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100测评网小学英语-Part I. Listening 听力部分

100测评网小学英语-Part I. Listening 听力部分
100测评网小学英语-Part I. Listening 听力部分

Part I. Listening听力部分(30分)

Ⅰ. Listen and choose. 听辨单词,将听到的单词的字母编号圈出来里。( 10 分)

1. A. shirt B. skirt

2. A. jeans B. dress

3. A. socks B. shorts

4. A. pair B. hair

5. A. sheep B. cheap

6. A. now B. new

7. A. slippers B. sneakers 8.A. plate B. plane

9. A. red B. bed 10. A. your B. you


( )1. A. address B. window C. table D. street

( )2. A. old B. tall C. far D. near

( )3. A. house B. avenue C. road D. street

( )4. A. bus B. cab C. truck D. bike

( )5. A. go B. taller C. live D. school

Ⅲ. Listen and number.把你听到的图片的数字编号写在括号里。(5分)

()()()()()Ⅳ. Listen and choose. 听音,选择正确答案。(10分)

1. A. It’s sunny. B. It’s the sun.

2. A. It’s fifth . B. It’s Friday.

3. A. I like red . B. My favourite colour is pink

4. A. I’m in a library. B. I live in a house.

5. A. May first. B、October first.

Part II. Writing笔试部分(70分)

Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks. 补全单词(10分)

c _ _ b_cy_le sc ss rs sw_ _ter c_ l_ur Ⅱ. Rea

d and fill in th

e blanks. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。(10分)

1、My father is ________( 较高的)than my mother .

2、What is your ________ (地址)?

3、This is ____________________ (一双鞋).

4、I am __________(穿着) a sweater .

5、I live __________(离……远)school.

Ⅲ. Choose. 选择正确答案,并将对应的序号填入括号中。(10分)

()1、is June first .

A、Children’s Day

B、National Day

C、Women’s Da y

()2、The school is my house .




()3、Is this a car ________ a cab ?




()4、---What’s your ?

----__ It’s 858 Ninth Avenue .




()5、I like to play my doll and my skipping rope .




()6、This is a pair of ________ .

A 、pant

B 、pants

C 、a pant

Xkb 1.co m

Ⅳ. Choose. 根据答句找相应的问句,并把序号填在括号里。(5分)

Ⅴ. Read and number. 对话排序。(5分) ( ) I live in an apartment. ( ) Is it near school? ( ) Let’s go to your house. ( ) Where do you live? ( ) No, it’s far from school. ( ) It’s near the park.

Ⅵ. Choose. 选择正确答案。(10分) 1、当你想知道对方生日时,你问:( ) A 、 What’s the date ? B 、 When is your birthday ?

2、“我穿着衬衫。”翻译成: ( ) A 、I am wearing a shirt . B 、I am wearing a skirt .

3、It’s far from my school .画线部分的反义词是: ( ) A 、near B 、behind

( )By car . ( )I like pink.

( )It’s twelve o’clock . ( )It’s Saturday . ( )I’m wearing shorts .

1、What’s your favourite colour ?

2、When is lunch ?

3、How do you go to school ?

4、What are you wearing ?

5、What day is it ?

4、I like your new pants . 否定形式是()

A、I like not your new pants .

B、I don’t like your new pants .


A、My birthday is November eighth .

B、My birthday is December thirty-second .

VII. Write the sentences in correct order. 连词成句。(10分)

1、what to like do you do ?

2、you are old how ?

3、you do live where ?

4、How, go, to, school, you, do ?

5、school hard work at I

VIII. 读表写话(10分)

仿照例子写一段描述Ling Ming 的话。注意He, she, her, his的正确使用。

Name age tall


school work favourite




Jenny 10 1.3 read books blue skirts

Li Ming 10 1.4 sing songs red shorts

Jenny is my friend. She is 10 years old. She is 1.3 metres tall. Her favourite school work is to read books. Her favourite colour is red. Her favourite clothes are skirts.

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


Ⅰ. Listen and choose. 听辨单词,将听到的单词的字母编号圈出来里。( 10 分)









9、bed 10、your


1、What’s your address ?

2、How tall is your father ?

3、Do you live in a house ?

4、Danny goes to school by bike .

5、Mr. Wood is taller than Jenny .

Ⅲ. Listen and number.把你听到的图片的数字编号写在括号里。(5分)

1、I go to school by bus.

2、He lives in an apartment .

3、I live in a house .

4、Jenny likes to wear jeans .

5、The road is long .

Ⅳ. Listen and choose. 听音,选择正确答案。(10分)

1、How is the weather today?

2、What day is today ?

3、What’s your favourite colour ?

4、Where do you live ?

5、When is National Day ?



小学六年级英语毕业试卷及答案听力部分(共30分) ( )1. A.wash B.washed C.washing D.washed ( )2. A. happy B.excited C. tired D.angry ( )3. A.tall B.taller C.short D.shorter ( )4. A.go B.went C.want D.goes ( )5. A.big B.biger C.bigger D.strong 二、听问句选答语:5分 ( ) 1. A.I’m fine. B.I’m nine. C.I’m 50kg. ( ) 2. A.The elephant. B. The cat. ( ) 3. A.I’m angry B.I have a headache. C. I feel sick. ( ) 4. A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, I did. C.No,I did. ( ) 5. A.It’s black. B.It’s a clock. C.It’s four o’clock. 三、听短文判断正误:10分 ( ) 1. Jenny’s family was very busy last weekend. ( ) 2. Jenny cleaned the floor yesterday. ( ) 3. Bob washed his clothes. ( ) 4. Father cooked supper. ( ) 5. Mother read a newspaper. 四.听短文补全对话:10分 Today was a fun day. I______my_________, then I _____to Amy’s home in the morning. we ______a story book, then we ______to a park by______. We __________some elephants and _______a_______, we took some________. We were__________. 笔试部分 一、按要求写词语:10分 one (序数词) longer (反义词) thin (比较级)


PEP小学英语四年级第一单元测试卷 班级:_______姓名:_______学号:_______得分:_______ 听力部分 一.圈出你所听到的字母。(10分) 1. A H 2. b d 3. c e 4. G B 5. F I 6. g a 7. i f 8. D B 9. h f 10. E C 二.选择你所听到的单词。(10分) ()1.(A)duck (B) ball (C) cat (D) h and ()2. (A)apple (B)desk (C)bed (D)ca ke ()3.(A)door (B)teacher’s desk (C) window (D) li ght ()4. (A)classroom (B)computer (C). boy (D)gi rl ()5. (A)wall (B)fan (C)floor (D) b oard ()6.( A)picture (B)red (C)elephant (D)ca r ()7. (A)black (B)white (C) yellow (D) p urple ()8.( A)egg (B)green (C)brown (D)bl ue ()9. (A)fish (B)hot dog (C) ice-cream (D) hamburger ()10.( A) French fries (B)face (C)beef (D) banana 三.听录音圈出你所听到的图片. (10分) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 笔试部分 一.单项选择。(20分) ()1. Mike : Nice to meet you . John: _____________________. (A) Nice to meet you . (B) Good morning . ()2.Sarah: What’s your name ? Wu Yifan:______________. (A) I’m Wu Yifan . (B) I’m OK .. ()3.Chen Jie :Let me clean the board . Amy: _____________________. (A)OK. (B) Hello. ()4.教室里面有什么? (A) What’s in the classroom ? (B) What’s on the board ?()5.我们有一间新教室。 (A) I have a pen . (B) We have a new classroom . ()6.A: Where’s my se at ? B:________________.(在门旁边)


江苏宝应县曹甸高级中学08—09学年高二上期末总复习数学测试 试题二 制卷人 李兆江 一、填空题: 1.已知命题p:01x x ,R x 2≥+-∈?,则?p 是___ ___. 2.从观测所得的到数据中取出m 个a ,n 个b ,p 个c 组成一个样本,那么这个样本的平均数是 . 3.用反证法证明命题:“N b a ∈,,如果a b ?可被5整除,那么,a b 中至少有一个能被5整除”时,假设的内容应为 . 4.椭圆2255x ky +=的一个焦点是(0,2),那么实数k 的值为 . 5.若z C ∈,且221z i +-=,则22z i --的最小值是 . 6.计算机执行如图所示程序后,输出的结果 是 . 7.将下列三段论形式的演绎推理补充完整: _____________________, 0.3 3 是无限循环小数, 所以0.3 3 是有理数. 8.一个社会调查机构就某地居民的月收入调查了10000人,并根 据所得数据画了样本频率分布直方图(如右图所示).为了分析居民的收入与年龄、学历、职业等方面的关系,要从这10000人中再用分层抽样方法抽出100人进一步调查,则在[2500,3500)(元/月)收入段应抽出 人. 9.若R ∈k ,试写出方程 13 322 =+--k y k x 表示双曲线的一个充分不必要条件为 . 10.以(1,1)-为中点的抛物线2 8y x =的弦所在直线方程为 . 0.0005300035000.00030.0004 200015000.00020.0001 4000 25001000月收入(元) 频率/组距 第8题

11.过点(12,1)且与函数y=1 x 图象相切的直线方程是 . 12.某小卖部为了了解热茶销量y (杯)与气温C x 0之间的关系,随机统计了某4天卖出的热茶杯数与当天气温,并制作了对照表: 由表中数据得线性回归方程a bx y ?+=中2b -=,预测当气温为C 50-时,热茶销量约为___ _ _杯 13.设椭圆C 1的离心率为 13 5 ,焦点在x 轴上且长轴长为26.若曲线C 2上的点到椭圆C 1 的两个焦点的距离差的绝对值等于8,则曲线C 2的标准方程为 . 14.下面是按照一定规律画出的一列“树型”图: 设第n 个图有n a 个树枝,则1+n a 与(2)n a n ≥之间的关系是 . 二、解答题: 15.已知复数z=i )3m (2 )i 1(m 2 -+++. (I)若R m ∈且R z ∈,求实数m 的值; (II )若R m ∈,复数 z 所对应的点位于第一象限,求实数m 的范围; (III )若m 是复数,且z=0, 求复数m . 16.先后2次抛掷一枚骰子,将得到的点数分别记为b a ,. (I )求直线05=++by ax 与圆12 2 =+y x 相切的概率; (II )将5,,b a 的值分别作为三条线段的长,求这三条线段能围成等腰三角形的概率.


小学英语毕业试题及答案 时间50分钟满分100分 一、根据读音规则,判断下列各组单词中,哪一个单词划线部分的读音与其它三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出。(共10分,每小题2分) ()1. A. hand B. gave C. map D. plan ()2. A. went B. bed C. me D. get ()3. A. heavy B. sleep C. weekend D. meet ()4. A. car B. father C. warm D. hard ()5. A. start B. car C. father D. swam 二、翻译下列短语:(每空1分,共10分) 1.全世界_________ _________ the world 2.制定计划__________ a ___________ 3.去游泳_________ ___________ 4.长城the __________ _________ 5.起床_________ _________ 三、单项选择:(每小题2分,共20分) ( ) 1. Your pen is newer than _____________. A. mine B. me C. her ( ) 2. Zhuhai is ________ than Guangzhou, I think. A. most beautiful B. beautiful C. more beautiful ( ) 3. I learned __________ pictures on the computer. A. to draw B. draw C. drew ( ) 4.How _______ she go to school in the morning ? A. is B. does C. do ( ) 5.That is _______ American national flag. There ______ fifty stars on it.


测试题-ch1 一:虾米宝典之be动词用法填空 我用____,你用_______, ______用于她他它, 单数名词用_______, 复数名词全用______。 二:在下面的题目中填上恰当的be动词。 1. I ________from Australia. 2. She _______ a student. 3. Jane and Tom _________my friends. 4. My parents _______very busy every day. 5. I _______ at school. 6. He ________ at school. 7. We ________ students. 8. They ________ from China. 9. Yang Ling ________ eleven years old. 10. Where ________ your friends? 11. How old __________ you last year? 12. Which dog ________ yours? 13. Ten and two ________ twelve. 三:填出主格和宾格 四:填空第一组 1、 is a teacher. (她) 2、 is a good boy. (他) 3、 is in the classroom (它) 4、 are very smart today. (你) 5、 (你们) are students. 6. Jim is English. ________ (I) like playing with _______(he). 7.I love ________(they)very much. 8.Miss Li often looks after________(she). 9.They are waiting for__________(they). 10.Do you like Li Ming? No, ______(I) don’t like _____(he). 五.填空第二组 1. _________ don’t know her name. Would you please tell _________. ( we ) 2. So many dogs. Let’s count _________. ( they ) 3. I have a lovely brother. _________ is only 3.


高一上学期期终考试试题 命题人:仙村中学 徐甜 一、选择题:(每小题5分,共50分. 每小题所给的四个选择支中只有一个是正确的,请将正确答案的代号填在题后的括号内.) 1.设集合{|24}A x x =≤<,{|3}B x x =≥,那么B A 等于( ) (A ){|2}x x ≥ (B ){|3}x x ≥ (C ){|34}x x ≤< (D ){|34}x x << 2.已知函数(3)(0)()(3)(0)x x x f x x x x +≥?=?-???? (D )2|3x x ??>??? ? 6. 函数()34x f x =-的零点所在区间为( ). (A ) (-1,0) (B ) (0,1) (C ) (1,2) D. (2,3) 7.已知直线a 、b 和平面β,有以下四个命题:①若a ∥β,a ∥b ,则b ∥β;②若β?a ,β b =B ,则a 与b 异面;③若b a ⊥,β⊥a ,则b ∥β;④若a ∥b ,β⊥b ,则β⊥a ,其中正确命题的个数是( ) (A )0 (B )1 (C )2 (D )3 8.直线0632=--y x 在x 轴上的截距为a ,在y 轴上的截距为b ,则( )


课程标准实验教材四年级上册数学园地 二角的度量 班级姓名 一、想一想,填一填。 1、从一点出发可以画()条射线。 2、从一点引出两条( )组成的图形叫做角,这个点叫做角的( )。 3、 ①②③④ ⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨ ()是直线()是射线()是线段()是直角()是锐角()是平角()是周角()是钝角4、先写出每个钟面上的时间, 再量一量钟面上的分针和时针所组成的角的度数。 时间( ∶) ( ∶) ( ∶) ( ∶) 角度( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5、1周角=()平角1平角=()直角 二、请你来当小裁判。

1、右图中有2个角。() 2、钝角一定比直角大。() 3、小军画了一条4厘米长的直线。() 4、钟面上是6时整时,时针和分针所夹的角是180°。() 5、∠1=45°() 6、过两点只可以画一条直线。() 7、角的大小与边的长短没有关系。() 三、用心选一选。(把正确答案的序号填在括号内) 1、线段有()个端点。 A、1 B、2 C、无数 2、通过一点,可以画()条直线。 A、1 B、2 C、无数 3、平角的两条边()。 A、在一条直线上 B、在两条直线上 C、无法确定 4、用一副三角板可以画出的角是()。 A、160° B、40° C、120° 四、按要求做一做。 1、用量角器画角。 65°120°40°

2、数一数下图中各有几个角。 ()个()个()个 五、求下面图中指定角的度数。 1、已知∠1=35° ∠2= 2、已知∠1=90° ∠2=45° ∠3= 3、已知∠1=130° ∠2= ∠3= ∠4=

※六、数一数。 ()角()条线段 ********************* * 自我评价* ********************* 你对自己的表现: 非常满意 满意 继续努力 本卷由《100测评网》整理上传,专注于中小学生学业检测、练习与提升.


小学英语毕业试卷(一) 姓名班级分数 一、指出每组单词中与其他三个不同一类的单词,并把它的编号写在相应的括号内:(5分) ( ) 1.A. river B. eat C. worry D. stay ( ) 2.A. pear B. apple C. flower D. banana ( ) 3.A. bread B. milk C. table D. egg ( ) 4.A. one B. two C. first D. four ( ) 5.A. tell B. say C. cook D. father 二、英汉互译:(10分) 1.cold and snowy___________ 2. ride a bicycle ____________ 3.Nice to meet you.____________ 4. Spring Festival__________________ 5. What’s wrong with you, Danny? ____________ 6.圣诞树________________ 7.步行去上学_____________ 8.吃晚饭________________ 9.现在几点了? ____________________ 10. 明天见!____________________ 三、词形转换。(10分) 1.is(同义词)_________ https://www.doczj.com/doc/069228926.html,e(反义词)___________ 3. yes(反义词)___________ 4.it(复数) __________ 5.two(同音词)___________ 6. books(单数)___________ 7.think(过去式) _________8. foot(复数)________ 9. sister(对应词)___________ 10. September (缩写)____________ 四、开心做选择,快乐你我他:(20分) 1.It is a surprise _____ Li Ming.


一、把下面字母用手写体按英语字母顺序写在四线格上。(10分) HhBbKkAa MmPpIi QqTtGg 二、选出与下列词语相应的单词(10分) ()1.小的 A 、monkey B、 small C、panda ()2.足球 A 、foot B、 football C、ball ()3.牛奶 A、rice B、noodles C、milk ()4.老虎 A、lion B、tiger C、elephant ()5.自行车 A、bike B、door C、doll 三、单项选择题。(共 20 分) ( )1.———— -----Thank you! A.How are you . B. Here you are. C.Go. ( ) 2.__________ —It’s the ABC song. A. What’s your favouriteletter ? B. What’s yourfavourite song? C. Hi , the ABC song! ( ) 3. I _____ like football . A. not B. don’t C. doesn’t ( ) 4. _______ your dad like milk? A. Do B. Does C.What ( ) 5.It is _____ elephant . A. a B. an C. \ ( ) 6. What are they ? They____ monkeys. A.am B. is C. Are ( ) 7. _______ Li lei play table tennis ? Yes ,he does. A. Do B. Does C. does ( ) 8. Does he ______ to school on Mondays? ——Yes , he does. A. go B. goes C. going ( ) 9.The cat _____ fish . A. likes B. like C. is ( ) 10.What ______ they? They____ pandas. A. is is B .are are C. is are 四、连线。(共 10 分) 1.Does Amy play football? A. Yes, she is. 2.Do you like skipping ? B. Here you are. 3.What are they ? C. Yes, she does. 4.Pass me the rice, please ?. D. No. I don’t. 5.IsLingling at home? E. They are lions. 五、火眼金睛。找出每组单词中不同类的一个。将其序号填在提前括号中。(共10 分) ( ) 1. A. rice B. bike C. fish ( ) 2. A. tiger B. monkey C. blue ( ) 3. A. orange B. football C.table tennis ( ) 4. A. tall B. lion C. thin ( ) 5. A. meat B.noodles C. basketball 六、选词填空。(共 10 分) A: goes B: like C: swimming D: is E: are 1.This girl____ thin. 2.Does the cat_____ meat? 3.I like______. 4.How ___ you? 5.My mum ______ shopping on Saturday.


BOOK 1 期末试题 一、听音,选出与你所听到的单词相符的图片。 ()1、A B C ()2、A B C ()3、A B C ()4、A B C ()5、A B C 二、听一听,标序号。 )) ()()

()() ()() ()() 三、听音涂色。 1、23、 4、5、 二、看一看,连一连。 1、teacher

2、desk 3、dog 4、cat 5、seat 三、单词连连看。 six five seven nine eight 四、听音圈词。 1、This is my . (desk seat ) 2、That is a . (dog cat) 3、This is our . ( classroom book ) 4、This is a . (dog cat ) 5、That is our . ( teacher seat )

6、Pen pencil.(and、or) 7、It’s pen.(an、a) 8、It’s school bag.(my、I) 9、What’s ? (this、that) 10、It’s eraser.(a、an) 11、How old are . (you、your) 12、birthday. (Happy、How) 13、A red kite you. (for、to) 14、Stand , please? (up、down) 六、选词填空 ( )1、How are you? A、old B、big C、am ( )2、I seven. A、’m B、am C、are ( )3、You nine. A、are B、’re C、am ( )4、A book you. A、to B、is C、for ( )5、Happy birthday you.


20XX年小学毕业生学业测试 英语试卷 (全卷共十三大题,满分100分,完卷时间:60分钟) 听力部分(50分) 一.听音,圈出你所听到的字母或数字。听二遍。(每小题1分,共 10分。) 1. A B C 2. CM KG DG 3. fe je ie 4. ea ou oa 5. PK UN US 6. 3 4 5 7. 26 36 46 8. 567 765 657 9. 3824 3927 3618 10. 9342 8621 7784 二. 听音,选出你所听到的单词,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题1分,共10分。) ( )1.A.bread B. bed C. black ( )2.A. door B. floor C. ball ( )3.A. good B. look C. book ( )4.A.red B. fat C.yes ( )5.A.father B.farm C. from

( )6.A.fish B.fresh C.wash ( )7.A.date B.cake C.make ( )8.A.but B.fun C.sun ( )9.A.know B.now C.snow ( )10.A.matter B.mother C.math 三.听音,选出你所听到的句子,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。听二遍。(每小题2分,共10分。) ( )1.A.This is my book. B.That is your desk. ( )2.A.How do you go to Beijing? B.How do you go to school? ( )3.A.What’s your favourite fruit? B.What’s your favourite food? ( )4.A. When do you get up? B. When do you go to school? ( )5.A.How heavy are you? B.How old are you? 四、听音,根据你所听到的单词,选择符合单词意思的图片,并将其字母番号填入题前括号内. 听二遍。(每小题1分,共5分。)( ) 1 A B ( ) 2 A B


新课标高二试卷(1)(必修3与选修2-1) 一、填空题:(本大题共14题,每小题5分,共70分) 1、命题“2,10x R x ?∈+<”的否定是_________________(要求用数学符号表示). 2、已知P :| 2x -3 |>1;q :1x 2 +x -6 >0,则┐p 是┐ q 的__________条件. 3、阅读下面的流程图: 则此流程图所表示的意义为: 算法. 4、为了了解某地区高三学生身体发育情况,抽查了该地区100名年龄为17.5岁~18岁的男生体重(kg) ,得到频率分布直方图,如图.根据上图可得这100名学生中体重在〔56.5,64.5〕的学生人数是 . 5、采用简单随机抽样从含10个个体的总体中抽取一个容量为4的样本,个体a 前两次未被抽到,第三次被抽到的概率为_____________________. 6、一艘轮船只有在涨潮的时候才能驶入港口,已知该港口每天涨潮的时间为早晨5:00至7:00和下 午5:00至6:00,则该船在一昼夜内可以进港的概率是 . 7、已知x 、y 则线性回归方程bx a y +=?所表示的直线必经过点_____________. 8、 x ←5 y ←-20 IF x <0 THEN x ←y -3 ELSE y ←y +3 END IF s x y ←- PRINT s 运行后输出的结果为__ .

9、椭圆的两个焦点和短轴两个顶点,是一个含60°角的菱形的四个顶点,则椭圆的离心率为____________. 10、已知椭圆的长轴、短轴、焦距长度之和为8,则长半轴的最小值是_________. 11、已知双曲线的两条准线将两焦点间的线段三等分,则双曲线的离心率是______________. 12、平面内,动点P 到定点()1,2A 的距离等于到定直线:10l x y -+=的距离的轨迹是 __________________(只要填出轨迹的形状). 13、已知P 是抛物线24y x =上的一点,()2,2A 是平面内的一定点,F 是抛物线的焦点,当P 点 坐标是__________时,PA PF +最小. 14、以下四个关于圆锥曲线的命题中: ①设A 、B 为两个定点,k 为非零常数,||||PA PB k -=,则动点P 的轨迹为双曲线; ②以定点A 为焦点,定直线l 为准线的椭圆(A 不在l 上)有无数多个; ③方程02522 =+-x x 的两根可分别作为椭圆和双曲线的离心率; ④过原点O 任做一直线,若与抛物线23y x =,27y x =分别交于A 、B 两点,则OA OB 为定值. 其中真命题的序号为 ___________(写出所有真命题的序号). 二、解答题:(本大题共6小题,共90分) 15、(本小题14分,每问7分) for 16、(本小题14分,每问7分) 等腰Rt ABC ?中,90C ∠=?. (1)在线段BC 上任取一点M ,求使30CAM ∠


江苏省宿羊山高级中学《文化生活》综合练习 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共50分) 一、选择题:(在每题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题意的。本卷共25小题。每题2分,共50分) 1.下列活动属于文化现象的有( ) ①工人、农民从事生产活动②参加学校运动会③参加演讲会、辩论会④购买蔬菜、水果⑤参加文学社、书画协会、读书俱乐部⑥合唱团、舞蹈队、时装表演队⑦浏览网站,领略世界各地风土人情⑧某国议员竞选 A、①③⑤⑦ B、②④⑥⑧ C、②③⑤⑥⑦ D、①②④⑦⑧ 2008年7月6日在加拿大魁北克举行的第32届世界遗产大会上,中国福建土楼被正式列入《世界遗产名录》。据此回答2-3题: 2.一个国家的文化遗产是() A.该国人文文化的集中表现 B.该国和民族历史文化成就的重要标志 C.该国自然文化的突出表现 D.该国全部历史文化的凝结 3.我国为抢救和保护珍贵和濒危非物质文化遗产而发布《关于申报第一批国家非物质文化遗产代表作通知》之后,全国已提交名录项目多达1315项,其中501个推荐项目在非物质文化遗产保护成果展上予以公示,珍贵实物云锦织机、高山木雕、仿宋针灸铜人以及传统艺人的制瓷、染织、刺绣、泥塑、木偶等技艺展示也与百姓实现了近距离接触。该活动( ) A.有助于强化人们保护非物质文化遗产的意识B.是为了展示中华民族的物质文明C.是为了让更多的百姓掌握民间艺术D.说明文化既是民族的又是世界的2008年8月8日晚8时,第29届奥林匹克运动会在中国国家体育场隆重开幕。世界聚焦点,是一幅铺陈在体育场中央的中国写意长卷。在这个长卷上,中国文化从历史深处尽情流淌出来,令世界惊艳。据此回答4-5题: 4.造纸术是中国的四大发明之一。承载着中华文化精髓的“纸”,成为北京奥运会开幕式最具匠心的构思。从文化生活的角度看,体现了()A.继承传统是文化创新的源泉和动力B.文化创新离不开对传统文化的继承和发展C.文化创新不需要接受外来文化 D.文化创新的根本目的是促进民族文化的大繁荣 5.历届奥运会的开幕式基本上都遵循了“越是民族的,就越是世界的”的理念,力争将最耀眼的本土文化呈现给世人。这体现了()A.文化可以分为民族文化和世界文化两部分 B.民族文化都具有自己的个性特征C.民族文化都值得发扬光大 D.正是不同民族各具特色的文化,才构成了世界文化的丰富多彩 先进文化要有强大的文化产业作为支撑才能健康发展,发展先进文化,必须更新文化发展观念,大力发展文化产业,使之成为经济发展的重要增长点。根据此回答6~7题 6.上述材料主要表明()A.文化产业的崛起是先进文化的主要标志 B.实现了文化产业的发展就能实现经济发展 C.发展先进文化是发展经济的根本目的 D.文化与经济相互交融 7.在下列产业中属于文化产业的是() ①红色旅游业②绿色农业③图书出版业④影视音像业 A.①②③B.②③④C.①③④D.①②③④ 8.钱伟长先生曾说过:“天下没有别的国家的文字3000年以后还能看懂,汉字可以”。这说明() A.汉字是世界文化的基本载体B.汉字文化的内涵丰富 C.汉字是中华文明源远流长的见证 D.汉字的使用标志着人类进入文明时代近年来,我国不断在海外举办或互办文化周、文化月、文化年、“感知中国”等颇具规模的文化交流活动,扩大了这个文化在国际上的吸引力和影响力。据此回答9-11题:9.中国与其他国家大力发展文化交流的事实表明( ) A.各民族文化之间差异在缩小B.中国与这些国家的政府和人民的价值观趋同C.大众传媒是现代文化传播的手段D.社会制度不同的国家能够互相借鉴,互利双赢


一、语音、词汇。34% (一)在括号里用阿拉伯数字标出下列单词在词典中的先后顺序,并在划线上写出它们的中文意思。(5分) ()kangaroo ()young ()curtain ()skirt ()watch (二)根据所给单词的读音写出相应单词,并将中文意思写在括号里。(5分) [f?t] [spr??t] [h??t] [sm??l][n??s] ()()()()() (三)根据所给单词首字母填入单词,使句子合理、通顺。(10分) 1、I always p trees with my family in spring? 2、He always help people when they are in t______. 3、In summer, the w is usually very h . 4、Lisa and Lyla are t____. They look the s____, but they are very d______. 5、Our m_______ teacher is very y______. He’s very f______. (四)根据首字母提示填入文中所缺单词。(10分) Last weekend, I v_____ my aunt’s farm. There are many a________ in the f_____, such as cows, g_____, s_____, horses and etc. My aunt was very busy at first. She needed to _____ the hens, m____ the cows and shear a sheep. Later, she taught me how to r____ a horse. I really h____ a g____ time in my aunt’s farm. (五)根据上下文,写出下列句子划线部分的中文意思。(4分) 1、This is my weekend timetable. 2、Go straight along this road, and the school is on your left. 3.I can help my mother to wash the plates now. 4. Did you have a pleasant journey? 二、句型、情景表达。35 % (一)选择填空。将最佳选项的序号填在题前的括号里。(10%) ( ) 1、Kunming is known as“”. A.Flower City B.Spring City C. Beauty City ()2. Amy feels .Her mother has a headache A. tired B.sad C.bored ( ) 3. Does your pen pal live _________ Shanghai? A.on B.at C.in ( )4.My mum likes _________. A.swims B.swimming C.swim ( )5. How_____ some cake ? Sounds good. A.about B. much C.many ( )6. It’s cold now. Please___________ your coat. A put on B. take off C. look after ( )7. Jim and Ben are _____ about Ben’s birthday. A. saying B. speaking C. Talking ( )8.Rain _________ down into a lake. A.falls B.feels C.comes


Unit1 How Do You Go There? 一、请根据汉语写出对应的英语单词。 1、火车6、相同的 2、飞机7、不同的 3、地铁8、驾驶的 4、澳大利亚9、走路 5、记住10、意思是 二、读一读、选择恰当的选项填入括号中。 ( )1. –Excuse me, how can I get to the Central Park? — A. You can go by No the 1 bus. B. You can go by No.1 bus. C. You can go by the No.1 bus. ( )2. In China and the US , drivers drive on the side of the road, but In England and Australia , drivers on the side of the road A. left; right B. right; left C. right; right ( )3. My home is near the school, so I often go to school A. on foot B. by train C. by taxi ( )4. How she go to school every day? A. do B. can C. does ( )5. 我有时骑车上学,可以说: A. I sometimes go to school by bike. B. I always go to school by bike. C. I often go to school by bike. ( )6. When you see the traffic light becomes red, you should A. stop B. wait C. go 三、根据情景补全对话。

100测评网八年级英语下册Unit2 15分钟课堂过关训练A

15分钟课堂过关训练 Unit 2 What should I do?(B) Ⅰ.Words. 1.He needs more money to support his big family so he has to find a _____ _____(兼职的工作). 2.Mr Smith is used to _____ (居住) in China because he has been there for ten years. 3.I have many friends in my class,and we are _____ _____ _____(相处得很好) with each other. 4.The students are reviewing their lessons to _____ _____ (做准备) the next exam. 5.When I am in trouble,my parents always give me some good _____ (建议). Ⅱ.Cloze test. A man was sitting in the doctor’s office.He had a problem.He was telling the doctor about his (1)_____.“I like football,doctor,”he said.“Please help me.My life has (2)_____ been a good one since I became (3)_____ in football and it is getting worse and worse.I can’t even (4)_____ well at night.When I close my (5)_____,I’m out there in the football field (6)_____ after a flying ball.When I wake up,I’m more (7)_____ than I was when I went to bed.What am I going to do?“The doctor sat back and said,”First of all,you (8)_____ to do your best not to dream about football.Before you are falling asleep,try to (9)_____ about something else.Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars.“Are you crazy?”the man shouted,“I’ll (10)_____ the ball soon!” 1.A.problem B.family C.sport D.journey 2.A.always B.already C.never D.often 3.A.interested B.careful C.deep D.strong 4.A.work B.play C.do D.sleep 5.A.doors B.windows C.books D.eyes 6.A.booking B.playing C.running D.waiting 7.A.worried B.tired C.surprised D.pleased 8.A.want B.hope C.have D.decide 9.A.hear B.write C.talk D.think 10.A.miss B.play C.catch D.pass Should do Needn’t Mustn’t A Be Friendly and clean Work Monday to Friday Smoke B C D

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