当前位置:文档之家› 湖南省株洲市攸县三中2019-2020学年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷










1. What is Mike doing?

A. Watching TV.

B. Reading newspapers.

C. Listening to the radio.

2. Who will probably go swimming this afternoon?

A. Ann and Tim

B. Tom and Tim

C. Ann and Tom.

3. What is the man going to do?

A. Catch a bus

B. Go to the train station.

C. Drive to the airport.

4. Where will the two speakers eat?

A. At a restaurant.

B. At home.

C. At a supermarket.

5. What is a woman's job?

A. A secretary.

B. A librarian.

C. A shop assistant.




6. Where are the two speakers most probably?

A. At home.

B. In an office.

C. In a hospital.

7. What's wrong with a woman?

A. She has a headache.

B. She has a toothache.

C. She has a fever.


8. What test will the speakers take tomorrow?

A. Maths.

B. Biology

C. History.

9. What does the man say about biology?

A. There is no biology homework.

B. He is not interested in biology.

C. He didn't do the problems on pages 17 to 20.


10. What kind of room does the man want?

A. A smoking double room.

B. A non -smoking double room.

C. A smoking single room.

11. Where is the room available?

A. On the first floor.

B. On the fourth floor.

C. On the fifth floor.

12. What will the man do next?

A. Attend a meeting.

B. Tell the woman his personal Information.

C. Find another hotel.


13. Who is the man?

A. Angela.

B. Keith Fern

C. Mr. Fairweather

14. What will the man probably do afterwards?

A. Send a message.

B. Wait for a phone call.

C. Check his e-mail.

15. What will Mr. Fairweather e-mail the man about?

A. A meeting.

B. A suggestion.

C. A date.

16. Which day is inconvenient to the man?

A. Next Monday.

B. Next Wednesday.

C. Next Friday.


17. How did the speaker feel about the party?

A. Excited.

B. Worried.

C. Surprised.

18. How long was the speaker’s plane delayed?

A. For three hours.

B. For four hours.

C. For five hours.

19. When did the speaker arrive in New York?

A. On Friday.

B. On Saturday.

C. On Sunday.

20. Where is the speaker's home?

A. In London.

B. In L.A.

C. In New York.





A car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you. Eating the right kind of food is very important. It can help your body grow strong. So take care of what you eat.

There are four main food groups altogether. The dairy(奶制的) group has food like milk, cheese and sour milk. The other three groups are the meat and fish group, the fruit and vegetable group, and the bread and rice group. Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups. With all these foods together, you will be given enough energy during the day.

It is easy to get into bad eating habits. You may eat your breakfast in a hurry to get to school on time. Or you may not have time for a good lunch. It may seem easy to finish your supper with fish and chips all the time. But you will find yourself tired in these days and you cannot think quickly.

Watching what you eat will help keep your body healthy and strong. It is also good to take some exercise. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or

play games in the open air. Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.

21. Which of the following diets do you think is the best one?

A. Eggs, tomatoes and chicken.

B. Milk, bread, cabbages and beef.

C. Corn, fish, cream and pork.

D. Rice, bean curd, apples, fish and chicken.

22. In this passage the writer mainly tells us that .

A. every person needs food to grow well

B. taking exercise can keep our body strong

C. the right kind of food with exercise will keep us healthy

D. enough energy helps people think more quickly

23.T he best title for this passage is“”.

A. The Four Food Groups

B. A Healthy Diet

C. Your Body and Food

D. The Key to Your Health


Nearly all of us have a bad habit, whether we know it or not. Some people say they want to get rid of (去除) it but don’t know the proper ways. Here’s some advice on how to get rid of bad habits.

Make a list. Write down all the reasons why you want to stop a certain behavior, how it’s hurting you and why to get rid of it, this will help a lot. Look at that list regularly.

Join in other activities. It’s wise of you to do something else when you want to stop your bad habit. If you get angry easily, for example, you can practice having a deep breath or going for a walk.

Give yourself a present. Before you take action against a bad habit, decide what you’ll do to celebrate it if you reach your goal.

Keep off bad habits. If you are fat and want to lose weight, keep junk food out of your house. If you are a heavy smoker with coffee, turn to tea and keep away from friends who like smoking.

Be patient. Bad habits develop over years, so you probably won’t be able to get rid of them quickly. In fact, people often give up several times before being successful, so you should be patient.

Find support. Don’t be afraid to ask for support from friends, family or other people who have the same bad habits as you. When you talk to others, they might be able to provide advice or encouragement that you usually wouldn’t get from yourself.

24. The writer gives us_____ pieces of advice in the passage.

A. five

B. six C .four D. seven

25. If you want to lose weight, you should_____.

A .drink more coffee B. find support from friends

C. refuse the junk food

D. find a heavy smoker

26. Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A. It’s not easy to get rid of bad habits in a short time.

B. When you want to stop your bad habits, don’t do anything.

C. When talking to others, you can get what you can’t get from yourself.

D. You can write down all the reasons for getting rid of bad habits.

27. From the passage you can learn______.

A. why we have some bad habits

B. how to get rid of bad habits

C .what to do to have a bad habit D. where to find some support


At the beginning of the century there was a big farm called Hollywood Ranch. It was near Los Angeles in California. A few years later Hollywood was one of the famous places of the world. From 1910s to the 1950s Hollywood was the film center of the world. Every family knew the names of its film stars Charlie Chaplin, Greta Garbo, Bergman and hundreds more.

The reason why people went to Hollywood to make films was the sun. At first people made films in New York on the east coast of the United States. But then they heard about Los Angeles where there are 350 days of sun every year. As they made all the films by sunlight, the west coast was a much better place to work.

Also near Hollywood you can find mountains and sea and desert. They did not have to travel far to make any kind o film

When TV became popular in the 1960s, Hollywood started making films for television. Then in 1970s they discovered people still went to cinema to see big expensive films. After twenty years they are still making films in Hollywood and people watch them all over the world.

28. Hollywood used to be a______.

A. cinema

B. market

C. park

D. big farm

29. Who was not mentioned as a film star in the passage?

A. Charlie Chaplin

B. Marilyn Monro

C. Ingrid Bergman

D. Greta Garbo.

30. People went to Hollywood to make films because______.

A. it was a beautiful place

B. there was a lot of sunlight there

C. you could find many film stars

D. it was a famous place

31. Which statement(陈述) is true?

A. There are no mountains near Hollywood.

B. Hollywood began to make films for television before the First World War.

C. People no longer went to the cinema after television became popular.

D. The west coast was a better place to make films.


One day, a mother deer(鹿)and her two babies entered a tiger’s cave(洞穴) by accident. Luckily, the tiger was not inside the cave at the time. When the mother deer found it was a tiger’s cave, she wanted to lead her young ones out of the cave as soon as possible. However, before they left, the mother deer heard a loud roar(咆哮).She saw the tiger at a distance. The tiger was coming towards the cave. It was dangerous to go out of the cave now. The mother deer thought of

a plan. She raised her voice and shouted, “My dear young children do not cry. I shall catch a tiger for you to eat. You can have a good dinner.”

The tiger heard these words and said t o himself, “A dangerous animal is staying inside to catch me. I shall run away to escape death.” Then the tiger began to run away as fast as possible.

A jackal(豺狼)saw the tiger and asked him why he was running. The tiger told him that a dangerous animal was inside his cave waiting for his return. Then the jackal said to the tiger, “Do not be afraid. No animal in this forest is stronger than you. Let’s go together to find out.” But the tiger said.“I do not want to take a chance. You may run away.1 will be l eft alone to die.1 won’t come with you.”

After the tiger said that, he ran away, leaving the jackal there. The jackal, wanting to find out what was in the tiger’s cave, went into the cave. After he got there.,he saw a mother deer and her two little babies. Then he understood everything. He couldn’t help laughing and said.“What a coward(胆小鬼)!”

32. What was the mother deer’s plan?

A. To fight against the tiger.

B. To ask the jackal for help.

C. To frighten away the tiger.

D. To run away as soon as possible.

33. How did the tiger feel after hearing the mother deer’s words?

A. Angry

B. Scared

C. Funny

D. Regretful.

34. What did the jackal advise the tiger to do?

A. To find out who is in his cave.

B. To kill the animals in his cave.

C. To find another cave to live in.

D. To find a stronger animal for help.

35. Who does the underlined word “coward”in the last paragraph refer to?

A. The tiger

B. The jackal

C. The mother deer

D. The deer babies



A good friend can help you study. You can have fun together and make each other happy. _____36_____They will be with you as long as you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities of character, especially understanding, honesty and reliability.

_____37_____A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to judge .Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other person’s place, and he tries to think of ways to be helpful.

At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. _____38_____He notices their good points. In short, a friend will try to understand me and accept me.

_____39____I can always depend on a good friend .If I need a favor, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble, he will not run away from me.

There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special. A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun. We should enjoy our lives, and we would enjoy our friendship. A good friend likes the same things I like. ____40______.A good friend has a good sense of humor, too. When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I’ve found a good friend!

A. But what is a good friend?

B. He is ready to help you when you are in trouble.

C. Sometimes you will meet fair--weather friends.

D. Above all else, I look for understanding in a friend.

E. He does not look for faults in others.

F. Another quality of a friend is reliability.

G. We share experience and learn from each other.



第一节完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项

Mrs. Jones was over eighty, but she still drove her old car like a woman half her age. She loved driving very fast, and was 41 of the fact that she had never been punished 42 a driving offence (犯规,犯法).

Then one day she nearly 43 her record. A police car 44 her, and the policemen in it saw her 45 a red light without stopping. Of course, she was stopped. There seemed no doubt 46 she would be punished.

47 Mrs. Jones came up to the judge, he looked at her seriously and said that she was 48 old to drive a car, and that the 49 why she had not stopped at the red 50 was most probably that her eyes had become weak 51 old age, so that she had simply not seen it.

When the judge had finished 52 he was saying, Mrs. Jones opened the big handbag she was 53 and took out her sewing(针线). Without saying a word, she 54 a needle with a very small eye, and threaded(穿线) it at her first attempt.

When she had 55 done this, she took the thread out of the needle again and handed 56 the needle and the thread to the judge, saying, “Now

let's thread the needle in 57 . And let me see your own eyesight.”

The judge took the 58 and tried to thread it. 59 half a dozen tries, he had still not succeeded. The case (案例) against Mrs. Jones was over, and her record 60 unbroken.

41. A. afraid B. careful C. proud D. full

42. A. because B. so C. to D. because of

43. A. kept B. won C. missed D. lost

44. A. watched B. ran C. followed D. walked

45. A. pass B. fly C. walk D. push

46.A.which B. what C. that D. whether

47.A.What B. Why C. Which D. When

48.A.so B. very C. too D. quite

49.A.cause B reason C. matter D. trouble

50.A.light B. lamp C. sign D. one

51.A.because of B. because C. on D. of

52.A.which B. what C. when D. while

53.A.catching B. robbing C. carrying D. forgetting

54.A.bought B. brought C. gave D. chose

55.A.succeed B. success C. successfully D. successful

56.A.both B. all C. neither D. either

57.A.time B. turn C. chance D. return

58.A.thread B. glasses C. clothes D. needle

59.A.During B. Since C. Before D. After

60.A.may B. might C. seemed D. remained



Dear Xiaoming,

Many teenagers have difficulty _____61_____(get) along with their parents. This is ____62______common problem. You say that your father does not listen to you. Is this why you do not listen to him? Of course, your father will be angry when this ______63____ (happen)! It is only natural. You must listen to your father with ____64______(patient). After all, he loves you and wants the best for you. Please have a face-to-face talk with your parents to explain how you feel, and remember ______65____ ( give) them a chance to speak first.

_____66_____ seems that you need time to be yourself. However, Part of being an adult is doing things ______67____you are not always willing to do. You should make an effort to do what you are required to, which is good for you. Besides, you are supposed to do your homework because your studies have a great effect _____68_____your future life.

Both being a teenager and being a parent can be very difficult.

_____69_____, don’t give up. With a little bit of communication, many of these problems can _____70_____(solve).

Best regards


71. Jim was too frightening to tell his mother what had happened.

72. I didn’t like the way which you answered me just now.

73.My father, together with the boys often go swimming on Sundays.

74. Lucy had her watch stole last night when she was in the cinema.

75. I have two sons, both of them are doctors.

76. Daniel and Eric spent all of the cash buy the dog food yesterday.

77. I know all of you are from China and you are good at Chinese.

78. With the boy led the way, we soon arrived the village.

79. That is not the factory that I worked last year.

80. Tom is the person to whom I am waiting tonight.








_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Li Hua




61 getting 62 a 63 happens

64 patience 65 to give 66 It

67 which\that 68 on 69 However 70 be solved


71. frightening------frightened 72. which-----that\which前加in\去掉which 73. go----goes 74. stole----stolen 75. them----whom

76. buy----buying 77. and后面加that 78. led-----leading

79. that-------where 80. to----for

作文范文:We are throwing a surprise party for Xiaoming’s birthday. We’d like to invite you to the party. We want to give him a surprise, so please keep quiet about it. We’ll gather at the Students’ club at 8 pm this Friday, after the evening classes. And it’s going to last about an hour. We each will prepare a little present. When he c omes, we will light the candles and sing “Happy Birthday” together for him. Then the cake will be cut and we’ll sing songs and play games. It’ll be nice to see how excited he will be. I’m sure you will have a good time at the party, too.


Li Hua


附件2: 2010—2011学年度湖南省普通高中 省级优秀学生干部候选人名单 (共538人) 长沙市(59人) 张锐男湖南师大附中王帆女湖南广益实验中学杨天鸣男长沙市一中刘昕雯女长沙市一中 胡杨女长沙市长郡中学彭婉君女长沙市长郡中学伍逸聃男长沙市长郡中学谢卓尔男长沙市湘郡中学徐经纬男长沙市麓山国际实验学校欧思琪女长沙市明德中学罗圆女长沙市明德中学张先弛女长沙市雅礼中学朱子韬男长沙市雅礼中学杨拓宇男长沙市南雅中学杜雷男长沙市周南中学罗志浩男长沙市周南中学谢则阳女长沙市周南中学李梦女长沙市六中 黄双玉女长沙市十一中钟盼女长沙市田家炳实验中学任意男长沙市十五中尹小惠女长沙市二十中 屈良花女长沙市二十一中张硕望男长沙市培粹中学李享女长沙市铁一中文鹏程男长沙市雷锋学校陈芳女湖南省地质中学朱鹂女长沙市同升湖实验学校方雅芸女长沙市三十七中周璇女长沙市稻田中学李博雅女长沙市岳麓实验中学谭思女天心区一中 1

胡娟女长沙市七中陈智男长沙县一中 廖明园女长沙县一中杨湘夷男长沙县实验中学徐凡女长沙县实验中学邓颖女长沙县七中 邓胤男望城县一中陈思瑶女望城县一中 王承双女浏阳市一中王依婷女浏阳市一中 高兴女浏阳市田家炳实验中学刘法妮桑女浏阳市二中 周资贵男浏阳市三中张薇女浏阳市五中 曹超男浏阳市六中陈姣女浏阳市九中 贺敏男宁乡县一中罗欣灿男宁乡县一中 王霞女宁乡县一中欧恬女宁乡县一中 喻鹏男宁乡县二中刘佩瑶女宁乡县四中 刘睿轲男宁乡县四中何志明男宁乡县十三中周燕娟女宁乡县十三中刘艳女宁乡县玉潭中学易晔男宁乡县实验中学 注:杜雷为新疆班学生。 株洲市(26人) 黄嘉慧女株洲市一中刘博男株洲市二中 谢宜君女株洲市三中汤绍雄男株洲市四中 言贝女株洲市八中沈娟女株洲市十三中符雅婷女株洲市南方中学刘郴玲女攸县一中 胡馨然女攸县一中刘雪薇女攸县二中 冯观成男攸县三中廖子浩男株洲长鸿实验学校 2


第二学期期中检测试卷 七年级英语 (满分:110分) 听力部分 I.听力 (每题1分,共20分) A).听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(每个句子读两遍) ( ) 1. A. ice B. volleyball C. voice ( ) 2. A. play B. practice C. place ( ) 3. A. join B. jeans C. plane ( ) 4. A. anything B. any C something ( ) 5. A. excited B. expensive C. bad B). 听句子,选择最佳答语。(每个句子读两遍)[来源:] ( ) 6. A.I had a good time. B.Yes,I does. C. Once a week.[来源:] ( ) 7. A.For three days B. In two weeks C.It ’s about 114kilometres ( ) 8. A.He ’s tired. B.Yes, I ’d love to. C.I can ’t go. ( ) 9. A.Yes,he is. B.Good idea! C. Thanks. ( ) 10. A.I ’m a student. B. I ’m fine! Thanks C. By bike. C). 听对话,选择正确的答案。(每段对话读两遍) ( ) 11. A. too expensive B. too old C. Neighbour always plays music loudly ( ) 12. A. hamburger and a glass of milk B. bread C. rice and a glass of milk ( ) 13. A. Thursday B. Friday C. Sunday ( ) 14. A. fish B. apple C. bread ( ) 15 . A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot D). 听短文,根据其内容回答下列问题。(短文读两遍) 16. Mary is a(n) ________ girl. A English B American C Japanese D Chinese 17. Mary _________ speak English. A is B not C can D are 18. Her eyes are ________, and her hair is __________. A blue, black B yellow, white C blue, blond D black, blond 19. I am _________, but Mary is _____________. A Chinese, English B English, Chinese C an Chinese, an English girl. D Chinese, an English girl 。 20. Mary is _____________ now. A sweeping the floor B cleaning the blackboard C speaking Chinese D doing her homework 笔试部分 II.词汇(每题1分,共5分) 期中考试英语试题 听力.mp3


2019—2020学年上期中考 22届高一英语试题 说明:1.本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.将第Ⅰ卷的答案代表字母填(涂)在第Ⅱ卷的答题卷(答题卡)中。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 1.What do we know about Helen? A. She is working full-time this term. B. She doesn’t need to work part-time this term. C. She wants to become a scholar. 2.When does the man have to return the book? A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday. 3.Why does the woman thank the man? A. He lent her some money. B. He gave her a five-pound note. C. He returned the money she lost. 4.How was the man’s work? A. The working hours were long. B. It was boring. C. The pay was low. 5.What color does the woman want to try? A. White. B. Grey. C.Black. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.How does the man feel? A.Tired. B. Excited. C.Bored.


2016年湖南省株洲市中考英语试卷 第一部分听力选择(共9小题,计15分)根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题.听下面5段对话,每听完一段对话后,做1小题. 1.(1分)What is Mike's birthday gift? 2.(1分)What is Peter going to do after the exam? 3.(1分)Which is Bob's favorite subject? A.English B.Math C.Chinese. 4.(1分)Where is the umbrella? A.On the floor B.In the schoolbag C.On the desk. 5.(1分)How often does Scott go swimming? A.Once a week B.Twice a week C.Three times a week. 6.(2分)听第六段对话,做第6﹣7小题. 6.Where is Linda now? A.In HongKong B.In New York C.In Australia 7.How's the weather in Zhuzhou? A.Rainy

B.Sunny C.Cloudy. 8.(2分)听第七段对话,做第8﹣9小题.8.Where is David going for the summer camp?A.To Beijing B.To London C.To Paris 9.How long is David going to stay there?A.For twenty days B.For thirty days C.For forty days. 10.(3分)听第八段对话,做第10﹣12小题.10.What does the woman need? A.A scarf B.A sweater C.A skirt 11.What color does the woman like best?A.Yellow B.Red C.Blue 12.How much should the woman pay? A.10 dollars B.11 dollars C.12 dollars. 13.(3分)听第九段对话,做第13﹣15题.13.What does the man do? A.A worker B.A teacher C.A doctor 14.Where is the supermarket? A.On Center Street B.On North Street


2016-2017八年级下英语期期中考试 Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ()1.—What’s the matter your younger sister? —She has a cough. A.for B. at C. with D. on ()2.She had a , so she went to see the dentist. A. headache B. stomachache C.toothache D. fever ()3. She finished the novel and returned it to me in time. A. read B.to read C.reading D. Reads ()4. —I forgot to take my wallet. Can you me some money? —No problem. Here you are. A. lend B.borrow C.buy D.keep ()5. Your bedroom is very dirty. Please at once. A. clean up it B.clean it up C.clean up them D.clean them up ()6. Mary is singing and dreams of being a singer.

A. angry B.full of C.interested in D.surprised at ()7. —Have you heard that UFO landed on Center Street yesterday? —Of course. And alien got out of the UFO and visited the TV station. A.a;the B.the;an C.a;an D.an;an ()8. —I have too much housework to do at home. —ask your husband for help? A.You can B.Why don’t C.Why not D.How about ()9. —What are you going to do if it tomorrow? —I haven’t thought about it. A.doesn’t rain B.won’t rain C. doesn’t rain D.isn’t raining ()10.The teacher my mobile phone because I used it in class. A.took out B.took away C.took off D.took place ()11.—How long can I this book? —For a week. A.borrow B.lend C.return D.keep ()12. The girl ice cream in the sofa while


(考试时间:120 分钟分值:150 分) ☆★☆祝考试顺利☆★☆ 第一卷(选择题) 第一部分英语知识运用 第一节单项选择(共30 小题; 每小题1 分,满分30 分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. –I’m thinking of the test tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.–_______________! I’m sure you’ll m ake it. A. Go ahead B. Good luck C. No problem D. Cheer up 2. Some parts in South China have experienced ________ this year as they did last year. A. twice as much rain B. rain twice as much C. as twice much rain D. twice rain as much 3. We usually take turns _______cleaning , and today it is my turn _____ it. A. to do ; doing B. do ; do C. done ; doing D.to do ; to do 4. Robert is interested in ______ astronomy and he wishes he could make a trip into _______ space one day. A. the ; the B. an ; the C. an ; 不填 D. 不填;不填


页脚 绝密★启用前 姓名 准考证号株洲市2016年初中毕业学业考试 英语试题卷 第一部分听力技能(共两节,计20分) 第一节听力选择 ( 15小题,计15分) 根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。 听下面5段对话,每听完一段对话后,做1个小题。 1. What is Mike’s birthday gift? A. B. C. 2. What is Peter going to do after the exam? A. B. C. 3. Which is Bob’s f avorite subject? A. English. B. Math. C. Chinese. 4. Where is the umbrella? A. On the floor. B. In the schoolbag. C. On the desk . 5. How often does Scott go swimming? A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. 听第六段对话,做第6—7小题。 6. Where is Linda now? A. In Hong Kong. B. In New York. C. In Australia. 7. How’s the weather in Zhuzhou? A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy. 听第七段对话,做第8—9小题。 考生注意: 1.试题卷中听力材料将以中速朗读两遍; 2.全部答案必须按要求写在答题卡相应的位置上; 3.本试卷共四个大题,满分为120分,120分钟完卷。


三年级英语下册期中测试题一、选出与下列词语相应的单词(10分) ()小的 A 、monkey B、 small C、panda ()足球 A 、foot B、 football C、ball ()牛奶 A、rice B、noodles C、milk ()老虎 A、lion B、tiger C、elephant ()自行车 A、bike B、door C、doll 二、选择(30分) 1、My favourite colour is . A、red B、book C、a blue kite 2、----How many kites? ----- A、It’s a car B、Ten C、It’s red 3、It’s elephant. A、a B、an C the 4、-----What are they? ----- A、It’s a kite B、They is kites C、They are kites 5、I don’t like bikes. A、ride B、riding C、rides 6、They don’t like . A、my B、I C、me 7、Lingling (不喜欢)肉。 A、likes B、don’t like C、doesn’t like 8、 Do you like meat ? ____________ A. Yes,I don’t. B. Yes,I do. C.Yes,she does 9. Amy _________swimming. A. like B. Likes C. likes 10、------ your farourite song? -------- It’s the ABC song. A、What B、where’s C、What’s 三、将下列相对应的大小字母连线(10分) K F J O B E G I C H


2013高一期中考试英语试题 第一节单项选择(共20小题;每小题1,5分,共30分) 1.--This is the first time that I ____ the Italian restaurant. --There is too much tasty food you can taste. A. came to B. am coming into C. come into D. have been to 2. Tom is always playing alone. I wish he would ____ with other children. A. join B. join in C. take part in D. join up 3. ____ he has made up his mind, no one can make him change it. A. Once B. Unless C. Until D. As 4. Native English speakers can understand each other ____ they don’t speak the same kind of English. A. even B. although C. even if D. as if 5.The visitor ____ that he ____ very glad to pay a visit to our country. A. said, was B. talked, had been C. told, was D. spoke, had been 6.We were _______ surprised at the news that we couldn’t say anything. A. so B. much C. very D. quite 7.You’d better _______ your score and see if you have passed the exam. A. add up to B. add to C add up D. add 8. Mr. Green asked Lily ________ she had written to her father _______. A. whether; the day before B. whether; yesterday C. that; the day before D. that; yesterday 9. Every minute is made full _______ of _______ our lessons well. A. to use; study B. use; studying C use; to study D. used; studying 10. Many questions ______ at the meeting, but he answered none. A. came up B. raised C were risen D. asked 11. People ______ at the meeting would have a discussion on pollution. A. were present B. took part in C. join in D present. 12. The farm ______ we see today is no longer the one ______ it was ten years ago.


株洲市2016年初中毕业学业考试英语试题卷 第 1 页 (共 8 页) 绝密★启用前 株洲市2016年初中毕业学业考试 英 语 试 题 卷 第一部分 听力技能(共两节,计20分) 第一节 听力选择 ( 15小题,计15分) 根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。 听下面5段对话,每听完一段对话后,做1个小题。 1. What is Mike ’s birthday gift? A. B. C. 2. What is Peter going to do after the exam? A. B. C. 3. Which is Bob’s f avorite subject? A. English. B. Math. C. Chinese. 4. Where is the umbrella? A. On the floor. B. In the schoolbag. C. On the desk . 5. How often does Scott go swimming? A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. 听第六段对话,做第6 — 7小题。 6. Where is Linda now? A. In Hong Kong. B. In New York. C. In Australia. 7. How’s the weather in Zhuzhou? A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy. 考生注意: 1.试题卷中听力材料将以中速朗读两遍; 2.全部答案必须按要求写在答题卡相应的位置上; 3.本试卷共四个大题,满分为120分,120分钟完卷。


2012-2013学年度湖南省普通高中省级优秀学生干部名单 长沙 谷杰夫男湘一芙蓉中学 李典女天心区第一中学 彭智男长沙市第十九中学银宇曾男长沙市第七中学 王期林男稻田中学 党婷女长沙市第二十六中学刘少卿男同升湖实验学校 张倩女望城区第二中学 徐轩林男望城区第六中学 雷骊兰女望城区第一中学 张雅静女长沙县第一中学 朱泽邈男长沙县实验中学 周郡女长沙县第二中学 金晶女长沙县第三中学 黄露女长沙县第六中学 罗冠婷女长沙县第七中学 饶灿男长沙县第九中学 王玉双女浏阳市第一中学 熊晓宇女浏阳市田家炳中学王宇佳男浏阳市第二中学 朱柏露男浏阳市第三中学 胡军男浏阳市第四中学 卢琼女浏阳市第五中学 张鹏程男浏阳市第六中学 徐扬丽女浏阳市第八中学 黄江红女浏阳市第十一中学吴欢女浏阳市艺术学校 姜小康男宁乡第一高级中学 喻启华女宁乡第一高级中学 刘祝女宁乡第一高级中学 杨竹男宁乡第二高级中学 刘凯男宁乡第四高级中学 成舒婷女宁乡第四高级中学 刘佳兮女宁乡第十三高级中学彭健男宁乡第十三高级中学赵浩男宁乡玉潭中学 杨静女宁乡县实验中学 王冰倩女长沙市第一中学 薛宇舸女长沙市第一中学 周梦竹女湖南师范大学附属中学唐楚虹女湖南师范大学附属中学潘乡女长郡中学 邱阳男长郡中学 刘俊杰男雅礼中学 许晴女雅礼中学 陈小雪女长沙市明德中学 刘雅女周南中学 黄少梅女周南中学 王侃男周南中学 易子微女长沙市实验中学 马东发男麓山国际实验学校 王晨晨女南雅中学

王琳智男长沙市第六中学 刘雅欣女长沙市第十一中学陈昱女长沙市第十五中学周意女长沙市第二十中学熊弋慧女长沙市第二十一中学蔡何添涵男长沙市湘府中学彭意男长沙铁路第一中学 张可鹏男长沙市雷锋学校 何阳男长沙市耀华中学 王田田女湖南广益实验中学 刘渊男湖南省地质中学 张彤女国防科技大学附属中学 注:黄少梅为新疆班学生,雷骊兰为西藏班学生 衡阳 刘玉倩女衡南县第一中学全紫晴女衡南县第一中学尹钰女衡南县第二中学唐眺男衡南县第五中学罗金女衡南县第三中学唐杰男衡南县第九中学阳鑫男衡南县第十中学唐兴军男衡南综合高中何一茗女衡阳县第一中学戴青年男衡阳县第一中学王芾康男衡阳县第一中学傅祝林女衡阳县第二中学黄文怡女衡阳县第三中学肖中柱男衡阳县第三中学陈璐女衡阳县第四中学邹帅男衡阳县第五中学何玄男衡阳县第六中学何信辰男衡阳县第六中学谭思女衡山县岳云中学欧金良男衡山县第二中学曾卫男衡山县第四中学刘惠男衡东县第一中学阳聪女衡东县第一中学单婷女衡东县第二中学边逸文女衡东欧阳遇实验中学刘衡祁男祁东县第一中学肖灿女祁东县第一中学成亮男祁东县第二中学马惟奇男祁东县第二中学汪少雄男祁东县育贤中学陈济明男祁东县育贤中学肖凯晶女祁东育英实验学校刘潺男常宁第一中学 魏依女常宁第一中学 周兵奇男常宁第二中学 李书晨男常宁第二中学 王崇宇男常宁水口山高级中学邓艳芳女耒阳第一中学 曾桂兰女耒阳第一中学 周诗雨女耒阳第一中学 雷美良男耒阳第二中学 李智女耒阳第二中学 资小东男耒阳市正源学校樊贻荣男南岳区第一中学李祝祺男衡阳市第一中学姚瑶女衡阳市第一中学


八年级下英语期期中考试 Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ()1.—What’s the matter your younger sister? — She has a cough. A.for B. at C. with D. on ()2.She had a , so she went to see the dentist. A. headache B. stomachache C.toothache D. fever ()3. She finished the novel and returned it to me in time. A. read B.to read C.reading D. Reads ()4. — I forgot to take my wallet. Can you me some money? — No problem. Here you are. A. lend B.borrow C.buy D.keep ()5. Your bedroom is very dirty. Please at once. A. clean up it B.clean it up C.clean up them D.clean them up ()6. Mary is singing and dreams of being a singer. A. angry B.full of C.interested in D.surprised at ()7. — Have you heard that UFO landed on Center Street yesterday? —Of course. And alien got out of the UFO and visited the TV station. A.a;the B.the;an C.a;an D.an;an ()8. — I have too much housework to do at home. —ask your husband for help? A.You can B.Why don’t C.Why not D.How about ()9. — What are you going to do if it tomorrow? —I haven’t thought about it. A.doesn’t rain B.won’t rain C. doesn’t rain D.isn’t


江苏省启英中学高一英语期中考试试卷 考生注意:1、本试题分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷,共8页。满分120分,考试时间为120分钟;2、选择题填涂在答题卡相应位置上,其余在答题纸上作答,在草稿纸、试题纸上答题无效。 第Ⅰ卷 (85分) 第一题听力 (20分) 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What is the man going to do? A.Meet Mr.Green B.Catch a plane C.Have a meeting 2.Whose secretary(秘书)is the woman? A.Mr.Pederson’s B.Mr. Graber’s C.Niles Olsen’s 3.What is the man going to buy for Kathy? A.Some flowers B.A box of chocolate C. A music CD 4.Which bus should the man take? A.NO.2 B.NO.23 C.NO.32 5.What size of the photo does the woman want? A.Five inches B.Six inches C.Seven inches 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答6-7两个小题。 6.How does the two speakers feel about the news? A.Excited B.Angry C.Shocked(感到震惊的) 7.What can we learn from the conversation? A.The man doesn’t hope Mike will lose his job. B.The woman thinks she will be fired(解雇). C.The company will go bankrupt.(破产) 听下面一段对话,回答8-10三个小题。 8.Why does the woman go to Florida? A.To buy a bird. B.To have a holiday. C.To look after her father. 9.What does the woman ask the man to do? A.Look after her bird. B.Write her a letter. C.Go with her.


英语试卷 第1页(共22页) 英语试卷 第2页(共22页) 绝密★启用前 湖南省株洲市2018年初中毕业学业考试 英 语 (满分120分,考试时间100分钟) 第一部分 听力(共两节,计20分)(略) 第二部分 知识运用(共两节,计25分) 第一节 语法填空(10小题,计10分) 从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。 21. There are two trees in my backyard . One is a Chinese date tree . ________ is also a Chinese date tree . A . The other B . Other C . Another 22. You look so weak! I think you ________ go to see a doctor at once . A . might B . should C . could 23. All roads lead to Rome . The roads are just ________ your feet . A . under B . in C . on 24. ________ beautiful the Shennong Lake is! Everyday I must take a walk there . A . What a B . What C . How 25. We are not allowed to laugh when we ________. A . ate B . have eaten C . are eating 26. He likes watching the fifth channel . ________ channel is about sports . A . An B . The C . A 27. People remember the first traveler from England ________ came to live in America . A . which B . where C . who 28. Polly has been ill for three days but she is a lot ________ today . A . best B . better C . good 29. Many modern trains in the world ________ in Zhuzhou . A . are creating B . created C . are created 30. The boss was late for the meeting because his alarm clock didn’t ________. A . go off B . go out C . go on 第二节 词语填空(10小题,计15分) 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 “Xiao Yun has no coat for town and special events,” Mama told Papa when he came in from the 31 . “The cows can ’t be 32 now,” he said . “Are you sure Xiao Yun can ’t wear a hand-me down?” “Yes,” Mama said . They took Xiao Yun to a store in town . “Can I 33 you?” a shop assistant asked . “Our Xiao Yun needs a good coat,” Papa said . They looked for coats for some time carefully . “A 34 coat!” Xiao Y un cried . “ I want the pink coat .” The coat was slippery and shiny inside . In the pink coat she looked like a spring flower . “I ’m afraid the pink coat will only 35 one year,” Mama said . “And there ’s no one to pass it on to,” said Papa . Xiao Y un backed away . She wanted to be a flower . “Xiao Yun !”It was Papa . He came over to 36 , “You are old enough to know that you can ’t always have your own way,” he said seriously . Xiao Yun slipped one arm from a sleeve(袖子). “It is her color, though,” Mama said . “Ah !”said the assistant . “Anyone can 37 how the pink of the coat brings out the roses in her cheeks (面颊).” Papa looked thoughtful for a moment . “We are 38 .”Continued Mama, “ That is only one little coat for Xiao Yun and not also new coats for Xiao Xuan and Xiao Qing .” Papa rubbed his chin (下巴). “The cows can ’t give milk soon enough,” he said . “ 39 how can we let Xiao Yun wear a brown coat when she looks like a flower in this one?” “Papa !”Xiao Yun cried, slipping her 40 back into the empty sleeve . She threw her arms around Papa ’s neck . “I do look like a flower, don ’t 1?” she asked happily . “Like a primrose in spring .” Papa said . 31. A . farm B . school C . hospital 32. A . weighed B . fed C . milked 33. A . teach B . help C . trouble 34. A . blue B . pink C . brown 35. A . fit B . as: C . shine 36. A . it B . them C . her 37. A . see B . promise C . draw 38. A . rich B . lucky C . busy 39. A . So B . And C . But 40. A . arm B . head C . hand ------------- 在 --------------------此 -------------------- 卷--------------------上 -------------------- 答-------------------- 题--------------------无 -------------------- 效---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________


湖南省株洲市攸县三中2019-2020学年高一物理上学期第一次月 考试题 总分:100分时量:90分钟 一.选择题(本题共12小题,每小题4分,共48分,1~8为单选题;9~12为多选题,错选不得分,少选得2分) 1.下列情况中的物体,哪些可以看作质点 () A.研究从北京开往上海的一列火车的运行速度 B.研究汽车后轮上一点运动情况的车轮 C.体育教练员研究百米跑运动员的起跑动作 D.研究地球自转时的地球 2.以下的计时数据指时间的是 () A.中央电视台新闻联播节目19时开播 B.某人用15 s跑完100 m C.早上6 点钟起床 D.天津开往德州的625次硬座普快列车于13点35分从天津西站发车 3.关于位移和路程,以下说法正确的是 () A.位移和路程都是描述质点位置变动的物理量 B.物体的位移是直线,而路程一定是曲线 C.在直线运动中,位移和路程相同 D.只有在质点做单向直线运动时,位移的大小才等于路程 4.两辆汽车在平直的公路上行驶,甲车内的人看见窗外的树木向东移动,乙车内的人发现甲车没有运动,如果以大地为参照系,上述事实说明() A.甲车向西运动,乙车不动 B.乙车向西运动,甲车不动 C.甲车向西运动,乙车向东运动 D.甲乙两车以相同的速度都向西运动 5.下列关于速度和速率的说法正确的是() ①速率是速度的大小 ②平均速率是平均速度的大小 ③对运动物体,某段时间的平均速度不可能为零 ④对运动的物体,某段时间的平均速率不可能为零 A.①②B.②③C.①④D.③④

2 6.一辆汽车在单向直线上以速度v1匀速行驶全程的的路程,接着以v2=20 km/h走完剩 3 下的路程,若它全路程的平均速度v=28 km/h,则v1应为 () A.24 km/h B.32 km/h C.35 km/h D.28 km/h 7.不能表示物体作匀速直线运动的图象是() 8.骑自行车的人沿着直线从静止开始运动,运动后,在第1、2、3、4秒内,通过的位移分别为1米、2米、3米、4米。有关其运动的描述正确的是() A.4秒内的平均速度是2.5米/秒 B.在第3、4秒内平均速度都是3.5米/秒 C.第3秒末的即时速度一定是3米/秒 D.该运动一定是匀加速直线运动 9.(多选题)某质点在东西方向上作直线运动,它的位移随时间的变化规律的关系是:s=8t-t2, s与t的单位分别为m和s,取向东为正方向,则质点的初速度V0与加速度a 分别为( ) A.V0=4 m/s,方向向西 B.a=2 m/s2,方向向西 C.V0=8 m/s,方向向东 D.a=1 m/s2,方向向东 10.(多选题)以下说法中正确的是() A.物体速度越大,加速度一定越大 B.物体速度变化越快,加速度一定大 C.物体加速度不断减小,速度可能越来越大 D.物体在某时刻速度为零,加速度也一定为零 11.(多选题)下列关于加速度的描述中,正确的是() A.加速度在数值上等于单位时间里速度的变化 B.当加速度与速度方向相同且又减小时,物体做减速运动 C.速度方向为正,加速度方向一定为负 D.速度变化越来越快,加速度越来越大 12.(多选题)一物体做匀变速直线运动,某时刻的速度大小为4m/s,1s后速度的大小变

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