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作者:中华医学会神经病学分会神经免疫学组, 中国免疫学会神经免疫分会




英文刊名:Chinese Journal of Neurology



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18.Confavreux C;Vukusic S;Adeleine P Early clinical predictors and progression of irreversible disability in multiple sclerosis:an amnesic process 2003(Pt 4)

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46.International Working Group for Treatment Optimization in MS Treatment optimization in multiple sclerosis:report of an international consensus meeting 2004(1)

引用本文格式:中华医学会神经病学分会神经免疫学组.中国免疫学会神经免疫分会多发性硬化诊断和治疗中国专家共识(2014版) [期刊论文]-中华神经科杂志 2015(5)

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