当前位置:文档之家› 高一英语句子翻译



1、LINCOIN is remember as the American President by the people all over

the world.


2、The future of our Motherland belongs to us


3、Studying hard can / may lead to success


4、If you want to master this language , you must receive professional



5、The results of the students’ exams couldn’t satisfy their teacher. 学生们的考试结果不能使老师们满意

6、By the time his father came back , Tom has fallen asleep.


7、Michelangelo is regarded as one of the most outstanding artists. 米开朗琪罗被视为一名杰出的大师.

8、Recorder is too noisy ,would you turn it down?


8、At first, he turned down my invitation, but later he still came. 起先他谢绝了我的邀请,后来他还是来了

9、I live alone in a lonely house, but I don’t fell lonely.


9、There stands a wooden tower at the top of the hill.


10、He became so used to lying on the bed that he became fatter and



11、I can’t imagine Mary living alone in the lonely island.


12、I find it necessary to spend a lot of time reading successful stories. 我发现大量时间读成功的故事是很有必要的

13、After the old died , he left children with a large son of money. 老人去世后,留给孩子们大笔的钱。

14、I admire his courage , and he sets a good example to everyday.


15、Home and overseas’ visitors are fascinated with Shanghai.


16、If you share your happiness with somebody, you happiness will be doubled.


17、Women not only can raise her son, but also do many suitable tasks. 妇女不仅能养育孩子,还是合作许多工作。

18、Mike would prefer to listen to music rather than watch TV.


19、As long as he doesn’t leave his post , the company will offer him a chance of promotion.


20、As soon as they sat down beside a boy , they started to make fun of him.


21、He didn’t go to bed until his mother came bad.


22、While I was lying in bed, many friends came to visit me.


23、The teacher had no sooner entered the classroom than he heard a loud noise.


24、The first time Tom visited the museum , he showed great interest in all the saw and heard


25、Since you are ill, I have you go alone.


26、Where there is a will , there is a way


27、The box is so heavy they nobody can move it.


28、As long as you study hard , you are sur5e to succeed.


29、The old man runs fast as if he were a young man.


30、Even if I’m punished , I’ll never give up.


31、You need a professional to help you to solve the tricky problem. 你需要一位专业人士帮助你解决棘手的问题。

32、He used to help me study English , I can’t help thinking of him. 他过去常常帮助我学习英语,我情不自禁想起了他

33、After I read professional’s papers , I gain a lot of knowledge.


34、I didn’t want to be involved in the argument , and therefore. I have explained it to the policeman several times.


35、In order not to be late for school , he gets up early to catch the bus every day.


36、This female patient is critically ill to need have an operation urgently.


37、My new work means I will run whole world , but I don’t plan such



38、A little baby in kindergarten receive best attention.


39、Traditionally, more girls than boys work as secretaries.


40、The captain order all passages must leave the ship at once.


41、Grandma , is learning how to operate computer , whole family is of great help to her


42、I can’t remember nothing except that The Disneyland is filled with people.


43、Wearing white dress’s girl name little white.


44、All though audience is not many , but they deeply more in a play. 虽然观众很少,但他们被戏中的故事深深的感动了

45、In coming day ,we taste various foods.


46、Following explain book to use medicine。


47、The fashion magazine to holed bookcase


48、Traditionally , his career is collecting internal information


49、It’s a bad manner to speak loudly in public


50、When Mike saw rich people riding on horses , he went riding every day. 当麦克看见富人骑马时,他也每天去骑马

51、He got well-prepared for the job interview , for didn’t want to lose the opportunity.


52、When we think of France , wine comes into our mind.


53、Is it necessary , to give a waiter a tip in restaurant in Singapore? 在新加坡的饭店有必要给服务员小费吗?






句子翻译 1.我是学生.(简单句)______________________________________________________________________________ 2.他在做的与我无关._____________________________________________________________________________ 3.我来了,但他已经走了. (复合句)___________________________________________________________________ 4.我不知道他已经走了,但是她知道. (并列复合句)_____________________________________________________ 5.你能回答我的问题吗?___________________________________________________________________________ 6.我在写信.______________________________________________________________________________________ 7.请开门.________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.他是一个多聪明的男孩啊!________________________________________________________________________ 9.我非常喜欢这本书.______________________________________________________________________________ 10.他昨天去哪儿了?_______________________________________________________________________________ 第二组:词类 11.你应该用正确的方法做这件事.____________________________________________________________________ 12.最终, 他受到了惩罚.____________________________________________________________________________ 13.他在湖里游泳. He is swimming in the lake. 14.至今,我已经读了100部小说. So far, I have read 100 novels. 15.我不喜欢这乐曲. I don’t like the music. 16.你喜欢音乐吗? Do you like music? 17.如果我是你, 我会跟他在一起. If I were you, I would stay with him. 18.面对困难,一定要保持冷静. When facing difficulty, you should keep calm. 19.最终,他梦想成真. At last, his dream came true. 20.你所说的听起来很有道理.


英语句子翻译大全 导读:本文是关于英语句子翻译大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 01、I never stopped loving you,I just stopped showing it。 我对你的爱从来没有停止,只是我不再让别人知道而已。 02、Standing in a corner of the world,watching the sunrise and sunset。 站在世界某一个角落,看着日出日落。 03、Waiting is painful。Forgetting is painful。But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering。 等待是一种痛,忘掉也是一种痛,但不知道该怎么办,是一种更折磨人的痛。 04、That formerly how to pick,time flies straight forward。 那段从前怎么去捡,光阴似箭一直向前。 05、Are you turn a walk,do not see my sad。Am I too wayward,regardless of your feelings。 是你转头就走,没看见我的难过。是我太任性,不顾你的感受。 06、Start everyday with a new hope,leave bad memories behind & have faith for a better tomorrow。 用新的希望开启每一天,释放掉不好的回忆,相信明天会更

好。 07、Who’s who of the hook,and who is who of redemption。 谁是谁的劫,谁又是谁的救赎。 08、They say after losing only treasure,in fact,after losing most painful treasure。 她们都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去最痛。 09、Love warms more than a thousand fires。 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。 10、It is good if you begin crying,that is the sign of cure。 能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征! 11、Life is too short for us to wake up in the morning with regrets。 人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。 12、Because of loving you so much that I stood aside。Although myfigure left you away,my heart didn’t。Today I have made up my mind to say “I love you。” 正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你表达我的爱。 13、As long as people do not lose their direction,they will not lose themselves。 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。


财经英语词汇大全A A share A股;甲类股份 abatement of tax 减税;减扣免税额 ABN AMRO Bank N.V. 荷兰银行 above-the-line expenditure 在线项目支出;经常预算支出above-the-line receipt 在线项目收入;经常预算收入 ABSA Asia Limited 南非联合亚洲有限公司 absolute change 绝对数值变更 absolute expenditure 实际开支 absolute guideline figure 绝对准则数字 absolute interest 绝对权益 absolute order of discharge 绝对破产解除令 absolute profit margin 绝对利润幅度 absolute value 实值;绝对值 absolutely vested interest 绝对既得权益 absorbed cost 已吸收成本;已分摊成本 absorption 吸收;分摊;合并 absorption rate 吸收率;摊配率;分摊率 ACB Finance Limited 亚洲商业财务有限公司 acceptable form of reciprocity 合理的互惠条件 acceptable rate 适当利率;适当汇率 acceptance agreement 承兑协议 acceptance for honour参加承兑 acceptor 承兑人;接受人;受票人 acceptor for honour参加承兑人 accident insurance 意外保险 Accident Insurance Association of Hong Kong 香港意外保险公会accident insurance scheme 意外保险计划 accident year basis 意外年度基准 accommodation 通融;贷款 accommodation bill 通融票据;空头票据 accommodation party 汇票代发人 account balance 账户余额;账户结余 account book 帐簿 account collected in advance 预收款项 account current book 往来帐簿 account of after-acquired property 事后取得的财产报告account of defaulter 拖欠帐目 account payable 应付帐款


第19卷第12期 武汉科技学院学报Vol.19 No.12 2006年12月 JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Dec. 2006 英语长句翻译方法及技巧 张艳萍 (湛江师范学院大学外语部, 广东湛江 524048) 摘要:英语长句翻译是英语学习中的一个难点,本文从英汉语言对比的角度,探讨了英汉两种语言的 差异,进一步分析了两种语言长句的特点,概述了英语长句的常用的四种翻译方法,并举例分析了这些 方法在实际中的运用。 关键词:英汉长句;差异;翻译;技巧 中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5160(2006)-0200-04 我们在英语教学过程中,往往会发现学生在汉译英时出现中国式英语,英译汉时句子却“西化”。究其原因我认为这主要是因为英语和汉语来自两种完全不同的文化语言体系,语序差别甚大,尤其遇到复杂长句,除了需要较强的对比分析理解能力外,还要求我们掌握一定的翻译理论和技巧以及具备较好的语言表达能力。为此,本人结合自己的英语教学实际,拟从英汉语言对比的角度来对英语长句的翻译问题作些探讨。 1 英汉句子结构的差异 人类语言的多样性,使翻译成为人类交流的重要媒介。同时,由于不同语言体系的差异,在英汉翻译里,英语和汉语会在句法结构、内在逻辑关系存在着明显差异: (1)英语句子重形合,汉语句子重意合。汉语注重隐性连贯注重逻辑事理顺序、注重功能、意义,注重以神统形,形合手段比英语少得多,没有英语所常用的那些关系代词、关系副词、连接代词和连接副词。并且汉语介词数量少,句式结构上也无太多的限制,可以利用说话的语气、环境及语言结构内部的相互衬托等条件使语句尽量辞约义丰。所以汉语是一种必须联系交际人主体意识、语言环境、句子表达功能作动态的意念分析的重“意合”的语言,是有别于英语句子重“形合”,试看下面句子: 例1:My idea of a good P.E. class is one where youth are involved in at least 20 minutes of basic movement that gets their heart rates up. 译文:说到一节好的体育课,我的想法是青年在体育课中至少要进行20分钟使他们心跳加快的基本运动。 这是一个典型的重形合的英语句子,全句用两个关系代词将两个定语从句联系起来,在译文中,将关系一层层理清楚,整句语气从容不迫,这就符合了汉语的叙事方法。 例2:不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。 译文1:If you wish good advice, consult an old man. 原文中的假设关系是隐含的,译成英语时用连词if把假设关系给表达出来,从这一例句可以看出英语重形合而汉语重意合的句子特点。 译文2:Who never consults an old man may suffer loss. 此句用名词性从句来翻译,同样体现了英汉两种语言在“形”和“意”上的区别。 (2)汉语通常根据时间顺序逐个翻译,而英语则较注重空间顺序。 汉语句中可常见两个以上的动词,甚至几乎全句皆动词。如:孩子们手里拿着老师给他们的礼物,唱着、 收稿日期:2006-09-17 作者简介:张艳萍(1978- ),女,硕士研究生,研究方向:英语翻译.


B5M1(句子翻译) 1.It_doesn’t_matter_whether you will attend the party or not. 你来不来参加派对并不重要。 2.Many students are hot on playing computer games, while Wang Chen likes playing Weiqi. 许多学生热衷于电脑游戏,而王琛却喜欢下围棋。 .They have a lot in common and get along well with each other. 3.他们有很多相同之处,相处得很融洽。 .They are twin sisters, yet they have_little_in_common in their hobbies. 4.她们是孪生姐妹,但是她们的业余爱好几乎没有相同之处。 .In_common_with other companies, they advertise widely as well. 5.和其他公司一样,他们也广泛地做广告。 .One false step will make a great difference. 6.失之毫厘,谬以千里。 .The twins look so similar that you can hardly tell_the_difference_between them. 7.这对双胞胎看起来太像了,你简直无法把他们区分开来。 .It might be obvious to you, but it isn’t to me. 8.这对你来说也许很容易理解,但对我却并非如此。 .It_is_obvious_that the two Englishes have much in common. 9.很显然,这两种英语有很多共同之处。 .Obviously (obvious), American spelling is simpler than British spelling. 10很显然,美式拼写要比英式拼写简单。


1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 1.美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 2. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 3.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 4.由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。 5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. 5.任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 6.一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning. 7.简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达。 8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.


Unit1 1、她连水都不愿喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭啊。(much less) She wouldn't take a drink, much less could she stay for dinner. 2、他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。(whereas) He thought I was lying to him,whereas I was telling the truth. 3、这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎么解释?(account for) How do you account for the fact that you have been late every day this week? 4、他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。(due to) The increase in their profits is due partly to their new market strategy. 5、这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率的提高。(result in ) Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency. 6、我们已经在这个人项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们只能继续.(pour into) We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project, so we have to carry on. Unit2 1、尽管她还是家里的独生女,他父母也从不溺爱她。(despite)Despite the fact that she is the only child in her family, she


1稍等一会儿,我会帮助你的。(for a while)Just wait for a while and then I'll help you. 句型:祈使句, and / or 主语+谓语… 如:请尽早做出决定,不然你会坐失良机.(or) Please make your decision as early as possible, or you’ll miss the golden chance. 2他们作了自我介绍。(introduce) They introduced themselves. 3请去查询下班火车什么时候开。(find out) Please find out when the next train leaves. 划线部分为宾语从句:关联词when+主语the next train+谓语leaves 4昨天下午2时到4时你在做什么?(过去进行时) What were you doing from two to four yesterday afternoon? 表示过去某个时间点或某段时间内正在发生的动作 5我正在吃晚饭,电话铃响了。(when) I was having dinner when the phone rang. was/were doing…when: 过去正在做某事,就在那时when=at that time 6不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽都喜欢游泳。(be fond of) Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of swimming. not only…but also:就近原则,此句主语为Tome and Mary 喜欢: be fond of 7他今天感到身体好多了。(a lot) He's feeling a lot better today. a lot 修饰比较级 8礼堂里早已挤满了高中学生。(be full of) The hall was already full of senior high school students. 高中生senior high school students be full of:充满 9我在街上走时,看到了一些古老的建筑物。(while) While I was walking down the street, I saw some old buildings 10我走近花园时,几个男孩子在爬树。(用过去进行时) Some boys were climbing a tree when I entered the garden。 11请脱下你的旧上衣,穿上这件新的。(take off, put on) Please take off your old coat and put on this new one. 12这件事是什么时候发生的?(happen)What time did it happen? happen vi 发生没有被动某人发生某事: sth happened to sb 13他去办公室查询课程表.(ask abut) He went to the office to ask about the time-table. 14当我们到达车站时,火车已开出了。(过去完成时) When we got to the station the train had left。 15他服药后,开始感到好些了.(过去完成时) After he had taken the medicine, he began to feel better.


综合英语翻译句子答案 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

1. 她似乎与新同学相处不好。(get along with) 2. 我与玛丽失去联系多年,但昨天我与她在电话里联系上了。(out of touch, get in touch) 3. 那老兵喜欢对每一位来访者炫耀他的勋章。(show off) 4. 她丈夫似乎非常反对她出国。(opposed to) 5. 因为托马斯不安心工作,他的父母非常担忧。(settle down) 6. 我口袋里总装着各种各样的小东西。(bits and pieces) 7. 她母亲通过一些私人关系使她进入商界。(pull strings) 8. 我希望这些菜合你的胃口。(to somebody's liking) 9. 那些男孩太吵闹,我把他们骂了一顿。(tell off) 1. She doesn't seem to get along with her new classmates. 2. I'd been out of touch with Mary for years, but I managed to get in touch by phone yesterday. 3. The veteran enjoys showing off his medals to everyone who visits him. 4. Her husband seems very much opposed to her going abroad. 5. As Thomas couldn't settle down in his job, his parents were very worried. 6. I always have all kinds of bits and pieces in my pockets. 7. Her mother pulled a few strings to get her into the business circle. 8. I hope the food is to your liking. 9. I told the boys off for making so much noise.


财经英语词汇翻译(U 财经英语词汇翻译(U-Z)财经英语词汇翻译(U-Z)uco bank 合众银行 ultimate controlling company 最终控股公司 ultimate controlling interest 最终控制权益 ultimate holding company 最终控股公司 umbrella fund 伞子基金 unabsorbed allowance 剩余免税额 unabsorbed loss 未吸纳亏损 unallocable expenditure 不能分配的开支 unallocated stores suspense account 未编配物料暂记帐 unallowed expenditure 未获免税的开支 unappropriated profit 未分配利润 unavoidable commitment 不可避免的承担 uncalled capital 未催缴资本;未催缴股本 uncalled share capital 未催缴股本 uncapitalized interest 未化作本金的利息 uncashed dividend 未兑现股息 uncertificated system 无股票证明书制度 unclaimed deposit 尚未支付存款;未领存款

unclaimed fund 无人申索的款项uncommitted balance 未定用途的结余款项unconfirmed letter of credit 非保兑信用证uncovered deficit 不能抵销的赤字 uncovered option 无备兑期权 uncovered position 未平仓 uncrossed cheque 未经划线的支票 under margin 保证金不足 under-assessment 评税偏低 underestimate 低估 under-expenditure 支出节余;未达预期开支underlying assets 相关资产 underlying share 期权基础股份 underlying trend of inflation 通货膨胀基本趋势underspending 未用尽款项understatement 少报 understatement of income 少报入息;少报收入understatement of profit 少报利润undertaking 承诺;企业 undervalued currency 定值偏低的货币;低估通货underwrite 包销;承保 underwriter 承保人;包销商


英语句子翻译技巧 以下浅谈英译汉的几点技巧。 第一,翻译时注意英文的句型,英文的句型一般来说有相应的中文译法。如It的句型的翻译: (1)It is+名词十从句: It is a fact that…事实是…… It is a question that………是个问题 It is good news that………是好消息 it is common knowledge………是常识 (2) It is+过去分词十从句: It is said that…据说…… I t must be pointed out that…必须指出…… It is asserted that…有人主张…… It is supposed that…据推测…… It is believed that…据信…… It must be admitted that…必须承认…… It is reported that…据报道…… It will be seen from ii that…由此可见…… It has been proved that…已证明…… It is general1y considered that…人们普遍认为…… (3)It is+形容词十从句: It is necessary that…有必要…… It is likely that…很可能…… It is clear that…很清楚…… It is important that…重要的是…… (4) It+不及物动词十从句: It follows that…由此可见…… It happens that…碰巧…… It turne d out that…结果是…… 第二,注意英语被动句的翻译。英文的被动句经常用汉语主动句表达,如:You are requested to give a performance 英文的被动句译成汉语的主动句:请你给我们表演一个节目。英文中被动意义也可以用汉语中含有主动意义的句子来表达。常译成“被”、“由”、“受”、


一.名词解释 1.mutual funds 互助基金(投资公司) 2.the law of large numbers 大数法则 3.manhattan (美)曼哈顿(纽约市中心区) 4.federal funds (美)联邦基金 5.treasury bill (美)短期国库卷 6.open market transactions 公开市场交易 7.letter of credit 信用证 8.sight draft 汇票 9.bill of lading 海运提单 二、选择填空(记得括号里的单词拼写) 1.Now I am clear about how the bank d eals with the saver’s (deposit ed 存款) money. 2.Our company (acquired获得) that piece of land by purchase. 3.It was the (yield产量)that encouraged Mr.Smith to buy that bond. 4.Adam Smith’s concept of “invisible hand ” can be (applied to把应用于) modern ecnomy. 5.The primary function of money is to (facilitate促进) exchange. 6.(A variety of多种多样的) more specialized banks, together with the Bank of England, make up the structure of British banking. 7.The money market (is characterized by 特点是) its physical invisibility. 8.Financial futures markets are important(is than即) they provide inancial market particial to protect thenseleves against changes in interest rates. 9.The shipping documents submitted may be rejected for not (conforming to 使一致) the terms of the terms of the credit. 10.The sales contract (specifies指定) container shipment for the goods. 11.The economist (sets out 规定) hie ideas clearly in his article that the central bank should carry out a losse monetary policy. 12.Fortunately our company (has obtained获得 ) a loan for the project from the local government. 13.Because top managers are important (assets资产 ) to a firm ,the corporation can purchase key executive insurance. 14.”ALL risks”type coverage (protects) you (against 保护…免于…) all risks or perils that may cause loss to the covered property. 15.The marine insurance (is associated with 相关) the risks such as fire,stom,collision,pilferage,ledkage and explosions,ect. 三.根据给出的中文填空 1.(It’s apparent that )显而易见,interest rate movements closely follow the business cycle. 2.Financial intermediaries refer to a group of institutions, (some of which are )其中有commercial banks,mutual savings banks and savings and loan associations. 3.The major dealers and brokers (are tied to each other )相互联系by various communication devices. 4.What is a financial market? It is a place (where financial transactions take pplace)金融交易发生。


句子翻译(二) 1稍等一会儿,我会帮助你的。(for a while) 2他们作了自我介绍。(introduce) 3请去查询下班火车什么时候开。(find out) 4昨天下午2时到4时你在做什么?(过去进行时) 5我正在吃晚饭,电话铃响了。(when) 6不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽都喜欢游泳。(be fond of) 7他今天感到身体好多了。(a lot) 8礼堂里早已挤满了高中学生。(be full of) 9我在街上走时,看到了一些古老的建筑物。(while) 10我走近花园时,几个男孩子在爬树。(用过去进行时) 11请脱下你的旧上衣,穿上这件新的。(take off, put on) 12这件事是什么时候发生的?(happen 13他去办公室查询课程表.(ask abut) 14当我们到达车站时,火车已开出了。(过去完成时) 15他服药后,开始感到好些了.(过去完成时) 16 我观看体育节目你有意见吗? (mind) 17我还没有读完那本有关伦敦的书.(finish) 18 他没有跟我说一声就离开了山村。(without) 19我告诉她我已把餐具洗好了。(过去完成时) 20汤姆上楼去他的卧室时,他的姐姐已把他的上衣改短了一英寸。(过去完成时) 21我和汤姆都盼望早日见到您。(look forward to) 22全世界的人都在电视上观看奥运会.(all over the world) 23我听说这场比赛将延期。(put off) 24这里要讲英语.(被动) 25这座体育馆将于明年建成.(被动语态) 26过马路时要小心.(be careful) 27这次车祸是什么引起的?(cause) 28她总是乐于助人.(be ready to) 29这个女孩由于不遵守交通规则,在车祸中受了伤。(被动) 30到时候会通知你的.(被动语态) 31我根本不喜欢这个铜的框架。(not…at all) 32他把玫瑰栽在花园中间.(in the middle) 33他不知道她为什么在练习中有这么多的错误.(wonder) 34他告诉我一切都会好的。(过去将来时) 35谁也不知道我们什么时候举行下次会议.(过去将来时) 36在新学校里有这么多的东西要学 37当老师进来的时候,我们正在愉快地交谈。38我们一读完初中就进入高中。 39我的老师比我想象的要年轻得多。 40晚饭后,我总是在厨房里洗碗碟.


经典英语句子翻译 经典英语句子翻译 1、The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心。 2、My heart is with you.我的爱与你同在。 3、I'll think of you every step of the way.我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。 4、Life is the flower for which love is the honey.生命如花,爱情是蜜。 5、You make my heart smile.My eyes are the stars over your window,Gazing affectionately at you every night.我的心因你而笑。我的目光就是你窗前的星星,每夜都在深情地注视着你。 6、T ake away love, and our earth is a tomb.没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。 7、The soul cannot live without love.灵魂不能没有爱而存在。 8、Look into my eyes you will see what you mean to me.看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 9、No words are necessary between two loving hearts.两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。

10、Love is the greatest refreshment in life.爱情是生活最好的提神剂。 11、Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases.爱情就像月亮,不增则减。 12、Where there is great love, there are always miracles.哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。 13、We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.如果没有人爱我们,我们也就不会再爱自己了。 14、If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。 15、Every day without you is like a book without pages.没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。 16、A heart that loves is always young.有爱的心永远年轻。 17、Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。 18、Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 19、I need him like I need the air to breathe.我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 20、Love never dies.爱情永不死。 21、When love is not madness, it is not love.如果爱不疯狂


1、Financial intermediaries could not exist without intermediation. 没有金融中介行为,金融中介机构就无法存在。 2、It is highly improbable that all depositors will withdraw funds at the same time. 所有的存款人在同一时间提取资金是极不可能的。 3、Financial intermediaries facilitate a more efficient flow of funds from lenders to borrowers. 金融机构促使资金从贷款人向借款人更为有效的流动。 4、This lo wering of interest rates would be highly beneficial to a country’s rate of economic growth and development. 这种利率的降低可能对一个国家的经济增长率和发展极为有利。 5、The money market consists of a collection of markets, each trading a distinctly different financial instrument. 货币市场包括了一系列的市场,每个市场交易的是一种完全不同的金融工具。 6、It is understandable that the traders will sell highest price and buy at the lowest. 可以理解的是,交易人要以最高价卖出而以最低价买入。 7、In the trading room phones never ring, Instead, incoming calls are signaled by the blinking lights. 在交易室里,电话铃声从来不响,打进的电话是由闪烁的灯光来显示的。 8、The two parties involved in the transaction instruct the Federal Reserve to transfer funds from the account of one customer’s bank to other party’s bank. 参与交易的双方指示联储银行从一位客户的银行账户上将资金划拨到另一方的银行账户上。 9、The draft is simply an instrument that requests payment. 汇票只不过是一种要求支付的命令。 10、As a document of title, a bill of lading can be used by the exporter as a means of obtaining payment. 作为一种物权凭证,海运提单可以由出口商用作获得支付的手段。 11、Sight drafts, as the name implies, require the bank to pay on demand. 即期汇票,顾名思义,是要求银行见票即付。 12、As a financial instrument, the letter of credit benefits both importers and exporters. 作为一种融资工具,信用证对进、出口都有利。

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