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Reading Report Ⅰ

Source of the reading material Internet

Title The Road to Success Author Andrew Carnegie


In this article , the author tells us a prime condition and great secret for achieving success during our future career life . That is , concentrating our energy , thought , and capital exclusively upon the business in which we are engaged . It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions . Once we have begun in one line , we should resolve to fight it out on that line , lead in it , adopt every improvement , have the best machinery , and know the most about it .

Reflection or Response:

During our future life , we should act as what the author told us , that is aiming for the highest , concentrating , expenditure always within revenue and being patient . If we keep the belief that ―My place is at the top‖ in mind , we will be successful someday . A s Emerson says,―no one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves.‖

Vocabulary explanation list:

1.subordinate adj. 次要的,从属的

2.threshold n. 开始,开端,极限

3.janitor n. 守卫,门警,管理人

4.extensive adj. 广阔的,广泛的

5.exclusively adv. 排外地,专有地

6.scatter v. 分散,散开,撒开

7.tumble v. 翻倒,摔倒,倒塌

8.speculate v. 推测,思索

9.expenditure n. 支出,花费

10.at the threshold of 在…的开始

11.salutary adj. 有益的,有用的,有益健康的

12.put all one's eggs in one basket 孤注一掷

1.But if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning, the boy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom.

【结构解析】“by chance”的意思是“碰巧”,“who has the genius of the future partner in him”是定语从句修饰“the boy”。

2.Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is ―aim high‖. I would not give a fig for the young man who does not already see himself the partner or the head of an important firm.

【结构解析】“assuming”相当于“supposing”“supposed”,意思是“假设”,放在句首用以引导条件状语从句;“aim high”意思是“胸怀大志,力争上游”;“not give a fig for”的意思是“对……毫不在乎”;“obtain employment”意思是“找到工作,就业”。

3.He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up. 【结构解析】“who carries three baskets ”是定语从句修饰“He”,句中的“which”指the one should be put on his head.

Reading Report Ⅱ

Source of the reading material Internet

Title What I Have Lived For Author Bertrand Russell Summary:

Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970) was a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic. At various points in his life he considered himself a liberal, a socialist, and a pacifist , a prominent anti-war activist . In 1950 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, "in recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he champions humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought." In this article , What I Have Lived For , Russell told us three passions has governed his whole life : the longing for love , the search for knowledge , and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind . These passions made him find the true value of life and he would gladly live it again if chance were offered him .

Reflection or Response:

What is the true value of life ? what does life mean to us ? After reading this article , I can’t agree more with Russell . love , knowledge and pity is the three passions what we live for . These passions will blow us hither and hither , in a wayward course , over a deep ocean of anguish , reaching to the very verge of despair .

Vocabulary explanation list:

1. overwhelming ([?o?v?r?hwelm??]压倒的,势不可挡的;占绝对优势的)

2. hither ([?h?e?r]adv.向此处;adj.这里的; 这边的; 附近的)

3. ecstasy ([?ekst?si] 狂喜;入迷;销魂;精神恍惚;(诗人的)忘我的境界)

4. shiver ([???v?r]发抖;颤抖;(使)发抖;(使)打颤;(使)迎风飘动)

5. rim ([r?m](圆形器皿的)边,缘;轮圈,辋圈,轮辋,轮缘;眼镜框,帽边(等))

6. miniature ([?m?n?t??r]小型的,缩小的;小规模的;使成小型,缩写)

7. prefigure ([pri?f?ɡj?r]v.预示; 预兆; 预想)

8. echoes ([?eko?](雷达的)回波,反射波;回声,反响;共鸣,反映;重复,摹仿;摹仿者;应声虫)

9. reverberate ([r??v?rb??re?t]反响; 混响; 反射)

10. torture ([?t?rt??r]折磨;痛苦,苦恼;拷问,拷打)

Reading Report Ⅲ

Source of the reading material The Art of Loving Date____________

Title The Future of Love: Kiss Romance Goodbye, It’s Time for the Real Thing Author Barbara Graham


The search for ideal love-for that one perfect soulmate-is the futile wish of not fully developed selves. But it also seems true that longing for a profound,all-consuming erotic connection is in our very wiring. In our society , we expect passionate love to lead to a happy, lifelong marriage. This idea — that emotional and physical intimacy is a part of marriage — is a relatively new and unique practice in human history. As Graham points out, prior to the 20th century , marriage was often a matter of economic and social necessity, unrelated to love.

Reflection or Response:

During the past,marriage was designed to serve the economic and social needs of families,communicaties and religious institutions,and little or nothing to do with love. Nowadays everyone of us are pursuing ideal love,for that one perfect soulmate. However ,we are confused about the true meaning of love and we sometimes have no ideas to win love. Does love mean romance or just the real thing ?

Vocabulary explanation list:

1.cut one’s teeth on 从…中获得经验,得到学习get one’s first experience of doing something and learn the

basic skills

2.anarchic [??nɑrk?k]adj.无政府(主义)的

3. astute [??stut]机敏的,伶俐的,狡猾的

4.full blast adv.全力地;全速地;开足马力地at maximum power,activity,etc.;as powerfully or loudly as possible.

5.regress [r??ɡres]回归,退回

6.rationalize [?r??(?)n??la?z]使合理,合理化

7.sanitize [?s?n??ta?z]使卫生;使免除有害的东西,使具有良好外观,使消除不良印象

8.rapture [?r?pt??r]狂喜;欢天喜地

9.puritanical [?pj?r??t?n?k(?)l]清教徒的;清教主义的

10.be possessed of 拥有,据有

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d4191572.html,itate against 不利于

12.monogamy [m??nɑɡ?mi]一夫一妻制;一生一婚制;单配偶,单配性

13.clandestine [?kl?nd??stin]秘密的; 暗中的; 私下的

14.adultery [??d?lt?ri]通奸,私通

15.infatuation [?n?f?t?u?e??(?)n]昏头昏脑,迷惑,迷恋

16.euphoria [ju?f?ri?]【医】欣快,精神愉快;【心】幸福感

17.tie the knot get married

18.ephemeral [??fem(?)r?l]朝生暮死的;短命的,暂时的

19.stigma [?st?ɡm?]耻辱,污名;记号,符号,标记〔例如本字典中的〔美国〕〔口语〕等〕

20.malaise [m??le?z]不舒服;小病,微恙;精神欠爽

21.insidious [?n?s?di?s]阴险的,狡猾的;暗中为害的;在不知不觉之间加剧的

22.troubadour [?trub??d?r](11-13世纪法国南部及意大利北部等地的)抒情诗人,行吟诗人

23.paradigm [?p?r??da?m]模范

How to win love ?

Franklin had said that: ―If you would be loved, love and be lovable.‖ What Franklin means is that, if you are going to get love from others, you must love with your heart and know how to love. But how can we win love?

We are starved for love and search for ideal love everyday. We watch endless numbers of films about happy and unhappy love stories and listen to hundreds of trashy songs about love,yet hardly anyone considers that there is anything that needs to be learned about how to win love. To win love,we should know the true meaning of it.Love is an art which requires knowledge and effort while majority of people regard it as a sensation.

When we talk about love,we do not merely mean the emotional feeling between men and women. Love contains a lot,such as spiritual love,family love,brotherly love which means the love between friends and so on. Nevertheless ,no matter what exactly kind of love is,it means sacrifice,responsibility and respect.Respect your love mates,sacrifice for them and hold responsibility. Only obey these principles,can we win the true love and enjoy the happiness .

What does the fable mean to me ?

Majority of us have ever learned the fable,The Ant and the Grasshopper. What the fable tells us is that industry is rewarded and giddiness punished. But for me,it means more.

The first meaning I get is that we should work hard, no matter what we do and how difficult it is. No one can reap without sowing. When we talk about a movie star or a famous football player,what we mentions most is just their bright life. Yet,seldom of us will care the hardworking behind their success. Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success. Every successful person is as common as normal people before they succeed. No pains,no gains!

The second meaning tells us do preparation before we launch a business. As an old saying goes ―repair the house before it rains‖,never follow the grasshopper. We should learn from the ant,spending a laborious summer gathering its winter store. Only in this way,can we take it easy while we are facing troubles. Fables is not just stories,it tells us lessons which will contribute to our future life.

CNN.student news. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d4191572.html,n.

Item 1:President Obama gives his third annual back-to- school speech at Benjamin Banneker Academic High School. One of his big themes was that education and learning don`t stop after high school. And he offered some suggestions about what students can focus on this year.

AZUZ:First up today, we`re talking about a speech from President Obama that is aimed directly at students. It`s the president`s third annual back-to- school speech. This year, he urged students to, quote, "explore" and every once in a while, quote, "color outside the lines."

President Obama made this year`s speech at Benjamin Banneker Academic High School. It was broadcast on the Internet. One of his big themes was that education and learning don`t stop after high school. And he offered some suggestions about what students can focus on this year.

OBAMA: So I want all of you who are listening, as well as everybody here at Banneker, I want you to make the most of the year that`s ahead of you.

I want you to think of this time as one in which you are just loading up with information and skills, and you`re trying new things and you`re practicing, and you`re honing all those things that you`re going to need to do great things when you get out of school.

Your country is depending on you. So set your sights high. Have a great school year. Let`s get to work.

Item 2: a segment we call "Student Views"

AZUZ: All right. It`s one thing to get advice from the president. It`s another to hear it from students like yourself. We`re talking about a segment we call "Student Views".

And this past summer, we talked with some rising juniors and seniors at the Leadership Unplugged program. It was held here in Atlanta, and we asked for their words of wisdom for anybody who`s just starting out in high school. Here are some of the things they had to say.

XX: I would tell incoming high school freshmen they definitely need to stay focused. And they need to have a plan of where they`re going and how they`re going to get there, because now there are strenuous requirements for getting into college and for, I guess, standing out and being amazing, in a sense.

YY: I know that it may seem as if, once you get into high school, it`s really intimidating and everything. You want to just get out and experience college life.

But I really recommend to every freshman that you take your time and enjoy your four years, because it really does go by quickly. And you really start to miss the experiences if you don`t stop and look around for a bit, smell the roses, as they say.

ZZ: Just be yourself at school. Don`t try to fit in with the in crowd, you know, the tough kids. Just do what you`ve done your whole life and be comfortable with yourself and be confident.

AA: It`s never too early to start looking at colleges. A lot of colleges take scholarships and applications presented your sophomore year. So if you already know what schools you`re interested in, you could start looking for those your freshman year.

BB: Even though high school seems like a big place, it`s tons of kids are there, like way older than you, don`t get freaked out. You`ll be up there sooner than don`t get freaked out, like just flow with it. It`ll all work out. Don`t worry.

AZUZ: I like that, "Don`t get freaked out."

Well, we have a piece of advice for you now from police, and that is don`t cheat on the SAT. They say some students from a high school in Long Island did just that.

Item 3: Seven people have now been arrested.They are accused of hiring Eshaghoff to take the SAT for them.

AZUZ: Seven people have now been arrested. Sam Eshaghoff, whom you see hear, plus six other students who are accused of hiring Eshaghoff to take the SAT for them.

?: Who are the victims in this instance? The victims are their fellow students, the kids who don`t cheat, the kids who take the SAT prep course, the kids who study, the kids who do their homework, the kids who play by the rules.

AZUZ: The charges against Eshaghoff , the accused test- taker, are serious. Listen to this: first degree scheme to defraud, first degree falsifying business records, second degree criminal impersonation.

His lawyer says he`s not guilty.

AZUZ: The six students accused of paying him thousands of dollars to impersonate them and take the test have been charged with less serious misdemeanors. But what`s unclear is what happens to them if they`re found guilty, whether the colleges that some of these students have already gotten into are going to allow them to stay.

AZUZ: Really significant story for us here on CNN Student News. There`s so many different types of punishment for cheating. If someone is found guilty of doing it on a major exam, like the SAT, what do you think should happen?

We know you`re going to want to talk about this and we`ve set up a place for you to do it, our blog at https://www.doczj.com/doc/0d4191572.html,. We want you to log on to share your reactions and to share only your first names. So if you had your class or an initial, it won`t get published. The blog is first names only.

Item 4: Shoutout, Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year

?: Today`s first Shoutout goes out to Mr. Johnson`s civics classes at Pendleton High School in Pendleton, Oregon.

Which of these holidays is the Jewish New Year? If you think you know it, shout it out. Is it Hanukkah, Rosh Hashanah, Tu Bishvat or Yom Kippur? You`ve got three seconds, go.

Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. In Hebrew, it means "beginning of the year." That`s your answer, and that`s your Shoutout.

AZUZ: Jewish people around the world are celebrating Rosh Hashanah right now. The Jewish calendar is a lunar one, so holidays start at sunset. And Rosh Hashanah began when the sun went down last night. It marked the start of the year 5772 on the Jewish calendar.

AZUZ: Rosh Hashanah begins the Jewish high holy days, which end 10 days later with Yom Kippur. It`s a time for reflection, for people to look back at any mistakes from the past year and to plan changes for the new year.

One of the most important rituals during Rosh Hashanah is the blowing of the shofar. It`s played kind of like a trumpet. It`s made from a ram`s horn and used as a call to repentance.

Item 5: Some events from this day in history, in 1988, the shuttle Discovery lifted off into space. Stacy Allison became the first American woman to reach the summit of Mt. Everest, the highest point on the planet. in 2008, the U.S. stock market tanked.

AZUZ: Some events from this day in history, in 1988, the shuttle Discovery lifted off into space. It was the first launch following the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger.

That same day, Stacy Allison became the first American woman to reach the summit of Mt. Everest, the highest point on the planet.

And in 2008, during the height of the financial crisis, the U.S. stock market tanked. It suffered its worst single-day point drop ever. On that day, it lost more than 777 points.

Item 6: Treasure hunters in search of a shipwreck

AZUZ: Treasure hunters in search of a shipwreck that could hold millions of dollars lost beneath the waves. Kind of sounds like what could be the plot for the next "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie.

But this thing is totally true. It`s a story that started 60 years ago. And it could be getting ready to reach a conclusion now. We`re going to explain why. Ralitsa V assileva dives in with the details.

?: An eerie scene from the bottom of the sea. Here lies the S S Gairsoppa. The British cargo steamer was torpedoed by a Nazi U-boat back in 1941, taking all but one of the 85 people on board and its precious cargo to a watery grave.

Using the latest high-tech and deepwater robots, Florida-based treasure hunters Odyssey Marine Exploration located the wreck about 300 miles off the Ireland coast.

The ship went down carrying tea, pig iron and some 200 tons of silver, now valued at more than $210 million, making this a highly sought-after salvage.

?: And you know what? If the tea hasn`t floated away, good chance the silver hasn`t floated away, either.

?: While the wreck now lies in water even deeper than the Titanic, Odyssey`s chief executive

believes that won`t prevent a full cargo recovery.

?: We`re very fortunate because we found this shipwreck sitting upright on the sea floor, with the cargo holds opened. And the process of unloading the cargo won`t be too different than if it were sitting alongside a dock, although we are going to be doing it in about, you know, 5 kilometers of water depth.

?: Odyssey crews hope to start bringing that silver to the surface next spring -- Ralitsa V assileva, CNN, Atlanta.

?: Time for a Shoutout Extra Credit. In which of these areas could you best see the aurora borealis? You know what to do. Is it in the Arctic Circle, Amazon Forest, Sahara Desert or South Pole? Rewind that clock to three seconds and go.

The Arctic Circle would be an ideal spot to see the aurora borealis, or northern lights. That`s your answer, and that`s your Shoutout Extra Credit.

AZUZ: You don`t need to go to the Arctic Circle to see it. You could just watch today`s "Before We Go" segment.

AZUZ: . because thanks to an iReporter in Denmark, we have this awesome view of the northern lights. The aurora borealis is this colorful glow that happens in the upper atmosphere. The iReporter said usually you see scenes like this in countries that are farther north than Denmark. But when he caught sight of the impressive display himself, he went running for the video camera.

AZUZ: All right, I`m going to be honest. We tried to come up with a pun for this story, but it`s really hard to do anything with the terms "aurora borealis." It just doesn`t lend itself to any jokes.

So at the end of the day, we just decided, you know what? We`re not going to make "light" of the situation. Ack! No, we didn`t want to leave you disappointed. We`ll be back tomorrow to close out the week, and we hope you will be back to join us. For CNN Student News, I`m Carl Azuz.

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