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●第五篇 A Record-Breaking Rover

NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity has boldly gone where no rover has gone before —at least in terms of distance. ____1____

On July 27, after years of moving about on Martian ground, the golf-cart-sized Opportunity had driven more than 24 miles, beating the previous record holder—a Soviet rover sent to the moon in 1973.

“This is so remarkable considering Opportunity was intended to drive about 1 kilometer and was never designed for distance,”says John Callas, the Mars Exploration Rover Project Manager.

____2____ “But what is really importantly is not how many miles the rover has racked up, but how much exploration and discovery we have accomplished over that distance.”


The solar-powered Opportunity and its twin rover, Spirit, landed on Mars 10 years ago on a mission expected to last 3 months. ____3____

Spirit stopped communicating with Earth in March 2010, a few months after it got stuck in a sand pit. But Opportunity has continued to collect and analyze Martian soil and rocks.

During its mission, Opportunity has captured, and sent back to Earth, some 187,000 panoramic and microscopic images of Mars with its cameras. ____4____ MARATHON ROVER

The rover doesn’t seem to be ready to stop just yet. If Opportunity can continue on, it will reach another major investigation site when its odometer hits 26.2 miles. ____5____

Researchers believe that clay minerals exposed near Marathon Valley could hold clues to Mars’s ancient environment1. Opportunity’s continuing travels will also help researchers as they plan for an eventual human mission to the Red Planet.


Mars rover n. 火星车panoramic adj. 全景的odometer n. 里程计

rack up v. 积累microscopic adj. 微观的


1.could hold clues to Mars’s ancient environment:含有与火星早期环境有关的线索。


A It has also provided scientists with data on the planet’s atmosphere, soil, rocks, and terrain.

B He works at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

C Scientists call this site Marathon Valley, because when the rover reaches the area, it will have traveled the same distance as the length of a marathon since its arrival on Mars.

D Opportunity has been working on Mars since January 2004.

E The objective of the rovers was to help scientists learn more about the planet and to search for signs of life,such as the possible presence of water.

F Since arriving on the Red Planet in 2004, Opportunity has traveled 25.01 miles, more than any other wheeled vehicle has on another world.


1.F 前文讲“机遇号”在距离上比之前的任何漫游车行进的距离都长,因此接下来应该讨论关于行进距离的问题。

2.B 前文引入了一个新人物John Callas,而后文是他说的一些话,因此这里应该填写的内容是对这个人的进一步介绍。

3.E 前文讲了同时被送入太空的两台漫游车“机遇号”和“勇气号”,因此下文应该对它们的情况进行介绍,而关于发射目的的介绍在这里是合适的。

4.A 前文讲到“机遇号”给地面传回了许多照片,而选项A中讲到它还给地面传回了许多其他信息,在这里是一致的。

5.C 前文讲漫游车在行进到2


●第九篇 An Essential Scientific Process

All life on the earth depends upon green plants. Using sunlight, the plants produce their own food. Then animals feed upon the plants. They take in the nutrients the plants have made and stored. But that’s not all. Sunlight also helps a plant produce oxygen. Some of the oxygen is used by the plant, but a plant usually produces more oxygen than it uses. The excess oxygen is necessary for animals and other organisms to live.

The process of changing light into food and oxygen is called photosynthesis. Besides light energy from the sun, plants also use water and carbon dioxide. The water gets to the plant through its roots. The carbon dioxide enters the leaves through tiny openings called stomata. The carbon dioxide travels to chloroplasts, special cells in the bodies of green plants. This is where photosynthesis takes place. Chloroplasts contain the chlorophylls that give plants their green color. The chlorophylls are the molecules that trap light energy. The trapped light energy changes water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and a simple sugar called glucose.

Carbon dioxide and oxygen move into and out of the stomata. Water vapor also moves out of the stomata. More than 90 percent of water a plant takes in through its roots escapes through the stomata. During the daytime, the stomata of most plants are open. This allows carbon dioxide to enter the leaves for photosynthesis. As night falls, carbon dioxide is not needed. The stomata of most plants close. Water loss stops.

If photosynthesis ceased, there would be little food or other organic matter on the earth. Most organisms would disappear. The earth’s atmosphere would no longer contain oxygen. Photosynthesis is essential for life on our planet.


nutrient n.营养物

organism n.生物体,有机体

carbon dioxide n.二氧化碳

chloroplast n.叶绿体

molecule n.分子

vapor n.水蒸气

oxygen n.氧气

photosynthesis n.光合作用

chlorophyll n.叶绿素

glucose n.葡萄糖

cease v.停止


1.Then animals feed upon the plants.动物以植物为食。


1.In the first paragraph,the word “excess” means

A heavy.

B extra.

C green.

D liquid.

2.Which of the following does not move through a plant’s stomata?

A Carbon dioxide.

B Water vapor.

C Oxygen.

D Food.

3.In the title, the term Essential Scientific Process refers to

A photosynthesis.

B the formation of glucose.

C global warming.

D water getting to the roots of plants.

4.This passage is primarily developed by

A explaining a process.

B telling a story.

C comparing and contrasting.

D convincing the reader of plants’ importance.

5.Another good title for this passage would be

A Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide.

B Plants and Their Roots.

C How Photosynthesis Works.

D Why Our Earth Needs Water.


1.B 前文讲到,植物产生的氧气一部分被植物自身消耗了,但植物消耗的氧气量远小于它们产生的氧气,因此可以推测这句话的意思应该是剩余的氧气对于动物以及其他生物体的生存是至关重要的。excess在句中的意思是“超额的”,与extra“额外的”意思相近。

2.D 从第三段的第一、二句得知,二氧化碳、氧气和水蒸气都能从气孔中通过,唯一一个没有提到的是food“养分、食物”,因此该题选D项。

3.A 文章通篇都在讲Photosynthesis,即光合作頌钠作用和重要性,文章结尾又重申了Photosynthesis is essential for life on our planet,因此选A项。B项是光合作用的一个部分,C、D项则毫不相干。

4.A 文章先是介绍了进行光合作用所需的原料和组织,又介绍了光合作用的过程,因此整个逻辑应该是解释过程,而不是讲故事或比较对比。D项是“向读者说明植物的重要性”,这确实是文章的一个目的,但不是文章的组织方式。

5.C 文章的主题是光合作用的基本原理,因此选项C。A、B项在文中有提及,但不是主旨,D项与本文无关。

●第二十二篇 Real World Robots

When you think of a robot, do you envision a shiny, metallic device having the same general shape as a human being, performing humanlike functions, and responding to your questions in a monotone voice accentuated by high-pitched tones and beeps?

This is the way many of us imagine a robot, but in the real world, a robot is not humanoid at all. Instead a robot often is a voiceless, box-shaped machine that efficiently carries out repetitive or dangerous functions usually performed by humans. Today’s robot is more than an automatic machine that performs one task again and again. A modern robot is programmed with varying degrees of artificial intelligence —that is, a robot contains a computer program that tells it how to perform tasks associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning, drawing conclusions, and learning from past experience.

A robot does not possess a human shape for the simple reason that a two-legged robot has great difficulty remaining balanced. A robot does, however, move from place to place on wheels and axles that roll and rotate. A robot even has limbs that swivel and move in combination with joints and motors. To find its way in its surroundings1, a robot utilizes various built-in sensors. Antennae attached to the robot’s base detect anything they bump into. If the robot starts to teeter as it moves on an incline, a gyroscope or a pendulum inside it senses the vertical differential. To determine its distance from an object and how quickly it will reach the object,the robot bounces beams of laser light and ultrasonic sound waves off obstructions in its path2. These and other sensors constantly feed information to the computer, which then analyzes the information and corrects or adjusts the robot’s actions. As science and technology advance, the robot too will progress in its functions and use of artificial-intelligence programs.


envision v. 想象,预想device n. 装置accentuate v. 强调,重读

artificial intelligence n. 人工智能limb n. 臂antennae n. 天线incline v. 倾斜

pendulum n. 钟摆ultrasonic adj. 超声的metallic adj. 金属的monotone n. 单调的

humanoid adj. 像人的axle n. 轮轴rotate v. 旋转swivel n. 旋转teeter v. 摇晃

gyroscope n. 陀螺仪,回转仪vertical n. 直立的


1.To find its way in its surroundings...:为了在周围找到路……

2.the robot bounces beams of laser light and ultrasonic sound waves off obstructions in its path:机器人发射激光束和超声波,反射到障碍物上(以此来探知路径)。


1.Another good title for this passage would be

A Robots: Taking the Place of Humans.

B Artificial Intelligence Programs.

C Today’s Robots and How They Function.

D Modern-Day Sensors.

2.Artificial intelligence is

A the unnatural way in which robots move.

B a voiceless, box-shaped machine that performs repetitive tasks.

C sensors such as antennae and a gyroscope.

D a computer program that imitates human intellectual processes.

3.The last paragraph suggests that future robots will be

A more humanlike in behavior and actions.

B more like automatic machines.

C better able to move on inclines.

D better equipped with laser light sensors.

4.The writer begins the passage by comparing

A the shape of a human being with a box.

B a modem robot with a fictional robot.

C an imaginary machine with a human.

D a computer program with artificial intelligence.

5.The word humanoid means

A lacking human characteristics.

B anything having the appearance of a humanoid.

C being void or vacant.

D having a human form or characteristics.


1.C 从文中得知,文章主要介绍了机器人和它们的运行方式,因此选择C选项。

2.D Artificial是“人工”的意思,intelligence是“智能”的意思。另外从文中得知,机器人使用artificial intelligence能够进行与人类类似的推理分析等活动,因此可知它是一种类似人类智能的计算机程序。

3.A 最后一段讲机器人的发展方向是更加智能,能够自己判断并修正行为,而不仅仅是完成重复性的工作。

4.B 文章开头的时候作者让读者描述他们脑海中的机器人概念,并随后介绍了实际的机器人是怎样的,因此选择B选项。

5.D 从humanoid的词根human可看出这个词是形容与人类有关的特征。另外根据文章对这个词的描述可以得出这个词是表示和人类类似的特征,不管是外形上,还是行为方式上。

●第九篇 Lightening Strikes

Three years ago a bolt of lightning all but destroyed Lyn Miller’s house in Aberdeen—with her two children inside. “There was a huge rainstorm,” she says, recalling the terrifying experience. “My brother and I were outside desperately working to stop floodwater from coming in the house. Suddenly I was thrown to the ground by an enormous bang. ____1____ The door was blocked by rubble, but we forced our way in and found the children, thankfully unharmed. Later I was told to be struck by lightning is a chance in a million.” In fact, it’s calculated at one chance in 600,000. Even so, Dr Mark Keys of AER Technology, an organisation that monitors the effects of lightning, thinks you should be sensible. “I wouldn’t go out in a storm —but then I’m quite a careful person.” He advises anyone who is unlucky enough to be caught in a storm to get down on the ground and curl up into a ball, making yourself as small as possible.

Lightning is one of nature’s most awesome displays of sheer power. ____2____ 250 years ago, Benjamin Franklin, the American scientist and statesman,proved that

lightning is a form of electricity, but scientists still lack a complete understanding of how it works.

____3____ Positive electrical charges streaming upwards from trees or church spires may glow and make a buzzing noise, and people’s hair can stand on end. And if you fear lightning, you’ll be glad to know that a company in America has manufactured a hand-held lightning detector which can detect it up to 70 kms away, sound a warning tone and monitor the storm’s approach.

Nancy Wilder was playing golf at a club in Surrey when she was hit by a bolt of lightning. Mrs Wilder’s heart stopped beating, but she was resuscitated and, after a few days in hospital, where she was treated for bums to her head, hands and feet, she was pronounced fit again. Since that time,she has been a strictly fair weather golfer1. ____4____ The best place to be is inside a car!

The largest number of people to be struck by lightning at one time was in September 1995 when 17 players on a football pitch were hit simultaneously. The most extraordinary aspect of the strike was the fact that 11 of the victims—seven adults and four children—had burn patterns of tiny holes at 3 centimetre intervals on each toe and around the soles of their feet.

Harold Deal, a retired electrician from South Carolina, USA, was struck by lightning 26 years ago. He was apparently unhurt, but it later emerged that the strike had damaged the part of the brain which controls the sensation of temperature. ____5____

Animals are victims of lightning too2.Hundreds of cows and sheep are killed every year, largely because they go under trees. In East Anglia in 1918, 504 sheep were killed instantaneously by the same bolt of lightning that hit the ground and travelled through the entire flock. Lightning is also responsible for starting more than 10,000 forest fires each year world-wide.


bolt n. (闪电)道sheer adj. 绝对的resuscitate v. 使复苏flock n. 群

rubble n. 碎石spire n. 尖顶,尖塔instantaneously adv. 即刻,突如其来地


1.she has been a strictly fair weather golfer:她变成了一个只在晴朗天气才打高尔夫的人。

2.Animals are victims of lightning too:动物也会受到雷击的伤害。


A No wonder the ancient Greeks thought it was Zeus, father of the gods, throwing thunderbolts around in anger.

B In fact, a golf course is one of the most dangerous places to be during a thunderstorm.

C Lightning has long been hailed as one of the most impressive displays of nature’s power.

D When I picked myself up, the roof and the entire upper storey of the house had been demolished.

E Occasionally there are warning signs.

F Since then the freezing South Carolina winters haven’t bothered Harold, since he is completely unable to feel the cold.


1.D 前文讲到“我”被爆炸击中,因此后文要讲被击昏然后醒来之后的事,D项符合。

2.A 前文讲闪电是大自然绝对力量最可怕的展现方式之一,而宙斯在古希腊是力量的化身,古希腊人认为雷电产生的原因是宙斯发怒并投掷闪电。

3.E 后文讲到闪电来临之前的一些征兆,还讲到有一种产品可以预告闪电。此处要填的是该段的主题句,即闪电到来之前会有一些征兆。

4.B 前面讲到在高尔夫球场上被雷击的一个事例,后文讲闪电来临之时最安全的地方是汽车里,因此要填的句子应该是讲在高尔夫球场不安全。

5.F 前文讲Harold因为雷击丧失了感受温度的能力,F选项中关于他再也不怕冬天的寒冷的描述符合要求。


2015年职称英语理工类C级考试真题及答案第一部分:词汇选项 1. The weather last summer was awful. A. bad B. fair C. dry D. hot 参考答案:A 2. The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A. message B. guilt C. obligation D. punishment 参考答案:D 3. My piano playing has improved significantly since I had a new teacher. A. definitely B. generally C. certainly D. greatly 参考答案:D 4. There is a need for radical changes in education.

A. revolutionary B. long-term C. short-term D. systematic 参考答案:A 5. It frustrates me that I‘m not able to put any of my ideas into practice. A. discourages B. shows C. surprises D. frightens 参考答案:A 6. I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A. limit B. fear C. power D. fool 参考答案:B 7. He tried to assemble his thoughts. A. gather B. clear C. share D. spare


2017年职称英语理工类A类词汇练习题及答案2017年职称英语理工类A类词汇练习题及答案 1It is (ridiculous) to dispute about such things. A foolish B shocking C frightening D amusing 2It was (obvious) that she was not going home. A evident B necessary C possible D probable 3He (replied) that this was absolutely impossible. A stated B answered C said D claimed 4He (Confesses) that he has done it. A agrees B alleges C admits D answers 5He lacked the strength to (deal with) all these problems A think of B talk about C copy down D cope with 6He (purchased) a ticket and went up on the top deck. A bought B took C showed D made 7Foreign money can be (converted) into the local currency at this bank. A written B changed C moved D reported 8He looks like a (crazy) man. A lazy B patient C mad D happy 9We cannot permit such (conduct). A movement B words C principle D behavior 10 She (started) to clean the kitchen. A stopped B began C continued D kept 11 John (talked over) the new job offer with his wife. A discussed B mentioned C accepted D rejected 12 I (rarely) wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car. A normally B continuously C seldom D usually 13 We (explored) the possibility of closer trade links at the conference. A rejected B investigated C proposed D postponed 14 He often (finds fault with) my work. A criticizes B praises C evaluates D talks about


职称英语查词典的技巧 职称英语是闭卷考,但允许考生携带词典进入考场。关于词典,国家有明确的规定,以下词典不允许带入考场: 有职称字样的词典不要带入考场; 针对职称英语考试编写的词典不能带入考场; 电子出版物,即电子词典不能带入考场。 其它的词典国家没有明确的规定。因此建议尽量选择具备同义词、收词量相对较大的词典。 此外,能否取胜职称英语,掌握查词典的技巧,尤其是合理分配查词典的时间也是很关键的。 在以往的`考试中,很多考生把词典当成“救命稻草”,抱着一大堆各种类型的词典进考场。但往往不是多数词典派不上用场,就是因为翻词典而浪费了大量的时间无法做完 ___,因此,建议:要有针对性地带词典。例如针对英语考试中的第一部分词汇题,老师建议考生带一本同义词词典或双解词典,这类词典的特点是用几个同义词注解某一英文单词,考生可以非常方便地在注解中找到答案。

其次,为了节省时间,考生最好是带自己经常使用、习惯了其编排规律的词典。在以往的考试中,甚至有少数考生对英语词典中字母表排列顺序的规律都不了解,这等于把这一得力工具浪费了。 综上所述,带一本自己常用的,正规的双解词典就好了,因为是去参加考试,不是去翻字典。 对于词汇选择题,最好从B、C两个选项查起。根据美国权威机构通过对标准化考试的研究与分析,选择题的4个选项中,B、C两个选项是正确答案的可能性更高。从这2个选项查起,更能节约考试时间。 重点查阅单词的常用解释。单词与汉语一样,一个单词可能同时有好几个解释,但是职称英语考试中一般都只会考察单词的常用意思,因此有多个解释的单词只需查阅其前三个解释即可。 一旦将答案确定,不要再查询其它单词,以免浪费时间。有些考生希望能确认或是不太肯定所选择答案,往往就把4个选项均查询了一遍,不仅浪费了时间,也可能将原本的正确答案修改了,第一感觉是很重要的!


2013年职称英语考试理工类复习笔记 一、动词 从一定意义上讲,英语语法就是动词的语法,因此,掌握动词的特性、变化、句型是学习英语语法的重中之重。为了能更好地理解下面的讲课内容,首先要搞清动词的几个基本概念。 1) be 动词和do动词:be动词也称状态动词,用于说明状态或性质,主要用于构成英语的主系表句型;do动词也称为行为动词,分及物动词和不及物动词; 2) 及物动词和不及物动词:不及物动词后面不跟宾语, 也没有被动语态; 及物动词后面一定要有宾语; 3) 双宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)结构和复合宾语(宾语+ 宾语补足语)结构:比较下面两个句子: My mother made me a cake.(母亲给我做了块蛋糕。) My father made me a doctor. (父亲把我培养成一名医生。) 第一句是双宾语结构,即My mother made a cake for me. 第二句是复合宾语结构,其句法功能为:My father made me (to) be a doctor (I am a doctor). 说明复合宾语结构中,宾语和宾语补足语之间有"主谓关系".

4) 情态动词:must, should, ought to, can, may, need, used to 等动词称为情态动词,有三大特征:A. 不受主语人称和数的影响,如:He may go now. / May I go now? 句中may的形式不变;B. 否定时在后面加not, 如:You ought not to have cheated her. C. 与另一动词连用,中间不用+ " to ", 如上举例。 请根据上述原则,(从语法角度)说出以下那种表达方式是对的: A. She needs to see a doctor. B. She doesn't need to see a doctor. C. Does she need to see a doctor? D. She needs not see a doctor. E. She needn't see a doctor. F. She doesn't need see a doctor. G. She needs see a doctor. 从语法角度看,A、B、C、E是对的。 5) 助动词:帮助实意动词构成某种结构的词,如: He did come yesterday; I saw him in the office.(他昨天确实来了;我在办公室见到他的。——表示强调) 五个基本句型 考研网校医药网校外语网校公务员网校网络课堂网上学习建筑网校


2014职称英语《理工B》真题及答案(代码22) 第一部分:词汇选项 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 1. The majority of people around here are decent. A. real B. honest C. normal D. wealthy 答案:D 2. The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid. A. hidden B. traditional C. inflexible D. official 答案:C 3. The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation. A. furnish B. copy C. publish D. summarize 答案:A 4. Afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down. A. excitement B. disappointment C. anger D. calm 答案:B 5. Several windows had been smashed. A. cleaned

C. fixed D. broken 答案:D 6. The worst agonies of the war were now beginning. A. pains B. parts C. aspects D. results 答案:A 7. London quickly became a flourishing port. A. major B. large C. successful D. commercial 答案:C 8. She felt that she had done her good deed for the day. A. homework B. justice C. model D. act 答案:D 9. He led a very moral life. A. human B. intelligent C. natural D. honourable 答案:D 好学教育2015年职称英语考试过关课程课件汇总:https://www.doczj.com/doc/0a4519393.html,/RhFad1W 10. His stomach felt hollow with fear.


2020年职称英语理工A概括大意真题及答案 Geothermal(地热)Energy 1.Since heat naturally moves from hotter regions to cooler ones, the heat from the earth's center flows outwards towards the surface. In this way, it transfers to the next layer of rock. If the temperature is high enough, some of this rock melts and forms magma(岩浆). The magma ascends in its turn towards the earth's surface. It often remains well below the earth's surface, creating vast areas of hot rock. In such regions, there are deep cracks, which allow rainwater to descend underground. Some of the heated rainwater travels back up to the earth's surface where it will appear as a hot spring. However, if this ascending hot water reaches a layer of impermeable(不可渗透的)rock, it remains trapped, forming a geothermal reservoir. If geothermal reservoirs are close enough to the surface, they can be reached by drilling wells. Hot water and steam shoot up the wells naturally, and can be used to produce electricity in geothermal power plants. 2.A few geothermal power plants depend on dry-stem reservoirs which produce steam but little or no water. In these cases, the steam is piped up directly to provide the power to spin a turbine generator. The first geothermal power plant, constructed at Lardarello in Italy, was of this type, and is still producing electricity today. 3.Most currently operating geothermal power plants are either "flash" steam plants or binary(双重的)plants. Flash plants produce mainly hot water ranging in temperature from 300° to 700°Fahrenheit. This water is passed through one or



职称英语考试备考技巧 一、词汇: 需要考生在最后阶段练习查字典,建议一天练习查60对,而且一个词汇题要反、正查,同时也要进行职称考试中常考词汇的记忆,这样可以在考试时提高速度,节省时间。 词汇题一般情况下仅凭字典一般也能做对,因此考生对自己不认识、不熟悉或没有绝对把握的题一定要通过字典来确认,从而确保词汇题100%的正确率。特别提醒考生,考试时要带上一本带有同义词的词典。且词典不能含有职称、考试等字样,更不能带电子词典。 二、阅读判断: 答题时需掌握一条原则,就是在文章中有明确提出的才能确定为对。题目中若出现must、only、all、always等时,答案一般不会是对的。 除上面的原则外,一般根据下列原则和规律也可以确定正确答案。选择A、B或C的三种情况: 选A的情况:如果某题干与原文信息完全一致或基本一致 选B的情况:如果某题干与原文信息完全相反 选C的情况:如果某题干部分或局部信息在原文中未提到 三、概括大意和完成句子: 概括大意要先看选项,寻找关键词,确定所考段落。完成句子则要根据所给的短句进行选择,比较好的方法是找同类动词。 同时读每段话时,要抓住该段话的主题句和核心词汇,正确答案常常是主题句的改写。读每段话时,并不是该段话全要仔细阅读。这样,既浪费时间,也不容易抓住重点。应该抓住该段话的主题句。 四、阅读理解: 首先要重点掌握教材上的阅读理解的重点文章的背诵,来抓住出自教材上的分数,这是顺利通过考试很关键的一步。

同时充分利用老师在课上讲的解题技巧,如大标题做题法、红花绿叶原则、顺序出题原则、关键词回归定位法通过做模拟试题来进行解题技巧的演练和应用。 在做题时要注意:搞清主旨题、细节题、推理题、逻辑关系题、观点态度题。注意标题、首尾段、首尾句、逻辑关系处、细节处等出题点;在阅读时见到日期、数量等要先做好标记,这样有重点有理有节的解题,才有可能取得满意的成绩。 五、补全短文: 要先看标题定文体,再看选项,观察选项时应注意抓主干,猜大意,弄清选项大意是表示定义、因果、例子还是措施;不要放过代词、专用名字、连接词、数字等特征词;然后回头再去看课文,明确1-5的位置。 解每道题时只需要阅读该题所在段落,不需要阅读其他段落。往往通过阅读该题目的前后句就能够确定答案,在考试时,应该注意利用以下前后句子存在的关系来做题: (1)利用转折关系 (2)利用归纳总结关系 (3)利用总分关系 (4)利用并列关系 六、完形填空: (1)掌握教材上的文章内容,尤其是2013年新增文章。把这些文章在考前一个月内,争取背到“滚瓜烂熟”,这样,就算考试时怎样变化都可以应付。 (2)语法知识的总结和固定搭配、词组的记忆。这样在做题时,阅读整篇文章,考生才能从头判断每个空所缺的词的语言形式,如词类、时态、语态,并判断该词应具有的符合文章上下文的词义,最后从给出的四个选项中,选出在语法与词义上均与原文相符合的一个。除掌握以上解题技巧外,考生最好配合在模拟真实的考试时间进行模拟试题的演练,这样不但可以直接掌握复习效果,还可以迅速找到自己的薄弱环节,通过单项训练,逐一提高成绩。最后,提醒考生,在抓紧时间复习的同时要放松心情,以轻松的心态迎接考试。预祝顺利通过考试! 全国职称英语考试必过秘籍(免背单词+免读全文版) 1、试题概况及答题顺序 1.1、必杀技:见下表中“答题顺序”:


2013年职称英语真题理工C(含答案解析) 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. I tried to detach myself from the reality of these terrible events. A. bring B. separate C. put D. set 2. The odd thing was that he didn’t recognize me. A. real B. whole C. same D. strange 3. That performance was pretty impressive. A. completely B. very C. Beautifully D. equally 4. I grabbed his arm and made him turn to look at me. A. throw B. seized C. broke D. stretched 5. The frame needs to be strong enough to support the engine. A. structure B. bottom C. Surface D. top 6. We found shelter from the rain under the trees. A. defense B. protection C standing D. room 7. “There is no other choice.” She sa id in a harsh voice. A. firm B. soft C. deep D. unkind 8. Traffic reaches its rush hour between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning. A. border B. goal C. level D. peak 9. We have to change the public’s perception that money is everything. A. sight B. belief C. interest D. pressure 10. This was an unexceptionally brutal attack.


职称英语考试理工类B级考试试题(1)2 第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分) 阅读下面这篇短文。短文后列出了7个句子。请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息。请在答题卡上把A涂黑:如果该句提供的是错误信息。请在答题卡上把B涂黑:如果该句的信息文章中没有提及。请在答题卡上把C涂黑。 The Smog(烟雾) For over a month. Indonesia was in crisis. Forest fires raged out of control as the country Suffered its worst drought for 50 years . Smoke form the fires mixed with sunlight and hot dry air to form a cloud of smog This pollution quickly spread and within days it was hanging over neighbouring countries including Malaysia.Singapore and Thailand When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars.it soon became poisonous (有毒的)。Dangerous amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People wheezed f喘息)and coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately. The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot (烟灰)covered everything.In some areas,water was hosed(用胶管浇)from high—rise city buildings to tIY and break up the smog.


2020年职称英语理工类A级真题及答案(词汇选项)2020年职称英语理工类A级词汇选项考试真题及答案 第1部分:词汇选项(第1——15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. The revelation of his past ledto his resignation. A.imagination B. confirmation C.recall D. disclosure 答案为D. revelation(揭露)– disclosure(揭露) 2. Jensen is a dangerous man, and can bevery brutal. A.careless B. cruel C.strong D. hard 答案为B. brutal(残忍的) – cruel 3. You’ll have to sprint if youwant to catch the train. A.jump B.escape C. run D.prepare 答案为C. sprint (快速奔跑) – run(奔跑) 4. We are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty. A. changeable B. stable C.suitable D.adaptable

答案为A. fluid(不稳定的) –changeable (易变的) 5. The new garment fits herperfectly. A.haircut B. purse C. clothes D.necklace 答案为C. garment(衣服) –clothes(衣服) 6. The phobia may have its root in achildhood trauma. A.fear B. joy C. hurt D.memory 答案为C. trauma(精神上的创伤) – hurt(感情上的伤心或痛苦) 7. They have to build canals to irrigatethe desert. A.decorate B. water C.change D. visit 答案为B. irrigate(灌溉) –water(给…浇水) 8. Her overall language proficiencyremains that of a toddler. A.disabled B. pupil C.teenager D. baby 答案为D. toddler(学步的儿童) – baby(婴儿) 9. The coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold. A. warm B.severe C.hard D.dry


2013年度全国职称英语等级考试理工类(B级)试题及参考答案 职称英语考试历年真题汇总>>https://www.doczj.com/doc/0a4519393.html,/zZnTL (复制链接,点击“打开链接”即可访问) 更多精品备考资料在职称英语考试交流群:151033695 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. Come out, or I’ll bust the door down. A shut B break C set D beat 2. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town. A naked B blind C cautious D private 3. The rules are too rigid to allow for human error. A general B inflexible C complex D direct 4. It seemed incredible that he had been there a week already. A right B unbelievable C obvious D unclear 5. These animals migrate south annually in search of food. A explore B inhabit C prefer D travel 6. Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems. A send B hear C confirm D spread 7. She came across three children sleeping under a bridge. A found by chance B passed by C took a notice of D woke up 8. I have little information as regards her fitness for the post. A about B at C with D from 9. As a politician, he knows how to manipulate public opinion. A express B divide C influence D voice 10. He was tempted by the high salary offered by the company. A taught B kept C changed D attracted 11. He paused, waiting for her to digest the information. A withhold B exchange C understand D contact 12. Make sure the table is securely anchored. A repaired B cleared C booked D fixed 13. She gets aggressive when she is drunk.


2015职称英语理工类A真题及答案(完整版) 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. A. control B. observe C. regulate D. accept 2. She showed a natural aptitude for the work. A. sense B. talent C. flavor D. taste 3. Most people find rejection hard to accept. A. excuse B. client C. refusal D. destiny 4. The organization was bold enough to face the press. A. pleased B. powerful C. brave D. sensible 5. They were locked in mortal combat. A. deadly B. open C. actual D. active 6. We were attracted by the lure of quick money. A. amount B. supply C. tempt D. sum 7. The procedures were perceived as complex and less transparent. A. clear B. necessary C. special D. correct 8. The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling. A. Service B. danger C. disorder D. threat 9. He believes that Europe must change or it will perish. A. survive B. last C. die D. move


++2010年全国职称英语综合类(A级)考试真题及答案 第一部分:词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. Her father was a quiet man with graceful manners. A. bad B. polite C. similar D. usual 2. Patricia stared at the other girls with resentment. A. love B. surprise C. doubt D. anger 3. Your dog needs at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise every day. A. energentic B. physical C. regular D. free 4. Our aggrangements were thrown into complete turmoil. A. failure B. confusion C. doubt D. relief 5. Steep stairs can present a particular hazard to older people. A. evidence B. danger C. case D. picture 6. I enjoyed the play-it had a clever plot and very funny dialogues. A. long B. original C. humorous D. boring 7. He demolished my arguments in minutes. A. disproved B. disputed C. accepted D. supported 8. The two banks have announced plans to merge next year. A. combine B. sell C. close D. break 9. Regular visits from a social worker can be of immense value to old people living alone. A. immediate B. great C. equal D. moderate 10. I want to provide my boys with a decent education. A. private B. general C. good D. special 11. Lower taxes would spur investment and help economic growth. A. attract B. encourage C. require D. spend 12. He was kept in appalling conditions in prison. A. critical B. temble C. necessary D. normal 13. I can't put up with my neighbor's noise any longer, it's driving me mad. A. measure B. generate C. tolerate D. reduce 14. The project required ten years of diligent research. A. hardworking B. scientific C. basic D. social 15. He was rather vague about the reasons why he never finished school. A. unclear B. bright C. bad D. general 第二部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分) 下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。 The Writing's on the Wall? Is it art or is it just vandalism (野蛮行为)? Well, it's still a crime, but graffiti (涂鸦) has changed since the days of spraying your name on a wall to mark your territory. Street art has become much more sophisticated since a 17-year-old called Demetrius started spraying his "tag" , TAKI 183, all over the New York underground in 1971, and hip - hop culture was born. Hip-hop is a mixture of art, music and dancing, poetry, language and fashion. It came from young inner-city people who fell left out by their richer classmates and who were desperate to express themselves in any way they could. An experiment to control the spread of graffiti in Rochdale, Creater Manchester, has been sosuccessful that plans have been made by local street artists for an international convention in June. "We're planning to get people together from different countries like France and Cermany for a week, " says Liam, one of the organizers. The scheme started in 2000, and has attracted people of all age groups and both sexes. " We all share a commen interest and get on really well with each other. " The first site to be chosen was a subway. " Before we began, people were afraid to use the subway. We had it cleaned up and now, with all the artists hanging out down there, people are using it again. People can relate to graffiti much more now. " By providing places to display their talents legally, there has been a fall in the amount of "tagging" on people's private property. Street artists Temper developed his drawing skills at a young age. In art classes at school he was really frustrated because the Art teacher didn't spend time with him. They thought he was already very good at art and so spend more time with other students. So, at 12 years old, Temper started painting with all these guys he'd hooked up with who were about 22 years old. He looked


https://www.doczj.com/doc/0a4519393.html,/ .375. School Lunch Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat properly in the middle of the day.In Britain schools have to provide meals at lunchtime.Children can choose to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen. One shocking finding of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents.There are strict standards for the preparation of school meals,which have to include one portion of fruit and one of vegetables,as well as meat,a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta.Lunchboxes examined by researchers contained sweet drinks,crisps and chocolate bars.Children consume twice as much sugar as they should at lunch time. The research will provide a better understanding of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has increased in the last decade.Unfortunately,the government cannot criticise parents,but it can remind them of the nutritional value of milk,fruit and vegetables.Small changes in their children’s diet can_affect their future health.Children can easily develop bad eating_habits at this age,and parents are the only ones who can prevent it.A Powerful Influence There can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference1to our lives.Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the Internet,hardly ever doing anything else in their spare time.Naturally,parents are curious to find out why the Internet is so attractive,and they want to know if it can be harmful for their children.Should parents worry if their children are spending that much time staring at their computers? Obviously,if children are bent over their computers for hours,absorbed in some game,instead of doing their homework,then something is wrong.Parents and children could decide how much use the child should_make of the Internet,and the child should give his or her word that it won’t interfere with homework.If the child is not holding to this arrangement,the parent can take more drastic steps dealing with a child’s use of the Internet is not much different from negotiating any other sort of bargain about behaviour.Any parent who is_seriously alarmed about a child’s behaviour should make an appointment to discuss the matter with a teacher.Spending time in front of the screen does not necessarily affect a child’s performance at school.Even if a child is absolutely crazy about using the Internet,he or she is probably just going through a phase,and in a few months there will be something else to worry about!The Old Gate In the Middle Ages the vast majority of European cities had walls around them.This was partly for defensive reasons but another factor was the need to keep out anyone regarded as undesirable,like people with contagious diseases.The Old City of London gates were all demolished by the end of the 18th century.The last of London’s gates was removed a century ago,but by a stroke of luck,it was never destroyed. This gate is,in actual fact,not called a gate at all;its name is Temple Bar,and it marked the boundary between the Old City of London and Westminster.In 1878the Council of London took the Bar down,numbered the stones and put the gate in storage because its design was unfashionable it was expensive to maintain and it was blocking the traffic. The Temple Bar Trust was set up in the 1970’s with the intention of returning the gate home.The aim of the Trust is the preservation of the nation’s architectural heritage.Transporting the gate will mean physically pulling it down,stone by stone,removing and rebuilding it near St Paul’s Cathedral.Most of the facade of the gate will probably be replaced,though there is a good chance that the basic structure will be sound.The hardest job of all,however,will be to recreate the statues of the monarchs that once stood on top of the gate.Family History In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before,many people are being attracted to the idea of looking back into the past.One way they can do this is by investigating their own family history.They can try to find out more about where their families came from and what they did.This is now a fast-growing hobby,especially in countries with a fairly short history,like Australia and the United States. It is one thing to spend some time going through a book on family history and to take the decision to investigate your own family’s past.It is quite another to carry out the research work successfully.It is easy to set about it in a disorganized way and_cause yourself many problems which could have been avoided with a little forward planning. If your own family stories tell you that you are connected with a famous character,whether hero or criminal,do not let this idea take over your research.Just treat it as an interesting possibility.A simple system for collecting and storing your information will be adequate to start with;a more complex one may only get in your way.The most important thing,though,is to get started.Who knows what you might find? Helen and Martin With a thoughtful sigh,Helen turned away from the window and walked back to her favourite armchair.Would her brother never arrive?For a brief moment,she wondered if she really cared that much. Over the years Helen had given up waiting for Martin to take an interest in her.Her feelings for him had gradually weakened until now,as she sat waiting for him,she experienced no more than a sister’s curiosity to see what had become of her brother. Almost without warning,Martin had lost his job with a busy publishing company after spending the last eight years in New York as a key figure in the US office.Somehow the two of them hadn’t bothered to keep in touch and,left alone,Helen had slowly found

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