当前位置:文档之家› 高二选修7 Unit 4 Reading重要语言点讲解

高二选修7 Unit 4 Reading重要语言点讲解

高二选修7 Unit 4 Reading重要语言点讲解
高二选修7 Unit 4 Reading重要语言点讲解

高二选修7 Unit 4 Reading重要语言点讲解

1. hear from ... 意为“收到……的信”, 相当于receive a letter from ... 。如:

They will be delighted to hear from you.


I hear from my mother every week.


2.I know you’re dying to hear all about my life here, so I’ve included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about. 我知道你极想听到我在这儿的生活,我这儿有一些照片,它们会帮你构思出我要谈到的这个地方。

1) be dying for/ to do sth. 渴望, 极想, 渴望做某事

After a long dry season the trees are dying / thirsty for water.

Nowadays there are more and more students dying to study abroad.


die away逐渐消失

die down逐渐模糊

die off 相继死去

die out逐渐消失;灭绝

3. I’ve included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about. 我在信中附了几张照片, 可以帮助你想象出我所谈到的地方。

picture n. 图画, 照片, 画面vt. 描绘, 想象

She often pictures herself as a famous writer. 她常常想象自己是个名作家。

He could have easily pictured all the consequences of being caught.

他本可以很容易想到被抓的种种后果。了解词性转换(由名词转换为动词, 或由动词转换为名词, 或由形容词转换为动词等) 的知识, 是迅速扩大词汇量的方法之一, 有助于扫清阅读中的障碍。

water n. 水v. hand n. 手v. 递, 交head n. 头v.

place n. 地方v.

face n. 面孔,脸v.

heat n. 热v. 加热boat n. 船v.划船

fool n. 傻子v. 愚弄

4. When I reach the school grounds there are lots of “good mornings”for me from the boys. Many of them have walked a long way, sometimes up to two hours, to get to the school.

[翻译] 当我走到学校操场的时候, 迎接我的是男孩子们一片“早上好”的声音。他们中的许多人走了很长的路, 有时候要走两个小时才能到学校。

up to 多达, 直到……, 胜任, 由……负责/决定

be up to sth = be busy doing sth. 忙于,

it’s up to sb. to do sth. 由某人负责做某事be up to = be fit for 胜任(常用于否定句和疑问句中)

5.I’m still trying to adapt to these conditions. However, one thing is for sure, I’ve become more imaginative in my teaching. 我现在仍然努力去适应这些状况,但是有一件事是确定的, 我的教学方面已变得更富有想象力了。

for sure 肯定如此,

it /that. is for sure 那是肯定无

know sth. for sure 知道……肯定无疑

Soon he will turn to you for help and that’s for sure.

imaginative adj. 富有想象力的,爱想象的

an imaginative child/writer有想象力的孩子/富有想象力的作家

imaginary adj. 想象中的,假想的

imaginable adj. 可想象的

imagine v. 设想

imagination n. 想象力

image n. 雕像,肖像

6. Everyone seemed to be a relative of Tombe’s. 每个人都好像是Tombe的亲戚。

seem 似乎, 看来

1) 跟不定式

I seemed to hear a voice in the distance.

He seemed to be in a great hurry.

2) 跟形容词或分词

He seems quite happy.

Titanic seems ___ an interesting film.

A . is B. are C. be D. to be

3) 后接(to sb.) that从句, 但主语是it。

It seems to me that there is something strange about the case.在我看来这件案子有点奇怪。

It seems that you are lying. 看来你在撒谎吧。

7. Tomber’s father, Mukap, led us to his house, a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof--- this shows it’s a man’s house.汤贝的父亲,莫卡普, 把我们带到他的家里。那是一个低矮的竹屋, 屋顶上伸出一簇茅草。

[考点] with grass sticking out是“with + n. +动词-ing形式短语”构成的with复合结构。

with的复合结构(with+ 宾语+ 宾补)

1) with + n. + doing ( doing表示with 后名词发生的动作, 此名词为动作的执行者)

He lay there with his eyes looking at the sky.

2) with + n. + done (done 和with后面的宾语构成动宾关系, 此宾语是动作的承受者。

The thief was brought in with his hands tied back.

3) with + n. + to do 动词不定式表示目的, 或将发生,未发生的事。

With all these mouth to feed, he didn’t know what to do.

With five minutes to go before the last train left, we arrived at the station.

4) with + n. + prep. phrase

The teacher came in with some textbooks under her arm.

5) with + n. + adj

When he is eating, he doesn’t speak with his mouth full of food.

[考例] ─Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

─Sorry. With so much work ___ my mind, I almost break down. (福建2007)

A. filled

B. filling

C. to fill

D. being filled

stick out 突出, 伸出

stick out for sth. 坚持要求某事物

stick to sth. 不放弃/改变某事物

stick at sth. 坚持不懈

stick with sb. 继续支持某人

stick up 向上突起, 坚起


He led us to his home.


Our guide led us to the museum.


☆lead 还表示“通向”

The path leads to the village.


The explanation has led me to a clear understanding.


☆lead sb to do 表示“使……干”

What led you to believe it?


13. adjust vt. & vi. 调整; 调节; 适应; 整理; 调准。如:

The body can quickly adjust itself to the changes of temperature. 身体能迅速自行调节以适应气温的变化。

She carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out. 她出门之前仔细地整了整自己的衣服和头发。

区别adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match这几个词


1) adapt 指“修改或改变以适应新条件”

You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境。

2) adjust 指“调整、调节”使之适应

You can’t see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes. 你把望远镜调节到适合你的目光之后, 你才看得见。

3) fit 多指“大小适合”, 引伸为“吻合”

Her new shoes didn’t fit. 她那双新鞋不合穿。

4) suit 多指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况”No dish suits all tastes. 众口难调。

5) match 指“大小、色调、形状、性质


A red jacket doesn’t match green

trousers. 红上衣与绿裤子不相配。

14. Fresh grass had been laid on the floor and there was a newly made platform for Jenny and me to sleep on. 新鲜的草被铺在地面上, 而且那儿有一个新搭的平台以便珍妮和我睡在上面。

lay vt. (lay, laid, laid)

1) 将某物/人置于某位置或某物表面lay the bottle on the desk

2) 产卵

The bird lays eggs in the other birds nets.

lay—laid—laid—laying 放置;产蛋,下蛋

lie—lied—lied—lying 说谎

lie—lay—lain—lying 躺;位于


lay eggs 产卵

lay sth. aside 把......放在一边

lay sth. down 放下;停止使用

lay sb. off 解雇某人

lay the table 摆放桌子

If only he ___ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.

A. Lie

B. lay

C. had lain

D. should lie

17. Tombe told me that the can was

heated to dry out the leftover food.

They believe that any leftovers

attract evil spirits in the night so the

food is dried up in the can ... .

dry out (使)变干,干透

dry up (使) 完全变干, (河流, 湖泊


The burning sun has dried up many rivers in this area recently.


My mouth always dries up when I’m nervous.


19. It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’s family.

enjoy privileges 享受特权

have the privilege of …有…的特权

as a special privilege 作为特权许可

by special privilege 根据特权


教学流程 一、课堂导入 先出示方言,请学生说说能否看懂,再出示普通话。 某县推广普通话,大会上—— (1)县长讲完以后,主持人说:“咸菜请香肠酱瓜!” ——主持人说:“现在请乡长讲话!” (2)乡长说:“兔子们,虾米们,猪尾巴!不要酱瓜,咸菜太贵啦!” ——乡长说:“同志们,乡民们,注意吧!不要讲话,现在开会啦!” (3)乡长接着说:“不要酱瓜,我捡个狗屎给你们舔舔……” ——乡长说:“不要讲话,我讲个故事给你们听听……” (4)乡长说:“兔子们,今天的饭狗吃了,大家都是大王八!” ——乡长说:“同志们,今天的饭够吃了,大家都使大碗吧!” 从这个故事中我们可知,各地方言千奇百怪,因为方言误会,造成沟通有障碍,甚至闹出笑话,所以要有通用的语言,普通话也就应运而生。 二、普通话和方言 1、普通话 明确:普通话是“以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范”的现代汉民族共同语,这是在1955年的全国文字改革会议和现代汉语规范问题学术会议上确定的。 (1)为什么以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言?——北京近千年来一直是我国政治和文化的中心,所以以北京话为代表的北方方言在全国影响最大。

(2)普通话和各种方言是什么关系?——是弟兄姐妹的关系,但普通话又是一种权威语言,在我国受到法律保护的,连《宪法》都有规定。2001颁布《中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法》。虽然普通话成为现代汉民族的共同语,但是,各地人们的日常生活还是保留自己原有的方言,有的地方甚至是“五里不同调,十里不同音”。 2、方言 (1)什么是方言?-----方言是指同一种语言在不同地域的分支,或者说是一种语言的地域变体。汉语就是一种有许多方言的语言。 (2)根据方言在语音、词汇、语法上的一些重要差异,现代汉语分成几大方言? 明确:即北方方言、吴方言、湘方言、赣方言、客家方言、粤方言、闽方言。 (北方方言:又叫官话方言,使用人口最多,分布地域最广,占汉语地区的四分之三,使用人口占百分之七十以上。客家方言:唯一不以地域而以人群命名的方言。) (3)请学生看方言地图,分别找出各个方言区。 我们每个人都有自己的家乡,当然也就有自己的方言。 3、陕西方言 (1)概述 陕西是中华民族古代文化的发祥地之一。相传汉字为“文字始祖”仓颉(jie)所创造。仓颉是陕西宝鸡人,出生于五帝时代,距今已有4000多年历史了。陕西方言得天独厚,博大精深,从这些方言中我们既可以窥视到古老的华夏文化的发展轨迹,又可领略到今天溢于言表的真情实感。由于陕西地理特点是东西狭、南北长,各地方言土语大不相同,甚至同一句话,因咬音轻重语速缓急不同而内容涵义不同。 陕西话属于中原官话,为其的一个分支,代表方言为西安方言。又分为关中话、陕北话和陕南话。 ①关中方言 关中方言东府话包括西安市、铜川市、咸阳市、渭南市、商洛市及下属商县—洛南—丹凤—山阳、陕北的宜川—黄龙—洛川—宜君—黄陵—富县、甘肃宁县。 关中方言西府话包括宝鸡市。 关中方言区乃炎帝故地,所以后来母系同为炎帝属的周语与夏语近似,又由于地理相近,沟通频繁,所以关中方言与河南方言同属中原官话。 ②陕南方言 陕南话大部属于巴蜀方言(西南官话)。陕南的方言非常有地域特色。陕南地处川、陕、鄂、豫交界之处。先民迁入来源甚广。加之历史上交通闭塞往来较少、行政权力鞭长莫及,居民活动范围地域狭窄,遂造成了今天的陕南方言。 杂,是陕南方言的首要特色。仅就安康地区而言,那里的地方话有接近四川口音的,有接近湖北口音的,甚至还有接近湖南口音的。有时一个村与周围邻村口音截然不同。 ③陕北方言 陕北话属于秦晋方言。受山西影响比较大,也加入了一些蒙语,至今保留了一些入声。(2)关中方言——中国最古老的语言 过去不曾知道,陕西农村人说的关中方言,是中国最古老的语言。还以为农民说的话,比较土气,生冷硬噌,难登大雅之堂。而实际上,在古代它是中国的官话,被称为雅言,《诗经》《唐诗》要用古代的官话,也就是现在的关中方言来读,才算是标准读音。伍永尚是一位研究陕西方言的专家。他举例说,只有用陕西话才能读通唐诗,读出韵味。 ★白居易著名的《卖炭翁》:“卖炭翁,伐薪烧炭南山中。满面尘灰烟火色,两鬓苍苍十指黑。”其中的“色”如果按普通话发“se”音,没法押韵,按陕西话发sěi音,才能和“黑”押韵。


高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 高二英语BOOK 7第四单元 一.单词拼写: 1.有关的, 切题的______________ 2.调整,使适合__________ 3.平(月)台,讲台______________ 4.剩余物(饭)__________ 5.特权,特别优待______________ 6.安排,排列__________ 7.宇航员,太空人______________ 8.目录__________ 9.买,购买______________ 10.周年记念__________ 11.收入______________ 12.参与,参加____________ 13.经济(学)的______________ 14.政治(党)的__________ 15.财务的,金融的______________ 16.安全,保护__________ 17.操作,运转______________ 18.遥远的,偏僻的________ 19.捐赠n. ______________ 20.小诊所__________ 二.请写出下列短语: 1. 收到……的信__________________ 2.极想;渴望_______________ 3.偶然遇到或发现,碰见____________ 4.调整,使适合_____________ 5.完全变干;干透_________________ 6. 干涸_____________ 7.在困难中;在危急中______________ 8. 代表______________ 三.根据中文提示写出正确的单词: 1. A ___________(讲台)is a raised flat structure, usually made of wood, which people stand on when they make speeches or give a performance. 2. When you ___________ (购买)something, you buy it. 3. When you __________(适应,调整)to a new situation, you get used to it by changing your ideas. 4. If you ___________(认出,承认)someone, for example, with a nod or a smile, you


第三课神奇的汉字 【教学目标】 ⑴理解汉字的起源、造字方法和字体演变。 ⑵了解汉字简化和规范的原因及方法。 ⑶掌握汉字架构的方法和拆解的规则。 ⑷了解错别字存在的原因,学会如何消灭错别字。 【教学重难点】 ⑴了解错别字存在的原因,学会如何消灭错别字。 【教学过程】 第一节字之初,本为画——汉字的起源 【教学目标】 ⑴理解汉字的起源、造字方法和字体演变(重点) ⑵理解汉字的书写规则,鉴赏书法艺术作品。(难点) 【教学过程及步骤】 一、导入新课 中华五千年文明,有着太多让外国人仰慕的东西,包括四大发明、文字等等。印度前总理尼赫鲁曾对女儿说:“世界上有一个伟大的国家,她的每个字都是一首优美的诗,一幅美丽的画,你要好好 学习。”汉字是见证中国悠久历史的重要载体,今天让我们一起走进汉字的历史。 二、汉字历史 1.汉字的起源 关于汉字的起源,中国古代文献上有种种说法,如“结绳”、“八卦”、“图画”、“书契”等,古书上还普遍记载有黄帝史官仓颉造字的传说。《淮南子·本经训》:“昔者仓颉作书,而天雨粟,鬼夜哭。” 鲁迅曾对仓颉造字这一史实,作过精辟的论述,意即文字非一人独创,而是群众智慧的结晶。 2.汉字的造字方法(结合许慎《说文解字》中的阐述及例字甲骨文讲解) (1)象形:象形者,画成其物,随体诘诎。日、月是也。(文字描摹实物的形状)如:人、门、日、月、山、水、衣、目、耳、石、田、火、车、牛、马、鹿。 (2)指事:指事者,视而可识,察而见意。上、下是也。(文字由指示性的符号构成)如:木—本,添加的部分表示树根;木—末,添加部分表示树梢;刀—刃,刀口处。 (3)会意:会意者,比类合谊,以见指撝。武、信是也。(汇合两个或两个以上的字构成一个新字) 例如:“朝”字像日、月同现于草莽之中,表示太阳初升而月亮未落的早晨的情景。“莫”字是“暮”


Unit 5 The power of nature 1.★考点appoint vt.任命;委派 appoint sb.as/to be 任命某人担任…… appoint sb.to do sth.指定某人做某事 make/fix an appointment 约会,预约 2.★考点burn to the ground 把……烧光;全部焚毁burn to the ground 把……烧光;全部焚毁 burn...to death 烧死…… burn down 烧毁,烧光 get burnt 被烧伤;遭殃 3.★考点be about to do...when... 正要做……,这时……be about to do...when... 正要做……,这时…… be doing...when... 正在做……就在这时…… had (just) done...when... 刚做完……这时…… be on the point of doing...when... 正要做某事这时… 4.★考点make one’s way to/towards 前往;向……走去make one’s way 前往;向……走去;成功,有所成就

give way for 让路;让位于 feel one’s way 摸索着前行 on one’s/the way 在去……的路上 lose one’s way迷路 5.★考点shoot v.(shot,shot)射击,射中 辨析shoot/shoot at 6.★考点anxious adj.忧虑的;不安的 anxiety n.焦虑 anxiously adv.焦急地 be anxious to do 渴望做…… be anxious for/about 为……担心/担忧 7.★考点panic vt.& vi.恐慌;惊慌 温馨提示 panic 的过去式、过去分词均为panicked,动词-ing形式为panicking。be/feel panic over/about 因……而恐慌


姓名__________ 学号 I. 单词填空(共40小题;每小题1分,满分40分) 1. I hope to be back in af ________ 两星 2. We were walking on the m ________ (泥 泞的)roadwhen we saw a small village. 3. She added that the _________ (概念)of arran ged marriages is misun derstood in the west. 4. We go and do thew ________ s hopping every Thursday. 5. Is religion still r _________ to most people's lives? 6. Landslides have cut off many villages in r ________ (偏远的)areas. 7. Caspar wasw ________ (除草)the garde n. 8. It is a r ________ if the four anglessquare. 9. The p _______ (平台)began to produce oil in 1994. 10. As a rule, where theb ________ (扫帚) does not reachthedust will not vanish of itself. 11. It ' s a factory that turns scrap metal into cans. 12. Suddenly, he stopped and ________ (嗅)the air. 13.16. Speaking through ani ________ (口 译员),Aristide said that Haitians had hoped coups were behi nd them. 14.17. Jerry forced scrap wood through the vents in the g ________ (烤架)to stoke the fire. 15.18. I'm lucky that rm in terested in school work, o ________ rd go crazy. 16.19. The Russia n Federati on has issued a decree abolishi ng speciap _______ (特 权)for gover nment officials. 17. She telephoned Ellen, but made no a ________ to see her. 18. T ________ the bread lightly on both sides. _____ 分数 ___________ 19. Salvatorec ________ his hair carefully. 20. An a ________ i s a person who is trained for travelli ng in a spacecraft. 21. The boat is now lea ning at a 30 degrea 22. It ' s the world's biggest s _________ (目录). 23. I would never leave herev _______ 24. He p ________ a ticket and went up on the top deck. 25. Vietnam is celebrating the one hundredth a ________ of the birth of Ho Chi Minh. 26. I sow the s _______ in pots of soil-based compost. 27. These supplies were carried by horses and o ________ . 28. Maloney uniocked his t ________ and took out some coveralls. 29. He c ________ (发出咔嗒声)off the radio. 30. He appeared a gentlemen dressed in a perfectly t ________ suit. 31. The gover nment is facing ano ther p ________ crisis. 32. Pleased ________ the exam in ati on papers round the class. 33. They are now un der a great deal of pressure to tighte n their airport s _______ . 34. They now own and o _______ a farm 50 miles south of Rochester. 35. He used to work in a petc ________ . II. 用所给短语正确形式填空。(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) problem ______________ .

高二英语选修7unit4 sharing reading教案

A Letter Home 知识目标 1. Make the students know about basic information of PNG. 2. Establish the consciousness of helping others 能力目标 1.Let the students talk about the information from the photos. 2. Develop the students’ reading ability. 情感目标 1. Arouse stud ents’ great interest in being a volunteer. 2. Develop student’ sense of cooperation learning. 教学重点: 1.Talk about Jo’s experience with the target language and useful expressions. 2.Get students to know the customs and lives of the poeple in Tombe’s village. 3.Get students to learn different reading skills. 教学难点: 1. Develop students’ reading ability. 2.Enable students to learn to talk about being a volunte. 教学过程: stepⅠ Greetings & Lead-in 1.Greet the students as usual. 2.A sketch played by students. StepⅡ Warming up 1. Ask students some questions and then make a definition of volunteer Have you ever helped your parents, or other relatives, or your friends? Have you ever helped people in your community or people outside your community? 2. Show some pictures and let the students speak out what the volunteers are doing. StepⅢ Pre-reading 1. Introduce Papua New Guinea (PNG) 2. Look at the photos from Jo and answer the following questions: 1) What was Jo’s job in PNG? 2) What kind of students ware in her class? Boys, girls, or both?


高中语文选修——语言文字运用复习提纲 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

语言文字运用复习提纲1 句子成分分析 ?重点:六种句子成分的辨别 ?难点:定语和状语修饰成分的排序 ?知识点:能划分句子成分并能判别句子成分残缺和搭配不当的语病。一.句子六种成分 ?主语、谓语、宾语;——三种主要成分 ?定语、状语、补语;——三种附属成分 二.句子成分的标识符号 ?主语:“”划在主语下面 ?谓语:“——”划在谓语下面 ?宾语:“”划在宾语下面 ?定语:“()”用在定语前后 ?状语:“[ ]”用在状语前后 ?补语:“〈〉”用在补语前后 三.句子成分作用 ?主语——是谓语陈述的对象 ?谓语——是对主语加以陈述的 ?宾语——是动语支配、关涉的对象 ?定语——是名词性短语里中心语前面的修饰语 ?状语——是谓词性短语里中心语前面的修饰语 ?补语——是谓词性短语里中心语后面的补充语 四.句子成分示例 ?定语:美丽的校园(美丽)的校园

?状语:例1:安静地学习 [安静]地学习 ?例2:吾尝终日而思矣吾尝[终日]而思矣修饰关系 ?补语: ?1、去一趟去〈一趟〉 ?2、高兴得跳了起来高兴得〈跳了起来〉 ?3、这张报纸好极了这张报纸好〈极〉了 五、主谓宾 ?1、主语:就是谓语陈述的对象,主要由名词、代词充当,动词、形容词、数量词及其短语也可充当主语。如:发展是硬道理。 ?2、谓语:是陈述主语的,一般由动词和形容词充当,其他实词和短语也可以充当谓语。如:战士们英勇顽强。你是学生。 ?3、宾语:是动词中心词支配的对象,一般由名词和代词充当,其他实词和短语也可以充当宾语。如:大家喜欢游泳。他给我一本书(双宾语) ?4、定语:是名词中心语的修饰成份,名词、动词、形容词、数量词和短语充当定语。“的”是定语的标志。如:(浅浅的)月光流进了村子。 ?注意:定语后置。如:荷塘的四面长着许多树,(蓊蓊郁郁的)。 ?5、状语:是动词、形容词中心语的修饰成份。副词、形容词、表时间(处所)的名词和短语充当状语。“地”是状语的标志。如:汽车[在望不到边际的高原上]奔 驰。(介宾短语) ?6、补语:是对动词、形容词中心语起补充说明作用的成份。形容词、动词、代词、副词、数量词和短语可以充当补语。“得”是补语的标志。如:我的心事,绷得<像调紧的弦>。


U5(选修六) 1 volcano n. 复数—volcanoes火山 an active volcano活火山 an extinct volcano死火山 a dormant volcano休眠火山 volcanology火山学 volcanologist火山学家 pianist钢琴家 physicist物理学家 Novelist小说家 2. erupt 1)(火山)爆发,喷发 Mount Vesuvius hasn’t erupted for a good many years. 维苏威火山已经多年没有爆发了。 2)(搏斗,暴力事件,噪音等)突然发生,爆发 Violence in street can erupt for no apparent reason. 街头暴力可以在没有明显原因的情况下爆发。 erupt into laughter/shouting/crying, etc.突然大笑/叫喊/大哭 He erupted into laughter without any reason. 他毫无理由地大笑起来。 3. alongside alongside= with “和” It’s a pleasure to work alongside such men. 与这样的人一起工作是一件乐事。 beside “在...旁边” The boat pulled up alongside the dock. adv. 在旁边;沿着;靠拢着;并排地 The police car pulled up alongside.那辆警车在旁边停下 4 equipment n.配备,装备 The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 把这个新医院的设备配齐要化一年时间。 equip v.装备,使有准备使能够做某事 Equip ourselves with knowledge Equip the army with modern weapons 5. bored (人)厌烦的 boring (物)令人厌烦的 I am bored with the same old routine day after day. The book is boring. bore v. (尤指无聊的长话)使(人)厌烦

选修六Unit 5单词及音标

Unit 5 diagram ['da??ɡr?m] n. 图解;图表;示意图volcano [v?l'ke?n??] n. 火山 erupt [?'r?pt] vi. (指火山)爆发;突然发生eruption [?'r?p?n] n. 火山爆发;(战争等)爆发ash [??] n. 灰;灰末 crater ['kre?t? ] n. 火山口;弹坑 lava ['lɑ:v?]n. (火山喷出的)熔岩;火山岩hurricane ['h?r?k?n] n. 飓风;风暴questionnaire [?kwest??'ne? ] n. 问卷;调查表alongside [??l???sa?d] adv. 在旁边;沿着边prep.[prep]在……旁边;沿着……的边equipment [??kw?pm?nt] n. 设备;装备appoint [?'p??nt] vt. 任命;委派 observatory [?b'z?:v?tr?] n. 观象台;天文台;气象台 database ['de?t?,be?s] n. 数据库;资料库evaluate[?'v?lj?e?t]vt. 评估;评价;估计burn to the ground [b?:n tu: e?ɡraund]全部焚毁wave [we?v]n. 波浪;波涛vi. 波动;起伏;挥手molten ['m??lt?n] adj. 熔化的;熔融的fountain ['fa?ntin] vi. & vt. 泉水般地喷出或涌出 n. 喷泉;源泉absolute [??bs?lu:t] adj. 绝对的;完全的absolutely[??bs?lu:tli] adv. 绝对地;完全地spaceman [?spe?sm?n] n. 宇航员;航天专家suit [sj?:t] n. 一套外衣;套装 vt. 适合;使适宜 helmet ['helm?t] n. 头盔 boot [bu:t] n. 靴子 make one’s way [meik w?nz wei] 前往 potential [p??ten?l] n. 潜在性;可能性;潜能 adj. 可能的;潜在的actual [??kt?u?l] adj. 实在的;实际的geology[d??'?l?d??] n. 地质学 sample ['sɑ:mpl] n. 样品;样本 candidate [?k?nd?deit] n. 候选人;候补者threat [θret]n. 恐吓;威胁 bungalow [?b??g?l??] n. 平房;小屋tornado [t?:'ne?d??] n. 龙卷风;旋风typhoon [ta?'fu:n] n. 台风 thunderstorm ['θ?nd?st?:m] n. 雷暴 precious ['pre??s] adj. 贵重的;珍贵的novelist [?n?v?l?st] n. 小说家


选修六Unit4-5重点词汇用法讲练 1. subscribe vi.同意;捐赠;订阅(杂志)v t. 签署(文件); 常用结构: subscribe sth. to... 把……捐献给……;签名;签字 subscribe to sth. 同意;订阅;赞成…… 【即学即练】 ①他每年都向教会捐款十万元。 He ____ 100, 000 yuan _____ the church every year. ②我会赞同你的决定。 I will ________________your decision. ③我们决定订阅几本对我们的工作有益的杂志。 We decided to ________________ some magazines useful for our work. 答案:①subscribes; to ②subscribe to ③subscribe to 2. oppose v t. 反对;反抗;与(某人)较量;(与to连用)使反对,使相对 常用结构: oppose (doing) sth. 反对(做)某事 oppose sb doing sth. 反对某人做某事 oppose sth. to/against sth. 使某事物与另一事物对照或对抗 oppose sth./doing sth./sb. doing sth. 反对某事/做某事/某人做某事 be opposed to 反对;与……对立 ①Most of the students oppose ______________ on Sunday. 大部分学生反对星期天上课。 ②My mother is firmly______________ the new plan. 我妈妈坚决反对这个新计划。 答案:①taking classes ②opposed to 【易混辨析】oppose/object/resist/protest oppose 常指“对某人或某事采取积极行动来反对”,尤指“反对一种观念、思想、计划等”,隐含其正当性,语气强于object。 object多指因个人厌恶或反感而反对, 但不一定明显地表露出来。 resist 常指“用力量或意志积极地反抗、制止对方的入侵或诱惑、影响等。” protest: 一般指通过言语或文字或行为表示出的强烈抗议、反对。 【即学即练】 用oppose/object/resist的适当形式填空 ①Many residents are _____ to the plan of building the motorway. 很多居民反对建这条高速公路的计划。 ②Those who _____ to this idea forget a universal truth. 那些反对这个观点的人忘了一个普遍真理。 ③At first they _____ the call for reform. 起初他们抵制改革的呼声。 ④consumer groups are ______ against higher prices消费者对高价提出抗议。 ⑤The professor,_____ out the project, made a comment on the report. A. was opposed to carry B. opposed to carry C. opposed to carrying D. opposed carrying 答案:①opposed ②object ③resisted ④protesting ⑤选C。解析:be opposed to sth./doing sth.意思为“反对”,其中to是介词。此处用过去分词作后置定语,相当于定语从句“who was opposed to carrying”。

人教版高中英语选修七Unit 4 Sharing

Unit 4 Sharing 单元练测卷 (时间:90分钟满分:120分) Ⅰ. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get __________ second chance to make __________ first impression. A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a 2. Do you know when the European sky will be open? The passengers are __________ to know it. A. agreeing B. dying C. deciding D. desiring 3. —Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? —Yes, I gave it to her________ I saw her. A. while B. the moment C. suddenly D. once 4. A truly creative person is able to __________ with fresh ideas from a story told time after time. A. come on B. come along C. come up D. come out 5. —What do you think of their marriage? —__________ , if I were Kate, I would not marry him. A. Generally speaking B. I have no idea C. To be honest D. To my surprise 6. If you have a job, __________ yourself to it and finally you'll succeed. A. do devote B. don't devote C. devoting D. not devoting 7. The patient __________ seeing the doctor himself. A. stuck to B. insist on C. insisted D. insists 8. Something is wrong with my camera. It can't be __________ to take a better picture. A. adapted B. adjusted C. adopted D. reminded 9. Fu Mingxia __________ the Sydney Olympic Games, where she __________ all the other competitors and got the gold medal in the women's 10-metre platform. A. participated in; beat B. participated in; won C. participated; beat D. participated; won 10. I'm glad that you told me about the show being called off. __________ I'd have arrived in Glasgow for nothing. A. Then B. Besides C. Therefore D. Otherwise 11.—It is ridiculous that so many people believe the world will disappear in 100 years. —__________ it is true? A. How come B. So what C. What if D. How about 12. That's the new machine __________ parts are too small to be seen. A. that B. which C. whose D. what 13. Many famous stars are joining in public activities to collect money for people __________ after the earthquake. A. in brief B. in public C. in action D. in need 14. Because he saw the machine for the first time, the little boy was dying to know how to __________ it. A. benefit B. balance C. concern D. operate 15. —Have you played baseball before? We need one more player. —__________ . I like ball games, so I believe it will be fun to learn baseball. A. Sometimes B. Not really C. Never mind D. That's cool Ⅱ. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从16~35各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Two years ago, I donated my kidney(肾)to my brother. I considered it a complete life-changing experience, not only for the two of us __16__ for the entire family. We ended up __17__ from surgery(外


Unit 3 词汇: 1.abuse n./v.滥用;虐待 drug abuse 吸毒 be badly abused 被虐待 abuse of power 滥用权力 2.stress n. 压力;重音 v. 加压力于;使紧张 lay/put/place stress on 把重点放在??上;强调 under the stress of 为??所迫 stress the importance of 强调??的重要 性 单项填空 Things can easily go wrong when people are under ________. A . stress B.weight C.load D.strength Some schools _________________( 重视)foreign language education 3.ban v. 禁止;取缔n. 禁令 be banned from doing sth.被禁止做某事 there be a ban on... 禁止;禁令 4. quit v. 停止 (做某事 );离开 quit doing sth.停止做某事 quit office/one's job离职 quit oneself of sth. = be quit of sth. 摆脱某事 单项填空 He decided to ________ the position after quarreling with the manager. A . stop B . block C . loosen D. quit 5. effect n. 结果;效力 have a good/bad effect on 对??有好 / 坏的 影响 be of no effect 没效果;无用 take effect(法律 )生效; (药 )奏效 bring/put ...into effect 实施 come/go into effect 生效 in effect 事实上;在实施;生效 side effect 副作用 6. desperate adj. 不顾一切的;绝望的 be desperate for 极需要??;极向往?? be desperate to do sth. 非常想做某事 dosth. desperately 拼命地做某事in desperation 绝望地;不顾一切地;拼命地7. disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的 be disappointed about/at/in... 对??感到失望 be disappointed to do 做某事失望 be disappointed that... 感到失望?? be disappointing 令人失望的 disappoint sb. 使某人失望 to one's disappointment 令人失望的是 8 ashamed adj. 感到惭愧;羞耻的 be ashamed that... 对??感到羞耻;感到羞愧的是 feel/be ashamed of 对??感到惭愧 feel/be ashamed for sb. 替某人感到羞愧 be ashamed to do sth. 耻于做某事 be ashamed of oneself 为自己感到惭愧 It's a shame that...遗憾?? What a shame that...多么??遗憾 (1)She ____________________________ (因考试不及格而感到羞愧). (2)I________________________( 不好意思 寻求帮助 ). (3)________________( 真是太遗憾了 )that you can’t stay with us. 9.due to 由于??(不置于句首 ) be due to do sth. 预期做某事 be due for sth. 应有;得到 be due to (doing) sth./ sb.归因于(做)某事/某人 1)The meeting_______________________( 预定到 3 点钟才开始 ). (2)His absence_______________________( 因为暴雨). 10.be/become addicted to 对??有瘾。后接 doing addict oneself to 沉迷于;醉心于 addiction to... 对??上瘾;习惯于 a video game addict 游戏迷 (1)He ______________________( 对毒品已严重上瘾了 ). (2)Kids ________________________( 迷上电脑游戏 )are often upset. 11. be/get/become accustomed to习惯

[高中英语]选修七Unit4 Sharing Period 2

Period 2Speaking 教学目标 1.语言知识目标: (1)掌握以下重点单词和短语的用法,并能加以运用: in the future,share...with...,soc ial welfare programme,afford,sponsor,donate,cover,primary school,participate in (2)熟悉以下句式: Why would you...? How could you do that? Because I want to share with others... First,find some information through... The reason is that... Then...Next...Finally... 2.语言能力目标: 学生能够使用时间表达法介绍一个人的生平或经历. 3.情感态度与文化意识目标: 了解“希望工程”及其他助人组织的情况,使学生懂得珍惜自己所拥有的,同时尽自己所能去帮助需要帮助的人. 重点难点 1.教学重点:使学生能够列出某一个看法的几点原因,知道如何表达和支持某一个观点2.教学难点:能够用英语准确地表达自己的想法,并且快速找到支持自己观点的论据教学方法 讨论与口头表达观点 教学过程 Step 1Checking the homework Step 2Discussion T:We listened to the interview about Dr Mary Murray.From the interview,we know that she worked for MSF and helped people in poor areas as a volunteer. Q1:Do you think whether people like Dr Mary Murray and Professor Fred Hollows should help those in poorer areas?Give your reasons. (Four students a group and have a discussion.Then ask some of them to present their opinions and reasons.) S1:In my opinion,Dr Mary Murray and Professor Fred Hollows should help those in poorer areas.And I would like to be a volunteer if possible.Th e reason is that we,either poor or rich,live on the same planet.Just as John F.Kennedy said in his inaugural address,“If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,it cannot save the few who are rich.” S2:Humanism or humanitarianism is a necessary quality for us human beings.We should share what we have and help those who are badly in need of help.I will become a volunteer if time permits.Actually I often help those who need help.For example,every Sunday,I take my neighbour,a disabled girl,to the park to refresh herself.And we talk a lot,and I think I help her a lot,which makes me very happy. S3:I agree with them,but I think the most important thing is that we should try to help the

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