of smell is. “You can hardly find the olfactory bulb in a human brain —— it’s a pea-sized object. In a mouse, it’s a little bigger. It’s bean-sized in a rat, about the size of your little finger in a rabbit, and the size of your thumb in a bloodhound.”

Does that mean that our sense of smell is not very acute?

Not exactly. While we may not have the olfactory range of other creatures, the receptors we do have are as sensitive as those of any animal. ___4___ A trained “nose”, such as that of a professional in the perfume business, can name and distinguish about 10,000 odors. Reed says that a perfume expert can sniff a modem scent that has a hundred different odorants in it, go into the lab, and list the ingredients. “In a modest amount of time, he comes back with what to you or me would smell like a perfect imitation of that perfume. It’s amazing.”What happens to4 our sense of smell as we age?

Many people continue to have good olfactory function as they get older. ___5___ Leopold says that smell is generally highest in childhood, stays the same from the teens through the 50s, and drops starting at about 60 for women and 65 for men. “The average 80-year-old is only able to smell things half as well as the average 20-year-old,” says Leopold.


scent /sent/ n. 气味,香味 petunia /p?'tju:ni?/ n. 喇叭花

olfactory /?l'f?kt(?)ri/ adj. 嗔觉的,味道的

sniff /snif/ v. 嗅,闻,用力吸


1. bring out:使……显出,使……变得明显

2. warn of:发出关于……的警告。warn sb. of sth.:警告某人某事

3. compare with:与……相比

4. happen to:发生于,发生在


A These flowers have a rich spiciness that no other petunia has.

B Odors, or smells, can warn us about trouble.

C That’s not the rule, however.

D And smell tells us about people.

E We can also think, and we make conscious (and successful) efforts to tell the difference between one smell and another.

F A rat has some 10 million, a rabbit 20 million, and a bloodhound 100 million.



2. A 前文提到以紫喇叭花的香味举例,选项中只有A选项提到了喇叭花。

3. F 前文提到人类和小鼠的嗅觉受体细胞数量,可以推断此处应介绍其他物种的嗅觉受体细胞数量。

4. E 后文都在介绍人类可以区分味道的不同,所以此处E选项最符合原文意思。

5. C 后文介绍了不是每个人都随着年龄的增长嗅觉能力不发生变化,所以此处C选项最符合原文。

第十五篇:A Memory Drug?

IT'S difficult TO imagine many things that people would welcome more than a memory- enhancing drug. 1 Furthermore, such a drug could help people remember past experiences more clearly and help us acquire new information more easily for school and at work. As scientists learn more about memory, we are closing in on this tantalizing goal. 1 Some of the most exciting evidence comes from research that has built on earlier finding,, linking LTP2 and memory to identify a gene that improves memory in mice. 2 Mice bred to have extra copies of this gene showed more activity in their NMDA receptors, more LTP, and improved performance on several different memory tasks -- learning a spatial layout3, recognizing familiar objects, and recalling a fear-inducing shock.

If these basic insights about genes, LTP, and the synaptic basis of memory can be translated to people- and that remains to be seen -- they could pave the way for memory-enhancing treatments.

3 As exciting as this may sound, it also raises troubling issues. Consider the potential educational implications of memory-enhancing drugs. If memory enhancers were available, children who used them might be able to acquire and retain extraordinary amounts of information, allowing them to progress far more rapidly in school than they could otherwise. How well could the brain handle such an onslaught of information? What happens to children who don't have access to the latest memory enhancers? Are they left behind in school -- and as a result handicapped later in life?

4 Imagine that you are applying for a job that requires a good memory, such as a manager at a technology company or a sales position that requires remembering customers' names as well as the attributes of different products and services. Would you take a memory-enhancing drug to increase your chances of landing the position? Would people who felt uncomfortable taking such a drug find themselves cut out of lucrative career opportunities?

Memory drugs might also help take the sting out of disturbing memories that we wish we could forget but can't. The 2004 hit movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind told the story of a young man seeking just such freedom from the painful memories of a romantic breakup. As you will see in the section on persistence later in the chapter, emotionally arousing events often create intrusive memories, and researchers have already muted emotional memories with drugs that block the action of key hormones. Should emergency workers who must confront horrifying accident scenes that can burden them with persisting memories be provided with such drugs? Should such drugs be given to rape victims who can't forget the trauma? Memory drugs might provide some relief to such individuals. But could they also interfere with an individual's ability to assimilate and come to terms with a difficult experience? 5


tantalizing/ ?tænt?la?z?? / adj.诱人synaptic/ s??næpt?k / adj.(解剖学)突触的steroid/ ?st??r??d / n.类固醇 onslaught/ ??nsl?:t / n.大量

lucrative/ ?lu:kr?t?v / adj.有利可图的 hit/hit / n.(演出等)成功

1.As scientists learn more about memory,we are closing in on this tantalizing goal.随着科学家们对记忆了解增多,我们正接近这一诱人的目标。

2.LTP&NMDA:(Lon9—term Potentiation)给突触前纤维一个短暂的高频刺激后,突触传递效率和强度增加几倍且能持续数小时至几天保持这种增强的现象。LTP发现海马 LTP可能是学习记忆的分子基础。l973年Bliss及其合作者,电刺激麻醉兔的内嗅皮层,使海马表层的穿通纤维兴奋,可在齿状回记录到场电位。先用高频电刺激几秒钟后,再用单个电刺激,记录到的部分场电位幅度大大超过原先记录的对照值,并可持续几小时,几天。这一现象称为长时程增强效应(LTP)。 1983年发现NMDA(N一甲基一D一门冬氨酸)受体通道复合体在LTP过程中起重要作用,进一步深化了对LTP在大脑学习记忆中作用的理解。

3.a spatial layout:空间布局

4.Memory drugs might also help take the sting out of disturbing memories that we wish we could forget but Can’t:增强记忆药对我们想忘记却又不能的令人烦扰的记忆变得令人易于接受。

take the sting out of:使……易于被接受;使……令人感到愉快

5.But could they also interfere with an individual’S ability to assimilate and come to terms with a

difficult experience?中的come to terms with:让步;屈服


A Like steroids for bulking up the muscles,these drugs would bulk up me.mory.

B A memory enhancer could help eliminate forgetting associated with aging and disease.

C What are the potential implications of memory-enhancing drugs for the workplace?

D We may find ourselves struggling with these kinds of questions in the not-too-distant future.

E There is a pill that you could take every day to allow you to remember everything.

F The gene makes a protein that assists the NMDA2 receptor, which plays an important role in long-term memory by helping to initiate LTP.


1.B依据上一句的“很难想象一种提高人们记忆力的药会受到人们吹捧”;下面应该对这一现象做出解释,即这种药物有什么疗效;而后一句的Furthermore这一指示词起到了递进的作用,进一步说明这种药物的益处。More than:非常,极其,十分





完形第十五篇:Liquefaction key to much of Japanese earthquake damage

The massive subduction zone1earthquake in Japan caused a significant level of soil "liquefaction"2 that has surprised researchers with its 1widespread severity, a new analysis shows.

"We've seen localized3 examples of soil liquefaction as extreme as this before, but the distance and 2 extent of damage in Japan were unusually severe," said Scott Ashford, a

tilted and sinking into the sediments," Ashford said. "The shifts in soil destroyed water, drain and gas pipelines6, crippling the utilities and infrastructure these communities need

to 3 function . We saw some places that sank as much as four feet."

Some degree of soil liquefaction7 is common in almost any major earthquake. It's a phenomenon

in which soils soaked with water, particularly recent sediments or sand, can lose much of their 4 strength and flow during an earthquake. This can allow structures to shift or sink or 5 collapse .

But most earthquakes are much 6 shorter than the recent event in Japan, Ashford said. The length of the Japanese earthquake, as much as five minutes, may force researchers to reconsider the extent of liquefaction damage possibly occurring in situations such as this8. "With such a long-lasting earthquake, we saw 7 how structures that might have been okay after 30 seconds just continued to sink and tilt as the shaking continued for several more minutes," he said. "And it was clear that younger sediments, and especially areas built on

8 filled ground, are much more vulnerable."

The data provided by analyzing the Japanese earthquake, researchers said, should make

it possible to improve the understanding of this soil 9 phenomenon and better prepare

for it in the future. Ashford said it was critical for the team to collect the information quickly, 10 before damage was removed in the recovery efforts9.

"There's no doubt that we'll learn things from what happened in Japan10that11will help

us to reduce risks in other similar 11events ," Ashford said. "Future construction in some places may make more use of techniques known to reduce liquefaction, such as better compaction to make soils dense, or use of reinforcing stone columns."

Ashford pointed out that northern California have younger soils vulnerable to liquefaction ---on the coast, near river deposits or in areas with filled ground. The "young" sediments, in geologic terms, may be those 12deposited within the past 10,000 years or more. In Oregon, for instance, that describes much of downtown Portland, the Portland International Airport and other cities.

Anything 13near a river and old flood plains is a suspect12, and the Oregon Department of Transportation has already concluded that 1,100 bridges in the state are at risk from an earthquake. Fewer than 15 percent of them have been reinforced to 14prevent collapse. Japan has suffered tremendous losses in the March 11 earthquake, but Japanese construction 15 standands helped prevent many buildings from collapse ---even as they tilted and sank into the ground.


1. subduction zone:俯冲带。亦称下降带、潜没带、消亡带。板块构造说认为,当大洋板块移动


叫做俯冲带。俯冲带两侧板块会聚边界称会聚边缘(convergent boundary)。俯冲带上面反映震源活动

的地带称“贝尼奥夫地震带(Benioff seismic zone)"。

2. soil "liquefaction":土壤液化。土壤液化现象是指由于孔隙水压力上升,有效应力减小所导


3. localized:小范围的

5. Oregon State University:俄勒冈州立大学,建校于1858年,位于美国俄勒冈州科瓦利斯,全校设11个学院,80多个专业,尤以农科和工程最为突出。2008年俄勒冈州立大学的核能工程专业在全美大学中排名第9名。

6. water, drain and gas pipelines:自来水管道、排水管道和煤气管道。"water, drain and gaspipelines”即“water pipelines, drain pipelines and gas pipelines"。

7. some degree of soil liquefaction:某种程度的土壤液化

8. to reconsider the extent of liquefaction damage possibly occurring in situations such as this:本句的意思是:重新审视类似这次(持续时间长的)地震中因土壤液化而可能造成的毁坏的规模。

9. recovery efforts:重建工作

10. that we'll learn things from what happened in Japan:我们将从日本的地震中学到很多东西。该句是同位语从句,说出前半句no doubt的内容。

11. that:that引导的是定语从句,修辞前半句中的things。



1.A.internal B. different C. difficult D. widespread

2.A.volume B. length C. extent D. width

3.A.function B. repair C. build D. remove

4.A.durability B. strength C. ability D. property

5.A.ascend B. compact C. collapse D. recover

6.A.shorter B. longer C. simpler D. stranger

7.A.when B. what C. how D. which

8.A.occasionally B. frequently C. specially D. recently

9.A.development B. phenomenon C. formation D. composition

10.A.unless B. until C. after D. before

11.A.findings B. locations C. events D. sources

12.A.delivered B. deposited C. destroyed D. detached

13.A.near B. from C. inside D. over

14.A.prevent B. accelerate C. predict D. detect

15.A.styles B. sites C. costs D. standards


1.D前文说到日本的俯冲带地震是massive(巨大的),而且砂土液化到达一个significant level。根据上述描述,选widespread(分布广泛的)修饰severity是正确的。其他三个选项与severity搭配后,意思接不上。

2.C 本句由but连接并列的两个分句组成。第一个分句说以前也发生过地震引发的砂土液化的现象,但涉及范围较小。第二个分句通过but语气一转,说这次地震造成的破坏是罕见的。很显然,选extent(程度)与distance(距离,范围)合用说明破坏的程度和范围是符合上下文的意思的。

3.A 在“The shifts in soil destroyed water, sewer and gas pipelines, crippling the utilities and infrastructure these communities need to…”中,"these communities need to...”是定语从句,指代utilities和infrastructure的关系代词which在定语从句中起宾语作用,被省略了。need 后面的动词不定式的逻辑主语是which,也就是utilities and infrastructure。从意思上看,这些社区需要这些公用事业设备和基础设施起功能作用(function)。选function是对的。其他选项都不合适。

4.B 浸了水的砂土,特别是新近的沉积土、沙土等失去的不会是durability(耐用性)和ability (能力),也不会是泛泛的property(性质),而是strength(强度)。

5.C 浸了水的砂土强度降低或消失。砂土随水流动,就会引发建筑物移位(shift)或下沉(sink)。再发展下去,建筑物就会倒塌(collapse)。collapse是答案。若选择ascend(上升)、compact(压实)或recover(复原),意思与上文接不上。

6.A 地震持续的时间一般为数十秒。这次日本地震的时间长达5分钟。所以本题要填入的词应该是

7.C 从意思上看,选how是正确的。when structures、what structures或which structures意思明显不通。

8.D 第三段第二句出现“particularly recent sediment…"。recent sediment浸水后就失去了强度。这提示了本题要选recently,因为建立在新近填就的土壤上的建筑物是最易受到伤害的。

9.B 分析日本大地震得出的数据不会令科学家获得有关soil development(土壤发展)、soil

formation(土壤形成)soil composition(土壤构成)这些方面的知识。若选phenomenon,意思就是科学家的研究分析有助于他们了解到土壤浸水后的这类现象,以便做好防备,对付未来可能发生的同类现象。上下文意思很连贯,因此phenomenon是正确的选项。

1O.D 选unless、until或after都不合逻辑。本题句子的意思是:重建工作首先要清理废墟,这样地震现场就被破坏了。所以科学家要赶在重建工作开始之前收集好地震资料。before是答案。

11.C 本句的意思是:科学家无疑会从日本大地震中学到不少东西,从而有助于减低今后发生类似的地震时的风险。四个选项中只有events合适。similar events指的是“类似的地震事件”。若选findings(调查结果)、locations(地点)或sources(来源),句子的意思就不对。

12.B 本句解释“young”这个词在地质学中的含义。句中的those指代sediments。"young" sediments 指那些年代少于或略超过一万年的sediments。deposit是“沉积”,与句子意思匹配,是答案。其他三个选项,词义离题很远,只是词形与deposit有点相似,起干扰作用而已,它们不是答案。

13.A 上一段说,younger soils是非常脆弱的。本句的anything指的是soils。哪些地方的soils 是疑似高危对象呢?如果指soils from/inside/over river and old flood plains是不合常理的。正确的选择应该是near,靠近河流和原洪泛区的土壤才是危险地区。因此near是答案。

14.A 加固危桥的目的是为了防止坍塌。选项prevent是答案。

15.D 在3月11日的日本大地震中,震区的建筑物倾斜、下沉,但没有倒塌。建筑上的什么因素起到了防塌的作用呢?当然不会是construction styles(建筑风格)、construction sites(建筑工地)或construction facilities(建筑设备)。日本的construction standards(建筑标准)才是防塌的关键因素。因此standards是答案。

完形第十一篇:Climate Change Poses Major Risks for Unprepared Cities

A new examination of urban policies has been 1carried out recently by Patricia Romero Lankao.She is a sociologist specializing in climate change and 2 urban development.She warns that many of the world’s fast-growing urban areas,especially in developing countries.will likely suffer from the impacts of changing climate.Her work also concludes that most cities are failing to 3reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse 4gases .These gases are known to affect the atmosphere.”Climate change is a deeply local issue and poses profound threats to the growing cities of the world,” says Romero Lankao. ”But too few cities are developing effective strategies to 5 protect their residents."

Cities are 6 major sources of greenhouse gases.And urban populations are likely to be among those most severely affected by future climate change. Lankao’s findings highlight ways in which city-residents are particularly vulnerable, and suggest policy interventions that could offer immediate and longer-term 7 benefits.

The locations and dense construction patterns of cities often place their populations at greater risk for natural disasters. Potential 8threats associated with climate include storm surges and prolonged hot weather. Storm surges can flood coastal areas and prolonged hot weather can heat 9heavily paved cities more than surrounding areas.The impacts of such natural events can be more serious in an urban environment.For example,a prolonged heat wave can increase existing levels of air pollution,causing widespread health problems.Poorer neighborhoods that may 10lack basic facilities such as drinking water or a dependable network of roads,are especially vulnerable to natural disasters.Many residents in poorer countries live in substandard housing 11without access to reliable drinking water,roads and basic services.

Local governments, 12therefore,should take measures to protect their residents.”Unfortunately,they tend to move towards rhetoric 13 rather than meaningful responses, Romero

conditioning needs. They don't emphasize mass transit and reduce 14automobile use. In fact, many local governments are taking a hands—off approach.” Thus, she urges them to change their 15idle policies and to take strong steps to prevent the harmful effects of climate change on


vulnerable / 'v?ln?r?bl / adj.易受伤害的

sociologist / ,s??s?'?l?d??st / n.社会学家

dioxide / da?'?ksa?d / n.二氧化物

infrastructure / '?nfr?,str?kt?? / n.基础设施

substandard / s?b'st?nd?d / adj.标准以下的

floodplain / 'fl?dplen / n.泛滥平原



2.be likely to:很可能。likely在本句中是形容词,用作表语。


4.storm surges:风暴潮

5.paved cities:铺上沥青路面的城市

6.spring up:涌现

7.rhetoric ... responses:言辞反应。这个词的意思是:(地方政府)话讲得很漂亮,但内容空洞。

8.a hands-off approach:一种不插手的政策


1 A carry along B carried away C carried out D carried back

2.A economic B industrial C rural D urban

3.A reduce B increase C study D measure

4.A crops B gases C fruits D plants

5.A educate B evaluate C protect D identify

6.A doubtful B possible C repeatable D major

7.A uses B chances C cures D benefits

8.A threats B interests C functions D differences

9.A locally B heavily C suddenly D mildly

10.A provide B improve C lack D update

11.A without B with C in D on

12.A moreover B therefore C however D though

13.A other than B more than C less than D rather than

14.A train B automobile C bus D bike

15.A idle B smart C busy D secure


1.C 本题的答案是carried out(执行;完成)。“A new examination of urban policies has been carried out”意思上配得上。carried along(携带)、carried away(运走)和carried back (运回)与下文的意思搭配不上。

2.D 通篇文章讨论的是气候变化对城市的影响及其应对措施,并没有涉及economic(经济的)industrial(工业的)和rural(农村的)的话题。所以,这三个选项不可能是答案,urban才是答案。

3.A 前面一句谈到,发展中国家的飞速成长的城市备受气候变化的折磨。本句紧接上一句的意思,大多数城市没有做到减少二氧化碳的排放量。四个选项中要选reduce。

4.B 减少的不仅是二氧化碳,还有greenhouse gases(温室气体)。gases是答案。


6.D 前面说到大多数城市没有做到减少或控制二氧化碳的排放量。这说明“Cities are major sources of greenhouse gases”(城市是温室气体的主要来源),不会是doubtful sources(不能确定的来源)、possible sources(可能的来源),更不会是repeatable sources(不断重复的来源)。

7.D 城市居民最易受气候变化的伤害,所以Lankao建议地方政府要进行政策介入以降低居民因气候变化受到的伤害,而这会带来立即的和长期的益处。因此,uses, chances和cures可以排除。benefits(益处)才是答案。

8.A 由climate change引发的storm surges和prolonged hot weather给城市居民造成伤害。interests,functions和differences这三个词与storm surges和prolonged hot weather造成的伤害挂不上号,不会是答案。storm surges和prolonged hot weather对城市居民会构成威胁。因此,threats 才是答案。

9.B 为什么prolonged hot weather对城市居民造成的伤害超过对其周边地区居民造成的伤害?因为城市道路是大量铺设沥青的道路。heavily是答案。其他三个选项不符合上述意思。

10.C 贫穷社区更易受到伤害,句子给出有关基础设施的各个方面。贫穷社区的基础设施一定是不尽如人意的,所以要选lack。

11.A 贫穷国家许多人住在不符合标准的房子里。下面提到reliable drinking water,roads和basic services这些基础设施,从上下文判断,贫穷居民不会享有这些基础设施。所以,选without比较合理。

12.B 本题的答案是therefore。上文说的是气候变化给城镇居民带来的种种问题。下文说的是地方政府应该采取相应的对策以保护城镇居民。两部分的叙述是一种因果关系,所以要选therefore。

13.D rhetoric responses(言辞反应,即用言语搪塞的反应)和meaningful responses(有意义的反应)是两种截然不同的反应。地方政府的反应是前者还是后者?随后的句子,特别是a hands-off approach,说明地方政府作出的是rhetoric responses,而不是meaningful responses。所以,本题要选rather than(而不是)。

14.B 句中的“…emphasize mass transit”提示,要减少的运输工具不会是大众交通工具,因此选项中的train和bus便可排除。bike是人力驱动,不会释放二氧化碳也可排除。答案是automobile。私人汽车排放大量的二氧化碳是城市主要的污染源之一。

15.A “... many local governments are taking a hands-off approach”中的a hands-off approach提示,Lankao敦促地方政府改变的一定是他们无所作为(idle)的政策。idle是正确的选择。

完形第十二篇:Free Statins With Fast Food Could Neutralize Heart Risk

Fast food outlets could provide statin drugs free of 1charge so that customers can reduce the heart disease dangers of fatty food, researchers at Imperial College London 2suggest in a new study.

Statins reduce the 3amout of unhealthy ”LDL” cholesterol in the blood. A wealth of trial data has proven them to be highly effective at lowering a person’s heart attack 4risk .

In a paper published in the American Journal of Cardiology,Dr Darrel Francis and colleagues calculate that the reduction in heart attack risk offered by a statin is 5enough to offset the increase in heart attack risk from 6eating a cheeseburger and drinking a milkshake.Dr Francis,from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London,who is the senior author of the study, said:”Statins don’t cut out a11 of the 7unhealthy effects of cheeseburgers and French fries.It’s better to avoid fatty food altogether.But we’ve worked out that in terms of your 8possibility of having a heart attack. Taking a statin can reduce your risk to more or less the same 9degree as a fast food meal increases it.”“It’s ironic that people are free to take as many unhealthv condiments in fast food outlets as they 10 like, but statins, which are beneficial to heart health, have to be prescribed. It makes sense to make risk-reducing statins available just as easily as the unhealthy condiments that are l1provide free of charge.It would cost less than 5 pence per 12customer 一not much different to a sachet of sugar.” Dr Francis said.

13measures that lower their risk, 1ike 14wearing a seatbelt or choosing cigarettes with filters. Taking a statin is a rational way of 15lowering some of the risks of eating a fatty meal。


statin n.降胆固醇药物 outlet n.销售点

cholesterol n.胆固醇 offset V. 抵消,补偿

cheeseburger n.芝士汉堡包 milkshake n.奶昔

condiment n .调味品 sachet ii .小袋,小包rational adj.合理的


1. Fast food outlets could provide statin drugs: 句中的could 是一种委婉表达建议的用词,意为“可以”。

2. Imperial College London: 帝国理工学院。该学院于1907 年由城市和行会学校、皇家矿业学校以及皇家科学学院合并组成。学院于2007 年7月正式脱离伦敦大学成为一所独立大学。提供本科和研究生教育,共有四个学院,工程学院、医学院、自然科学院和生命科学院

3. LDL cholesterol: 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇。LDL是low density lipoprotein(低密度脂蛋白)的缩写形式。

4. a wealth of trial data: 大量的试验数据。a wealth of意为“大量的,许多”。

5. American Journal of Cardiology: 美国心脏病学杂志

6. French fries:炸薯条

7.It makes sense...: make sense 意为“说得通,合情合理”。

8. a sachet of sugar: 一小袋糖。快餐店一般备有袋糖,供饮咖啡或热奶的顾客免费取用。


1.A change B charge C chain D chance

2.A trust B decide C suggest D calculate

3.A number B amount C volume D product

4.A frequency B treatment C diagnosis D risk

5.A severe B enough C weak D active

6.A buying B preparing C eating D cooking

7.A unhealthy B strong C different D doubtful

8.A examination B suffering C determination D possibility

9.A degree B dimension C angle D range

10.A use B hate C reject D like

11.A transported B provided C preserved D convened

12.A cook B patient C customer D visitor

13.A measures B care C advantages D turns

14.A buying B wearing C cleaning D changing

15.A increasing B finding C lowering D taking


1. B本文介绍说,吃汉堡包等快餐食品容易引发心脏病,而服用statin能降低心脏病发作的风险,一正一负正好抵消。statin 价格便宜,文章建议快餐店像免费供应调味品那样免费供应statin0 free of charge 是固定搭配,意为“免费”。选择charge 是对的。

2. C 本题要选suggest ,因为其他三个选项在意思上都不合适。此外,本句主句的谓语动词用了could (provide) ,委婉地含有“建议”的意思。所以suggest 是个不二的选择。

3.B 与降低unhealthy "LDL" cholesterol 搭配的一定是amount(量),而不可能是number(数字)、volume(体积)或product (乘积)。

4.D从上下文判断,要降低(lower)的当然是risk。lower frequency(降低频率)、lowertreatment (降低治疗)或lower diagnosis (降低诊断)与上下文的意思都不匹配。

5. B 本句表达的意思是:Dr Darrel Francis 在他的论文中说,经过计算,一粒statin 降低心脏病发作的风险足以抵消吃一个奶酪汉堡包和喝一杯奶昔所增加的患心脏病的风险。所以本题的答案是

6. C 顾客不可能在快餐店里preparing cheeseburger 或cooking cheeseburger,而buyingcheeseburger不会增加心脏病风险。所以,只有eating cheeseburger 才合乎上下文的意思。

7.A从上下文判断,被cut out(去除)的effects一定是unhealthy effects,所以,unhealthy 是本题的答案。

8.D本句中的in terms of 意为“就……而言”,要与后半句“一正一负相互抵消”的意思相匹配,所以只能是“就患心脏病的可能性而言”。possibility 是答案。

9. A本句的意思与第五题的意思相同,即statin降低心脏病发作的风险与快餐增加的心脏病的风险在程度(degree)上大致相当。如果选择其他三个选项,意思变成了,“尺寸(dimension)上、角度(angle)上或范围(range)上大致相当”,就说不通了。

1O.D 填词所在的句子的意思告诉我们,具有讽刺意味的一点是:顾客可以随心所欲地免费享用不健康的调味品。as one likes 是固定用法,意为“随某人所愿,随某人所喜欢”。所以,like 是答案。其余三个选项用在本句中都不合适。

11.B transported (运输)、preserved (保存)或converted (转换)填人句子中,意思都不顺。只有填入provided (提供)符合句意。provided 是答案。

12.C 到快餐店去就餐的人当然是customer。

13.A 为了降低开车和吸烟的风险,人们被鼓励要采取一些安全措施。作者借此说明为了降低食用快餐的风险,我们也要采取措施。根据这层意思,选择measures是正确的。takemeasure的意思是“采取措施”。其他三个选项都不合适:take care是“注意,小心”,takeadvantage 是“利用”,take turns 是“轮流,依次”。

14.B 本题很明显要选wearing,因为上下文的意思是“系上安全带”。buying a seatbelt,cleaning

a seatbelt和changing a seatbelt都与上下文的意思相去太远。

15. C通篇文章都在阐述statin能降低患心脏病的风险。所以,lowering(降低)是答案。

第十四篇:Sharks Perform a Service for Earth's Waters

It is hard to get people to think of sharks as anything but a deadly enemy1: They are thought to____1____people frequently. But these fish2perform a____2____service for earth's waters and for human beings. Yet business and sport fishing3are threatening their____3____. Some sharks are at risk of disappearing from____4____.

Warm weather may influence both fish and shark activity. Many fish swim near coastal areas____5____their warm waters. Experts say sharks may follow the fish into the same areas,____6____people also swim. In fact, most sharks do not purposely charge at or bite humans. They are thought to mistake a person____7____a sea animal, such as a seal or sea lion. That is why people should not swim in the ocean when the sun goes down or comes up. Those are the____8____when sharks are looking for food. Experts also say that bright colors and shiny jewelry may cause sharks to attack.

A shark has an extremely good sense of smell4. It can find small amounts of substances in water, such as blood, body liquids and____9____produced by animals. These

powerful____10____help sharks find their food. Sharks eat fish, any____11____sharks, and plants that live in the ocean.

Medical researchers want to learn more about the shark's body defense and

immune____12____against disease. Researchers know that sharks____13____quickly from injuries. They study the shark in hopes of finding a way to fight human disease.

Sharks are important for the world's____14____, They eat injured and diseased fish. Their hunting activities mean that the numbers of other fish in ocean waters do not become

too____15____. This protects the plants and other forms of life that exist in the oceans. 词汇:

purposely / 'p??p?sl? / adv.故意地,蓄意地 charge / t?ɑ?d? / v.(向……)冲(过去)

seal / si?l / n.海豹 immune / ?'mju?n / adj.免疫的

jewelry / 'd?u:?lri / n.珠宝

1.It is hard to get people to think of sharks as anything but a deadly enemy:要让人们相信鲨鱼不是(人类的)死敌不是一件容易的事。anything but意为“决不,远非”,如:His performance in London is anything but a success.(她在伦敦的演出完全不成功。)

2.these fish:这些鱼(指鲨鱼)。Fish单复数同形,如:one fish, two fish, many fish(见第二段第一句)。

3.sport fishing:捕鱼运动

4.sense of smell:嗅觉


1.A attack B meet C love D visit

2.A terrible B eatable C valuable D possible

3.A source B existence C friends D fish

4.A Space B Sky C Land D Earth

5.A because B since C because of D by reason that

6.A whose B which C that D where

7.A to B for C like D with

8.A times B places C seas D oceans

9.A sciences B mathematics C chemicals D physics

10.A feelings B senses C touches D tastes

11.A those B these C another D other

12.A systems B processes C ideas D circles

13.A recover B reform C return D rely

14.A rivers B oceans C forests D mountains

15.A weak B little C few D great


1.A 本题应选择attack,因为第一句说到:人们认为鲨鱼是a deadly enemy,也就是说鲨鱼会对人类造成伤害。第二句是对deadly enemy的具体说明。其他三个选项meet, love, visit都不合适,love与上下文意思相反,meet和visit与上下文意思不符。

2.C 空格2所在的句子由but连接,所以该句表达的意思一定与第二句相反。第二句对鲨鱼的评价是负面的,填入空格2的词应该是正面的。四个选项中只有valuable符合这一条件,所以是答案。

3.B 第三句说到鲨鱼有益于“waters and human beings”,第五句又说到鲨鱼濒临灭绝的危险。根据上下文的意思,threatening(威胁)到它们的应该是existence(生存)。其他三个选项source, friends, fish都不合适,与上下文意思没有联系。

4.D 如果鲨鱼消失,从什么地方消失呢?当然从earth(地球)上消失。从space(宇宙空间)、sky(天空)中消失,或从land(陆地)上消失,都有悖常理。

5.C 四个选项的意思都是“因为”,但是从用法上分析,because, since和by reason that 之后要接句子,because of之后接名词或名词短语。their warm waters是名词短语,所以要选用because of。

6.D “… people also swim”明显是定语从句,其先行词是表示地点的名词area,所以要选关系副词where。

7.B 从上下文判断,本句的意思是:鲨鱼将人错认为是海洋动物。而“将……错认为是”的英语表达是mistake ... for,所以本题的答案是选项B。

8.A 本段的意思是:鲨鱼并非故意袭击人类。人们认为,由于鲨鱼将人错认为是海狮等海洋动物,在饥饿时才袭击人类。日出和日落时,正是鲨鱼饥肠辘辘的时候,人们不应该出海游泳。空格8填入的词应该与时间有关,所以times是答案,而与地点有关的选项(places, seas和oceans)与上下文意思脱节。

9.C 本段第一、二句是说,鲨鱼的嗅觉特别灵敏,能嗅到海水中存在的极为微量的气味。作者举了三个物质:血、体液和化学品。空格9要填入表示物质的名词。四个选项中唯一表达物质的词是chemicals(化学品)。所以chemicals是答案,而其他三个选项与学科有关,脱离了上下文

10.B 在第一、二句意思的基础上,作者进一步说明,灵敏的嗅觉有助于鲨鱼找到食物。所以本题的答案是senses,因为feelings, touches和tastes都与smells无关。

11.D 本句的中心词是复数的sharks, another所修饰的名词一般是单数,所以不会是答案。these 和those是表特指的代词,指代前面出现过的名词。由于前面没有先行词,所以也不可能是答案。剩下的other是答案,any other sharks的说法也合乎英语的用法。

12.A 从上下文判断,医学研究人员想要更多了解的是“身体抗病system(系统)”,不会是“身体抗病idea(思想)”、“身体抗病work(工作)”或“身体抗病circle(周期)”。

13.A 本段最后一句的意思是:医学研究人员研究鲨鱼的目的是为了找到一种人类抗病的方法。所以,空格13所在句子的意思应该是recover(quickly from injuries)。科学家想要探索的应该是有关受伤繁备recover quickly from injuries的秘密,而reform(改造)、retum(回归)和rely(依靠)只是与答案recover在词形上有点相似而已,其意思与上下文的意思风马牛不相及。

14.B 从上下文判断,鲨鱼的存在能使oceans得益。鲨鱼不生活在rivers, forests或mountains 中,所以这三个选项不会是答案。

15.D 本段其余三句都是说明为什么鲨鱼有益于海洋。它们吃海洋动物,结果使得海洋中的动物数量不会过多。weak, little, few都与上面表达的意思相反,所以只有great是答案。


2016年职称英语考试理工类A级真题 第1部分:词汇选项(第1——15题,每题1分,共15分下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1.The revelation of his past led to his resignation. A.imagination B.confirmation C.recall D.disclosure 2.Jensen is a dangerous man,and can be very brutal. A.careless B.Cruel C.strong D.hard 3.You’ll have to sprint if you want to catch the train. A.jump B.escape C.run D.prepare 4.We are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty.

A.Changeable B.Stable C.suitable D.adaptable 5.The new garment fits her perfectly. A.haircut B.purse C.Clothes D.necklace 6.The phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma. A.fear B.joy C.hurt D.memory 7.They have to build canals to irrigate the desert. A.decorate B.water C.change D.visit


2016年. 【农民】__theirland. 丧失 ,__provedthathewasn'tworkinghardenough.非限制性定语 倒装句 Athens同位语 翻译:奥林匹克马拉松赛跑为26英里,385码.大约为马拉松到雅典的距离 ,wedecided totakethetrain.完成被动的非谓语动词形式 与…打成一片 【记录】theplain【平常的,简单的】facts【事实,真相】ofsmalltownlife. 非谓语动词 抚养 :为了 ''tknowmorethanyoudo. ''llmoveinsoonandweneedtobuy__furniture. 【药方】 【生物学家】doesnotmerely【仅仅】describe【描述】organisms【有机物】,buttriestolearn__actastheydo. "Hashecomeback....Yes,he__back forthreedays. 【32课】同位语 翻译:生态学,即研究生物与其环境之间关系的科学,在石油地质中也很重要。 ,theearth__coveredbywater.【55课】虚拟语气

翻译:如果所有的大陆和山脉被推平,那么地球表面将被一层超过12000英尺深的水所覆盖。 "veryhappy".【5课】 翻译:拥有五个或更多亲密朋友的人自认“非常快乐”的机会高出他人50%。【不协调的,不相配的】withgoodhealth. ' ' 2017年 .【31课】 翻译:老人把手浸在盐水里,努力保持头脑清醒。 虚拟语气(过去相反) 翻译:Smith上周非常忙,否则他就去看你了。 . 非谓语动词 翻译:她需要买所有的东西,她将要离开市场,在小镇的街上再花费一个小时。 翻译:我很感激三年前给我的出国工作的机会。 ,__isclearfromtheexpressionsonhisface.【模拟三】as引导的非限制性定语从句翻译:他得了第一名,他脸上的表情清楚地表明了这一切。 . 【大纲原句】 翻译:直到后来他们才意识到发生了多么可怕的事情。 ,airtrafficcontrollersrelyonradar. 翻译:为了追踪机场航行中的飞机,空中交通控制台要用雷达。 ……to:太……而不能


2016年职称英语综合B真题 第一部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. All houses within 100 meters of the seas are (at risk) of flooding. A. out of control B. between equals C. in particular D. in danger 2. The idea was quite (brillian)t. A. positive B. clever C. key D. original 3. Stock market price (tumbled) after rumor of a rise in interest rate. A. regulated B. fell C. increased D. maintained 4. We are worried about this (fluid) situation full with uncertainty. A. stable B. suitable C. adaptable D. changeable 5. The (revelation) of his past led to his resignation. A. imagination B. confirmation C. disclosure

D. recall 6. Jensen is a dangerous man, and can be very (brutal). A. careless B. strong C. cruel D. hard 7. The coastal has area has very (mild) winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold. A. warm B. severe C. hard D.dry 8.You'll have to (sprint) if you want to catch the train. A. jump B. escape C. prepare D. run 9. The course gives you basic (instruction) in car maintenance. A. idea B. term C. coaching D. aspect 10. The new (garment) fits her perfectly. A. haircut B. purse C. necklace D. clothes 11. The phobia may have its root in a childhood (trauma). A. fear


2016年职称英语考试理工类模拟试题第十套 1.The policeman asked him to point out the criminal. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0314515616.html, B.identify C.capture D.separate 正确答案:B 2.It will be rather difficult to complete the task on time. A.do B.contribute C.renew D.finish 正确答案:B 3.Breaking Mary’s doll was purely accidental. A.abstractive B.unintentional C.acid D.intentional 正确答案:B 4.The theater is large enough to seat200people. A.abuse

B.confuse C.contain D.include 正确答案:C 5.Fruit prices fluctuate according to the need of the market. A.change B.fall C.descend D.elevate 正确答案:A Heartbeat of America 1.New York-the Statue of Liberty,the skyscrapers,the beautiful shops on Fifth Avenue and the many theaters on Broadway.This is America’s cultural capital. It is also her biggest city,with a population of nearly8million.In the summer it is hot,hot,hot and in the winter it can be very cold.Still there are hundreds of things to do and see all the year round. 2.Manhattan is the real center of the city.When people say“New York City,”they usually mean Manhattan.Most of the interesting shops,buildings and museums are here.In addition,Manhattan is the scene of New York’s busy night life.In 1605the first Europeans came to Manhattan from Holland.They bought the island from the Native Americans for a few glass necklaces worth about$26today. 3.Wall street in Manhattan is the financial heart of the USA.It is also the most important banking center in the world.It is a street of“skyscrapers.”These are those incredible,high buildings,which Americans invented,and built faster and higher than anyone else.Perhaps the two most spectacular skyscrapers in New York are the two towers of the New York World Trade Center.When the sun sets,their 110floors shine like pure gold.


2016新版中石油职称英语水平考试 课后练习及答案 目录 1.SIX GOLDEN RULES FOR MEETING MANAGEMENT主持会议六大准则(2016新增) (2) 2. NETWORK SECURITY 网络安全(2013版) (2) 3 .ALL I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN 幼儿园所学的... . (4) 4. HOW TO NEGOTIATE WITH AMERICANS 如何与美国人谈判(2013版) (5) 5.CARBON-BASED ALTERNATIVE 碳基替代燃料(2010版) (7) 6. AUTOMATIC AUTO: A CAR THAT DRIVES ITSELF 无人驾驶汽车(2013版) (9) 7 OUR FAMILY CREED 家族的信条(2007版) (11) 8 THE ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING 公共演讲的艺术(2007版) (13) 9. OIL AND GAS GENERATION油气生成(2016版新增) (16) 10.THE DRESS CODE FOR OFFICE LIFE办公室的着装礼仪(2016版新增) (16)

1.Six Golden Rules for Meeting Management主持会议六大准则(2016新增) 课后练习: 1.If you are asked to chair【主持,椅子】a meeting, remember the following six golden rules for meeting ____. A. treatment B.requirement C.management D.improvement 2.If you begin on time, group members who ____ late will realize the value of time. A.bring up https://www.doczj.com/doc/0314515616.html,e up C.dress up D.show up 3. You may need to refer back to【查阅,重新提及】an issue ____ was discussed during the meeting at a later date. A.that B.what C.who D.where 4. ____, we often hear only what we want to hear, rather than【而不是】really listening to other people. A.Traditionally B.Additionally C.Conditionally D.Exceptionlly 5.Many times important issues can get sidetracked【转变话题的】in a meeting, _____ when everyone has a different opinion about the topic. A.essentially B.entirelly C.extremely D.especially 6. If you ____ a conflict【冲突】prior to【在……之前】the meeting, discuss the issue with participants【参与者】in advance【提前】. A.anticipate B.participate C.preserve D.announce 7. If an unanticipated【不曾预料到的】conflict develops once the meeting is in progress 【进行中】, either appoint a subcommittee【小组委员会】to ____ the problem A.look into B.look on C. look over D.look through 答案:1C 2D 3A 4B 5D 6A 7A 2. Network Security 网络安全(2013版) 课后练习: 1.Internet ____ theft 【失窃】is a growing—and very costly【昂贵的,expensive】—problem A.identify B.identity C. identical D.identification



2016年职称英语综合B真题 第一部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. All houses within 100 meters of the seas are (at risk) of flooding. A. out of control B. between equals C. in particular D. in danger 2. The idea was quite (brillian)t. A. positive B. clever C. key D. original 3. Stock market price (tumbled) after rumor of a rise in interest rate. A. regulated B. fell

winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold. A. warm B. severe C. hard D.dry 8.You'll have to (sprint) if you want to catch the train. A. jump B. escape C. prepare D. run 9. The course gives you basic (instruction) in car maintenance. A. idea B. term C. coaching D. aspect 10. The new (garment) fits her perfectly. A. haircut B. purse


2016年职称英语教材综合类新增文章 第二篇Common Questions about Dreams Does everyone dream? Yes. Research shows that we all dream. We have our most vivid dreams during a type of sleep called Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. During REM sleep, the brain is very active. The eyes move quickly back and forth1 under the lids, and the large muscles of the body are relaxed. REM sleep occurs every 90-100 minutes, three to four times a night, and it lasts longer as the night goes on. ___1___ We dream at other times during the night, too, but those dreams are less vivid. Do people remember their dreams? A few people remember their dreams. However, most people forget nearly everything that happened during the night — dreams, thoughts, and the short periods of time when they were awake. ___2___ It seems that the memory of the dream is not totally lost, but for some reason it is very hard to bring it back2. If you want to remember your dream,the best thing to do is to write it down as soon as you wake up. Are dreams in color? Most dreams are in color. However, people may not be aware of it for two reasons :They don’t usually remember the details of their dreams, or they don’t notice the color because it is such a natural part of our lives. ___3___ Do dreams have meaning? Scientists continue to debate this issue.3 ___4___ Some people use dreams to help them learn more about their feelings, thoughts, behavior, motives, and values. Others find that dreams can help them solve problems. It’s also true that artists, writers, and scientists often ge t creative ideas from dreams. How can I learn to understand my dreams? The most important thing to remember is that your dreams are personal. The people, actions, and situations in your dreams reflect your experience, your thoughts, and your feelings. Some dream experts believe that there are certain types of dreams that many people have,even if they come from different cultures or time periods. Usually, however, the same dream will have different meanings for different people. For example, an elephant in a dream may mean one thing to a zookeeper and something very different to a child whose favorite toy is a stuffed elephant. ___5___ Then look for links between your dreams and what is happening in your daily life. If you think hard and you are patient, perhaps the meaning of your dreams will become clearer to you. 词汇: vivid /'vivid/ adj. 清晰的,生动的,逼真的 lid /lid/ n. 眼睑(=eyelid) motive /m?utiv/ n. 动机 stuffed /st?ft/ adj. 填充的,塞满了的 注释: 1. back and forth:来回地,反复地。


2016年全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试大纲 职称英语考试大纲是由人力资源和社会保障部统一公布的。职称英语考试内容与试卷结构:A.B.C三个等级的考试各由6个部分组成,每个级别的考试题型一样、题量相同,但不同级别考试总的阅读量及难易程度不同。考试主要考查应试者理解书面英语的能力。 全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试大纲 一、概述 全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试是由人力资源和社会保障部组织实施的一项国家级外语考试。本考试遵循“严格要求、实事求是、区别对待、逐步提高”的原则,根据英语在不同专业领域活动中的应用特点,结合专业技术人员掌握和使用英语的实际情况,对申报不同级别专业技术职务的人员的英语水平提出了不同的要求。 全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试共分三个专业类别:综合类、理工类和卫生类,每个专业类别的考试各分A.B.C三个等级。 全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试于每年4月份举行。A.B.C三个等级考试的总分各为100分,考试时间均为2小时。 二、评价目标 全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试重点考查应试者的阅读理解能力。考试总的评价目标是:申报A级的人员在2小时内应完成3000词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容;申报B级的人员在2小时内应完成2600词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容;申报C级的人员在2小时内应完成2200词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容。 为达到上述目标,考试对应试者的英语汇量、语法知识和阅读理解能力分别提出如下要求: (一)词汇量 考试所涉及的词汇和短语主要依据本大纲所附词汇表。对申报不同级别的应试者要求认知的词汇量不等: 1. 申报A级的人员应认知6000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语; 2. 申报B级的人员应认知5000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语; 3. 申报C级的人员应认知4000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语。 (二)语法知识


学易网校 https://www.doczj.com/doc/0314515616.html, 2016年职称英语考试复习资料 下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23-26题要求从所给的6个选项在红为第1-4段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27-30题要求从所给的6个选项在中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项 Ebola Outbreak 1 You are likely aware that several countries in West Africa are battling an Ebola outbreak. Ebola is a dangerous and often lethal viral infection. Scientists believe that humans contracted the virus by eating the meat of rare animals. It is now believed that bats are the primary carries of the virus. 2 To date, there are only three major countries in West Africa experiencing a major outbreak: Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. However, other countries such as Nigeria have reported confirmed cases of Ebola within their borders. 3 Unless you recently visited one of the three affected West countries you risk of contracting the virus is virtually zero. Unlike other recent airborne virus outbreaks like SARS, the Ebola virus can only be spread through direct contact with an infected person. Specifically, Ebola is spread through contact with body fluids. Though, the virus is transmittable, only an infected person exhibiting symptoms is communicable. 4 The signs and symptoms of Ebola are non-specific and patients typically exhibit them after a week of contracting the virus. Symptoms may appear as early as two days or as late as three weeks after initial infection. Symptoms include disgust, weakness and stomach pain. More uncommon symptoms include chest pain, bleeding and sore throat. 5 Ebola is devastating because of its ability to attack and replicate in every organ of the body. This causes an overstimulation of the body’s inflammatory response, causing the flu-like symptoms. The virus also causes bleeding and impairs the body's normal clotting mechanism (凝血机制), making bleeding even more severe. Loss of blood volume and decreased organ perfusion (器官灌注)ultimately lead to organ failure and death. 6 The current outbreak is the deadliest viral outbreak in over 35 years. While diseases such as the malaria (疟疾) are far more communicable, Ebola is one of the world’s most fatal viral infections. Ebola's fatality rate exceeds that of SARS. 23. paragraph 2___D____ 24. paragraph 3____A___ 25. paragraph 4___C____ 26. paragraph 5___E____ A. Am I at risk ofcontracting the virus? B. is the currentoutbreak the deadliest? C. How do know ifhave contracted the virus? D. What areas arecurrently affected? E. What exactlydoes Ebola do to the body? F. What caused theEbola outbreak?


2016年中石油职称英语考试真题及参考答案解析 I. Vocabulary Section A Directions: There are some sentences inthis section. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are tochoose the one word or phrase which would best keeping the meaning of theoriginal sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase.Then mark your answer on the answer sheet. 1、In most countries,the crime of murder carries harsh penalties. A. unconscious B. thrive C. severe D.prudent 【参考答案】C 【释义】harsh adj.残酷的;严酷的;严厉的;恶劣的 unconscious adj.无知觉的;昏迷的;不省人事的;无意识的 thrive v.繁荣;茁壮成长;蓬勃发展;兴旺发达 severe adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的 prudent adj.谨慎的;慎重的;精明的 2、I tell my motherabout my trials at work and brag about the kids. A. lie B. boast C. secretive D. feel awkward 【参考答案】B 【出处】2016版《通用选读》第28课That "Other Woman" in My Life第8段。【释义】brag v.吹嘘;自吹自擂 lie v.躺;说谎;撒谎;在于 boast v.自夸;自吹自擂;有(值得自豪的东西) secretive adj.(思想、情感等)不外露的;惯于掩藏自己的;有城府的 feelawkward 为难;作难;犯难 3、The employee had to breakoff the conversation in order to wait on his manger. A. continue B. hurry C. begin D.discontinue 【参考答案】D 【出处】MBA联考大纲英语词组。原题:The employee had to break off theconversation in order to wait on his manager. (discontinue) 【释义】break off v.断绝;折取;把…折断;使脱落 continue v.持续;延伸;继续存在;不断发生 hurry v.赶快;(朝某方向)迅速移动;催促(某人);迅速处理 begin v.开始;启动;起始;开始存在(或进行) discontinue v.停止;终止;中断;终止(生产)


2016年全国职称英语考试必过技巧 1、试题概况及答题顺序 1.1、必杀技:见下表中“答题顺序”: 1.2、详解 1.2.1、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空所占分值最高(合计高达75分),放到前面来做,避免万一时间不够,可以确保先抓住大部分分数。 1.2.2、词汇、阅读理解、完型填空都是部分来自教材,放到前面来做,记忆比较深刻,答题成功率较高。 1.2.3、阅读判断放到最后,是因为本题根据经验蒙答案(具体方法后面详述)成功率可拿到全部7分中的3分,这样可以腾出时间给需要查词典即可稳拿分数的词汇题,所以阅读判断的答题时间只有1分钟。 2、词汇(1分/题*15=15分) 2.1、必杀技: 2.1.1、准备一本正式出版的英语同义词词典,推荐牛津出版社出版,外研社翻译出版的《牛津英语同义词词典》。 2.1.2、教材练习不用做,把答案勾画出来,只需记住其中题目划线部分或者答案是词组的,其余不用看。 2.1.3、考试时看到有教材中的词组题则直接答上,其余的查词典。 2.2、详解: 2.2.1、职称英语考试允许带一本正式出版的,并非针对职称英语考试而编写的词典。而本题考核内容就是同义词(词组),显然使用同义词典效率更高。 2.2.2、词组记忆相对容易而查词典找同义词组相对较困难,又因试题来自教

材练习4-9题,所以必须记住教材中的词组题。教材词汇练习一共100题,其中有词组的也就20个左右,记住绝对没有困难; 2.2.3、因职称英语词汇数量有限,直接查同义词词典,一般前三个义项就会有答案。 3、阅读理解(3分/题*15题=45分) 3.1、必杀技: 3.1.1、熟记教材文章练习题的正确答案,重点掌握去年教材上没有的新增文章,考试时先找教材上的文章,做出来。 3.1.2、其他文章,先作考试题目中有人名、地名、国家名、数字、年代等专有名词的题。 3.1.3、勾画出考试题目中的关键词(一般是名词,不必认识它也不必查词典),然后到文章中找一样的关键词定位。 3.1.4、定位关键词后,对比文章中关键词附近的词或词组,与答案选项中词或者词组重合的最多的即为正确答案。(就像玩拼图游戏,考察你的眼力!ˇ?ˇ) 3.1.5、如果你无法定位关键词,则:、如有选项为“以上X项皆是”,即为正确答案,、看四个答案选项中有无大部分相似的。如有,若意思完全相反的其中一个必是答案;若意思并非相反的则较长选项为答案,如没有大部分相似的,则最长的选项为答案。 3.1.6、如果考试题目是针对文章中的某个单词的意思,那么就相当于是一个词汇题,则同义词词典又派上用场了! 3.1.7如果考试题目是问文章主旨(如作者的观点,替换文章标题等)的,则需要细读文章题目,每段第一句和文章最后一句,并大致搞清意思。然后选择意思最接近的一项答案。 3.2、详解: 3.2.1、考题共3篇文章,其中1篇(5个题占15分)来自教材。根据历年经验,教材新增文章作为考题的概率较大。所以熟记教材上所有文章(以教材新增文章为重点)的练习题答案,即可保证稳拿15分!注意:因为考试会把ABCD4个答案选项次序打乱,所以不要只记正确答案的ABCD编号,而要记住正确答案


2016年职称英语考试用书 一、语法词汇 addict: v. 使沉溺于(addict oneself to( = be addicted to) 沉溺于,热中于) in addition/加上, 又, 另外;in addition to/加上, 除...外; additional adj.附加的, 另外的; 补充的 address n.收信(件)人的住址v. 对...讲演或发表演说; (address a meeting 向大会致辞) adequate adj. 足够的,恰当的,胜任的(be adequate for..胜任…)(adequate – enough –sufficient足够的) adjust v. 调整;调节; 使适应(adjust oneself to sth./ 使自己适应..) admire v. 赞美;赞赏;(admire sb. for sth./因…而钦佩某人) admit v. 让...进入, 使获得(某种地位或特权), 承认(事实、错误等) (admit sb. into the university/获准入大学; admit sb. to hospital/把某人收治入院); adopt v. 采用, 采纳(adopt –take采用) adult n. 成年人(adult –grown-up成年人)

advance v./n. 提高(物价等), 增加(数量、价钱等), 提前, 加速, 拨快(时针) (in advance/ 预先)(advance-increase增加(数量、价钱等) ) advantage n. 优势, 长处, 利益, 便利(take advantage of/ 利用,欺骗) (advantage - merit优点) adventure n. 冒险, 惊险活动 advertisement n. 广告(= ad.) advice n. 劝告, 忠告(a piece of advice/ 一条意见; give advice /提出忠告; take/follow one's advice /接受忠告) advise v. 建议, 提意见, 通知( advise sb. to do sth./ 劝某人做某事,advise sb. that../通知某人某事= inform sb. that…) (B级)advisable adj. 明智的,可取的(advisable – sensible --wise 明智的) affair n. 事情[件], [常用复] 事务, 事态(affairs of state/ 国务; foreign affairs /外交事务) affect v. 影响, 对...起作用[反应], 感动, 患(病) (affect – influence – have a bearing on影响) afford v. [常与can, could, be able to 连用] 担负得起费用(损失、后果等)( can't afford to buy sth./ 买不起...) afraid adj. [常作表语] 怕, 害怕, [口]恐怕( be afraid of/害怕, 担心; I'm afraid/[口]大概, 恐怕, 担心) (afraid --fearful) Africa n. 非洲


第二部分、阅读判断 The Theory of Everyone If Stephen Hawking lives until the year 2017, he will have lived more than 50 years longer than hi s doctors expected. When he was a college student, doctors discovered that he had a rare disease . This disease causes a gradual disintegration(分解)of the nerve cells in the brain cells that regulate voluntary muscle activity. Death almost alway s occurs within two or three years. Today Stephen Hawking cannot walk or speak. He cannot move his arms or his head. He cannot t aste or smell anything. And yet this man is Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, a p osition held by the famous scientist Isaac Newton in 1669. Hawking is often described as the greatest scientist since Albert Einstein, but to the world outside science, he is also known as the man who made scientific theory understandable. His book, A Bri ef History of Time, has sold over eight million copies. He says that since he does not have to think about his body or do any of the things other men ha ve to worry about, such as washing the car or working in the yard, he can dedicate all of his time t o thinking. This puts him in the perfect position to find the answer to the question that he has de dicated his life to. His question is: Is there a complete theory of the universe and everything in it? Despite his tremendous physical disabilities, he has already made some very important discoverie s about the origin of the universe, how the universe holds together, and how it will probably end. He has also been able to explain the secrets of “black hole s” in space. Now he is looking for a set of rules that everything in our universe must obey. He calls it the Theory of Everything. He thinks that someone will have found the answer within the next 20 years. If Stephen Hawking is able to find his Theory of Everything, he will have given the world the oppo rtunity to understand things that will change the whole nature of science and probably also the w ay we live. 16. Stephen Hawking will be 50 years old by 2017. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 17. Stephen Hawking suffers from a rare brain disease. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 18. Stephen Hawking is Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 19. A Brief History of Time is very difficult for students to understand. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 20. Stephen Hawking has much time to think because he doesn't have to work. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 21. Stephen Hawking has spent around ten years explaining the secrets of A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 22. The Theory of Everything is about the rules that everything in the universe follows. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned 第三部分、概括大意与完成句子 Geothermal(地热) Energy 1 Since heat naturally moves from hotter regions to cooler ones, the heat from the earth's c enter flows outwards towards the surface. In this way, it transfers to the next layer of rock. If the t

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