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1、 "Best" Does Not Mean Ideal

It is very important to recognize that Sentence Correction questions ask for the best option

of those given, not the best option in the universe. Indeed, often you will feel-andrighdy

so-that all the answers, including the correct one, "sound bad." Correct GMAT Sentence

Correction answers can sound very formal or awkward, so it is important to keep in mind

that your task is to evaluate the given answer choices, not to create the ideal sentence.

The ideal sentence often is not an option, and the right answer may sound rather wrong. To complicate matters, incorrect answer choices often sound right, Indeed, the GMAT exploits

the fact that the English we hear is commonly riddled with grammatical mistakes.

2、 GMAT SC常考知识点:

(1) Subject-Verb Agreement 主谓一致

(2) Parallelism 平行

(3) Pronouns 代词

(4) Modifiers 修饰语

(5) Verb Tense, Mood, & Voice 时态、虚拟语气和主被动语态

(6) Comparisons 比较

(7) Idioms. 习语/固定搭配






3)在2-3 split中选出正确的一派,排除不正确的选项。


5)把这仅有的一个选项再带回原句double check一下。



4、 GMAT中SC最佳答案要符合以下三个要点:




做题思考过程:begin by looking for errors in grammar After you have found grammar errors, look for meaning issues. Finally, if you have still not singled out an answer, choose the remaining choice that is most concise.

Do not alter the author's intent when you make your choice!


5、 Meaning的三个常见考法:


If a word changes its position in the answer choices, you must consider whether the change has an impact on the meaning of the sentence. Look out especially for short words (such as only and all) that quantify nouns or otherwise restrict meaning.



C.Connected words 要 make sense together!




Wrong: The electron named in 1894.

Right: The electron WAS NAMED in 1894.

2)由which, that, when, who等引导词开头的句子:因为由这些词开头的句子都是从句,是不能单独成句的,缺少主句(main clause)

Wrong: BECAUSEthe dog was never mine.

Wrong: WHICH will be approved tomorrow.

7、主谓要make sense together!


Wrong: The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.

这句话初看觉得OK,但仔细分析主谓,就会发现the development will be able to travel hundreds of miles, 发展怎么能跑几百公里呢?!这就是主谓没有一起make sense,犯了逻辑错误。应该是车能跑几百公里。

Right: Once developed, a hydrogen CAR based on expected performance parameters Will BE able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.






如:a cat of the girl 中,cat是主语,of the girl 是介词短语。

PS:介词短语都是介词开头的噢,所以不要误以为a car of是介词短语

介词短语中的名词是绝对不能当主语的,所以介词短语都是修饰成分,不过有一些习惯用语的例外,如由some, none, many, much, all这类词修饰时,of后面的才是主语,如some of the students里,students才是主语;再如a number of pictures也是,pictures 才是主语。不过the number of pictures里,the number是主语。还有所有表示百分数和分数的数量短语,主语都是of后面的名词,因此,和SANAM一样,它们的主谓一致由of后的名词决定!

2、从句(状语从句充当big adv. 定语从句充当big adj. 主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、

同位语从句充当big noun)


如:When.the auditors left, the executive who had been interviewed was/were glad.


如:Limping, the horse once considered one of the favorites was/were taken away.

PS: 现在分词可以作主语,谓语永远用单数


注意逗号!Commas are another helpful sign to identify modifiers, since commas sometimes separate modifiers from the rest of the sentence.


找到了主语,就很好判断主谓一致了。前面的第8点讲了如何找主语,但当两个单数主语被“and”连接时,谓语动词就要用复数了。但当两个主语是由additive phrases 连接时,谓语动词仍然是单数。


Additive phrase:即意思相当于“and”的短语,如:

along with Polly in addition to surgery accompanied bv me

together with a tie as well as the mayor including salt and pepper

注意:Mathematics,aerobics 和diabetes都是单数,虽然他们都以S结尾。


Either A or B中,A和B中有一个是单数,一个是复数,那动词要求与离它最近的一个主谓一致。例如:A是单数,B是复数,那B离动词更近,所以动词要是复数形式。Neither…nor…的主谓一致规律也一样。

另外,如果either 或neither单独修饰句中成分,即没有or或nor,则认为其修饰的名词是单数,动词永远是单数形式。



关于人的: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, team

关于物的: baggage, citrus, equipment, fleet, fruit, furniture




Anyone, anybody, anything No one, nobody, nothing

Each, every (as pronouns) Someone, somebody, something

Everyone, everybody, everything Whatever, whoever

Either, neither (may require a plural verb ifpaired with or/nor)




Some, Any, None, All, More/Most


Some of the money WAS stolen from my wallet. (money is singular)

Some of the documents WERE stolen from the bank. (documents is plural)

但none of+复数名词,动词可以是单数也可以是复数,但no one of + 复数名词,动词永远是单数。



Right: Every dog HAS paws.

Right: Every dog and cat HAS paws.

Right: Each of these shirts IS pretty.

但each和every放在主语名词后面的话,对主谓一致没有任何影响,按常规方法判断:They each ARE great tennis players.


1、表示百分数、分数的数量短语如half of,quarter of,都和前面提到的SANAM代词一样,动词的单复数由of后面的名词的单复数决定,因为主语是of后的名词。

2、The words majority, minority, and plurality are either singular or plural, depending on their context. If you want to indicate the many individual parts of the totality, use a plural verb.

If you want to indicate the totality itself then use a singular verb form.

“depending on context”即指由逻辑合理性和作者的原意去判断!


The majority of the students in this class ARE hard workers.

In the Senate, the majority HAS coalesced into a unified voting block.




Right:Having good friends IS a wonderful thing.

Right:Whatever they want to do IS fine with me.



Wrong: Near those buildings SIT a lonely house, inhabited by squatters.

Flip it! :A lonely house,inhabited by squatters, SITS near those buildings.

Right: Near those buildings SITS a lonely house, inhabited by squatters.


Wrong: There IS a young man and an older woman at the bus stop.

Flip it!:A young man and an older woman ARE there at the bus stop.

Right: There ARE a young man and an older woman at the bus stop.

这个要靠自己仔细体会,努力发现了!!!!There be 句型属于这种情况!

注意:there be句型不是总是wordy,there be强调的是“这里存在XXXX”




2、主谓宾要make sense together;






常见Parallel Makers:

and; or; but; both; both…and…; not…but…; not only…but also;

rather than; from…to…; either…or…; neither…nor…

X act as Y, distinguish X from Y, X is the same as Y, As X, So Y, estimate X to be Y, X is good, and so too is Y, X instead of Y, X, such as Y, compared to X, Y…,

X is known to be Y, think of X as Y, consider X Y, X is less than Y, make X Y, declare X Y, Mistake X For Y, Whether X Or Y, X develops Into Y, X Differs From Y, regard X As Y

(以上的组合中发现:只要有and, as, or的组合都要求平行,另外只要是表示比较的也都要平行,还有一个举例的。。。)


平行不仅仅局限于出现了parallel maker,在一个结构中要表达2个或2个以上的人或事物in the same way都需要平行。


并列连词多表并列(and)、转折(but)、选择(or)。并列连词可以引导一个句子svo, 引导vo,引导o,也有“but+介词短语, 句子”或者“but+从句,主句”的情况;而从属连词只能引导完整的句子。


从属连词这种连词是用以引导名词性从句和状语从句的. 由从属连词所引导的句子叫从句,而含有从句的句子叫作复合句。(因此从属连词只能引导完整的句子<这个完整的句子包括连接代词本身>,不能引导词或短语)

从属连词在名词性从句中有:that; weather; if

关于A is to B what C is to D

另外,系动词也是parallel maker,系动词包括:

Be(所有形式), appear, become, feel, grow, look, remain, represent, resemble, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn














11、Be likely to do…and be unable to do…(be不能省略)



14、宾语从句并列,连词that不能省略:verb.+that…,that…,and that...

15、定语从句并列必须承前使用相同的代词:n.+in which..,in which…,and in which…

16、宾语从句并列overestimate that and underestimate that


A)抽象名词不能对具体名词slowing growth or damaging forest

B)动作名词不能对纯名词assignment or staff

C)。整体名词不能对个体概念no money or staff members

D)。泛指不能对特指less lending and the increased pressure

E) 前者是介词结构,后者是动词结构


定语从句不能与状语从句并列,WHAT从句不能与HOW 从句并列

当and连接多个并列元素时,各元素都用逗号分开,只有最后那个元素前面加and,如X,Y,Z, and K; 当并列形式为:X and Y的时候,一般是没有逗号的,但


以上一个句子是个多重并列,注意最后那个and前面有个逗号,就是告诉我们,最后这个and和前面的and property没有关系!











动词性名词,包括词义为表示动作变化的名词、由动词衍生出的同根名词以及-ing形式的动名词,如:change, development, pollution, eruption, growth, swimming, running, skiing…..







Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions, significant reductions in overall troop levels,

raising the rebel flag on holidays, AND a general pardon.

分析:这里raising明显不对,在短语“raising the rebel flag on holidays”



2)要想和其他动词性名词平行,就得把动名词复杂化,把它变成真正的名词作用。一般的,就是在动名词前面加量词a, an, the或者




Right: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from

disputed regions, significant reductions in overall troop levels,

THE raising OF the rebel flag on holidays, AND a general pardon.




Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from

disputed regions AND releasing certain political prisoners.

Wrong: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from

disputed regions AND THE releasing OF certain political


Right: The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from

disputed regions AND THE RELEASE OF certain political


?动名词要避免用“X’s+动名词”形式, 可以用“物主代词+



The plant BOTH exceeded output targets AND ran more smoothly than ever.




Wrong: It is critical to suspend activities, to notify investors AND say


Right: It is critical to suspend activities, notify investors AND say nothing.

2)当第一个不定式前面有parallel maker时,后面的不定式的to都不可以省略:

Right: It is critical either to suspend activities or to notify investors.

分析:“either”就是parallel maker

这样的parallel maker有:

both…and…; not…but…; not only…but also…; from…to…;

either…or…; neither…nor…; distinguish X from Y, As X, So

Y, estimate X to be Y, compared to X, Y…, think of X as Y,

consider X Y, make X Y, declare X Y, Mistake X For Y,

Whether X Or Y, regard X As Y



A mastodon carcass, thawed only once AND still fresh, is on display.

Only a few feet wide BUT spanning a continent, the railroad changed history.




Present Participle: Investors sold the stock rapidly, CAUSING panic.

Infinitive: Investors sold the stock rapidly TO CAUSE panic.







Wrong: A mastodon carcass, thawed only once AND which is still fresh. is

on display.

Right: A mastodon carcass, which has been thawed only once AND which is

still fresh, is on display.


Either…or…在句子中位置的不同,导致平行的变化如下(OG SC 56):


……either fashioned from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or fashioned


Gandharan grey schis.

B.Either 在介词前面:

……fashioned either from the spotted sandstone of Mathura or from

Gandharan grey schis.

C.Either 在名词前面:

……fashioned from either the spotted sandstone of Mathura or

Gandharan grey schis.









◆as 和like(更高阶的请看曼哈顿P248-249)

? like

1) like是一个介词,后面只能跟名词、代词和名词短语,不能跟从


Right: LIKE her brother. Ava aced the test.

2) Like后可以跟动名词:like swimming,running….

3) Like不能用来举例:"the preferred way to introduce examples is with

phrase such as, rather than with the word like, which suggests a


Such as在举例的时候,可以分开,如:such crops as corn and


4) unlike和like短语都可以放在句首或句尾。此时,跟在unlike和like


? As






Wrong: LIKE her brother DID, Ava aced the test.

Right: AS her brother DID, Ava aced the test.



Right:Like her brother, Ava aced the test

Right:As her brother did, Ava aced the test.


Right: JUST AS the trains were late yesterday, the buses are late today.

Right: JUST AS the trains were late yesterday, SO TOO are they late




Wrong:Frank's build, LIKE his brother, is broad and muscular.

以上这个句子中,比较对象是“Frank’s build”和”his brother”,体格和人怎么能比较呢,所以是逻辑上不平行,逻辑错误。正确的表达方式有以下两种,其中第一句中的相同的词“build”就省略了,避免重复;第二句用that代替build也是可行的方法。

Right: Frank's build, LIKE his brother's, is broad and muscular.

Right: Frank's build, LIKE that of his brother is broad and muscular.

Right: Frank, LIKE his brother, has a broad and muscular build.





My car is bigger than Brian's [car}. My toes are longer than Brian's [toes}.

My car is bigger than the Smiths' [car}. My toes are longer than the Smiths' [toes}.


In general, you should put in the omitted words or appropriate Helping Verbs

(such as be,do, and have) only if you need' to remove ambiguity.


Right: Whereas I drink 2 quarts of milk a day, my friend drinks 3 [quarts}.

Right: I walk faster than Brian [walks}.

Right:I walk as fast now as [I walked} when I was younger.






Ambiguous: I like cheese more than Yvette. {Yvette could be subject or object.}




1) 当比较对象做宾语时,将省略的主语和谓语都补充完整

Right: I like cheese more than I DO Yvette. (= than I like Yvette)



2) 当比较对象做主语时,将助动词补充进来

Right: I like cheese more than Yvette DOES. (=than Yvette likes cheese)



平常s1 v o at the same time as s2 有s2与o比较的歧义,所以为了









Right: Vishal eats more carrots than donuts. (donuts must be the object)

Wordy: Vishal eats more carrots than HE DOES donuts.




Wrong: With winter coming, I will have HIGHER energy bills.

Wrong: I will have HIGHER bills OVER last year.

Right: I will have HIGHER bills THAN last year.

Always use than with a comparative form. 12、动词和比较(高阶)


1) 在动作重复的时候,后半部分的动词和宾语可省略,用助动词be, do,





Wordy: I have never seen an aardvark, but my father has seen an aardvark.

Better: I have never seen an aardvark, but my father HAS.

Wrong: I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father DID.

Right: I have never seen an aardvark, but last year my father saw one.

2) 在一些罕见的情况下,and的前后动作时态可以不一样,如下例:


Wrong: Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they ARE.

Right: Our cars were designed to inspire envy, and they DO.





3) do, be, have这些助动词永远代表肯定的意思,如下例:

Right: Some people do not eat soup. but others do. (= do eat soup)

Right: Some people do not eat soup as others do. (= do eat soup) Use be, do and have in this way only if you mean the positive form of the verb.


1) 情态动词的位置:放在谓语动词前面


Wrong: Our division spent significant funds on HAVING TO build facilities.

Right: Our division HAD TO spend significant funds on building facilities.

2) 如果句子中其他词语已经表达了情态动词要表达的意思,就不能再



Wrong: This plan ensures that action MUST be taken.

Right: This plan ensures that action WILL be taken.

3) “be to”在GMAT中不能用,得用will或should

“be to”本来表示“某种义务或者将来会做…”,在GMAT里不用

“be to”表示这两种意思,转而用“will”和“should”表示将来

或义务。(PS: should 不能表命令) 如下列:


Wrong: We ARE TO receive an invitation.

Right: We WILL receive an invitation. OR We SHOULD receive an




1) less或more在修饰“adj.+noun”时容易引发的歧义

wrong:We have even MORE efficient engines than before.

Right: We have even MORE engines that are efficient than before.

Right: We have engines even MORE efficient than before.


2) 没有逗号在中间的exceed和surpass也有比较的意思,要平行:

Right: The incidence of the disease among men EXCEEDS the incidence

among women.

Right: The incidence of the disease among men EXCEEDS its incidence

among women.

Right: The incidence of the disease among men EXCEEDS that among


3) In addition+名词,表示“除…之外”

Rights: IN ADDITION TO taxes, death is inevitable.(主语比较)

Right: IN ADDITION TO Munster cheese,I like Swiss.(宾语比较)13、代词





PS:这个步骤不仅对于发现代词问题很重要,并且对主谓的检验也非常重要。碰见主谓时,都要问问自己,这个动词的主语是什么;主语和动词是否make sense together;




Wrong:The park rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to IT.

Right:The rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to THE PARK.


注意:Watch out for nouns used as adjectives! They cannot be antecedents of pronouns!!

The antecedent to which you want to refer must actually exist in the sentence

and be functioning as a noun!!!!

错误二:先行词带入代词的句子或短语后,逻辑不对,没有make sense together!



Wrong: Researchers claim to have developed new "nano-papers" incorporating tiny cellulose fibers, which THEY allege give THEM the strength of cast iron.

Right: Researchers claim to have developed new "nano-papers" incorporating tiny cellulose fibers, which allegedly give THESE MATERIALS the strength of cast



new ”nano-paper”,虽然通过上下文和逻辑可以推测,但不能百分百确定就是





1. 代词在句子主语的位置上,通常会被认为指代与其平行句子的主语。

EG: Supernovas destroy their immediate environments in vast explosions, BUT by synthesizing heavy chemical elements, THEY provide the universe with the possibility of biochemistry-based life as we know it.




Wrong: The board is investigating several executives' compensation packages in order to determine how much may have been improperly awarded to THEM. Better: The board is investigating the compensation packages of several executive in order to determine how much They may have been improperly awarded. Best: The board is investigating the compensation packages of several executives in order to determine how much The executives may have been improperly



总结:即代词不能指代N’s X中的N, 但可以指代X of N中的N。

3. which,that 只能指代物,只有who, whom 才能指代人

4. that 和those 指代的是一个new copy of 先行词,而不是完全相同的指代


The money spent by her parents is less than that spent by her children.

The executives of her company are more excellent than those of competitors.

在第一个例句中,that的出现,是为了防止重复使用“the money“, 而不是指代“the money spent by her parents”. 这一点,it,they等代词却不同,他们都是指代完全相同的一个事物或人物。

在第二个例句中,those指代的是复数形式的先行词的new copies.表示new copy 的时候,Those和That也只能指代物,不能指代人指代new copy,单数用that,复数用those。


Lacking information about energy use, people tend to overestimate the amount of energy used by equipment. such as lights, that are visible and must be turned on and

off and underestimate that used by unobtrusive equipment, such as water heaters.


Chapter 1 SC Basics (1) Chapter 2 GRAMMAR, MEANING, CONCISION (1) Chapter 3 SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT (3) Chapter 4 PARALLELISM (5) Chapter 5 PRONOUNS (6) Chapter 6 MODIFIERS (8) Chapter 7 Verb tense , mood, & voice strategy (11) Chapter 8 comparison strategy (13) Chapter 9 Idioms——看原书 Chapter 10 Odds & ends (15) Chapter 11 GMC/S-V /PARALLELISM: ADVANCED (18) Chapter 12 pronouns & modifiers: advanced (19) Chapter 13 verbs & comparisons:advanced (22) Chapter 1 SC Basics 1、各个选项中最好的答案并不一定是完全正确、完美的 2、日常口语中实际上有很多语法错误 3、SC的做题方法: 将每个选项逐个代入句子读一遍再寻找错误是很费时间的,更好的方法应该是使用分类排除的方法(split)。将五个选项按照某个语法点的区别分成两组或更多,找到你所确认的错误排除其中的一些组;再次分组,再次排除,直到剩下最终答案。 4、在一道题中将会测试多个语法点,平常练习中需要找出所有的点,而在考试时只需要找到一个能排除该选项的即可;而且每个选项往往都有多个点可以将其排除。 5、注意划线外部分,注意划线部分与划线外部分的关系,有许多重要的线索在远离划线部分的地方。 选择一个选项后要重读一遍句子,确认选项使得句子完整。 Chapter 2 GRAMMAR, MEANING, CONCISION 1、在做SC时,判断选项是否错误应该从语法开始,然后考虑意思,最后考虑简洁。 语法:GMAT测试你区分好和不好的语法的能力。许多语法错误的句子看起来很自然。 意思:句子不能有歧义,并且句子必须反映作者的真实的意愿,在选择选项时不要随便改变句子的原意(除非原句错误)。 简洁:不使用多余的词。 2、GRAMMAR:包括主谓一致、平行、代词、修饰语、时态、语气语态、比较、惯用语。 3、MEANING:不要随便改变句子原意。GMAT考试中,意思上的小错误常常容易被忽略。 在MEANING上的主要考点主要可以归类为:选择正确的词、词的正确位置和词与词之间的一致。(1)选择正确的词: 常考的是相近的词相互替代而使句子意思发生改变。如:


曼哈顿 SC 总结 Chapter 1 Sentence Correction Basics 1.一道例题 Although William Pereira first gained national recognition for his movie set designs, including those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind",future generations remember him as the architect for the Transamerica Tower, the Malibu campus of Pepperdine University and the city of Irvine. A:including those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind",future generations B: like that for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind",future generations will C:like those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind",future generations D: including that for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind",future generations will E:including those for the 1942 film "Reap the Wild Wind",future generations will 这道题用两点split。 1.1GMAT规定,Like不能用于举例;注意,在之后的说明中,曼哈顿说The GMAT used to claim that ‘like’ simply meant‘similar to’ and could not introduce examples. However, the exam writers have moderated this hardline duty in published explanations. As a result, either ‘including’ or‘likelihood would technically work in the sentence. 1.2GMAT规定,进行指代时,如果有单复数转换,不能用代词指代,而应换作相对应的 名词。 2.做题时间 一般不多于90秒钟,理想状况下,花费60-75秒。 3.做题步骤 3.1细读原文 理解原文中作者本意,顺带看是否有错误出现。 如发现错误,默默记下,以备之后作为排除依据; 如未发现错误,不要留恋,只要保证理解了文字的字面意思和作者本意即可。 3.2纵向扫描,找split 不要读选项,只是纵向寻找不同点(split)。 看句首和句尾,此两处必有split,不然画线不会画到它们。 迅速找到多个split,找最容易区分的。 3.3选取最简单split进行筛选 所谓简单,就是容易找/容易比较/容易决定。语法语义两个角度来分析 3.4选定第一个split 3.5用同一个split,去检查其他选项是否也犯了同样的错误

Ron 笔记 gmat 语法

Ron 笔记 1、平行 first two both 2 are correct *the parallel structures are indicated by “parallel tags” Most fossils of species X were found in Tennessee or Kentucky Most fossils of species x were found in T or in K. FOLLOW the tags are included. *proceed from RIGHT to LEFT in your analysis Look at the words following the tag

tags: the list of 3 or more items, the COMMAS and the “AND” are tags!! Focus on the sentence ” ITS ”

USAGE OF “COMPARED TO/WITH” with statistics/quantities: *DO NOT include any other words of comparison “28 percent of American husbands were married to wives with more years of schooling, compared to 6 percent in 1971.” NO additional word re: ” more “ “ less” ”N times” etc


曼哈顿FoV. CR笔记 目录 1.All about the Argument (1) Sound argument vs. valid argument (1) On the GMAT (2) The arguer’s job and your job (2) List of the twelve flaws (2) Details of the twelve flaws (3) A. Unjustified Assumptions (3) B. Causation Errors (4) C. Comparison Errors (5) D. Math Errors (6) E. Communication Errors (7) Find the gaps in arguments (7) 2.Decoding the Question Stem and Stratege (8) 1. All about the Argument Sound argument vs.valid argument Every complete argument has two components written down on paper: ? Premises—supporting statements ? Conclusion— the main point or biggest claim of the argument A sound argument is successful on every level: the premises are true, and the conclusion logically follows from the premises. When a conclusion follows logically from true premises, that conclusion is therefore true. A valid argument is one in which the conclusion follows logically from the premises—but the premises may or may not be true. In a valid argument, if the premises are true, then the conclusion will also be true. In a good, valid argument, the premises lead to the conclusion in a direct way. They provide enough evidence to guarantee the truth of the conclusion (which is occasionally implied rather than stated explicitly).


OCEAN的语法知识点总结 By Roxas605(ChaseDream)资料来源:OG12、OG12-verbal、OG10、Prep07、Prep08、GWD、Manhattan 一、独立主格 总结:独立主格只做状语,放在句首或句尾,表示伴随原因、条件、状态、目的、时间、补充说明等 ●独立主格三种形式: 1)一般形式:n.+n.,n.+V-ed/v-ing,n.+介词短语/形容词短语 独立部分与主句部分无太多关联 2)with形式:with+宾语+宾补,如:with+n.+v-ed/v-ing/介词短语/形容词短语 与主句主语有紧密的逻辑关系 3)each形式:each+v-ed/v-ing/介词短语/形容词短语;each+n.+介词短语 必须前面有复数名词 *:with型独立主格在GMAT中常常被判累赘 ●另外,存在一种with+n.+/with+n.+定语从句,可以看做概括性同位语 分析:放在句首,一定修饰主语,放在句尾既可以修饰主语也可以修饰谓语 二、同位语 总结:类似定语,修饰名词或者名词短语、代词(不是核心词指代) 1)名词性同位语:名词解释名词。(以下三种,第二个n.后可以跟修饰词) i.N., n.; ii.n., a/an + n.或a/an + n., n.; iii.the + n., n.(前面的the + n 为同位结构) 2)内容具体化同位结构:抽象名词(theory/evidence/belief/principle)+that 从句 that从句对抽象名词进行具体化解释(注意与of 结构的区别),that从句部分才是同位语。(that是小品词,连词,和一般的名词性that分句中的that一样) 3)概括性同位语:短语/句子,n. + that / doing / done... (+doing、done形式和独立主格相同) 用一个概括性的名词去概括前面的修饰对象: ※同位语和独立主格的区别: 1. 同位语修饰名词,独立主格修饰句子 2.同位语表示前面名词的具体内容和特征,而独立主格是一种伴随状态,描述与伴随分局同步发生的事情(原因、条件)


GMAT语法笔记 May 18, 2013 综述 Gmat语法在verbal中是最重要的部分,16/41。是最严格的美式书面英文。做题时间1:10/Q 规律性强 比如:maybe一定错,一般改为probably , perhaps。因为maybe是口语词,但是may be不一定错,may be 不是口语词。 句式复杂,难句多,考法新 是最严格的美式书面英文 Eg. 1)表“建议”suggest that S(subject,主语)should V-原型 这是虚拟语气的句型 表“建议”或“命令”的词(suggest, order, demand, mandate, require, insist, dictate, propose, recommend, stipulate)后,跟的从句should+V-原型,should必须省! 【注】suggest表“暗示”的时候,不是虚拟语气 2)team, family, group, army等这些词全部是单数,用is。 99%的名词只要加了s就是可数名词,少数1%如某种疾病diabetes:糖尿病。 3)定语从句that可以指人,也可以指物,但是Gmat考试中that只可以指物,不能指人,因为人要用who。 五种简单句 1)SV 主语+动词 2)SCP 主系表 3)SVO 主谓宾 4)SVOO 主谓双宾 Eg. Tom gave Jerry a book. Tom advises Jerry that the movie (should) start early. 错! 没有advice sb that, 只有tell, persuade, convince,这三个词可以+ sb that SVO(SVO表从句),其他的单词均不能用+sb that的结构,同时这三个单词不能直接+that,且这三个词可以用自己的固定搭配Eg. Persuade sb to do sth或persuade sb into doing. 5)SVOC 主谓宾宾补 Eg.We call him Tom I think I love you. 错!that宾语从句的that在句中不能省略,但是是相对错,因为一般 say that中的that都省略。 LIKE


Chapter 3: 主谓一致 注意主语和谓语之间构成的逻辑意义相符合 Wrong: The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling. Right: Once developed, a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling. 主语谓语之间必须做到单复数相符合 Eliminate the middlemen and Skip and warmup (准确做到正常的跳读) 没有必要的句子成分尽量少读 介词短语,从句,其他修饰成分 善于利用句子的机构去判断单复数 The tidal forces to which an object falling into a black hole is subjected are sufficient to tear the object apart. And和additive phases (注意mathematics,aerobics,diabetes,citus都是单数的形式) Media是medium的复数形式。 Either or(就近原则确定谓语单复数) 集体名词 People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, team Items: baggage, citrus, equipment, fleet, fruit, furniture. 用单数 Our army of a hundred thousand soldiers is attacking the enemy. 不定代词 SANAM:some, any, none, all, more/most 这几个词语要依据不同情形确定单复数 Any of these women is a suitable candidate for marriage to my son. Not one of my friends is here this weekend. Every and each Every dog has paws. Every dog and cat has paws.

GMAT SC Manhatten曼哈顿语法总结(770NN)

GMAT SC Manhatten曼哈顿语法总结(770NN)

目录 Subject-verb agreement (7) Fragment: Subject and verb must both exist (7) Sense: Subject and verb must make sense together (8) Number agreement: Subject and verb must agree in number (9) Additive phrases (9) Or, either…or, neither…nor: nearest . 9 Collective nouns: almost always singular (9) Indefinite pronouns: usually singular.9 SANAMM words: some; any; none; all; more; most; (9) Each and every (9) Quantity words and phrases (9) Subject phrases and clauses: always singular (10) Parallelism (10) Parallel markers (10) Parallel elements (11) You can split apart the expressions:.. 12 Parallel clauses should start with the same word (12) Lists with AND (13) Idioms with parallel structure (13) Superficial parallelism vs. actual parallelism (13) Watch out for linking verbs (14)

GMAT语法总结 (1)

第一章:句子结构(一划句子结构) 一、名词性从句: 一)主语从句:it may (well) be that + 主从; it be +adj./ed/n. + that + 主从; it seem/happen/appear + that + 主从 二) 宾语从句:动词型:that 不能省略/ 介词型:介词后只能接疑问词引导的宾语从句(除in that, except that, but that) 三)表语从句:主语+be+that 从句/疑问词型从句 二、特殊结构: 一)强调:it is…that …; it is not until…that…;many n…..,if not most, do sth; n. is as…as…, if not more so. 二)倒装: 三)as 结构: Prep.: accept/ classify/ define/ describe/ know/ name/ refer to/ regard/ speak of/ state/ think/ think of/ view as n. Conj.: (just) as …, 主句; (just) as …, so 主句; (just) as …, so too 主句(部分倒装); Pron.: 代替单主句 (e.g. indirect socialization also occurs, as when television shows reinforce stereotyped images) 四)同位结构:同位语,主语…(一定要一致) ● 解释:n.,n.; a n., n.; n., a n.; the n., n.; ● 内容具体化:抽象n.(theory/ evidence/ belief/ principle/hypothesis) + that 从句 (that 不能省略);of 表示所属关 系,强调部分概念。 ● 概括:a n. (program/ information/ effort/ practice) that ● 修饰:n., n. that 从句 ● 代词:n., one/ones + that 从句 五)独立主格:(with/each) + n./ ed/ ing/ adj.phrase/ prep.phrase (注意each 后接单数its 非their ) 六)省略结构:V .+that 两个句子并列,第一个含有be 作为助动词或become ,第二个句子中的be 或become 必须省略。 七)否定结构: Is not A, but B; not A, but rather B; is A, rather than B; is A, not B. 八)时态 练习: 1. Ozone is formed in the atmosphere when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides react with sunlight. 2. Quasars are believed to be the cores of galaxies in an early stage of development. 3. while some propose to combat widespread illegal copying of computer programs by attempting to change people’s attitudes toward pirating, others suggest reducing software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others are calling for the prosecution of those who copy software illegally. 4. South Korea’s church membership is expanding by 6.6.% a year, fully two -thirds of the growth coming from conversions rather than increases in the population. 5. Modernizing the steel mill, a program that can, it is hoped, be completed in the late 1980’s, will cost 51 million dollars. 6. Many writers of modern English have acquired careless habits that damage the clarity of their prose, but they can break these habits if they are willing to take the necessary trouble. 7. Dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to either local history or various ethnic groups, and there are also many one-of-a-kind museums from Manhattan to the Bronx that are open for exploration on summer weekends. 8. The administration, worried over the removal of some foreign trade barriers and the failure of our exports to increase as a result of deep cuts in the value of the dollar, has formed a group to study ways to sharpen our competitiveness. 9. In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is that the potential energy of the cars, gained as a Often visible as smog, Conj. Two major pollutants emitted by automobiles Conj. Conversions 与 increases 形势对称,increases 强调增加本身,increasing 强调动作 Hope: ,it is hoped, 作插入语;it is hoped that+从句 They 优先代指从句主语 独立主格: (with/each)+ n./ ed/ ing/ adj.phrase/ prep.phrase Worry+about/over Cars ’ potential energy 错


语法知识点总结: 1. 句子结构: A. run-on SVO, and SVO, and SVO.对的 SV, V, and V.对的 FANBOYS(for, and, nor,but, or , yet, so) B. 主谓一致 C. 缺少主谓宾(主句和从句) D. 从句省略: Although SVO, SVO 从句的S省略:条件主从句的主语相同;从句谓语中有be动词,也可以省略Although(he is)fat,he still eats a lot. When(he was)walking back home, he came across a dog. 考点:主语还原后发现意思不和逻辑 E. 倒装句 判断的方法:。。。。 Alongside the trail on which we ride bike every morning runs a line of rugged old oak trees.

2. 平行结构: A.平行配搭:要求绝对的平行 not only...but also...; not...but... (not) so much....as.... neither...nor... either...or... B. 功能相同的成分才可以平行:Doing...and done....,SVO. doing和done都是定语,修饰主语 I believe that....and that....功能相同的从句C. and, but, or平行标志词,前后结构一定相同(OG13-40题) doing and doing; to do and to do; as if...and as if 3 比较结构: A. 比较搭配:the same...as... ;more than...; as...as...;like/unlike/different from B. 比较从句:than; as...as... I am taller than Li Lei (is) I walk as fast as (I did) when I was younger. 主从句句式绝对対称;比较对象对等 be动词可省可不省;倒装;什么相同省略什


一、语法和语义 Grammar and Meaning 1.Grammar: Does the sentence adhere to the rules of Standard Written English? 2.Meaning: Does the sentence clearly indicate the author’s intended meaning? Meaning Errors 1. Choose your words Eg: right: The court declared that Jack must pay full damages Wrong: The court declared that Jack should pay full damages explanation: on the GMAT exam, the word” should” only mean “moral obligation”, something the court cannot impose. 2. Place your words 3.Match your words (主语和谓语在一起要有意义) 4.Avoid Redundancy a. GMAT考试中很常见的一种累赘错误是在一个句子中使用了两个 意思重复的词语。例如:The value of the stock rose by a 10% increase . Right: The value of the stock rose by 10% b. 要注意时间的表达词语。尤其是当一个时间表达未被划线,或 者两个表达相同时间的词语看起来不同


GMAT网络课程语法笔记(11) 1. Temporary-employment agencies benefit not only from the increasing demand for clerical workers but also the higher profits made when highly paid professionals are placed, requests for whom have increased in the recent wave of corporate takeovers. (A) the higher profits made when highly paid professionals are placed, requests for whom (B) the higher profits that are made in the placement of highly paid professionals, requests for whom (C) from the requests for highly paid professionals, who make higher profits for the agencies when placed and whose requests (D) from highly paid professionals, whose placement makes higher profits for the agencies and whose requests (E) from the higher profits made in placing highly paid professionals, requests for whom 2. In December of 1987 an automobile manufacturer pleaded no contest to criminal charges of odometer tampering and agreed to pay more than $16


My Manhattan(5th) Notes ——Daisyotw CH1 SC Basics 1.控制在60s~75s 2.做题步骤:理解原句,垂直阅读选项,split排除错误,放回原文检查 CH2 Grammar&Meaning 一.语法: 主谓一致,平行,代词,修饰语,动词时态、语态和主被动,比较和习语 二.语义: 1.词的选择: (1)注意一词多义 Economic-经济的;economical-节约的;合算的;有效的 Aggravate-加重,恶化;aggravating-令人愤怒的 Known as –被认为是,很著名;known to be-被承认…;known for Loss of –失去;loss in-贬值 Mandate-命令;have a mandate-拥有选举权 Native of- (人)来自;native to –物种起源于 Range of –多种的;ranging-变化 Rate of –速度或频率;rates for –价格… Rise-上升,无方向,单纯上升;raise-(打赌或工资)上涨,有方向 Such as –比如;like-好像(举例只能用such as, 不能用like) Try to do –努力去完成;try doing –尝试去做 Impale-刺穿;impel-逼迫 (2)情态动词(may,will,must,should)不要随意添加或改变 (*should 表“应该”,不表示likelihood;法律法规只能用must不能用should) (3)选项和原文态度一致 2.词的位置:关注重点词(all,only)和句子整体顺序 3.词的搭配:主谓一致,逻辑一致,make sense 三.避免冗余: 1. 在一个句子中,不要用两个意思一样的词 Rise-increase; sum-total; regain-again; enable-be able to; attempt-try; other than-opposite; drop-decrease;


请找出以下题目中的语法错误 1. Poor management, outdated technology, competition from overseas, and steel's replacement to materials like aluminum and fiber-reinforced plastics has all been cited as causes for the declining of the United States steel industry. 2. One noted economist has made a comparison of the Federal Reserve with an automobile as racing through a tunnel, bounce first off one wall, then the other. 3. In the late seventh century, in a dispute about if the Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law, Ali, should carry on to be the fourth caliph, Muhammad's successor, Islam split in two branches, the Sunnis and the Shiites. 4. Because of natural gas are composed most in methane, a simply hydrocarbon, vehicles powered by natural gas emits fewer of certain pollutants than the burning of gasoline or diesel fuel. 5. The brochure notes in the seminar the importance that communication is a two-way process will be emphasized. 6. A grow number of farm families while the first decades of the nineteenth century begin to specialize in the production of grain or cotton and using the cash proceeds from selling its crops for buying necessities. 7. Prompt by new evidences that the health risk posed by radon gas is far serious than was previously thought, property owners are advised by authorities to test all dwellings below the third floor for radon gas and making repairs as need. 8. In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is the car's potential energy, gained through their being lifted by a chain drive through the Earth's gravity to the top of the first drop, have been converted to kinetic energy by the time the ride ends. 请找出以下题目中的语法错误 1. In terms of physics, the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is the car's potential energy, gained through their being lifted by a chain drive through the Earth's gravity to the top of the first drop, have been converted to kinetic energy by the time the ride ends.


二、意思和简洁度 GMAT改错题关键的三个要点,顺序依次为: 1、首先看有无语法错误 2、看意思表达是否准确 3、是否简洁 (一)意思 情态动词 (1)当原句意思上没有问题时,忠实原句,不做任何修改,即使修改过来也成立。(2)当原句意思上有问题的,要替换为相对好点的那个。EG:should 在GMAT中表示“道德上的义务”,而不是“好像”的意思、 2、位置 (1)要关注一些重点词,all, only; (2)关注句子的整体顺序,是否会产生歧义; (3)在英语中,主语一般会放在谓语前面,因此一般不会用倒装结构,除非开头是否定词。定语从句中,一般不用倒装。例如:OG129。 (二)简洁 §简洁是GMAT 最后考到的点,只有在语法和意思都无误的情况,才选择最简洁的;换言之,如果语法无问题,即使很长也会比一个语法有问题,很短的句子好。 §GMA T语法题中,如果一个词可以搞定的意思,不要用一个短语 切忌冗余: EG: OG12 unacompanied是不好的表达,意思不如not accompanied 清晰;另外关于什 么的增长,一般的用法是increase in sth,而不是increased sth 三、主语与谓语 每一个句子都必须有一个主语和谓语(动词),且主语和谓语要一致。 (一)连词开头的句子一定要有主句,否则是错误的。 Eg: Because the dog was never mine. 错误,缺乏一个主句 (二)主语和谓语从逻辑上一定要合理,主语和谓语在单复数上要一致 Eg: The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling. (三)容易引起主语不明显的两个情况 1. 插入语:在主语和谓语之间插入一些说明的成分 2.前置短语:在主语之前放一些修饰成分 Eg: (when the auditors left), the executive( who had been interviewed )was glad. 说明:从句始终只是句子中辅助的成分,类似大形容词,大名词或大副词 (四)and 和表示连接的词 1. and 连接几个不同的名词的时候构成复数结构,谓语动词要用复数 2. 其他连接性的词(along with, in addition to, as well as, together with, including)连接不同的名词,只是起着修饰的作用,不会改变主语的单复数,不影响谓语动词 (五)either or, neither nor 1. 就近原则:离谓语动词近的是单数,谓语动词就用单数;复数就用复数 Eg: Neither the coach nor the players are going to the beach. 2. 若仅仅只有either or neither, 没有or 、nor,则谓语动词一定要用单数 (六)集合性名词:一般被认为是单数名词,通过跟单数谓语

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