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It has been a common problem in large city residents' life that it's hard to take a taxi. The increase of urban population and diversification of social activities make the demand for taxi rise. As the traffic jam becomes worse in cities,to guarantee personal income, many taxi drivers refuse to drive on busy roads and main urban areas, which makes it difficult for many citizens to take a taxi near some transportation junctions, commercial centers and hospitals. City construction affects the efficiency of taxi. Being not standard in the taxi industry and taxi drivers' often refusing to take passengers are the human factors that make it difficult to take a taxi.




As early as 100 years ago,studying abroad was seen as a strategy to strengthen the national power.Now,more and more students crave for studying abroad.Students nowadays are a bit aimless and casual when craving for studying abroad, which leads to many problems like exhausting all the savings of their family,wasting their youths but ending up by giving up halfway and even becoming trouble-making students”with many bad habits.It's better not follow the current craze of studying abroad blindly and it's most important to choose the direction fit for oneself,for“one can perform well in any field”.


原文:选秀(draft),指选拔在某方面表现优秀的人。中国自古就有,古代选秀一般是宫廷选秀。从2004年《超级女声》开始,大众选秀节目开始进入我们的视线,这类几乎“零门槛(zero of threshold)”的选秀活动让所有人都有机会成为明星。之后的《好男儿》、《快乐男声》、《我型我秀》还有《中国好声音》等等选秀活动一一登场,几乎一刻都没有让中国的电视观众闲着。通过这些选秀活动,很多有才能的“平民百姓”实现了自己的梦想,走上了星光大道(avenue of stars)

A draft refers to a procedure during which people who perform well in a certain aspect are picked out.In ancient China,there were also drafts which generally referred to court drafts.From the year 2004 when Super Girl was on,talent show programs began to come into our sight.Such kind of nearly“zero

threshold”talent show offers everyone an opportunity to become https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c5495933.html,ter,there came My Hero,Super Boy,My Show and The Voice of China.As these talent show programs appeared one by one,Chinese TV audience hardly had time to rest.Through these talent show programs,many talented “ordinary people”realized their dreams and stepped on the avenue of stars.


原文:在当今社会,相差三岁,就会有“沟”,即所谓的:“三岁一代沟”。以前,在人们的思维里,代沟(generation gap)所表示的时间长度是10到20年。而到了21世纪,随着全国各地的经济发展,人们文化知识的增长,思想意识的提髙,每个人的个性化和自我意识逐渐增强,人与人之间的交流出现了障碍,人与人之间的想法、观点出现了分歧,很难找到共鸣(resonance)。这种现象与经济发达程度有关,经济越发达的地方,代沟的时间差距越小。

In modern society,there will be a generation gap if the gap of ages reaches 3 years.This is the so-called“Each three-year age gap,one generation gap”.In the past,people thought that generation gap appeared when the age gap reached 10 to 20 years.But in the 21st century,with the national economic development,the growth of people's cultural knowledge and the improvement of their thought and consciousness,people's individualization and self-awareness have gradually been https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c5495933.html,munication barriers among people appear;ideas and viewpoints begin to differ from person to person,making it hard for one to find resonance with other people.This

phenomenon is related to the level of economic development-the more developed a place is,the narrower the age gap will be.



原文:当来中国的游客发现一桌标准的8人晚宴有4道凉菜、4道热菜,并配以汤和米饭时,他们往往会感到惊讶。一桌标准的宴席(banquet)包括4~8道准备好的凉菜,8道热菜—每次只上1道热菜,以及2-4道观赏大菜(whole-sized showpiece dish)。同坐一张桌子的人互相敬酒时通常会“干杯(Gan Bei)”。“干杯”是指举起酒杯,将酒全部喝完,让玻璃杯或酒杯“连最后一滴也干了”。人们干杯时传递给别人的信息是:自己是真诚、快乐的。向主人敬酒时,外国人更愿意接受的方式是喝一小口而不是喝干整杯。

Visitors to China are often surprised when a standard dinner for a table of eight people consists of four courses of cold dishes and four courses of hot dishes,coupled with soup and steamed rice. A standard banquet consists of four to eight prepared cold dishes, eight hot dishes served one at a time, and two to four whole-sized showpiece dishes. People at a table usually “Gan Bei" when toasting to each other. “Gan Bei” means to raise one's wine glass and drink it all the way down so that the glass or cup is “dried up to the last drop”. People drink up their wine to communicate the message to others that they are sincere and joyful. It is quite acceptable for a foreign guest to take a sip instead of emptying the glass when toasting to his or her host.


原文:宫保鸡丁(Kung Pao Chicken)由鸡丁、花生和红辣椒做成,是著名的传统川菜。这道菜以晚清时期的官员丁宝桢的名字命名。据说,丁宝桢很喜欢吃,尤其是“爆炒鸡丁”。丁宝桢在四川做巡抚(governor)时,他常常以爆炒鸡丁宴请宾客。为了迎合四川宾客的口味,丁宝桢改良了他最爱的“爆炒鸡丁”,加入了红辣椒。结果,辣的鸡丁比以前更美味。丁宝桢后来被授予“太子少保(Palace Guardian)”的官衔,也就是“宫保”。为了纪念丁宝桢,人们把他最爱的这道菜命名为“宫保鸡丁”。

Kung Pao Chicken, made with diced chicken, peanuts and chili pepper, is a famous traditional Sichuan dish. It was named after Ding Baozhen, a court official in the late Qing Dynasty. It is said that Mr.Ding was fond of food, especially “stir-fried diced chicken”. While he was governor in Sichuan Province, he often entertained his guests with this dish. In order to cater to his Sichuan guests' taste, Ding improved his favorite “stir-fried diced chicken” by putting chili pepper into the ingredients. As a result, the dish with its spicy flavor was more delicious than ever. Since Ding was later granted the title “Palace Guardian”,also called Kung Pao, people named his favorite dish “Kung Pao Chicken” in order to commemorate him.


原文:中国有句说法:不去长城看一看或没有品尝北京烤鸭(Beijing Roast Duck)都不算来过北京。如果你想更多地了解中国菜系、文化和习俗,北京烤鸭作为著名的、拥有悠久历史的美食是绝佳的选择。供应烤鸭的两大最著名的餐厅是便宜

坊(Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant)和全聚德。这两家餐厅都有100多年的历史了。品尝烤鸭的真正方式是这样的:首先拿起一片小薄饼,抹上甜面酱(sweet bean sauce),加点葱段,再加几片鸭肉,最后将饼卷起来,咬上一口。你会为这种美味而感到惊奇的。

According to a Chinese saying, no visit to Beijing is complete if you miss seeing the Great Wall or dining on Beijing Roast Duck. As a famous and delicious food with a very long history, Beijing Roast Duck is an excellent choice if you want to know more about Chinese cuisine,culture and customs. The two most famous restaurants that serve Beijing Roast Duck are Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant and Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant. Both have a history of over one hundred years.The way to really enjoy the Roast Duck is as follows: first take one piece of the small,thin pancakes provided, spread it with sweet bean sauce,add small slices of spring onions and then some pieces of duck. Finally roll up the pancake and take a bite.You will be surprised by the terrific taste!





The Imperial Palace, also called the Forbidden City was the palace where the 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for roughly 500 years. The Imperial Palace is located in the center of Beijing, on the northern side of Tian’anmen Square, rectangular in shape, 960 meters from north to s outh and 750 meters wide from east to west, with an area of 72 hectares and a total floor space of 150 000 square meters. It’s the world’s largest and most integral palace made of wood in existence. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court. The outer court was the place where the emperors gave audience and handled state affairs, while the inner court was the living quarters for the emperors and their families. In 1987 the Imperial Palace was listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Cultural Heritage sites.


长安,今称西安,是唐朝的都城。唐朝时期的长安约比今天的西安大11倍,是具有国际声誉的大都市(metropolis)。长安的街道和住宅设计得像一个棋盘,东西布局整洁、匀称。长安城内,很多街道的宽度都超过了100米。长安也是当时中国的文化中心,有丰富多样的娱乐活动,如音乐、舞蹈、斗鸡(cock fighting)等。很多日本和朝鲜的学生纷纷来到长安学习,中亚的商人经丝绸之路(the Silk Road) 聚集在此。长安城约100万人口之中,外国人就超过了1万户。

Chang'an,now called Xi'an,was the capital city of the Tang Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an was nearly eleven times as large as today's Xi'an,and was a metropolis with an international reputation. The streets and

residences of Chang'an were designed like a chessboard, with neat and well-proportioned layout of the east and west.Lots of streets and avenues inside the city were over 100 meters wide.Chang'an was also the cultural center of China at that time,with rich and colorful entertainment activities such as music,dancing,cock fighting,etc.Many students from Japan and Korea came to study in Chang'an,and merchants from Central Asia went along the Silk Road to gather there.Among the population of about one million in Chang'an,there were more than 10,000 foreign households.


泰山称东岳,以“五岳独尊”的盛名享誉古今。按照“五行学说”,东方属木,主生发,有生命之源、万物之本的含义。这就是古代帝王通常在自己登基或晚年时到泰山封禅祭拜的原因。泰山拔地通天,气势磅礴,汉语又有“稳如泰山”、“重于泰山”之说。1987年,联合国教科文组织将泰山列为世界自然与文化遗产。Mount Tai, called “East Yue”, has a great reputation for the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains. According to the theory of five elements, the East belongs to mu, which means liveliness. Therefore, the East is a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures. This explains why important emperors made pilgrimages mostly to Mount Tai when they were crowned or in their later years. It is a symbol of loftiness and might, hence, there are the Chinese idioms: “as firm as Mount Tai” and “as weighty as Mount Tai”. Mount Tai was proclaimed w orld natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO in 1987.




Zhaozhou Bridge was built on the Jiao River about 2.5 kilometers away from the south of Zhaoxian county. The bridge was constructed in AD 605-616. Designed by a well-known Chinese mason, Li Chun, it’s made of stone, 50.82 meters long and 10 meters wide, with an unusual arch that is 7.23 meters high with a span of 37.35 meters. The stone railing and columns on the bridge were carved with beautiful dragon and phoenix designs. One of the earliest Chinese arch bridges with a long open-spandrel arch in the middle and two small arches on each side, this bridge occupies an important place in the history of Chinese bridge building and has been of interest to tourists and engineers alike.


1. 中国瓷

原文:唐朝时期,人们就在昌南建造窑坊(kiln),烧制出一种青白瓷(bluish white porcelain)。青白瓷色彩晶莹,有“人造玉器”的美称,因而远近闻名,并大量出口


In the Tang Dynasty, people started to build kilns to make bluish white porcelain in Changnan. The bluish white porcelain was glittering and had the reputation of artificial jade, so it became famous home and abroad and was exported to Europe in large amount. At that time, Europeans were not able to make porcelain,so porcelain from China,especially from Changnan,was warmly welcomed. In Europe,porcelain from Changnan was luxurious article cherished by everyone, and obtaining even one piece of it would make people feel very proud. In this way,Europeans used Changnan as the code name for china (porcelain) and the place of its production,China. Gradually, Europeans forgot the original meaning of Changnan,only remembering it is “china”,namely“China”.


原文:中国人对玉(jade) —向有着特殊的尊爱之情,从而延伸发展出一种优秀而古老的玉石文化。作为配饰供人赏玩是玉器的原始功能之一,也是玉器最广泛的一种用途。玉器作为一种文物,它也是历史的见证,有着不可复制的唯一性,更为当今世人所器重。玉器从一种美化生活的装饰品,到简单的生产工具,然后被融入各种礼节(ritual)内容,被人格化、道德化,继而被看成是财富的象征、宗教图腾(totem)的崇拜……这些无不反映出中国传统文化和中华民族爱玉的心理。

Chinese people always show special respect and love for jade, thus deriving and excellent and ancient jade culture. Being used for decoration and admiration is one of the original functions of jade, and is also the most widely used one. As a cultural relic,jade is also the witness of history,the uniqueness of which cannot be copied,making it valued more by people around the world today. From ornaments that beautify our life,to simple instrument of production, and then being integrated into a variety of rituals, jade has been personified, moralized and further regarded as a symbol of wealth and worship for religious tot ems…All of these reflect Chinese traditional culture and Chinese people s love for jade.


原文:文房四宝(Four Treasures of the Study)是中国书法传统书写工具的统称,包括笔、墨、纸、砚(inkstone)。“文房”指的是学者的书房。除了这四宝,书房里的工具还有笔筒、笔架、墨盒、腕托、笔洗、墨块(inkpad),这些都是书房必备品。唐宋是书法的繁荣时期,当时著名的生厂商制造的经典文房四宝被后世学者高度赞扬。中国传统文化及艺术的发明和发展与文房四宝密切相关。在某种程度上,文房四宝代表了中国传统文化的重要元素。

The Four Treasures of the Study,is a general name of the traditional writing tools of Chinese calligraphy, including writing brush, ink, paper and inkstone. The name of Wenfang refers to a scholar's study. Besides these four treasures, tools used in the study also include brush pots, brush rack,ink box, wrist-rest, brush washer and inkpad, all of which are necessities of the study. Classical

products of the Four Treasures of the Study made by famous producers during the Tang and Song Dynasties, when styles of writing were very prosperous, were highly praised by later scholars.The invention and development of China's traditional culture and art are closely related to the Four Treasures of the Study.And to some extent,the Four Treasures of the Study represents an important element of traditional Chinese culture.


原文:中国的电影市场一直在髙速发展,但是国产的动画业(animation industry)却不尽如人意。去年有33部动画电影发行,但没有一部票房(box office)喜人。原因有以下几点:一是投入少。一部好莱坞动画电影在放映和电影特技上的花费要超过其一半的预算。但在中国,这些通常只占10%。二是故事情节单一。目前中国很难有超过1亿票房的动画电影。内部人士称电影情节无趣是票房过低的罪魁祸首。此外,薪酬较低,要找一个好编剧(scriptwriter)也很困难

China's film market has been developing at a high speed, but China's animation industry is not to our satisfaction. Last year, 33 animation films were released, none of which did well at the box office. The reasons are as follows: firstly, the low investment. A Hollywood animation film spends more than half of its budget on screening and special effects, which, however, in China, usually accounts for only 10%. Secondly, the tedious plot. Currently, few animation films in China can achieve more than 0.1 billion yuan at the box office. According to the insiders, boring plot is the main reason for low box office. Besides, its hard to find a good scriptwriter with low payment.


原文:传统的中国婚俗被视为中国传统文化礼仪的基础。通常,婚礼是隆重场合,有很多的礼节。婚礼有八大程序,包括求婚、生辰匹配、合婚(marriage divination),下聘礼(betrothal gifts presenting)、确定婚期、置办嫁妆(dowry urging)、迎娶新娘、举行正式的结婚仪式。在中国传统的婚礼中,新娘由新郎牵着。她头顶红盖头,全程都垂在肩上。传统的中国婚俗已经实行了几千年。它们可能会因时间和地点而异,但在中国人的生活中一直占据着重要地位,对中国人的生活方式产生着深远的影响。

Traditional Chinese wedding customs are considered as the foundation of rites in traditional Chinese culture.A wedding is usually a grand occasion with so many formalities.There are eight major procedures of a wedding,including proposal making,birthday matching,marriage divination,betrothal gifts presenting,wedding date fixing,dowry urging,welcoming the bride to the wedding and performing the formal wedding ceremony.During the traditional Chinese wedding ceremony,the bride is led by her groom.Her head is covered by a red veil which is Ming down to her shoulder during the whole period.Traditional Chinese wedding customs have been running for thousands of years.They may vary from place to place and from time to time,but they have been holding an important position in the life of Chinese people,having a far-reaching impact on Chinese people's lifestyle.



拉伯数字出现以前,算盘在世界各地广泛使用。算盘是矩形的木框,木框上固定着带算珠的木杆。木框中间的横梁(beam)将木杆分成两部分:木杆上方的两颗算珠(counting beads)每个代表5,下方的五颗算珠每个代表1。随着算盘的应用,人们总结出很多计算技巧,提高了计算速度。由于算盘易于制造,而且计算口诀易于记忆和操作,因此算盘在中国十分流行。

As a traditional Chinese calculation tool and an important ancient Chinese invention,the abacus was widely used before the invention of Arabic numerals in the world. The abacus is a rectangle with a wooden frame. Within the frame,rods with stringed beads are fixed. The beam in the middle of the frame divides each rod into two parts. The two counting beads in the upper part of each rod represent five and the rest five beads in the lower part represent one. With the application of the abacus, people summarized many calculation tips to help improve the speed of calculation. As the abacus is simple to produce, and its calculation tips are easy to memorize and operate, it is quite popular in China.




到助人为乐,要积极行动起来,不能只说不做。要脚踏实地(be down-to-earth),热情周到地为他人服务,哪怕是简单的小事,也要从一点一滴做起。

Being ready to help others is one of the fine traditions of Chinese nation.By helping others,one not only offered help to others,but also expressed one kind of self-respect.To help others,one should give up selfishness and shouldn't consider his own interest all the time.Think more of others and initiatively give a hand to those that need help.To be ready to help others,one should live happily and avoid asking for trouble.When helping others, one can get happiness at the same time and enjoy the pleasure of life.To be ready to help others,one should take action actively instead of just saying it.Be down-to-earth, and offer service to others with passion.Even for the simple things,just start doing them bit by bit.



Honesty is to be sincere and upright,and match one's words with his/her action.Being trustworthy is to keep one's word and not to be false and deceitful.Confucius taught his disciples to be honest.In study,if you know a

thing,say you know it;if you don't,say you don't.He thought it was the correct attitude towards study.In ancient times,the doors of Chinese shops had on it an inscription“genuine goods at a fair price for all customers.”This shows that since old times China has advocated the ethics of fair trade,honesty towards customers,no deception and no falsification.In modern China,the virtue of being honest and trustworthy has been carried forward.It is to be single-minded and responsible at work and in learning,and it is to be honest to friends and one should practice what he/she says.


原文:尽管中国古代神话(mythology)没有十分完整的情节,神话人物也没有系统的家谱(genealogy),但它们却有着鲜明的东方文化特色,其中尤为显著的是它的尚德精神(the spirit of esteeming virtue)。这种尚德精神在与西方神话特别是希腊神话比较时,显得更加突出。在西方神话尤其是希腊神话中,对神的褒贬标准多以智慧、力量为准则,而中国古代神话对神的褒贬则多以道德为准绳。这种思维方式深植于中国的文化之中。几千年来,这种尚德精神影响着人们对历史人物的品评与现实人物的期望。

Although ancient Chinese mythology does not have relatively complete plot and mythological figures don't have systematic genealogy, they have distinct features of oriental culture, among which the spirit of esteeming virtue is particularly significant.When compared with Western mythology, especially Greek mythology, this spirit of esteeming virtue is even more prominent.In Western mythology, especially Greek mythology,the criteria for judging

whether a god is good or not are mostly the god's wisdom and strength,while in ancient Chinese mythology, the criterion lies in morality. This way of thinking is deeply rooted in Chinese culture.For thousands of years, this spirit of esteeming virtue has affected people's comments on historical figures and expectations of real people.


原文:《西游记》(Journey to the West)是中国四大名著之一。16世纪90年代,明朝时期,《西游记》匿名出版,虽然没有现存证据直接证明该书作者,但20世纪以来,人们一直认为作者是学者吴承恩。这部小说是关于唐朝佛教和尚玄奘,为取得佛教经书(Buddhist scriptures),前往印度的朝圣之旅。观音菩萨(the Bodhisattva Guanyin)受佛祖指令,将西行取经的任务交给玄奘和三个负责保护玄奘的徒弟—孙悟空、猪八戒、沙悟净,还有一个龙太子变做玄奘的坐骑。这四人同意帮助玄奘西行,也是为他们犯下的罪行进行忏悔。

Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels in China.Published first anonymously in the 1590s during the Ming Dynasty,and even though there is no direct evidence of its authorship, it has been said that the author is Wu Cheng'en since the 20th century.The novel is about the legends of the Buddhist monk Xuanzang's pilgrimage to India during the Tang dynasty in order to obtain Buddhist scriptures.Instructed by the Buddha, the Bodhisattva Guanyin assigns this task to the monk and his three protectors in the form of disciples, namely Sunwukong, Zhubajie, Shawujing,together with a dragon prince who acts as Xuanzang's horse.These four characters have

agreed to help Xuanzang go to the West as confession for their past sins.


原文:唐代是中国古典诗歌的鼎盛时期,在不到300年的时间里,产生了许多著名的诗人和诗作。时至今日,有超过5万首唐诗和2000多位唐代诗人为人们所熟知。其中,唐代最著名的诗人是李白和杜甫。李白生性无拘无束,才华横溢,他创作了大量赞美祖国大好河山的诗篇。杜甫年轻时坎坷的生活经历,使他更好地了解了社会的黑暗和人民的困苦。最流行的唐诗作品集或许是由清朝的学者孙洙编著的《唐诗三百首》(300 Tang Poems)。唐诗一直在影响着世界文学和现代诗歌。

The Tang Dynasty was the peak of Chinese classical poetry and many distinguished poets and poetry appeared during this period of less than 300 years.Up till now,over 50,000 poems and 2,000 poets of the Tang Dynasty have been well-known among people.The best-known poets during the Tang Dynasty are Li Bai and Du Fu. Being independent and full of talent,Li Bai created a great many poems to praise the wonderful mountains and brilliant rivers.Du Fu's rough experiences when he was young made him know better about the darkness society and the people's sufferings.The most popular Tang poems collection might be the 300 Tang Poems compiled by the scholar Sun Zhu of the Qing Dynasty.Tang poetry has had an ongoing influence on world literature and modern poetry.


原文:在中国,尊老爱幼是中华民族的优秀传统。早在汉朝时期(the Han Dynasty),


It is a fine tradition in China to respect the old and love the young.As early as the Han Dynasty, the government issued laws many times to advocate and reward behavior relating to treating the old with respect.The Chinese people treat their offspring with love and education, with kindness and strictness, embodying a strong sense of moral responsibility.The tradition of respecting the old and taking care of the young has been carried forward in modern times.At present, the old and the young in China have their own legal holidays—Elders' Day and Children's Day.Besides, the government has issued specific laws to protect women and children; and some laws also stipulate in explicit terms that Chinese citizens have obligations to take care of parents and raise children.



空虚得到了刹那的充实,故乡成了他们终极的归宿地(ultimate destination)。Homesickness is an eternal topic for Chinese people.Since ancient times, home has been a permanent harbor for both men and women, and homesickness is their ever-young complex.It is such kind of complex that becomes the important theme of Chinese literati in all dynasties; they expressed this theme in various ways and form various angles.It is home that arouses the best memories in their hearts.Thanks to those memories, they feel like going back to the pure and innocent childhood and returning to mothers arms.The wounds in body and mind will get healed temporarily and spiritual emptiness will be enriched for a while.Home has become their ultimate destination.



There has been an old maxim"Cultivate the mind, and then regulate the family, state and world"since ancient China.Regulating the family refers to getting married and starting one's career.However, getting married cannot come true without a house.Therefore,it is deeply rooted in Chinese people's mind that


一、红楼梦 《红楼梦》由曹雪芹和高鹗所著。小说以贾氏家族为故事核心,描述了贾家从一个富裕、有权有势的家族沦落为破落家庭的过程。小说成功塑造了100多个经典人物,他们分属于清朝的不同阶层。《红楼梦》对中国的封建社会有深刻的描绘,如果要了解中国人复杂的价值观,最好先能读懂《红楼梦》。毛主席评价道:“《红楼梦》不仅是爱情故事,也是历史故事,因为它描述了封建时代的兴败。”【翻译词汇】《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions;由…所著be attributed to; 家族clan;富裕affluent;权势prestige;沦落为descend to;塑造portray; 阶层rank;封建社会feudal society;复杂complexity 【精彩译文】A Dream of Red Mansions is attributed to Cao Xueqin and Gao-E. The author chose Jia Clan as the focus, depicting how an affluent and influential family with prestige lost its favor and descended to crash. In the novel, about 100 classic characters are successfully portrayed. These characters concern people of all ranks in the Qing Dynasty. A Dream of Red Mansions is a remarkable story about Chinese feudal society. To understand Chinese values in all its complexity, one can do no better than to read A Dream of Red Mansions. “It is not only a love story, but also a history story, because it describes the success and failure of the feudal period,”said Chairman Mao. 二、京剧 京剧被奉为中国的国粹,来源于18世纪晚期的安徽和湖北的当地剧种。京剧是中国所有剧种中最有影响力和代表性的,在中国乃至世界享有声誉。京剧完美融合了多种艺术形式。京剧集传统音乐、舞蹈、诗歌、杂耍、武术于一身,以华丽的戏服、逼真的脸谱和程式化的演出套路而闻名。京剧脸谱上每一种图形和亮丽的颜色都有象征意义:红色表示忠诚,蓝色表示残暴,黑色表示正直。【翻译词汇】 京剧Peking Opera;国粹national opera;有代表性representative 完美融合harmonious combination;杂耍acrobatics 武术martial arts;华丽的戏服exquisite costume 脸谱make-up or painted face;象征的symbolic;忠诚loyalty 残暴cruelty;正直honesty 【精彩译文】Known as China’s national opera, Peking Opera originated in the late 18th century from the basis of some local operas in Anhui and Hubei Provinces. Peking Opera is the most influential and representative of all operas in China. It has won great popularity not only in China but also throughout the world. Peking Opera is a harmonious combination of many art forms. It is a synthesis of traditional music, dancing, poetry, acrobatics and martial arts. It is famous for its exquisite costumes, beautiful make-up or painted face, and established performing conventions and rules. Each of


题目1 :Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people’s daily lives. 范文: Nowadays, when it comes to the issues of robots, individuals’ opinions vary from person to person. Some people believe that robots will enlighten our life, while other are worried about that they will ruin the whole world. As I see, the increasing number of robots has the power to alter everything in the coming future entirely. 【开篇点题,陈述观点】 First and foremost, it ca n be imagined and predicted that people’ life will be absolutely and definitely easier for the future generation with the growing number of computer machines. There is no need for people to endeavor to finish those complicated working stuff, which will be replaced by only a few computer progress. All of them can be completed by these smart robots quickly and perfectly. In addition, people will save much more time and energy when they deal with a task, because robots are their ideal replacement for these tough problems. As a result, it will save them plenty of time for feeling communication or even some rest. 【第二部分提出论据,支持论点】 In a word, the growing number of robots will change our lifestyle for sure. Only by these robots will we witness and experience an exceptional comforting life. 【总结文章,再次强化观点】 题目2 :Try to imagine what will happen when people spend more and more time in the virtual world instead of interacting in the real world. Nowadays, when it comes to the issues of living in the virtual world, individuals’ opinions vary from person to person. Some people believe that the virtual world and its colorful and all-mighty contents will enlighten our life, while other are worried about that it will ruin the whole society. As I see it, the issue


2020年四六级英语翻译和作文预测押题 PART ONE——Translation 【翻译第1篇】 【共享经济】 共享经济(the Sharing Economy)是一个围绕共享人力、物力和智力资源建立起来的社会经济生态系统(a socio-economic ecosystem)。在中国,以滴滴出行和摩拜单车为代表的共享经济正在成为主流趋势。自行车、房屋、日常衣物、篮球、雨伞,都可以使用神奇的共享模式。报告显示,到2020年,中国的共享经济交易量预计将大幅增长,占国内生产总值比重10%以上。甚至有人推测,只要道德和法律允许,最终所有能共享的都可以共享。更重要的是,中国庞大的人口也是一个巨大机遇。 参考译文: The Sharing Economy is a socio-economic ecosystem built around the sharing of human, physical and intellectual resources. Represented by companies like Didi Chuxing and Mobike, it’s becoming a major tr end in China. Bicycles, houses, daily clothing, basketballs, umbrellas all can use the magical sharing model. According to a report, China’s sharing economy transactions is expected to grow substantially, accounting for more than 10 percent of China’s gros s domestic product by 2020. Some people even speculated that everything that can be shared will be shared eventually, as long as it is ethically and legally feasible. More importantly, China’s large population is also a huge opportunity. 【翻译第2篇】 【中美贸易】


2014年6月英语六级翻译新题型模拟题 (1)原文: 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,人口约占世界总人口的22%。在过去相当长的时期里,由于诸多原因,贫困一直困扰着中国。20世纪80年代中期,中国农村绝大多数地区凭借自身的发展优势,经济得到快速增长,但少数地区由于经济、社会、历史、自然等方面的制约,发展相对滞后。中国政府在致力于经济和社会全面发展的进程中,在全国范围内实施了以解决贫困人口温饱问题为主要目标的有计划、有组织的大规模扶贫开发,极大地缓解了贫困现象。 参考答案 China is the largest developing country in the world and its population accounts for about 22 percent of the world’s total. For a long period of its history, China has been plagued by poverty for various reasons. In the mid-1980s, the economy of an overwhelming majority of the rural areas in China grew dramatically by virtue of their own advantages, but a small number of areas still lagged behind because of the constraints of their economic, social, historical, and natural conditions. The Chinese government, while working on all-round economic and social development, has nationwide implemented a large-scale program for development-oriented poverty relief in a planned and organized way. With the main objective of helping poverty-stricken people solve


写作和翻译:实质就是汉译英:汉译英的障碍就是语法和词汇——语法:语序+嵌套 形式最重要!!!高级词汇+复杂局势+过渡衔接 字数:120~180 核心语法定语从句: A is …, which can … 身份/属性;成就和功能。 爱心:Love is a kind of emotional strength, which can support us no matter how dark the world around us becomes and how hard the way ahead will be. 替换词:friendship; knowledge; family; diligence; insisting; determination; optimism; harmony 替换词:合作精神;勤奋;友谊;家庭;坚持;决心;乐观;和谐——the greatest humanistic spirit …是我们时代的主题(the theme of our era) 流行与时尚fashionable 网络:Internet is a kind of great invention in the 20th century, which can make the peoplefar away from each other in distance closer than ever before. 空调:Air-conditioner is a kind of invention in the 20th century, which can make the temperature comfortable. 总结:主题词发出两个动作:性质+能力 看到图怎么办? 非限定性定语从句——正如这幅第一眼看上去诙谐可笑但第二眼看上去发人深省的图画生动地描述,给我印象最为深刻的显著特征是…… As is vividly depicted in the picture which seems to be humorous and ridiculous but thought-provoking on the second thoughts, the most striking feature that impresses me profoundly is thatSpring, one of the realest men throughout the history of mankind all around the whole world that I have ever seen in my entire life, who is thebest that there ever was and the best that there ever will be, is a good teacher that is momentous and fundamental to anyone who want to win the future what the light is vital and significant to the people who desire to break through the dark,and that can support us to realize our vision and achieve our goals no matter how dark the world around us becomes and how hard the way ahead will be, because without him, we could have done nothing, including dream, success, hope and future. 预测一AHarmoniousDormitoryLife

2014年六级翻译预测 中英段落翻译

预测1 翻译原文: 近代以来,亚洲经历了曲折和艰难的发展历程。亚洲人们为改变自己的命运,始终以不屈的意志和艰辛的奋斗开辟前进道路。今天,人们所看到的亚洲发展成就,是勤劳智慧的亚洲人民不屈不挠、锲而不舍奋斗的结果。 亚洲人民深知,世界上没有放之四海而皆准的发展模式,也没有一成不变的发展道路,亚洲人民勇于变革创新,不断开拓进取,探索和开辟适应时代潮流,符合自身实际的发展道路,为经济社会发展打开了广阔前景。 参考译文: In modern times, Asia experienced twists and turns in its development. To change their destiny, the people of Asia have been forging ahead in an indomitable spirit and with hard struggle. Asia's development achievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the industrious and talented Asian people. The people of Asia are fully aware that there is no ready model or unchanging path of development that is universally applicable. They never shy away from reform and innovation. Instead, they are committed to exploring and finding


翻译题应试技巧 汉语主动句译成英语被动句 我们在汉译英时,往往也需要把汉语主动句译成被动句。这是因为:为了保证上下文连贯,使衔接更紧密,句子更自然;或强调动作承受者;或使语气婉转、措辞恰当。具体转换方法有如下两种。 1)把汉语主动句的宾语译成英语被动句的主语。 例1 ____________(将领你们去参观我们的新车间)by the secretary. 译文:Y ou will be shown our new workshop. 简评:如果这句话不是划线填内容,你完全可以将它翻译成The secretary will show you our new workshop。正是因为题型是补全句子,这就给翻译带来了一定的难度,你必须去适应题型要求而不是让题型来适应你。让我们看看译文已给出部分:by the secretary显然是一个被动语态特征,"秘书"在译文里已经由原来的主语变成了译文句子的补足成分。所以,题目是暗示我们要把原句中"你们"转换成译句里的主语,这样才符合出题要求。 例2 Y ou __________(我们期待你能组织贸易推广活动)this time. 译文:are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns. 简评:根据题目可推知全句意思是:我们期望你能组织这次的贸易推广活动。中文句子主语、谓语、宾语分别是:我们、期望、你。但是在英文译文的给出部分中我们看到句子以you开头,也就是说"你被期望能组织这次贸易推广活动"。中文的宾语变成了英文的主语,这就要求我们在翻译时要使用被动语态。全句完整答案是:Y ou are expected to organize the trade publicity campaigns this time. 2)当汉语句以"我们"、"人们"、"大家"等泛指性代词作主语时,在翻译成英文的时候常常可以忽略主语不译,并把英文译句处理成被动语态。处理后的英文译句往往带有know,see,find,say,suppose,estimate,report,suggest,stress,consider,expect,admit,point,understand 等动词。 例3 如果原子失去一个或多个电子,我们就说这个原子带正电荷。 译文:If one or more electrons are removed,the atom is said/believed/thought to be positively charged. 简评:这句话是一个条件从句。即:在原子失去一个或多个电子的情况下,这个电子带正电荷。"我们就说这个原子带正电荷"可理解为"这个原子被认为/ 被确信/ 被说成是带正电荷"。那么根据前面所说的原则,我们在翻译时可以将泛指性主语"我们"省略不译,并使用被动语态。 从这个例子里我们还可以看出,在科技文章中,根据英语表达习惯我们应当多采用被动语态,以强调事物的客观性。 例4 人们采用各种措施来防止腐蚀。 译文:All kinds of measures are taken to prevent corrosion. 简评:这句话可以按原文译成主动态,即:People have taken all kinds of measures to prevent corrosion。也可以用被动语态来翻译--All kinds of measures are taken to prevent corrosion。两者比较而言,被动态译文更突出表明所有、种种措施已经付诸实施,all kinds of measures得到强调,而主动态译法只是平铺直叙,重点不突出。


公益广告(public service advertisement)指为社会公众的利益和社会风尚服务的广告。它不以盈利为目的,属于非商业性广告,是社会公益事业(cause of the public good)的重要组成部分。公益广告的主题一般取材于老百姓的日常生活,如健康、安全和环保等。目的是提高公众的道德意识,改变公众对社会问题的态度。中国最早的公益广告出现在1986年。随后,公益广告的社会影响力逐渐增强。去年,中央电视台举办了首次电视公益广告大赛,呼吁社会各界关注并参与公益事业。 参考翻译: Public service advertisement refers to the advertisement that serves the interests of the public and social fashion. As a significant part of the cause of the public good, it is noncommercial and does not aim at making profit. The themes of public service advertisements generally come from the daily life of ordinary people, such as health, safety and environment objectives are raising public awareness of ethics and changing public attitudes towards social issues. The earliest public service advertisement in China appeared in 1986. From then on, its social influence heightened gradually. Last year, CCTV hosted China' s first public service advertising competition, appealing to people in all walks of life to concern about and participate in the cause of the public good. 越来越多来自北京、上海、广州、沈阳和其他一些大城市的大学生选择毕业后就结婚。这与20世纪80年代和90年代的情况形成了鲜明的对比,那时候很多城市的年轻人都推迟结婚,直到他们的年龄“足够大”—在30多岁甚至40多岁的时候。许多人花时间寻找有着良好的经济背景或好看的相貌的配偶,而不是寻找爱情。然而,这些选择毕业后就结婚的学生的父母必须照顾这些小夫妻的日常起居,因为这些年轻人仍然在探索如何作为一家人来生活。 参考译文: University students in Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Shenyang and some other big cities are increasingly choosing to get married right after is in sharp contrast to the situation in the 1980s and 1990s when many urban youngsters put off marriage until they were “old enough”一in their 30s or even spent their time looking for spouses with good economic backgrounds or attractive faces,instead of looking for ,parents of these students choosing to get married right after graduating have to take care of the couples' daily affairs,as the young people are still figuring out how to live as a family.


六级高分写作和翻译解 题策略 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

六级高分写作和翻译解题策略六级高分写作解题策略? 一、解题技巧 写作解题时间为30分钟,分为三步:5分钟审题和构思,20分钟写作,5分钟检查可能犯的错误。下面分步骤说明。 (一)审题和构思 事实上提供给写作的时间不止30分钟。一般来说,各考场会提前5分钟左右将答题卡一发到学生手里,大一点的考场甚至可能提前10分钟发卷。这5到10分钟不允许学生作答,但考生完全可以用来做作文部分的审题和构思工作。注意审题一定要仔细,按要求写作,不得擅自改动题目,给定的提纲不得有遗漏,否则会按比例扣分。尤其注意,不要因为事先自己背过或练过哪篇相似的文章而死搬硬套。否则后果很严重。如,2008年12月六级写作真题题目是College Students’ Mental Health,提纲为 1. 心理健康对于大学生很重要 2. 鉴于此,学校可以…… 3. 我们自己应该……” 而在考试之前我出过一道类似的模拟题,题目为“Psychological Problems Among College Students”, 提纲为 1. 很多大学生有严重的心理问题 2. 产生这些问题的原因 3. 如何解决这些问题” 可以看出,我给的提纲是按照比较规矩的三段论来的,即“提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”。但真题的提纲并未要求考生分析问题,反倒有两段要写解决问题。有的考生因为看过或背过模拟题的范文,就直接照搬,导致了失分。 另外,构思不是打草稿。并不建议学生练习写作时养成打草稿的习惯。因为考场上时间有限,打完草稿再誊写很可能来不及。另外,更重要的原因是考场上不发草稿纸,一般也不允许往里带纸,难以找到打草稿的地方。考生只要花三五分钟做一下构思即可,即想象一下每段大致写什么,可以记几个关键词(比如在准考证空白的地方)提示自己,在接下来的二十分钟里面按照这几个关键词提示的内容扩展就行。一般来说,要求不少于150词的文章最好写到180到200词,就句子数目来说,如果分三段,每段也就三到五句话,平均四句一段。那么整篇文章大约10个关键词就可以做好构思。以2009年6月六级写作真题为例。 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On the Importance of a Name. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.


2020年英语六级翻译预测及解析:网络游戏 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 随着电脑和互联网的普及,人们能玩的游戏很多。年轻人尤其喜欢网络游戏。不过,这个现象给很多家长和老师带来了很多的困扰,很多学生沉迷于游戏,导致健康状况和学习成绩的下降。相反地,有些人指出玩网络游戏能够协助玩家练习他们的反应水平,这对形成敏捷的反应和思维很有协助。而且,在玩电脑游戏的时候玩家能够暂时释放在工作和学习上的巨大压力。只要我们不沉迷于网络游戏,就能尽情享受它给我们带来的快乐。 翻译及详解 With the popularity of computers and the Internet,there is a wide range of games that people can choose from.Young people like online games most.However,this phenomenon troubles many parents and teachers.Many students are addicted to games,leading to a decline in their health condition and academic performance.On the contrary,some say that playing online games can train the players,reaction ability,which is of great help in forming quick reaction and fast thinking.Moreover,when playing computer games,players can temporarily release great pressure from their work and study.As long as we are not addicted to online games,we can enjoy the joy it brings us heartily. 翻译讲解 1.随着电脑和互联网的普及:可译为With the popularity of computers and the Internet.Popularity意为“普及,流行”。 2.带来了很多的困扰:能够使用动词trouble来翻译,意为“使烦恼,使苦恼”。作名词时意为“困难,麻烦”。


2020年英语六级翻译新题型预测:四大文明古国之一 中国位于亚洲东部,它是世界上人口最多的国家。中国是四大文 明古国之一,地大物博,拥有茂密的深林、雄伟壮丽的瀑布(waterfalls)、秀丽的湖泊、如利剑直插云霄的山峰以及富有中华文 化光辉的古迹(antiquity),令世界各国人民神往。但是,更重要的是,中国具有五千多年的历史,遗留下无数的历史文物(historical relics).包括珍贵珠宝、古迹名胜、宫殿(palaces)及数不尽的雄伟建筑,令人惊叹不已。这种种原因都促使中国成为很多人梦寐以求的旅 游胜地。 参考译文 China lies in the east of Asia. It is a country which is the most densely populated in the world. China is one of the four countries in the world with an ancient civilization. It has a vast territory with such abundant natural resources as dense forests, magnificent waterfalls, majestic and beautiful rivers and lakes, and mountains whose peaks reach high into the skies like swords. Besides, it contains historic remains of glorious Chinese antiquity. All these make China a singularly attractive place to tourists around the world. But, most importantly, China is possessed of a history of over five thousand years with innumerable historical relics left over from the long past, such as priceless pearl sand jewels, historic sites and scenic spots, palaces and ,edifices of architectural richness, all of which have won people's admiration. You are sure to find great enjoyment of all these attractions in China, a much-admired dream land. 1.第一句实际包含两层含义,故能够分为两句来翻译。


洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 Directions: 图表作文,关于一个美国大学图书馆的图书流动量(pop fiction, general nonfiction, science,art等),给出他们的流动比例对比,说明原因,并说明你自己喜欢阅读什么样的书。 范文: From the table based on a survey we made of the reading preferences of students in an American university in 2002, we learnt that, of all kinds of bookds, contemporary university students like fictions best, which has 65.9 percent of book circulation in library while other kinds of books have low percentage: general nonfiction ——18.2, science/technology/education-10.8,art/literature/poetry——5.1. It suggests that contemporary students are much more easily influenced by the fashion than ever before. It's a reasonable and good phenomenon because it reveals that university students like to keep up with the development of society. Thus they will easily adapt themselves into the new life after they graduate from school. Generally, I like reading nonfictions, for it is tightly connected with the reality. To some degree, it's no use reading too much fictions which sometimes will take you into fancy fantasy. Fast life pace also don't allow me to read books on art or poetry. To me, nonfiction is even helpful in analyzing society and humanity. 参考翻译: 通过2002年在美国一所大学的调查,得出了以上有关学生阅读偏好的图表。从中可以看出,在各式各样的书中,当代大学生最喜欢小说,小说占了图书馆图书流动量的65.9%。而其他类型的书占了很小的比例,一般非小说18。2%,科学技术教育占10.8%,艺术文学诗歌占501%。 从中可以看出当代大学生比以前更容易受到潮流的影响。这是一个合理的很好的现象,因为这说明大学生喜欢跟随社会前进的步伐。因此毕业后他们能够很容易的融入新的生活。


英语六级翻译预测 1、泰山称东岳,以“五岳独尊”的盛名享誉古今。按照“五行学说”,东方属木,主生发,有生命之源、万物之本的含义。这就是古代帝王通常在自己登基或晚年时到泰山封禅祭拜的原因。泰山拔地通天,气势磅礴,汉语又有“稳如泰山”、“重于泰山”之说。1987年,联合国教科文组织将泰山列为世界自然与文化遗产。 【翻译词汇】 泰山Mount Tai 东岳East Yue 五岳独尊the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains 享誉have a great reputation 五行学说the theory of five elements 生发liveliness 生命之源、万物之本a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures 登基be crowned 封禅祭拜make pilgrimages to 稳如泰山as firm as Mount Tai 重于泰山as weighty as Mount Tai 宣布proclaim 【精彩译文】 Mount Tai, called “East Yue”, has a great reputation for the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains. According to the theory of five elements, the East belongs to mu, which means liveliness. Therefore, the East is a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures. This explains why important emperors made pilgrimages mostly to Mount Tai when they were crowned or in their later years. It is a symbol of loftiness and might, hence, there are the Chinese idioms: “as firm as Mount Tai” and “as weighty as Mount Tai”. Mount Tai was proclaimed world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO in 1987. 2、长江是中国最长的河流,也是世界第三长河,仅次于非洲的尼罗河和拉丁美洲的亚马逊河。长江总长度约为6 300米,发源于青海省,向东流入东海。长江流域是中国重要的农作物产区,粮、棉产量分别占全国总量的40%和30%。长江三峡大坝是世界上最大的水利枢纽工程之一,为通航、发电和运输带来了很大的便利。 【翻译词汇】 长江the Yangtze River/Chang Jiang 尼罗河the Nile 亚马逊河the Amazon 向东eastward 东海East China Sea 长江流域the Yangtze River valley 农作物产区agricultural base 产量output 分别respectively


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c5495933.html,/ielts/xd.html(报名网址) 5) 顺序法 顺序法翻译不改变原文表达语序,不会影响对原文内容的理解。 例 1 即使在我们关掉床头灯甜甜地进入梦乡时,电仍然为我们工作:开动电冰箱,把水加热,或使室内空调机继续运转。 译文: Even when we turn off the bedside lamp and are fast asleep ,electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating ourwater, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned. 在句子中,句子前半部分是一个让步状语从句,后半句的"开动","加热","使......运转"都是"电在为我们工作"的具体内容。因而在译文中,译者将这三个并行动作处理成了V-ing形式,补充说明working的内容。译文按照原句的语序完全传达了原文的意思,采用顺序法翻译,达到了"精确,通顺"的目的。 例2 It was a Saturday evening, when Tom was lying on the bench ofthe school listening to a blackbird and composing a lyric, that he sawthe girls running among the trees, with the red-cheeked Joe in swiftpursuit. 译文: 那是周六的傍晚,汤姆正躺在学校的长凳上,一面听画眉鸟唱歌,一面写一首抒情诗,忽然看见女孩子们在树林里奔跑,后面紧跟着那红脸的乔。 原句里一连串出现了一系列的动词如:lying, listening, composing, saw,这是按汤姆进行这些动作的先后顺序来描述的,如果在译文中打乱这些顺序,就反而会显得凌乱,没有逻辑。 6)逆序法 逆序法根据目标语使用者表达习惯与目标语读者的认知能力,按原文语序反向翻译,以便更好地传达原文的内容。 例 3 他经常做礼拜的时候,总坐在固定的座位上,可是那天他们发现他不坐在老地方。 请读者比较下面两句译文,你认为哪一句较好? 译文1:When he attended worship, he always took a certain seat, but they found that he took a different one that day.

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