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1. 1. a big shot = an important person 大腕儿,大亨

2. 2. a breath of fresh air 使人耳目一新的人

3. 3.Achilles’ heel 致命弱点;个性的瑕疵

4. 4.be all ears 洗耳恭听

5. 5.be all eyes 目不转睛

6. 6. a wet blanket 讨人嫌的人

7.7.chip in = contribute money捐献,集资

8.8.sell like hot cakes = sell very well or very quickly 畅销

9.9.get butterflies in one’s stomach = get nervous 紧张不安

10.10.two thumbs up 举双手赞成

11.11.be the apple of one’s eye = be very precious to sb. 非常珍贵

12.12.pull one’s leg = tease someone 开某人玩笑

13.13.break one’s back 辛勤工作

14.14.twenty-four seven = 24 hours a day, 7 days a week = all the time 永远,一直

15.15.go for a song = be sold very cheaply 贱卖

16.16.bucket down = rain very heavily 瓢泼大雨

17.17.backroom boys 幕后英雄

18.18.below the mark = not measure up 不够水平,不合格

19.19.beyond compare 绝佳的,最棒的

20.20.break even 不赔不赚

21.21.by the book照章办事

22.22.cast a cloud over 泼冷水,是蒙上阴影

23.23.castles in the sky / air空中楼阁

24.24.as clear as a bell 非常清楚

25.25.clear the air 消除误会

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0911343897.html,e to terms达成协议

27.27.shed crocodile tears 假装哭泣,假慈悲

28.28.cut corners 走捷径

29.29.do’s and don’t’s行为规范

30.30.face the music 面对现实

31.31.fair and square 正大光明的

32.32.first things first 先说重要的

33.33.forgive and forget 尽释前嫌;握手言和

34.34.get the ball rolling 使蓬勃发展

35.35. a knockout 引人注目

36.36. a man of few words 沉默寡言的人

37.37. a rainy day 不如意的日子

38.38.all thumbs 笨手笨脚的;一窍不通的

39.39.ants in one's pants (skirt) 坐立不安

40.40.as mod as sb. 与某人一样时髦

41.41.at one's finger's tips 了如指掌

42.42.at sixes and sevens 混乱的

43.43.backseat driver 指手划脚的人

44.44.bite one's head off 大发脾气

45.45.black sheep 不孝子女

46.46.blow one's top 怒发冲冠

47.47.break one's neck痛打一顿;拼命做某事

48.48.break the ice打破僵局;打破沉默

49.49.bring down the house掌声雷动

50.50.burn a hole in one's pocket 花钱如流水

51.51.buy your story 相信你的话

52.52.call it a day 今天到此为止

53.53.capital idea 好主意

54.54.cold fish 冷酷无情的人

55.55.dark horse 黑马;冷门

56.56.daylight robbery价钱贵到离谱

57.57.dear Jones letter绝交信

58.58.dirty dog 卑鄙小人

59.59.eat one's words承认错误

60.60.every Tom, Dick and Harry 张三李四

61.61.flat tire没精打采

62.62.from A to Z从头到尾

63.63.go on the horse 快一点吧

64.64.God knows 天晓得

65.65.gone with the wind随风而逝

66.66.good for nothing毫无用处的

67.67.great minds think alike!英雄所见略同。

68.68.happy go lucky 乐天派

69.69.have a big mouth 话多的人

70.70.have it both ways 权衡两方面

71.71.have time off休假

72.72.have words with sb. 口角

73.73.hit of the show 表演中最精彩的一幕

74.74.hit the high spots达到高水准

75.75.hit the sack 睡觉

76.76.hold one's tongue保持沉默

77.77.I.O.U = I owe you 我欠你;借据

78.78.in hot water遇到麻烦

79.79.in the hole遇到经济困难

80.80.in the long run从长远来看;终究

81.81.in the soap 遇到麻烦

82.82.keep one's head镇定

83.83.keep one's shirt on 不动手打架

84.84.keep punching 继续努力

85.85.kick off开始干某事

86.86.kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟

87.87.knock it off 别再讲下去了

88.88.Knock on wood. 说话禁忌;赶紧讨个吉利.

89.89.let the cat out of the bag 泄漏秘密

90.90.let nature take its course 顺其自然

91.91.like a cat on hot bricks热锅上的蚂蚁

92.92.like a turtle on its back 对事情束手无策

93.93.lousy clichés陈词滥调

94.94.make a hit 出风头

95.95.make my mouth water使我垂涎

96.96.master key 万能钥匙;关键

97.97.neck and neck不分上下

98.98.need other's shoulder 希望得到某人的安慰

99.99.no sweat没问题;不用冒汗

100.100.No money, no honey. 没有钱,哪有爱情

101.101.odds and ends 零碎的工作

102.102.off color身体不爽

103.103.on pins and needles 如坐针毡

104.104.once in a blue moon机会难得;绝无仅有

105.105.packed like sardines拥挤得象沙丁鱼罐头一样

106.106.pain in the neck 极讨厌的人或物

107.107.past master技艺精湛的人

108.108.pipe course容易的课程或工作

109.109.plain sailing 一帆风顺;轻而易举之事

110.110.pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步

111.111.pull a long face 拉长脸不悦

112.112.put sb. in the ring和某人赛一场

113.113.rain or shine 不论晴雨

114.114.row in one boat 从事相同事业;相同命运

115.115.royal road 容易取得成功的捷径

116.116.run of the town 轰动一时的人

117.117.salt of the earth / world社会中坚

118.118.second sight超人的预见力

119.119.shoe is on the other foot 今日不同往昔

120.120.side money 外快

121.121.sixth sense 第六感

122.122.slowly but surely 稳扎稳打

123.123.speak the same language志同道合

124.124.spill the beans露马脚

125.125.stand on one's own feet 独立自主

126.126.stay out O.P.B / other people's business不要管别人的闲事127.127.step on one's toes 触怒某人

128.128.sugar report 情书

129.129.Sunday dress 最好的衣服

130.130.take a back seat处于默默无闻的地位

131.131.take French leave不辞而别

132.132.Take it or leave it. 别讨价还价,接不接受随你便

133.133.take one's hat off to 表示尊敬佩服

134.134.take things as they come既来之则安之

135.135.talk big 讲大话

136.136.talk of the town 非常流行的东西

137.137.talk through one's nose骄傲自大

138.138.tall story难以置信的故事

139.139.be the spirit真有道理.

140.140.throw cold water on 泼冷水

141.141.Tom, Dick and Harry一般的人;普通的人

142.142.turn the tables 扭转局势

143.143.under the sun 世界上任何地方

144.144.visit John 上厕所

145.145.walking dictionary知识渊博的人

146.146.welcome to the party 现在你总算懂了!

147.147.What's the catch? 你这是什么意思?

148.148.When in Rome do as the Romans do入乡随俗149.149.white lie 善意的谎言

150.150.with open arms热烈欢迎

151.151.without fail一定


153.153.be all wet 完全错了

154.154.get no say 无权说话

155.155.got me there难住我了

156.156.leave sb. in the cold. 太令某人扫兴

157.157.That’s your story! 那是你编的!

158.158.stick with sb 紧跟着某人

159.159.put oneself together! 加把劲!

160.160.It’s a no-no! 万万不可!

161.161.Suit me fine!太适合我了

162.162.Time will tell! 时间会证明一切!

163.163.same old story 又是那一套

164.164.Boys will be boys! 本性难移!

165.165.Easy come easy go!来的容易去也快!

166.166.be Greek to sb. 某人完全不懂

167.167.small potato小人物

168.168.big potato 大人物

169.169.couch potato 整日呆在沙发上看电视的人170.170.wait on hand and foot招待的无微不至

171.171.waste one’s breath白费唇舌

172.172.watch one’s P’s and Q’s注意小节,有礼貌173.173.weigh one’s words 斟字酌句

174.174.wheels within wheels错综复杂之理由

175.175.win a name 出名

176.176.win / lose by a neck 以微小之差险胜/ 惜败177.177.window dressing 报喜不报忧

178.178.wishful thinking 如意算盘

179.179.worn to a shadow疲惫不堪

180.180.ups and downs有喜有悲

181.181.under one’s breath 轻声细语

182.182.under one’s thumb 在某人支配之下

183.183.turn the clock back 时光倒转

184.184.turn a deaf ear 不加理睬

185.185.tit and tat 以牙还牙

186.186.that’s that 就此而已

187.187.stay the course 坚持到底

188.188.six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两189.189.shoulder to shoulder齐心协力地

190.190.set one’s jaw咬紧牙关;坚持到底

191.191.see the world见过世面;见多识广

192.192.second to none 最佳的

193.193.second thoughts 重新考虑

194.194.safe and sound 安然无恙

195.195.root and branch 完全地;连根拔除

196.196.read between the lines明白其言外之意

197.197.over and down with 到此为止;结束

198.198.follow suit 鹦鹉学舌;学样子

199.199.gain ground有进展

200.200.break a leg大获全胜


以上200个习语无不经过精挑细选而出,均为当今欧美使用频率最高,最贴近TOEFL 听力实际考察内容的结构。希望大家仔细体会,认真背诵,达到烂熟于心的地步。



详解托福听力3大类关键信号词 想要突破托福听力的难点,考生不仅要在平时勤加练习,还需要掌握一些实用的应试技巧,这样才能够更好地完成托福听力考试。下面就和大家分享详解托福听力3大类关键信号词,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 【高分必看】详解托福听力3大类关键信号词 解释说明类信号词 常见的有同义重述和举例。同义重述,常见的信号词有that is, namely, or rather, to be more exact, to put it another way , in other words,by definition等。而在托福听力中,我们经常会听到类似的说法如“this is what we call + 专有名词”,或者“this is +现象”。一般而言,这类专有名词属于某个特定的领域,如医学、心理学,考生相对不太熟悉,因此这些信号词前面或后面的内容能让能够增加考生对整体*的把握和理解。而举例,常见的就是for example, just as, for instance, 通过举一些常见或者比较容易 理解的例子,去解释某样事物或某个现象,使得其更加生动形象,通俗易懂。 逻辑性信号词 如最常见的原因、对比、转折、并列等。

对于原因,考生可以尤为注意because (of),so, the reason, why, since, as, for等类型的词或词组,考生在听到这些信号词的时候一定要注意听后面的解释,通过现象或定义看到问题的本质和根源,这才是考核的关键所在。 对于对比,考生除了注意比较级和最高级之外,还要多注意compare to,different from……,unlike……,(not) as ……as等这些间接表达对比的词或词组,有助于在不同食物中找到相同的联系点或者在相同相似的事物中找到不同点。 对于转折,however, nevertheless, yet, still, though, anyhow, even so, in any case, anyway, after all, in spite of that, by the way等则是考生应该注意的信号词。即作者最终想要强调的点,是考官喜欢出考题的地方。考官总喜欢一开始先出现一长段迷惑性的段落,分散考生的注意力,或者是先陈述一部分事实或者抛出一个问题,然后来一个转折性的连词,提出真正的观点。因此这些转折词前后是考生必须要注意的地方。 对于并列,first, second, third, for a start, for one thing, for another, to begin with, next则是很好的信号词,提示了两句句子之间的平等并列关系。 细节信息类信号词


高云鸿老师:托福听力考试细节题解读 托福听力细节题是托福听力考试的必考题型,也是考生比较难以掌握的一类题型?所谓托福听力细节题,顾名思义也就是考托福听力材料里面的细节内容,例如事实?定义?特征?例子?原因或者结果等? 一般情况下,托福听力细节题会针对对话或者讲座的一些重要细节进行提问?主要的细节通常包括以下一些方面: 托福听力细节题内容1:新术语?概念或者想法的定义 e.g. what are X? what is a speculator? what is a gain medium? 托福听力细节题内容2:具体特征 e.g. what are the two features of X ? What materials are good for building artificial reefs? what characteristics distinguish the Ainu from other Japanese people? 托福听力细节题内容3:具体事件的原因或者结果 e.g. what causes the Coriolis effect? why does the student need a letter of recommendation? why is the student unable to work on Friday? 托福听力细节题内容4:事实或者例子 e.g. which of the following are true about X?

Based on the information in the lecture, indicate whether the statements refer to Rudolph Valentino or Dougl as Fairbanks. 针对托福听力细节题的考试技巧是什么? 在听力材料中,有几大类的信号词要提高警惕? 托福听力细节题信号词1:因果关系词 比如:because, for, the reason is that, therefore, as a result, so, attributed to... 托福听力细节题信号词2:转折关系词 比如:however, but, on the other hand, unfortunately, though, unluckily, while, although... 托福听力细节题信号词3:细节信号词 比如:changes, differences, especially... 托福听力细节题信号词4:总结信号词 比如:in conclusion, to sum up, in a word... 托福听力细节题信号词5:序号信号词 比如: firstly, secondly, in addition, finally, at last... 托福听力细节题信号词6:举例信号词 比如:for example, take X for example, say...


小马备考包—— 之听力真题词汇-人体生理&心理 https://www.doczj.com/doc/0911343897.html,/ 全部来自托福听力真题——————假一罚十!哈哈马骏万岁^-^这是神马老师???恩,这是神马老师。。。。。。。。。。。 基础薄弱者必须掌握!!!!!!!!!!! 背什么词汇最有效??? 你的词汇书列出给你的单词是否都是有用的??? 你每天背单词的时候是否想过这些你玩命背了忘忘了背的词是否真的会在你的阅读或者听力里出现呢??? 快扔掉单词书。。。。背真题词汇吧!!!。。。。。 小马整理来自历年的(1)托福笔试PBT和(2)机考CBT的真题!!!!——这才是你需要的单词。

1.intelligence 智力 2.narrow 狭隘的 3.account for 说明 4.adapt to 使适应 5.ear plug 耳塞 6.corner 角落 7.be aware of 意识到 8.aspect 方面 9.model 模式 10.environment 环境 11.advantage 优势 12.traditional 传统的 13.predict 预测 14.academic success 学术成就 15.reliably 可靠的 16.previous 以前的 17.score 计分 https://www.doczj.com/doc/0911343897.html,plete 完整的 19.diagnose 诊断 20.experiment 实验 21.noise 噪音 22.reduction 削减 23.theoretical 理论的 24.influence 影响 25.performance 进行 26.illustrate 说明 27.improve 改善 28.habit 习惯 29.conduct 进行 30.underline 强调 31.importance 重要性 32.recent 最近的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/0911343897.html,monly 通常 34.recall 回忆起 35.consider 考虑到 36.try to 尝试 37.relationship 关系 38.tend to 倾向于 39.select 选择 40.suppose 假设 41.roommate 室友 42.quiet 安静 43.in order to 为了


新托福强化听力讲义 新托福考试听力部分介绍 1. 新托福和旧托福的对比 考试形式预读题目笔记题型 PBT旧托福Paper Yes No 1/4 choice multiple IBT新托福Internet No Yes New types 2. 题量,时间,分数 文章类型题量题目数时间CONVERSATION 2-3 5 / conversation 2-3 min / conversation LECTURE 4-6 6 / lecture 4-6 min / lecture min TOTAL 6-9(加试)34 60-90 SCALE SCORE: 30 见OG185评分标准 3. 题目的考查形式 考场环境:独立电脑,耳机,铅笔,草稿本 电脑环境:图片,视频,声音,板书 新题型:双选题,重听题,表格配对题 答题时间:总时间限制,每题分配时间不限 答题流程:永不悔改 4. 文章材料的考查形式 文章结构:删除了旧托福的PART A 部分,更加注重于对于能力的考查 文章长度:比旧托福长 文章语速:无所谓快慢,比旧托福更加贴近真实的学习生活 文章类型:对话,独白,讨论 CONVERSATION文章思路 LECTURE文章思路

5. 新托福考试题型概述 IBT listening comprehension Basic comprehension Gist question Detail question Pragmatic understanding Purpose question Attitude question Connecting information Organization question Inference question 题号问题题型1 Why does the student go to see the professor? Gist question 2 According to the professor, what information should the student include in her statement of purpose? Detail Question 3 What does the professor consider unusual about the student’s background? Detail Question 4 Why does the professor tell a story about his friend who went ot medical school? Detail Question 5 What does the professor imply about the people who admit students to graduate school? Inference question 6 What are the students mainly discussing? Gist question 7 Listen again and then answer the question: Why does the woman say this? Purpose question 8 According to the conversation, why are transposes sometimes called “jumping genes”? Detail Question 9 According to the conversation, what are two ways in which bacteria cells get resistance genes? Detail Question 10 What can be inferred about the resistance genes discussed in the conversation? Inference question 11 What is the talk mainly about? Gist question 12 What is the professor’s point of view concerning the method of “safe yield”? Detail Question 13 According to the professor, what are two problems associated with removing wter from an underground system? Detail Question 14 Listen again and then answer the question: Why does the professor say this? Purpose question


托福听力术语解释题要这么解答 虽然托福听力大部分题目难度不高,但也有些题目或者信息点容易遗漏错过,或是在 提问方式上存在一些陷阱误导。下面小编就和大家分享托福听力疑难考点应对思路分析,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福听力疑难考点应对思路分析术语解释题要这么解答 托福听力疑难考点解读:术语解释 术语解释类考点在托福听力的讲座类LECTURE中是较为常见的,因为讲座类内容都 是学术相关的主题。既然我们听到的是学术类的文章,那么必然会讲到文章中的学术 术语。而且很多情况下这个学术术语都会以板书的形式出现在屏幕上,并且停顿1-2 秒钟。即当听到“something is called X”, 或者“we can call it X”的时候,大家要警惕了 这个术语或者概念就非常有考到的可能。 术语解题考点提问方式简介 这种题目的问题形式大多是“what does the professor say about the X”, “what can we imply about X”做错这个题的考生一是忽略了这个考点。另外,更重要的是考生在听 到这个术语出现的时候,只是把术语记了下来,却忽略了后面更重要的解释。 如何在备考中应对术语解释考点题? 在平时的练习中,要解决这个问题,首先一定要对诸如called这样表示定义的词敏感,听到学术词的时候通过简写形式把术语简写下来。听完后面的解释后,重点记下核心 形容词,动词等有明确指向性的词,以及表示否定或转折的重要信息,只要做到了这 几点,术语解释就基本攻克了。 托福听力备考:如何解决听得懂文章但做不对题目 经常会有同学问我:为什么我可以听懂文章但却做不对题目?相信这是许多基础不错却无法得到预期分数的同学都会有的一个疑问。 首先,我们要明确一个概念——什么是听懂。所谓的听懂,对于大多数同学来说就是 具体到文章中的每一句话基本都可以理解。那么能听懂每一句话就意味着你能听懂文 章了么?这里有一个大多数中国英语学习者共有的误区,许多人认为英语学习的最大单位就句子(sentence-level)。我们从小到大学习英语的方法基本上除了单词就是句法。 所以许多同学认为英语学习到位的标志就是可以读懂、听懂甚至写出或者说出所谓的


托福听力必备词组 1,give out——分给人们,分发 -The dormitory laundry service gives out clean sheets each week,doesn’t it? 2,give credibility to——相信 -did you hear about jam(拥挤,堵塞) Jim——你听说有关Jim的事了吗 I wouldn’t give that rumor any credibility 3,give sb a ride——让某人搭车 -Can I give you a ride over there? 4,give up——放弃,投降,屈服 -You are not going to give it up, are you? -I think I am going to give up playing table tennis I lost again today Just because you lost, is there any reason to quit 5,give someone a break——行行好吧,用于口语(与人方便) -Give me a break; I am nervous enough as it is? 行行好吧,我已经够紧张的了 6,go ahead——开始做某事 -Do go ahead before with your dessert? 吃点甜点吧 7,go around——足够分配 -Are there enough assignment sheets to go around? 8,go in for——从事,致力于;参加,追求 -What he wants to do is get someone to go in for him just pass back the mid-term exams 他希望有人可以帮助他通过期中考试 9,go off——开始响起来 -She never wakes up before her alarm goes off 10,go out of one’s way——格外努力,比往常多做 -I was touched that our neighbor brought over a dish when we moved in Yes, Miss Smith really goes out of her way for others 11,go over——仔细检查,仔细考虑,仔细看 -Would you have some time this week to go over these questions with me? How does tomorrow sound——再读一遍,研究 -How about seeing the new movie at the North Park Theater tonight Sounds great,but I got to go over my notes for tomorrow’s mid -term 12,go through the proper channels——通过适当的途径,方式


因果关系: 因为(原因, 源于): due to,as,for, because(of), since, owing to, thanks to, come from, result from, initiate from, derive from, arise from, originate from,in that, on account of,be attributed to 所以(结果,导致):therefore, thereby, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, so, so that, as a result(of), result in, bring about, accordingly, account for, give rise to, contribute to, lead to, spark, prompt, be responsible to, stimulate, cause, make, render, spur, push, motivate 对比转折关系: in contrast to, while, whereas, nevertheless, instead of, but,yet, conversely, alternatively, on the contrary, contrary to, in contrast, different from, differ from, however, rather than, unlike, in fact, while, meanwhile 并列比较关系:or, vice versa, also, as well as, both and, either or, neither nor, in the same way, equally, similarly, similar to, like, just like, unlike,likewise, not onlybut also, more than.


托福听力必备文学类词汇 托福听力是托福考试中比较有难度的一个项目,考生想要考好这个项目需要在平时做好积累和练习。下面为大家带来托福听力必备文学类词汇一文,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。 literary studies 文学研究 literary criticism 文学评论 narrative 叙述 narrator 叙述者,人称 school of literature 文学派别 Realism 现实主义 Romanticism 浪漫主义 surrealism 超现实主义 stream of consciousness 意识流 William Shakespeare 威廉. 莎士比亚 莎翁四大悲剧:Hamlet 汉姆雷/Macbeth 麦克白/King Lear 李尔王/Othello 奥赛罗 Mid-summer Night Dream 仲夏夜之梦 O'henry 欧亨利 Mark Twin 马克吐温 Tolstoy 托尔斯泰 content 目录 summary 总结 annotation 注释 reference 参考文献 authorship 著作权 copyright 版权 fairy tale 童话故事 folk tale 民间故事 legend 传说 literature 文学 poetry 诗歌 poem 诗 poet 诗人 heroic poem 英雄主义诗歌 sonnet 十四行诗 biography传记 autobiography 自传 drama 戏剧 prose 散文 novel 小说 novelist 小说家 allegory 寓言 comparative literature 比较文学 editorial 社论


小马备考包—— 之听力真题词汇-生物https://www.doczj.com/doc/0911343897.html,/ 全部来自托福听力真题——————假一罚十!哈哈马骏万岁^-^这是神马老师???恩,这是神马老师。。。。。。。。。。。 基础薄弱者必须掌握!!!!!!!!!!! 背什么词汇最有效??? 你的词汇书列出给你的单词是否都是有用的??? 你每天背单词的时候是否想过这些你玩命背了忘忘了背的词是否真的会在你的阅读或者听力里出现呢??? 快扔掉单词书。。。。背真题词汇吧!!!。。。。。 小马整理来自历年的(1)托福笔试PBT和(2)机考CBT的真题!!!!——这才是你需要的单词。

1.describe 描述 2.notes 笔记 3.diagram 图表 4.increases 增加 5.briefly 简洁清晰 6.move 移动 7.muscle 肌肉 8.develop 发育 9.mammal 哺乳动物 10.pattern 模式 11.lizard 蜥蜴 12.feet 脚 13.relative 相关的 14.size 大小 15.different 不同的 16.kind 种类 17.function 功能 18.tail 尾巴 19.climb 爬 20.special 特别的 21.temperature 温度 https://www.doczj.com/doc/0911343897.html,pletely 完全地 23.straight 直的 24.speed 速度 25.determine 决定 26.length 长度 27.step 步 28.climate 气候 29.bend 弯曲 30.breath 呼吸 31.disadvantage 缺点 32.animal 动物 33.extend 延长 34.gather 搜集 35.enough 足够的 36.swim 游泳 37.zoology 动物学 38.camel 骆驼 least 至少 39.at 40.board 黑板 41.fore foot 前腿 foot 后腿 42.hind 43.major 主要的


新托福听力场景-地球环境学科解题技巧详解 在之前的文章中,有为考生们讲解过地理地质学的内容,在本篇,我们进一步来研究一下地球环境学科。前者往往和化学以及考古学有所交叉,后者的内容更接近我们的实际生活或认知,比如环境变化。当然也会涉及到许多场景词汇,广大考生在备考过程中还是要认真复习备考。下面将带领大家具体看一下地球环境学类的听力段子应该如何应对。 一、概述 这一学科要求考生们要关注一些时事,并且扩大自己知识面,开拓视野,可以和地理地质学科一起关注。 ☆大气环境,例如赤道无风带,大气环流,全球气候变化。 ☆地面环境,例如风能,地下水的研究与保护。 ☆海洋环境,例如海底热液,潮汐能。 ☆其他话题,可能和天文学,生物学,地理地质学等产生交叉。 在此,考生最好能积累背景知识,多浏览一些原汁原味的报刊杂志,比如Scientific Americans、National Geographical等等,多积累相关词汇,熟悉发音。当然,刚才也提到了,新托福听力段子所涉及的话题往往千变万化且有所交叉,考生在熟悉背景知识的同时也要打牢基础,培养快速辨音能力和短时记忆能力,才能以不变应万变。 二、案例分析 请看一个地球环境学的经典案例: E.G.TPO17 Milankovitch Hypothesis 听力原文: 1) Ok, so we have been talking about theories that deal with the effects of human activity on the climate. But today I’d like to talka little bit about other theories that canexplain variations in climate. And one of the best-known is called the Milankovitch Hypothesis Q:What is the lecture mainly about?


托福听力笔记技巧+常用符号 托福听力讲座部分内容很多,学生往往很难把握这部分听力内容,托福听力笔记就显得很重要,那让我们一起来看看做托福听力笔记有哪些技巧吧! 托福听力笔记技巧一:确定记录内核心话题 托福听力正式开始之前会有一个简短介绍,之后屏幕上会出现一些和托福听力内容相关的,可以帮助我们确定托福听力核心话题的提示,例如,listen to a conversation between a professor and student in a professor and student. 从中可以知道下面对话内容的场景:biology class,然后会出现一个图片,里面文字为:Friends of the Earth, Biology class。后面还会有一个对话内容的图片。通过这些文字和图片,我们可以推断这个对话的主题为与人类地球有关的一个结构,这样机构主要会负责环保事宜。确定主题可以让考生悬着的心落地。 确定托福听力核心话题后,就是记录与其相关的细节,主要的细节为what , when, where , who , why和how等。注意记录对话和演讲中信息引导词和信息引导句后面的信息,例如,First ……, let's look at the ……, Now, Let's move on to ……, in the nest part of lecture ,I 'd like to talk about …… 托福听力笔记技巧二:记清开头 托福听力的开头部分一般是出主旨题的考点,所以我们需要特别注意听力材料开头部分关键词之后的内容,也就是我们需要找到的主旨。 我们需要记录的是“let’s talk about…/Today I wanna talk about…/ let’s continue our discussion about…”等之后的名词性短语,也就是文章的主旨。比如:Today we are going to talk about a film-maker who began making very unique films in the late 1920s。关键词“we are going to talk about”之后的名词性短语就是我们需要文章的主旨——一个风格独特的早期电影人。 托福听力笔记技巧三:记录主要分支、分论点 分支和分论点一般在总分结构的文章,以及一些描述事情发展的条件或者过程中都会涉及。我们需要特别注意教授提到的明确或隐含的分支分类,以及过程类的关键词。要对分类,过程,对比的具体内容敏感,并且进行简要的记录。 比如关于章鱼的讲座中,教授就明确地提到了其保护自己的三种方式:by changing color, by changing its texture, and by changing its size and shape,之后的讲座中就分别详细的介绍了


托福听力态度题直接间接态度提示 信号词整理解析 托福听力中态度题是高频常考题型,这种题型的特点在于答案不会直接给出,需要考生自己根据听力中的各种提示来进行判断。下面就给大家带来托福听力态度题直接间接态度提示信号词整理解析,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福听力态度题直接间接态度提示信号词整理解析 托福听力态度题信号词整理解读:直接态度 ①说话人的语气语调听力中,最为直接的跟说话人态度相关的提示就是说话人的语气。常见的语气如:疑问,惊讶(Really? /I couldn’t believe…/JesusChrist!/Wow!/Oh, my God! /Gosh!/ What!),重读,放慢语速,停顿,怀疑,犹豫(Um...),可惜(what a shame/ that’s too bad./ I’m sorry to hear that)等等。 ②形容词等评价性内容在听力中,不是所有的形容词都要记下来。考生们需要记录的是有感情色彩的形容词。常见的形容词如下: 积极正面:

favorable,approval,interesting,enthusiastic,supportive,great,magnif icent,glamorous,excellent,fantastic,outstanding,terrific,awesome,a mazing,charming... 消极负面: disapproval,dissatisfied,boring,suspicious,critical,bad,skeptical,ques tionable... 中立客观: neutral,unprejudiced,impartial,unbiased... 托福听力态度题信号词整理解读:间接态度 ①一语双关在托福听力中,说话人有些话没有直接表达出实际意思,需要考生结合上下文语境去理解。 ②委婉表达有的时候,说话人会通过委婉表达的方式阐明自己的意见,比如教授提问学生时,学生的回答并不完全正确,此时教授就会通过引导的方式,委婉的表达学生回答错误这个信息。常见信号词:Sounds great...but/ Soundslike fun...but/I’d liketo...but/ I should have, but.../ I wish I could... b ut/ I’d love to...but...


十大托福听力必备材料之音乐 艺术类音乐It may seem strange that we're discussing music from a Broadway production inthis class, "The Lion King" especially, since it's based on a popularHollywood movie. I mean music preformed for Broadway theater in the heart ofNew York city surely would seem to be in the western tradition of popular musicand not have much in common with the music we have been studying in thiscourse, such as gamelan music of Indonesia, or Zulu chants of South Africa,music that developed outside the western tradition of Europe and America. Butin fact, musicians have a long-standing tradition of borrowing front oneanother's cultures. And this production's director intentionally included bothwestern and non-western music. That way, some of the rhythms,instrument, andharmonies typical of non-western music contrast with and complement popularmusic more familiar to audiences in North America and Europe,music like rock, jazz or Broadway style show tunes. So I want to spend the restof this class and most of the next one on the music from the show "TheLion King" as a way of summarizing some of the technical distinctionsbetween typical western music and the non-western music that we've beenstudying. Now the African influence on the music is clear. The story takesplace in Africa. So the director got a SouthAfrican composer to write songs with a distinctly African sound. And the songseven include words from African languages. But we'll get back to the Africaninfluence later. First let's turn to the music that was written for the shadowpuppet scenes in "The Lion


托福听力考试十大必背范文 托福听力的题材有一定的重复性,只要掌握好一篇典型的,就可以以此类推听好一大类题材。本文从文科、理科、生活三个方面分类,整理收集了经典的听力题材。考生可以反复阅读背诵,对口语考试亦有帮助。 1. 文科段子:艺术类音乐 It may seem strange that we're discussing music from a Broadway production in this class, "The Lion King" especially, since it's based on a popular Hollywood movie. I mean music preformed for Broadway theater in the heart of New York city surely would seem to be in the western tradition of popular music and not have much in common with the music we have been studying in this course, s uch as gamelan music of Indonesia, or Zulu chants of South Africa, music that developed outside the western tradition of Europe and America. But in fact, m usicians have a long-standing tradition of borrowing front one another's cultures. And this production's director intentionally included both western and non-west ern music. That way, some of the rhythms, instrument, and harmonies typical o f non-western music contrast with and complement popular music more familiar to audiences in North America and Europe, music like rock, jazz or Broadway style show tunes. So I want to spend the rest of this class and most of the nex t one on the music from the show "The Lion King" as a way of summarizing so me of the technical distinctions between typical western music and the non-west ern music that we've been studying. Now the African influence on the music is clear. The story takes place in Africa. So the director got a South African compo


托福听力考试中关于笔记的常见问题: 来源:2011-03-09 18:36 1. 要不要记? 要记,防止走神,预测出题点。但是不能盲目记,或者因为记笔记而干扰听。要尽量少写。 2. 怎么记? 按结构听力法记,要发明自己的缩写,自己的符号。 3. 记完有时间看吗? 记的过程是加深印象,只有极少数的细节需要大家回去找笔记。另外也提醒大家要多用标记,例如表示原因就写R,这样回去找笔记的时候才容易找到要点。 4. 要用缩写吗? 要,但是要自己能看懂。平时听写的时候就习惯一些词缩写,例如government—gov, history—hist, culture-cult,等等,平时多总结。否则临时写出来的缩写,回去可能会看不懂。另外,不会的,听不懂的单词,要把发音记下来。如果出题,选项里会有这个单词。不出题,那就更不用担心了。 5. 用中文还是英文? 中英文哪个快用哪个记,画画也可以,多用符号。要保证自己回头再看的时候能看懂。 用结构听力法记笔记 听任何一篇文章的时候,我们要注意如下的10点主要结构,每个结构都对应上述的考察点:1主题2定义3因果4过程5例子6转折7强调8列举9比较10总结 因此我们要根据这10点去记笔记,具体怎么记呢?下面我们按讲座和对话分别讲解。 4.2 讲座的结构 1.主题: 什么是主题?主题要记下来吗?怎样记主题? 首先,老师在讲座开头可能会这样直接告诉你,“今天我要讲。。。Today, I will be talking about…”这样的开头是友好的,你很容易就找到主题。但是有些教授就会东扯西扯的。例如: 上次我们讲了。。。今天我们讲。。。; Last time, we talked about…, today, we will be discussing… 我们一直在讲。。。今天我们来讲。。。 We’ve been talking about…Today, let’s discuss… 接着上次的。。。今天我们讲。。。 Continuing…Today, we will… 大家千万不要记他上次说的,要记后面的,后面的才是主题。 或者听完全文,感受一下,他说的最多的是什么,这才是主题。只在开头,中间,或者只在结尾讲一次的,都不是主题,切记! 笔记可以不写,注意听! 2.定义: 下定义的时候,有时候老师会有提示,例如:what I mean by…is….我说。。。的意思是。。。或者自己问问题:what is…? 或者电脑屏幕上出现生词,肯定会有解释,也肯定会考。一定要注意听。把要解释的名词写下来,解释的意思听懂即可,不用写。 常见信号词: “What I mean is…”、 “All that means is…” “…, which is / that is…(那就是说……)” “…is…In other words…” “…is referred to as…” “…is named/known/called…”


托福听力必备信号词 在托福听力备考中,对于信号词这一部分是不能忽视的,所以同学们在准备托福听力考试的时候也要总结一些托福听力词汇,今天文都国际教育小编就给大家介绍下托福听力必备信号词。 托福听力必备信号词:表示因果关系 as a result 、therefore 、since、for 、for this reason 、so、because 、consequently 、as、thus 托福听力必备信号词:表示序列关系 first 、before 、first of all、on the right/left、next、to begin with、turn right/left 、afterward、meanwhile、second、last but not least 、for a start、third 、finally、until、between 、firstly 、subsequently、then 、secondly 、previously、in the middle 、for one thing、for another、after 、in the first place 托福听力必备信号词:表示结论 as a result、altogether 、finally、in short、therefore 、overall、in sum 、thus、on the whole、in brief 、accordingly、to conclude、in a word 、consequently、to sum up、in conclusion、so 、to summarize 托福听力必备信号词:表示列举 and、in addition to that、one more thing 、what’s more 、besides 、too、as well as、for instance 、both and 、together、for example 、further more 、such as、in addition 、likewise、like、similarly、moreover 托福听力必备信号词:表示转折关系 although 、by contract 、as a matter of fact、nevertheless 、in contrast 、instead、however 、while 、otherwise、though、but 、despite、on the contrary 、on the other hand 、in the same way、in spite of 、yet 、whereas 托福听力必备信号词:表示强调 that is 、in particular、I mean、namely、especially、actually、in other words 、that is to say 、specially、another way of saying、equally 托福听力必备信号词:表示定义 define, is defined as, known as, that is, the term means, we mean, we can state

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