当前位置:文档之家› 五星级酒店常用英语-内部培训资料





1、称呼语:先生sir 夫人(女士)madam / ma?am 小姐miss

女士们先生们Ladies and gentlemen

2、欢迎光临我们酒店!Welcome to our hotel.

3、祝您在我们酒店过得愉快。Please enjoy your stay in our hotel.

Have a nice stay. / Enjoy your stay with us.

4、愿您如同在家一样舒适。Wish you feel at home.

5、早上好/下午好/晚上好。Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening.

6、很高兴(再次)见到您。Glad to meet you (again). / Nice to see you (again).

It?s good to see you (again)

7、您来这儿我们很高兴。Glad to have you here.

8、祝您玩得愉快。Please have a good time. / Please enjoy yourself.

9、祝您生日快乐。Happy birthday to you!

10、圣诞节快乐!Merry Christmas!

11、新年快乐!Happy New Y ear!

12、新春快乐!Happy Spring Festival!


14、致以良好的祝愿!Best wishes / regards to you.

15、请这边走。This way, please.

16、您先请。After you, please. / Please you first.

17、请便。/用吧。Go a head, please.

18、请跟我来。Follow me, please. / Come with me, please.

19、您慢走。/请留心走。Please watch your step.

20、请在这儿休息。Please take a rest here.

21、当心。/请留神。/请注意。Look out, please. / Take care, please. / Attention, please.

Be careful, please.

22、请乘电梯。Please take lift (elevator).

23、乘电梯请这边走。Y our lift is this way.

24、请一直往前走。Straight on, please. / Keeping going, please.

25、请向左/右转。Please turn left / right.

26、请上/下楼. Please go upstairs / downstairs.

27、请稍等.Wait a moment, please. / Just a moment, please.

28、请进. Come in, please.

29、请坐. Sit down, please. / Be seated, please. / Have (Take) a seat, please.

30、请看一看.Please have a look at it.

31、请给我看一看. Show me, please. Could I see it, please. Please let me have a look at it.

32、请问要多久. How long will it take?

33、请原谅我. I beg your pardon, please. / Forgive me, please.

34、请再说一遍. Pardon, please. / Please repeat it.

35、请不要拘束. Please make yourself at home.

36、照顾不周的地方,请多多指教. If we have shortcomings, please point out.

37、请提出宝贵意见。Any comments and suggestions are welcome.

38、我来给您带路吧。Let me lead the way, please.

39、地很滑,请小心走。It?s slippery. Please mind your feet.

40、您愿意的话,就办吧。Do as you please.

41、您过来吧。Come on, please.

42、慢慢来,别急。Take your time, please.

Take it easy. Don?t worry about it. Don?t be worried.

43、请稍等(别挂)。(电话用语)Hold on (the line), please.

44、请挂掉。(电话用语)Hang up, please.

45、请放心。Please set your heart at ease.

46、请稍等,我马上把它改过来。Please wait a moment while I correct it.


Let me inquire about it and I?ll let you know as soon as possible.


If you need any help, please make a call to the front desk.

49、我能帮您的忙吗?May/Can I help you? Let me give you a hand, please.

50、我能为您做点什么?What can I do for you? What would you like me to do for you?

51、需要我帮忙吗?Anything I can do for you?

52、还有别的事情需要我帮忙吗?Anything else I can do for you? Anything else?

53、请告诉我您的房间号码,可以吗?May I know your room number, please?

54、我可以耽误您一会儿的时间吗?May I take up a few minutes of your time, please?

55、请问(您要)多少?How many(much), please?

56、请问你们一共多少人?How many of you in all, please?

57、请问哪个(位)?Which one, please?

58、请问什么时候?What?s the time, please? When for, please?

59、请问您要怎么办(怎样处理)?How will you do it, please?

60、您想要(吃、喝等)什么?What would you like to have?

61、我把它放在这儿好吗?May I leave it here?

62、我把它拿走好吗?May I take it away?

63、我做这件事情您介意吗?Would mind me doing that?

64、(您)有什么事?/ 出了什么事?/ 得了什么病?What?s wrong with you?

What?s the matter with you? / What?s up?

65、发生了什么事?What has happened?

66、还有什么吗?/ 就这些吗?Is that all?

67、非常感谢。Thanks very much.

68、请问一个问题好吗?May I trouble you with a question?

69、满意了吗?Is it satisfactory?

70、是您打电话要求服务吗?Did you call for service?

71、现在情况怎么样?How?s it going now?

72、请您签上您的姓名好吗?Could you sign your name, please?

73、希望您不会介意在此等一会儿吧。Would you mind waiting, please?

74、这是表格,请您登记好吗?Here is the form,. Will you register, please?

75、都准备好了吗?Is everything done ( ready)?

76、这是您所有的东西吗?Is this all you have?

77、我带您到您的房间好吗?May I show you to your room?

78、您有什么问题吗?/ 什么事呢?What?s your trouble? / What?s the problem?

79、对了吗?Is that correct?

80、这样行吗?Is that all right?

81、您什么时候需要呢?When do you need it? / What time do you want it?

82、您能否说得详细一点?Could you give me some more details?

83、这些够了吗?Is that enough?

84、我帮您拿,好吗?Shall I get one for you?

85、现在可以办了吗?Could I do it now?

86、什么时候方便呢?When will it be convenient?

87、我们走吧,好吗?Let?s go, shall we?

88、请等一等,好吗?Would you care to wait?

89、这会打扰您吗?Will it disturb you?

90、这/那个怎么样?What about this / that?

91、您觉得这/那个怎么样?How do you like this / that?

92、抱歉(对不起/请原谅)。Sorry./ I?m sorry.

93、对不起,打扰您了。I?m sorry to trouble you. I?m sorry to disturb you.

I?m sorry to bother you.

94、失礼了。Sorry for my impoliteness.

95、对不起,打扰一下好吗?Excuse me for interrupting you.

96、对不起,这是我的错。I?m sorry. It?s my fault.

97、对不起,耽搁了。We are sorry for the delay.

98、对不起,让您久等了。I?m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.


Is everything satisfaction to you during your stay in our hotel?

100、抱歉得很,耽误了您这么多的时间。I?m sorry to have taken up so much of your time. 101、我妨碍您了吗?Am I in your way.

102、请原谅我的粗心。Please excuse my carelessness.

103、希望您能原谅我。I hope you?ll pardon me.

104、我必须向您道歉。I must apologize to you.

105、费神了。I?m much obliged to you. / Much obliged.

106、麻烦您了。Thanks for the trouble.

107、谢谢, 谢谢您了。Thanks , Thank you.

108、您太好了。It?s very kind (go od / nice) of you

109、您想得十分周到。It?s most thoughtful of you.

110、我应该非常感谢您。I should appreciate it very much.

111、谢谢您的等候/ 帮助。Thanks for your waiting / help.

112、是的。/ 不,不是。Y es. / No, not.

113、我明白/知道了。I see. / I understand.

114、一点也不麻烦。No trouble at all. / No bother at all.

115、我很高兴为您效劳。Glad to be of service. / My pleasure.

116、我很高兴给您帮了个忙。Glad to have been of help.

117、谢谢您的赞美。Thank you for your compliments.

118、那不要紧。/ 没关系。That?s quite all right. / It doesn?t matter. / Never mind. 119、啊,没什么。Oh, it is nothing.

120、别介意。/ 别提了。Don?t bother about that. / Don?t mention it.

121、我保证不会再次发生类似的事情。I assure it won?t happen a gain.

122、我马上调查此事。I?ll look into the matter at once.

123、谢谢您告诉我们。Thank you for telling us.

124、这是我的错,向您道歉。Please accept an apology for my fault.

125、我们会记下您的要求。We?ll note down your request.

126、没问题。No problem.

127、我帮您查一下。I?ll check it for you.

128、我们会尽早通知您。We?ll inform you as soon as possible.

129、这是我的职责(应该做的)。It?s part of my service. / It?s my duty.

130、我们会负责此事。We?ll see to it.

131、我们会派人(来)去取。We?ll have someone fetch it.

132、我跟您去(走)。I?ll come after you.

133、我们将随时为您效劳(提供服务)。I?ll put myself at your service at any time.

134、没关系,不用谢。That?s all right. / Y ou are welcome. / At your service. 135、这是我应该做的。That?s what I should do. / It?s the least I could do. 136、我将按照您的吩咐办。I?ll do what you told me.

137、我对此感到抱歉。I feel sorry about that.

138、别担心,我会给您办的。Don?t worry. Leave it to me.

139、别担心,我会给您安排的。Don?t wor ry, We can arrange it for you.

140、肯定,一定。Certainly. / Sure.

141、当然(不)。Of course. Of course not.

142、我认为是这样。/ 我认为不是这样。I think so. / I don?t think so.

143、能帮助您是我的荣幸。It?s a privilege for me to help you.

144、我一会儿就来。I?ll be with you in a moment.

145、我来查一下,并会尽快打电话给您。I?ll check it, and call you as soon as possible. 146、请原谅,我没听明白您说什么。Pardon. I?m afraid I don?t follow (catch) you. 147、(我们)到了。Here we are at your destination.

148、打扰您了,请多多包涵。Please excuse my disturbing you.

149、再见。/ 再会。Goodbye. / See you. / So long. / Farewell.

150、晚安,祝您睡个好觉。Good night. Have a good dream (sleep).

151、回头见。See you later.

152、明天见。See you tomorrow.

153、祝您一路顺风。Good luck. / Have a good journey.

154、一路平安。Bon V oyage.

155、请多保重。Take care, please.

156、祝您旅途愉快。Pleasant journey .

157、祝您归途愉快。Pleasant journey home.

158、希望再次见到您。Hope to see you again.

159、我们期待您的再次光临。We look forward to your visit again.

160、请再次光临。Please call again.



前厅部前台/收银------Reservation / Reception / Information / cashier?s

职位名称:接待员receptionist 收银员cashier 行李员bellman / bellboy ./ porter 5、门僮doorman 职员clerk / employee / personnel / staff 话务员operator 大堂副理assistant manager

词汇:1、预订reservation / book 2、接待reception / receive 3、问询information / inquiry 4、收银cashier 5、客满be full up / no vacancy 6、超订overbooking 7、开房/入住checking in 8、退房checking out 9、房费room rate (price / charge / rent / tariff)10、免费free of charge / complimentary 11、昂贵expensive / dear 12、便宜cheap 13、(价格)合理reasonable 14、折价discount rate 15、(预订/登记)表格/单(registration)form /list16、抵达日期/入住日期arrival date/in date 17、离开日期departure date / out date 18、开房通知单accommodation advice 19、拟住天数length of stay 20、全名full name 21、姓family name / last name 22、名first name / surname 23、曾用名former name 24、国籍nationality25、职业profession / occupation / position26、出生地place of birth 27、出生日期date of birth 28、从何处来where from 29、到何处去where to 30、(入境)签证(entry) visa 31、签名sign (your) name / signature 32、护照passport 33、身份证identity card 34、名片name (visit) card 35、(各类)证件voucher 36、价目表price list 37、延期postpone / extension 38、保留keep 39、取消cancel / cancellation 40、预付定金(押金)advance deposit 41、黑名单black list 42、预抵日期expected arrival date 43、预离日期expected departure date 44、提前离店under stay 45、延期离店/ 延迟离店over stay / late check-out 46、淡季/ 平季low season / slack season 47、旺季high season 48、付款方式payment method 49、常住客regular guest 50、长住客long staying guest 51、统计表control sheet 52、支票/旅行支票check / traveler?s check 53、信用卡credit card 54、回扣/佣金commission 55、挂帐city ledger 56、平均房价average room rate 57、预订提前期booking lead time 58、确认类订房confirmed reservation 59、停止出售客房的日期closed date 60、客人已支付费用的住宿凭证coupon 61、留房截止日期cut-off-date 62、半天用房day use 63、零星散客Family & Individual Tourist (FIT)64、自由销售free sales 65、保证类订房guaranteed reservation 66、客史档案guest history record 67、饭店连锁hotel chain 68、工作日记本log book 69、订房不到No-show 70、待修房out of order 71、包价服务package service 72、标准房价rack rate 73、接车服务pickup service 74、订房预测room forecast 75、团体分房名单rooming list 76、客房种类room type / room category 77、客房状态room status 78、换房room change 79、故意逃帐者skipper 80、外宿sleep out 81、高价类房按低价出售(升级)upgrade 82、推销更高价格的客房up-selling 83、等候名单waiting list 84、叫醒服务wake-up service 85、留言服务left message service 86、团队group 87、散客walk-in 88、钥匙存放处key drop 89、总钥匙master key 90、兑换凭证memo 91、买/卖价buying / selling rate 92、钞票bank note 93、钱、货币money / currency 94、汇款remittance 95、兑换率exchange rate 96、汇票bank draft 97、银行bank 98、现金cash 99、零钱change 100、手续费service charge / procedure fee 101、信汇、电汇mail transfer 102、换算率conversion rate 103、利息interest 104、帐单bill / chit 105、贵重物品寄存valuable (safe) deposit 106、房卡room card 107、发票/ 收据invoice / receipt 108、保险箱safe-box109、单人床single bed 110、双人床double-size bed 111、大双人床Queen-size bed 112、加宽双人床King-size bed 113、沙发床studio 114、婴儿床cot 115、内景房inside room 116、外景房outside room 117、连通房connecting room 118、相邻房adjoining room 119、钟点房价hour rate 120、总数amount 121、更改amendments122、卡条/单slip123、统计statistics124、

汇总表conventional chart 125、密度表density chart 126、(预订)截止表the stop-going chart 127、打时机time and date stamping machine 128、婉拒(预订)turning down 129、致歉函Regret Letter 130、记录存档recordkeeping 131、口头确认/书面确认verbal (written)form 132、抵店前准备prior to the arrivals 133、结帐settle account134、人民币Renminbi (RMB)135、美元U.S. dollar 136、港元Hongkong dollar 137、日元Japanese yen 138、英镑pound 139、天气预报weather forecast 140、晴天sunny 141、阴天(多云)cloudy 142、刮风windy 143、雾天foggy 144、雨天rainy 145、小雨drizzling 146、亚热带海洋性气候subtropical & maritime climate 147、无风calm 148、湿度humidity 149、温度temperature 150、委托代extra service151、东east /东西west east/东南southeast/东北northeast 152、南south/南北northsouth153、西west 西南southwest/西北northwest154、北north 155、摄氏度centigrade 156、一级风light air 157、二级风light breeze 158、三级风gentle breeze 159、四级风moderate breeze 160、五级风fresh breeze 161、六级风strong breeze 162、七级风moderate ( near)gale 163、八级风fresh gale 164、九级风strong gale 165、十级风whole gale 166、十一级风storm 167、十二级风hurricane 168、台风typhoon 169 、欢迎卡Key card/ Hotel Passport 170、承诺付款书Guarantee of Payment 171、客房钥匙准用单key permit 172、计账folio storage 173、备用钥匙柜spare parts


1. Good morning, This is Room Reservation / Front Reception, may I help you?

2. For how many nights / days, please?

3. For which date, please? / When for, please?

4.How many people are there in your party? / How many of you in all, please?

5.What kinds of room would you need?

6. Have you made a reservation with us? / Do you have a reservation with us?

7. Excuse me, may I have your full name, please? / Excuse me, may I know your full name, please?

8.How do you spell your name, please?

9. What time do you expect to arrive?

10. May I have / know your telephone number?

11. Who is the reservation for?

12. Just a moment, please. I?ll check the arrival list / room availability.

13. Could I see your passport / identity card, please/

14. How many nights will you be staying? / How long will be staying?

15.Would you help me fill out this form, please? / Would you fill out this form, please?

16. Could you sign your name, please?

17. In whose name was the reservation for?

18. Would a double room do?

19. Is it just for tonight?

20. What was the date of the reservation?

21. When did you make the reservation?

22.Who made the reservation, please?

23. It?s all right / available for the 26th, but not the 27th.

24. Please go to the cashier to pay the advanced deposit.

25. A single room or a double room/

26. Breakfast is included.

27. Could I suggest a double room?

28. Y ou?ll have to pay half of the rate more if you leave after 12:00 at noon.

29.I?m afraid we are fully booked on that night, is it possible for you to change the date?

30. We can?t guarantee for the rooms, if without advanced deposit.

31. We might have cancellation if the arrival time passes six p.m. and you might get the deposit.

32. Sorry, the rooms are all occupied. May I contact another hotel for you?

33. Y our room number is 1603 on the 16th floor in the main building, and here is the key.

34. Thank you for waiting, sir. I?m afraid his name is not on the list.

35. Do you have a letter or telex conforming the reservation.

36. Do you know which unit / group is responsible for the reception of your friend?

37. I?d like to confirm your reservation: Mr. Black from Washington, United States of America , A standard single room at 360 yuan per night for three nights from May 6th to 9th, and your telephone number is 63288802, the reservation is with name of John Smith.

38. I?ll give you the accommodation advice.

39. I?m afraid he has cancelled the reservation.

40. I?m afraid he is not occupying that room.

41. I?m afraid he is out for the day, could you call again later, please?

42. I?m afraid there is no guest with that name.

43. I?m sorry, but I have no record of a reservation in your name.

44. I?m sorry, I?m afraid he has already checked out.

45. Mr. John Smith from England wants to see you.

46. Would you leave a message? We?ll inform him when he comes.

47. There is a message for you, sir.

48. I?ll repeat your message to your friend.

49. Mrs. Bill Brow asks you to straight to her room, No. 1509, on the 15th floor.

50. The bellboy will show you up to your room.

Situational Dialogues:

Reservatio n→Reception→Information→Settling-account(Cashier’s)

礼宾岗位------Baggage Service / Concierge

职位名称:接待员receptionist 收银员cashier 行李员bellman / bellboy ./ porter 5、门僮doorman 职员clerk / employee / personnel / staff 话务员operator 大堂副理assistant manager

词汇:1、行李寄存left baggage (luggage)/luggage storage 2、邮件服务postal (mail ) service3、自行车出租服务bicycle service 4、行李房luggage (baggage ) room / check-room 5、残疾人服务disabled persons service 6、雨伞出租服务umbrella rental service 7、背包knapsack 8、女用手提包handbag 9、公文包briefcase / portfolio10、旅行包traveling bag 11、手提箱suitcase 12、书包satchel / canvas satchel 13、衣帽间cloakroom 14、平信ordinary letter 15、挂号信registered letter 16、航空信air mail 17、快信express delivery 18、欠资postage due 19、超重overweight 20、挂号邮寄费registered fee 21、印刷品printed matter 22、邮政汇票postal order 23、包裹parcel 24、浆糊paste 25、胶水glue 26、行李标签luggage label ( tag )27、电瓶车electro-mobile / storage battery car 28、行李车van 29、行李网luggage net 30、行李票luggage check 31、轮椅wheelchair 32、拐杖walking stick 33、信箱letter ( mail / post ) box34、很多行李high luggage 35、少量行李light luggage 36、无行李no luggage 37、失物招领处Lost & Found Office 38、

大衣箱trunk39、行李运送bell service 40、寻人服务Paging Service 41、泊车服务Car Park V alet 42、委托代办服务Extra Service 43、“金钥匙”服务Gold Key?s Service(Chief Concierge / Les Clef d?Or )


1. Is this your baggage, sir?

2. Only one suitcase, sir?

3. Let me carry your baggage, madam.

4. May I help you with your suitcase, sir?

5. Two suitcases and one bag, is that right?

6. I?ll show you to the Front Desk , This way, please.

7. Could you check in at the Reception, please/?

8. May I show you to your room, sir?

9.This is your room, Y ou first, please.

10. The bellman, sir, I have brought your baggage.

11. We are very sorry for the delay, sir, May I put it here.

12. Another bellman will bring your baggage, Just a moment, please.

13. Is this all you have?

14. It?s slippery, please mind your feet.

15. Just a moment, please, I?ll bring a luggage cart.

Situational Dialogues:

1.Greeting guest and helping the guest to carry the baggag e→Showing the guest to the Front Desk for checking in→Showing the guest to his/her room→Entering the room→Introducing the facilities of the room to the guest→Leaving the room.

2. Extra Service………

总机岗位/ 话务员------Switchboard / Operator

职位名称:接待员receptionist 收银员cashier 行李员bellman / bellboy ./ porter 5、门僮doorman 职员clerk / employee / personnel / staff 话务员operator 大堂副理assistant manager

词汇1、分机extension telephone 2、打电话(到)make (take) a call to 3、接电话receive (answer) a call 4、电话号码telephone number 5、电话簿telephone directory 6、受话人付费电话collect call 7、拨(电话)dial 8、通话时间duration of call 9、发话人付费电话paid call 10、普通电话ordinary call 11、加急电话urgent call 12、叫醒电话wake-up call 13、叫号电话station to station call 14、叫人电话person to person call 15、电话卡dialing (calling) card 16、长途电话long distance call 17、市内电话local call 18、免费电话courtesy phone 19、最低收费minimum charge 20、外线outline 21、内线电话house phone 22、占线busy line 23、串线crossed line 24、消号cancel / cancellation 25、没人接no answer 26、别挂(请稍等)Hold the line. ( Hold on )。27、接通get through 28、听不清。The connection is bad. 29、请接外线。Line, please.30、传呼费calling ( paging ) fee 31、国际直拨电话international direct dialing call 32、国内直拨电话domestic direct dialing call 33、电话计费long distance call expenses calculation 34、闭路电视closed circuit TV 35、背景音乐surroundings / environment music 36、网络检查network check 37、本地网area code


1. Good morning,……Hotel, may I help you?

2. Hold the line / on, please, I?ll put you through.

3. We?ll call you back in a few minutes.

4. The number is busy now.

5. The number out of order.

6. The receiver is off the hook.

7.Let me try again.

8. I?m sorry could you repeat that.

9. I?m sorry, but could you speak a little slower / louder?

10. Would you like to leave a message?

11. Would you like me to have hom call you?

12. Does he know your telephone number?

13. Would you mind holding the line a minute, please?

14. Y our call has got no answer. Do you have another telephone number/

15.The phone call lasted for 18 minutes altogether. Doyou still want to make a call to Tokyo.

16. Lift the handset and dial “9”, please wait for dial tone, then followed by demostic code “0”. Situational Dialogues: Central Exchange Service→Left Message Service→Information & Extra Services

商务中心------Business Center

职位名称:接待员receptionist 收银员cashier 行李员bellman / bellboy ./ porter 5、门僮doorman 职员clerk / employee / personnel / staff 话务员operator 大堂副理assistant manager

词汇:1、传真机fax machine / 发传真机send a fax /收传真receive a fax 2、复印copy / photocopy3、打字type / typewriting 4、过塑plastering 5、冲洗胶卷develop film 6、邮票stamp 7、信纸writing paper 8、信封envelope 9、照相机camera10、洽谈室business talk room11、文件file / document 12、翻译translation (笔译) / interpretation (口译)13、票务服务ticket booking 14、租车服务car rental service 15、附加费extra charge / incidental fee 16、营业时间business hours (time)17、资料间索架file (document ) shelf 18、公用电话亭public telephone booth 19、海南旅游指南Hainan Tour Guide


1.Will you please write down the phone number?

2. Just a moment, please, it is 20 yuan and 50 fen altogether.

3.Please have a look at the flight time table.

4.Here is the service tariff list. Please have a look at it.

5.Would you like to type, sir?

6.Well, we?ll try to finish the typing of this 300 page document before 6:00 this afternoon.

7.Here is your document, sir. Please check it . I?ll type a new one for you.

8.We charge 40 yuan for each page of A3 paper, 20 yuan for each page of A4 paper and 12 yuan

for each page of B5 paper. What kind of page would you like, sir/

9.Would you like to have a fax? Where would you like to have it/

10..Having a fax to America is 18.4 yuan per minute, 10 yuan per piece and 8 yuan for the

service charge.

11.Will you please tell me the fax number?

12.As soon as your fax comes in, we?ll inform you at once.

13.Would you like to copy? How would you like it, one side or double side? And how many

pieces would you like, sir?

14.I can assure you that the translation of this document will be finished this afternoon.

15.What language service do you need?

16.We charge 100 per hour for the inte3rpretation and translation services.

17.For which date, please?

18.How many of you in all, please?

19.May I have your passport / Identity card?

20.Here is your ticket and your change, sir. Have a nice trip!

Situational Dialogues: Booking flight tickets→Fax→Typing→Making a phone call→Copying→Extra Service




2.cotton buds棉签

3.room key房间钥匙

4.bath cap浴帽

5.desk lamp台灯

6.shopping bag购物袋

7.dressing / writing table梳妆台

8.fruit knife水果刀

9.ashtray烟灰缸10.safe box密码箱11.mosquito killer灭蚊器12.quilt棉被13.match火柴14.nail clippers 指甲剪15.writing paper 信纸16.flat iron 电烫斗17.fax paper 传真纸18.scissors剪刀19.envelope信封20.medical cream bath 护理液21.ball pen圆珠笔22.pen 钢笔23.pencil铅笔24.coca cola (coke)可口可乐25.sewing kit 针线包26.coconut juice椰子汁27.chair 椅子28. cold black / green tea冰红/绿茶29.slippers 拖鞋30.shoe-shine paper 擦鞋纸31.foam bath / skin care沐浴露https://www.doczj.com/doc/072627242.html, set电视机33.razor / shaver 剃须刀34.window 窗户35.remote control 遥控器https://www.doczj.com/doc/072627242.html,undry bag 洗衣袋37.air-conditioner 空调机38.clothes hanger衣架39.blanket毛毯40.raincoat雨衣41.all-purpose socket / plug多功能插座42.hot / cold boiled water热/冷开水43.wall lamp 壁灯44.hair dryer吹风筒45.floor lamp落地灯46.file 文件夹47.thermos bottle (flask) 保温瓶48.tea cup 茶杯49.fresh orange juice 鲜橙汁50.glass 玻璃杯51.wine 酒52.bath robe浴袍53. beer 啤酒54.bath towel浴巾55.drinks饮料56.towel 中巾57.condom 安全套58.bath mat 地巾(防滑垫)https://www.doczj.com/doc/072627242.html,pressed towel 压缩帽巾60.wash cloth /hand towel 方巾

61.sofa沙发62.bar lamp 酒吧灯63.tooth brush牙刷64.tooth paste牙膏65.clothesline / clotheshorse 晒衣绳(架)66.toilet mirror梳妆镜(淋浴间内) 67.shampoo 洗法液68.piston / plunger 活塞69.soap肥皂68.toilet (fancy)soap 香皂https://www.doczj.com/doc/072627242.html,b梳子71.vase 花瓶https://www.doczj.com/doc/072627242.html,mode / close stool / flush 马桶73 ice bucket 冰桶74.telephone / phone call 电话(机)75.mahjong麻将76.Hainan Tour Map海南旅游地图77.playing card 扑克牌78.tissue / toilet paper手纸/卫生纸79.tennis/tennis court 网球/网球场80.swim ring / life buoy救身圈81.arts and crafts / craftwork 工艺品82.bed sheet/ bedspread 床单83.pillow/pillowcase枕头/枕头套84.ice box/fridge/refrigerator 冰箱(柜)85.quilt case 被套86.face-cloth / washcloth paper 面巾纸87.tea table茶几88.bathtub 浴岗89.sprinkers / shower head花洒90.shampoo洗发露91.bath shade / bath curtain 浴帘92.umbrella 雨伞https://www.doczj.com/doc/072627242.html,puter 电脑94.mouse鼠标(电脑) 95.keyboard 键盘(电脑)96.scale / balance地秤97.ironing board烫衣板98. water boiling pot煮水壶99.baggage / luggage rack 行李架100.porch lamp 廊灯101.ruler 尺子102. full-length mirror全身镜103.floor 地板/楼层104.washing basin洗手盆105.calculator 计算机106.annunciator 报警器107.extinguisher灭火器108.emergency lamp应急灯109.smoke detector 烟感器110.emergency exit 紧急出口111. “Do Not Disturb” Lamp “请勿打扰”灯112.arm-chair 扶手

椅113.blackout drapes/window blind(shade)遮光帘114.window screening / sheer curtain沙帘115.cistern恭桶水箱116.tap/water faucet/cock 水龙头117.salver / tray 托盘118.door-lock门锁119.wall-picutre 壁画200.flagstone 云台201.doorplate / room number门牌(房号)202.wardrobe / bureau衣柜203.mattress 褥子204.dustbin / rubbish bin / garbage(trash) can 垃圾筒205.bar counter吧台206.tumbler-drier烘干机207.spin-drier 脱水机https://www.doczj.com/doc/072627242.html,undry (bag) 洗衣(袋)209.electric iron 电烫斗210.electric fan电风扇211.interphone 对讲机212.sun-chair 太阳伞213.gym facilities健身器材214.Hotel Guide (Brief Introductions) 酒店指南215.bath cap浴帽216.carpet地毯217.No-Smoking Card 请勿吸烟卡218.maid?s cart工作车219.vaccums吸尘器220.disinfectants 消毒剂221. broom扫箒222.mop 拖把223.rags 抹布224.cleaner清洁剂225.rubber gloves防护手套226.wringer 拧干器227.germicidal杀菌剂228.steel wool钢丝绒229.temperature adjuster 温度调节器230.switch 开关231.transformer 变压器232. rotary floor scrubbers 洗地机233.baby cot 婴儿床234.chest of drawers 壁橱235.flower basket花蓝


1、Good morning / afternoon / evening, sir / madam / miss.

2、Welcome to our hotel.

3、How are you today?

4、Is this your first time to stay in our hotel?

5、I?m glad to see you. / Glad to see you.

6、I?m very happy to have you stay in our hotel again. / Glad to have you stay in our hotel again.

7、Good morning. May I help you? / Can I help you? / What can I do for you?

8、May I have your name, please?

9、I?m the housemaid on this floor.

10、Could you please show me your room card?

11、I hope you?ll enjoy your stay here. / Please enjoy your stay in our hotel.

12、Did you have a nice trip? / Have a nice trip!

13、May I show you to your room?

14、This way, please.

15、After you, please.

16、Have some tea, please.

17、I?m very glad to be of service to you.

18、I?m at your service. / At your service.

19、Housekeeping / Turn-down Service, may I come in?

20、I hope I?m not disturbing you.

21、One moment, madam, I?ll bring them to you right away.

22、What time will it be convenient, sir?

23、I?ll send for a repairman for you.

24、What time would you like us to come back, sir?

25、We will come and clean up your room immediately.

26、We?ll change one for you immediately.

27、Did you call for service?

28、I?ll do it right away.

29、Happy birthday! / Happy birthday to you.

30、Happy New Y ear!

31、Merry Christmas!

32、Happy Spring Festival!

33、Wish you every success!

34、Is there anything I can do for you? / Anything I can do for you?

35、Is there anything else? / Anything else?

36、I?ll do it for you now.

37、Do you mind if I open the window?

38、Y ou are welcome.

39、Y es, I understand. / I see.

40、It?s my duty.

41、If we have any shortcomings, please point.

42、Any criticisms and instructions are welcome. / Any comments and suggestions are welcome.

43、It doesn?t matter. / That?s all right. / All right. / Don?t worry about it. / Please forget it.

44、Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. Thanks for your kindness. Thank you for your advice.

45、I?m sorry to hear that. / I …m awfully sorry. / I?m sorry about this. / I?m sorry to disturb you.

46、Which would you prefer?

47、Pardon me, please.

48、Sorry to have kept you waiting.

49、I?m sorry, it?s my fault.

50、I?ll see to it right away.

51、I do apologize.

52、It is my negligence. I beg your pardon.

53、Just a moment, I?ll do it now.

54、Please excuse me for coming so late.

55、I? sorry I was so careless.

56、Pardon me for interrupting, thank you.

57、It?s my pleasure to have you.

58、Thank you for such a lovely gift.

59、Please come this way, sir / madam.

60、Go straight ahead. / Keep going.

61、Turn left (right) at the first corner.

62、Please go up (down).

63、Please follow me. / Come with me, please.

64、May I come in? Come in, please.

65、Please don?t come in, just a moment.

66、May I know your room card / room number?

67、Good night, see you tomorrow.

68、Here?s your clean laundry, you had better check it.

69、We can?t change your room without the authority of the front desk.

70、If you want to have your room cleaned extra quickly, please hang the cleaning sign on the door.

71、We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

72、For all inquiries, please dial or to ask for the information of the front desk.

73、I?ll send someone immediately to pick up the laundry.

74、We?ll deliver it to your room by tomorrow noon.

75、If you are in a hurry, we have a quick service.

76、There?s an extra charge of 50% for quick service.

77、Y our clothes are ready.

78 、If you have laundry, leave it in the laundry bag, it?ll be collected before 10:00 every morning.

79 、Do n?t worry, leave it to me.

80 、As a hotel policy, I?m afraid that you have to pay for damage.

81 、If you have anything to help, please dial or and you?ll be served as soon as possible.

82、Good night and pleasant dreams.

83、Could you sign your name on the Lost & Property Form, please?

84、Thank you for telling us, sir / madam, I assure you it won?t happen again.

85、If you want to see the doctor, please dial .

86、Will you please tell us the name of your group / party.

87 、Thank you and good bye.

88、We hope to see you again.

89 、Have a nice trip.

90、Good luck and good bye!



职位名称:1、楼面男服务员waiter 2、楼面女服务员waitress 3、传菜员busboy(男)busgirl (女) 4、司酒员wine steward 5、酒吧服务员barman(男)/ barmaid (女)6、厨师chef / cook/ kitchener 7、迎宾hostess 8、厨师长sous chef 9、点心师pastry cook 10、调酒员bar tender


一般用语General Terms:1、用餐have a meal / dine /be at table 2、早餐breakfast 3、中餐lunch 4、晚餐(便餐)supper 5、晚餐(正餐)dinner 6、宵夜late supper 7、快餐snack / fast food / take-away food 8、家常便饭simple fare 9、自助餐/ 冷餐会buffet dinner 10、野外烧烤barbecue 11、鸡尾酒会cocktail party 12、茶会tea party 13、招待会reception 14、中餐Chinese food 15、西餐western food 16、套餐regular dinner 17、份饭full course 18、点菜a la carte / order 19、客饭table d?hote 20、宴会banquet / dinner party / feast 21、食谱recipe / cook book 22、食物/菜肴food / dish 23、菜单menu 24、开胃品appetizer 25、餐厅restaurant / dining hall 26、包厢dining box 27、点心/茶点refreshment 28、主菜entrée 29、甜品(点)dessert 30、酒吧bar 31、咖啡厅café / coffee shop 32、餐具室pantry 33、东南亚风味southeast Asian flavor 34、一道菜a course 35、一份a portion ( of )36、一块a piece (of ) 37、一片a slice ( of )38、一条a strip ( of )39、一点a bit ( of )40、胃口好(不好)good ( poor ) appetite 41、调酒mixed wine 42、厨房kitchen 43、吧台bar counter 44安排座位take plan 45、野餐(野外用餐)picnic 46、主宾席head table / seat for the guest of honor 47、时价current price

常用餐具名称Everyday Dinner Sets:1、餐具dinner set / table ware 2、玻璃器具glassware 3、盘、碟plate / dish 4、茶碟saucer 5、碗bowl 6、洗手碗finger bowl 7、托盘tray / server 8、刀叉餐具cutlery 9、餐叉fork 10、汤勺ladle 11、汤匙spoon 12、筷子chopsticks13、牙签toothpick 14、糖夹sugar tongs15、垫碟under plate 16、调味品蝶relish plate 17、主菜盆entrée

dish 18、茶杯cup 19、茶缸(大杯)mug 20、啤酒杯stein 21、玻璃杯glass 22、大玻璃杯tumbler 23、高脚杯goblet 24、壶、罐、盆、盅pot / jug / kettle 25、盐瓶saltcellar 26、胡椒瓶pepper shaker 27、调味品套具condiment set 28、喇叭形杯pilsner 29、凹腰安全杯safe edge glass 30、浅底杯shallow-bowled glass 31、细颈玻璃酒瓶decanter 32、玻璃水、饮料瓶carafe 33、热毛巾table towel 34、台布table cloth 35、餐巾napkin 36、餐巾杯napkin ring

厨房用具Kitchen Utensils:1、冰箱refrigerator/fridge/ice-box 2、炉灶stove 3、电炉electric stove 4、煤气炉gas stove 5、煤油炉kerosene stove 6、烤箱oven 7、平底锅pan 8、煎锅frying pan 9、蒸锅steamer 10、长柄煮锅saucepan 11、汤锅soup kettle 12、砂锅casserole13锅炉boiler14、炖锅roast ( stew ) pan 15、火锅hot pot 16、菜刀kitchen knife17、砍刀chopping knife 18、磨刀石knife sharpener 19、切菜板chopping board 20、砧墩chopping block 21、烤肉铁扒grill 22、绞肉机meat-mincer 23、平磨grinder 24、打蛋器egg-beater 25、碗橱cupboard 26、坛、罐jar 27、桶pail / bucket 28、天平scale / balance 29、铁锅/菜锅wok 30、围裙apron 31、擦盘布dish cloth 32、抹布duster 33、洗碗机washing-up machine 34、木炭charcoal 35、煤铲shovel 36、煤球briquette37、抽油烟机oil and smoke pumper 38、高压锅pressure cooker

烹饪术语Cooking Terms:1、烹调术cookery/cuisine 2、清蒸的steamed 3、炸的deep-fried 4、炒、煎的fried 5、烤的toasted 6、烧烤的roasted/ broiled 7、干炒、焙、烘的torrefied 8、煮的boiled 9、炖的stewed 10、熏的smoked 11、扒的grilled 12、嫩炒的sauteed13、清炒的stir-fried/scrambled 14、烘的baked 15、砂锅的in casserole 16、涂油烤的basted 17、嫩煮的、烫的scaled 18、盐腌的、咸的salted/salty 19、煨的immersed 20、捣烂的mashed21、泡的steeped 22、盐醋泡的pickled 23、磨碎的ground 24、切成末的minced 25、加香料的、辣的spicied /spicy 26、加调味佐料的seasoned/佐料season 27、涮的instant-boiled/ rinsed 28、新鲜的fresh 29、味重的heavily seasoned 30、味淡的lightly seasoned 31、什锦的assorted 32、红烧的stewed (braised)with soya sauce 33、酒糟的pickled with brewer?s(distiller?s)grain 34、酱的、卤的salted in soyabean sauce 35、脆的crisp 36、干的dry/dried 37、腥的fishy 38、香的fragrant/perfume 39、(食物)老的、硬的hard/overdone 40难消化的heavy 41、热的、辣的hot/peppery 42、冰的iced 43、冻的frozen 44、清淡的light 45、酸的sour46、不熟的underdone 47、半生不熟的rare 48、适中的medium 49、熟透的well-done /squashy 50、咬不动的、老的(肉)tough 51、嫩的tender52、味道好的tasty/delicious53、无滋味的tasteless 54、软的、嫩的(蛋)soft 55、甜的sweet56、油腻的oily/greasy/rich57、浓的thick/strong58、苦的bitter59、多汁的juicy60、烧的正好done to a turn61、焦的burned/parched 62、做好了的、熟的cooked/done/ripe63、生的raw64、冷的cold 65、肥的fat66、瘦的lean67、涩的、辣的puckery/acrid68、风味flavor/风味的flavory69、有味的savory70、煮过头的overcooked71、切片的sliced72、切丝的shredded73、切丁的diced/cubed74、幸辣的pungent75、刺激的stimulated/exc itant76、样式、风味style/ flavor77、卤的brine/bittern78、焖的braised/stewed 79、膻的rank80、酿的stuffed/brewed 81、杂拌的mixed 82、白切的blanched

调味品名称Condiments:1、盐salt 2、花生油groundnut (peanut) oil 3、芝麻油sesame oil 4、椰子油coconut oil 5、植物油vegetable oil 6、辣椒油chili oil 7、菜子油rapeseed oil 8、食用油edible oil 9、黄油butter 10、酱油soya (soy) sauce 11、蕃茄酱ketchup / tomato sauce 12、酸辣酱chutney 13、色拉(蛋黄)酱mayonnaise 14、陈醋mature vinegar 15、辣椒粉cayenne 16、花生酱peanut butter 17、脂肪fat 18、猪油lard 19、干酪cheese 20、香料spices 21、香精essence 22、味精gourmet powder 23、醋vinegar 24、香草兰vanilla 25、薄荷peppermint 26、丁香clove 27、胡椒pepper 28、虾酱shrimp sauce 29、芥末mustard 30、辣椒chili 31、咖喱curry 32、淀粉starch 33、(生)面团dough 34、汁juice 35、肉汁gravy 36、填料dressing / stuffing

37酒糟brewer?s grain 38、花椒wild pepper 39、红糖brown sugar 40、冰糖rock sugar/crystal sugar 41、方糖cube sugar / sugar candy 42、糖浆syrup 43、蜜糖honey 44、麦芽糖malt-sugar 45、蚝油oyster sauce 46、芝麻浆sesame paste 47、奶油cream 48、果酱jam 49、佐料/调料seasoning 50、橄榄油olive oil 51、人造黄油margarine 52、豆酱soya (soy)bean milk 53、色拉油salad oil 54、姜ginger 55、酵母yeast 56、发酵粉baking powder 57、姜黄turmeric / curcuma 58、米粉rice flour 59、豆沙bean paste 60、南乳preserved beancurd 61、陈皮orange peel 61、山药yam(Chinese potato)62、鱼子酱caviar 63、椒盐spiced salt

常见食品类名称Food Terms:1、米饭rice 2、面条noodles 3、粥/稀饭porridge / congee /稀粥gruel 4、麦片粥cereal / oatmeal porridge 5、炒饭fried rice 6、馒头steamed bun 7、油条deep-fried dough sticks 8、花卷steamed rolls 9、馄饨ravioli(wonton)10、油饼deep-fried pancake 11、米粉rice noodles 12、饺子dumpling(jiaozi)13、包子stuffed steamed bun 14、粽子glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in reed 15、面包bread 16、吐司(烤面包)toast 17、三明治sandwich 18、糕、蛋糕cake 19、汉堡包hamburger 20、汤soup / 肉汤broth/ 清汤consomme 21、布丁pudding 22、煎蛋饼omelette 23、饼干cracker / biscuit 24、奶油花蛋糕creamed cake 25、法式煎蛋French toast 26、粉丝bean vermicelli 27、印度烙饼chapati 28、松饼muffin 29、玉米粥cornmeal 30、糯米glutinous rice31、馅饼meat pie 32、汤圆glutinous rice dumpling in soup 33、年糕glutinous rice flour cake 34、面包块loaf 35、方便面instant noodles 36、春卷spring rolls 37、通心粉macaroni38、小米粥millet gruel39、煎饼pancake 40、玉米花pop corn 41、麦面包rye bread 42、葱油饼scallion cake 43意大利通心粉spaghetti 44、果馅饼tart 45、主食cereal46、烙饼flapjack

常见蔬菜类名称V egetables :1、青菜greens 2、白菜cabbage 3、花菜cauliflower 4、芹菜celery 5、韭菜chive / leek 6、菠菜spinach 7、空心菜swamp cabbage / water spinach 8、榨菜pickled tuber mustard 9、泡菜pickles 10、洋葱onion 11、大蒜garlic 12、大豆soya (soy) bean 13、豆bean 14、碗豆pea 15、豆腐beancurd (tofu) 16、豆芽bean sprouts 17、竹笋bamboo shoots 18、萝卜turnip /胡萝卜carrot /红萝卜radish 19、莴苣(生菜)lettuce 20、蕃茄(西红柿)tomato 21、黄瓜cucumber 22、土豆(马苓薯)potato 23、青椒green pepper 24、莲藕(根)lotus root 25、蘑菇mushroom 26、丝瓜sponge(towel)gourd /蔻年华loofah 27、冬瓜wax gourd / vegetable marrow 28、茄子eggplant 29、南瓜pumpkin 30、香瓜musk melon 31、苦瓜balsam pear 32、蛇瓜serpent(snake)melon 33、葫芦calabash 34、菜豆(四季豆、豆然、芸豆)kidney bean 35、绿豆mung bean 36、木耳fungus/agaric 37、水芹(西洋菜)water cress (water dropwort)38、黄花菜day-lily buds 39、韭黄yellowish leek/ blanched Chinese leek 40、龙须菜asparagus 41、油菜(芸苔)rape/ cole 42、芥菜mustard leaf43、白薯(地瓜)sweet potato 44、木薯cassava 45、紫菜laver 46、白兰瓜(哈蜜瓜)cantaloup 47、冬菜preserved shredded cabbage 48、开心菜pistachios 49、核桃仁walnutmeat50、什锦菜assorted relishes / olia-podrida51、absinthe52、赤豆adzuki bean 53、石花菜agar weed 54、长角豆algarroba 55、竹芋arrowroot 56、豆角asparagus(string/green) bean 57、苜宿alfafa /clover 58、慈菇arrowhead 59、花茎甘兰asparagus broccoli 60、豆荚been pod 61、甜菜beet 62、发菜black moss 63、甜椒bell pepper / pimiento 64、芥蓝cabbage mustard 65、蚕豆broad bean 66、苋菜Chinese spinach 67、香菜coriander 68、茼蒿菜crown daisy 69、小黄瓜cuke 70、芦笋garden asparagus71、芥麦buck wheat 72、芥末ground mustard 73、四季豆kidney bean 74、扁豆lentil/string bean 75、百合lily 76、菜豆lima bean 77、黄豆芽moyashi 78、刀豆sword bean 79、芋头taro80、银耳tremella 81、大头菜tuberous-rooted mustard 82、菱角water caltrop 83、马蹄water chestnut 85、白瓜white melon 86、大薯white yam87、茭笋wild rice shoots 88、海蔕sea weed 89、海参sea

cucumber 90、淡菜dried mussel 91、红辣椒、辣椒粉paprika / 辣椒pimiento / chilli 92、红枣Chinese date 93、茉莉花茶杯jasmine tea 94、罗汉arhat 95、八宝eight treasure 96、胎儿embryo 97、动脉(的)pulsant 98、贵妇人gentlewoman 99、养身preserve one?s health 100、葱shallot 101、梅菜preserved vegetable 102、松子pinecone103、菊花茶chrysanthemum tea 常见水果类名称Fruit: 1、香焦banana 2、菠萝pineapple 3、山竹mangosteen 4、榴莲durian 5、杨桃carambola 6、红毛丹rambutan 7、荔枝lichee 8、龙眼longan 9、石榴pomegranate 10、木瓜papaya 11、芒果mango 12、葡萄grape 13、西瓜watermelon 14、人心果sapodilla 15、哈蜜瓜cantaloup 16、柚子pomelo 17、橙子orange 18、柠檬lemon 19、神秘果dulcifying fruit 20、面包果breadfruit 21、无花果fig 22、草莓strawberry 23、蒲桃(莲雾) roseapple 24、黄皮Chinese wanpee 25、毛柿(牛油果)madola / persimmon/ aquacarte 26、油棕oilpalm 27、鸡蛋果passionfruit 28、腰果cashew nut / monkey nut 30、番荔枝(林檎)sugar apple 31、牛心果(梨)bullocksheart / custard apple 32、金星果cainito 33、蛋黄果eggfruit 34、番樱桃(红仔果)pitanga 35、柿子persimmon 36、苹果apple 37、梨pear 38、红皮桔子tangerine 39、枣子date 40、椰子coconut 41、杏apricot 42、杨梅arbutus / bayberry 43、樱桃cherry 44、槟榔betelnut / areca 45、橄榄olive 46、桃子peach 47、番石榴guava 48、海棠果flowering crabapple 49、菠萝蜜jackfruit 50、山楂hawthorn 51、蜜桃honey peach 52、干蔗sugar cane 53、菱角water chestnut 53、胡桃walnut 54、尖蜜拉cembedak 55、金桔cumquat 55、粟子chestnut 56、水果拼盘assorted fruit dish

常见鱼肉蛋类名称Meat, Fish and Eggs:1、鱼fish 2、鱼翅shark?s fin 3、鱼肚fish maw 4、扇贝scallop 5、黄鱼yellow croaker 6、带鱼hair-tail fish 7、鲤鱼carp 8、鳗鱼(鳝)eel 9、鲍鱼abalone 10、桂鱼mandarin fish 11、牡蛎(蚝)oyster 12、蟹crab/蟹黄crab roe 13、虾shrimp 14、明虾/对虾/大虾prawn15、龙虾lobster16、鲱鱼herring 7、鲑鱼salmon 8、鲈鱼perch 9、胭脂鱼mullet10、黑鱼snakehead11、海螺whelk / conch 12、墨鱼cuttlefish 13、鱿鱼squid 14、海龟/甲鱼turtle15、松鼠squirrel 16、肉丸meat ball 17、猪肉pork 18、猪扒pork grill 19、烤全猪(牛)/野外烧烤barbecue20、火腿ham 21、肉/鱼片filet 22、肉干/松dried meat /floss 23、牛肉beef 24、牛排beef steak 25、小牛肉veal 26、羊肉mutton 27、小羊肉lamb 28、羊肉排mutton(lamb) chop 29、兔肉rabbit 30、海鲜seafood 31、鸡肉chicken 32、火鸡turkey 33、鸭肉/鸭duck 34、鹅肉/鹅goose 35、鹌鹑quail 36、鸽子pigeon/dove 37、蛇肉/蛇snake 38、蛙frog 39、龟肉/龟tortoise 40、蛋egg 41、咸蛋salted egg 42、皮蛋preserved egg 43、蛋黄egg yolk 44、牛肚(牛百叶)ox tripe 45、乳猪suckling (sucking) pig 46、内脏innards/gut / tripe 47、咸肉bacon 48、腊肉cured meat 49、燕窝bird?s nest 50、野味wild game51、猪排pork rib 52、腩肉、胸肉brisket 53、蹄hoof 54、关节、指节knuckle55、肝脏liver 56、肺lung 57、炸肉排schnitzel 58、嫩煎小牛肉片、香溜肉片piccata 59、肉排steak 60、胁骨rib 61、香肠、腊肠sausage 62、一种大腊肠bologna 63、排骨chop 64、扣肉braised pork 65、回锅肉boiled and fried pork slices in chili sauce 66 、火腿ham 67、菜炖牛肉goulash 68、菜炖羊肉、扁豆haricot 69、古老肉fried pork in sweet and sour sauce 70、烤肉叉/ 小串烤肉brochette 71、炸肉饼(丸)croquette 72、炸肉片(饼/排)cutlet 73、疏菜炖肉ragout 74、尾部rump 75 roe 76、鸭掌duck web 77、山鹑、鹌鹑partridge 78 、章鱼octopus 79、目鱼plaice 79、贝壳、海螺conch 80、亚口鱼、胭脂鱼suckerfish 81、鲶科鱼grouper 82、螯pincers 83、小雌鹿roe = roe deer patty 84、鲳鱼pomfret 85、鲮鱼dace 86、田螺field snail 87、蟞pincers 88、鞭(生殖器)genital organ


1、Good morning / afternoon / evening, sir / madam / ladies and gentlemen.

2、For what time? / For how many? / What time would you like your table?

3、I?m sorry, the restaurant?s full now, would you please wait for a moment. I will call you as soon as we have vacancy. Please have tea in the lobby bar.

4、When would you like your table?

5、We are open from… to… .

6、Welcome to our restaurant.

7、Do you have a reservation?

8、How many of you, please?

9、This way, please.

10、Will you have a seat here? / How about sitting here? / Please take a seat here. / Where would

you like sit? / Is this table all right? / Would you mind taking this seat?

11、What kind of tea will you have? / What kind of tea would you like? Have some tea, please.

What would you like to drink before your meal?

12、Here is the menu. Please have a look. I?ll return in a few minutes to take your order.

13、Please wait a moment, I?ll arrange it for you right away.

14、Please wait a moment, your table will be ready right away.

15、Here is the appetizer. Please have a taste.


16、May I take your order now? / Will you order now? / Would you like to order now? / Are you

ready to order? /

17、Would you mind serving now?

18、Would you like to try today?s special?

19、What kind of……would you like?

20、What would you like to follow?

21、I?ll fetch some for you.

22、I?m very sorry. That dish is not available now. / I?m sorry, there aren?t any left. (they are sold

out.) How about……?

23、Sorry, it takes some time for this dish, could you wait a little bit longer?

24、Y es, sir. Can I get you something to drink with your meal?

23、How would you like your……?

24、What would you like to start with?

25、Thank you, sir. Will that be all?

26、Is everything all right? / Is it satisfactory?

27、Shall I have them cooked again?

28、I?ll get you another one.

29、May I take this plate away?

30、Anything else would you like?

31、What?s the problem, sir? May I be of assistant?

32、I?ll look into the matter.

33、Be sure not to leave anything behind.

34、Are you settling accounts, sir?

35、I?m sure everything will be right again next time you come.


词汇: table 桌子chair 椅子bar counter 吧台showcase陈列柜cold drinks冷饮料hot drinks 热饮料beer啤酒tea 茶green tea绿茶black tea 红茶coffee 咖啡black coffee清咖啡white coffee咖啡奶instant coffee appetizer / hors d?oeures小食fruit d?oeures水果拼盘cocktail 鸡尾酒whisky 威士忌酒vodka 伏特加XO Hennessy恒尼诗酒XO Remi Martini人头马酒Pepper mint sweet薄荷甜酒mineral water矿泉水fresh fruit juice鲜榨果汁grape wine 葡萄酒Red wine红葡萄酒White wine白葡萄酒pot/jug/kettle壶cup茶杯glass 玻璃杯ashtray 烟灰缸cigarette香烟beverage / drinks饮料biscuit / cracker 饼干chocolate巧克力chewing gum 香口胶price list 价目单greeting hall迎宾厅light sound/acoustics音响sofa 沙发tea table茶几signpost 指示牌sound control room /DC room音控室light persuing platform 追光台admission ticket门票program 节目floor show表演box包厢song list点歌单bill帐单wine list酒水单microphone/mike麦克风television set 电视机business time 营业时间dry 淡味的


1.This is the bar / coffee shop, sir. Will you please come in and take a seat?

2. Here is the wine/ drink list. What would you like to have?

3. Would you like something stronger?

4. We have different kinds of strong and soft drinks here for choice.

5. I am sorry. We don?t have it here.

6. I?m afraid we don?t have it here, how about some red wine?

7. Would you like with soda or ice cubes?

8. How much would you like?

9. Anything else? Would you like anything else?

10. Would you like anything to go with your drinks? / What would you like to go with your drinks?

11. Here is your bill. It is 60 yuan altogether.

12. Have you nothing else than Mao-tai here?

13. It?s made with vodka and fresh orange juice.

14. A rum? Certainly, sir.

15. Would you like another drink?

16. Another beer, Mr. Wood?

17. Same again, madam?

18. Would you like to prefer red, white or rose wine ? Sweet or dry?

19. Whisky straight, please.

20. Two vodka, one single one double.


早餐菜单Menu for Breakfast咖啡(Coffee)红茶(black tea)豆浆(bean milk)鲜奶(Fresh milk)酸奶(Yoghurt)柑(tangerine)西瓜(watermelon)玉米(corn)鲜奶麦片粥(cereal with fresh milk)小米粥(Millet gruel)白粥(Gruel)烟肉(bacon)火腿(ham)炸薯条(potato chips)煎鸡蛋(Fried eggs)白灼青菜(blanched greens)早餐肠(Steamed Mixed Pork Wieners)炸鸡翅(Deep fried chicken wings)煮鸡蛋(boiled eggs)烤红薯(roasted sweet potatoes )营养面包(Nutrition bread)餐包(Tasty little bread)牛油面包(Buttered bread)蒸馒头(Steamed bun)油条(Deep-fried dough sticks)黄金糕(Indonesian cake)咖喱粽(Glutinous rice dumpling with curry)扬州炒饭

(Yangzhou fried rice)炒意大利粉(Fried spaghetti)正餐菜单Menu for Lunch青

瓜沙律(Cucumber salad)圣女果沙律(Tomato salad)西生菜沙律(Dutch lettuce salad)

芝士镜面(Noodles with cheese)青椒肠镜面(Noodles with green pepper and wieners

凉拌藕片(Cold mixed sliced lotus roots)卤水拼盘(Assorted spicy meat)罗宋汤

(Russian Borsch)兴隆树叶蛋汤(Soup with katuk leaves and eggs)印尼咖喱鸡

(Indonesian curried chicken)黑椒牛柳扒(Sir loin with black pepper)番茄扒肠仔

(Grilled Wieners with tomatoes)烟肉卷(Rolled bacon)泰式椒盐虾(Shrimps with green

pepper)剁椒鱼头(Fish head with hot pepper)改革尖椒炒小黄牛(Fried veal with green

pepper)黄瓜炒鲜鱿(Fried cucumber with squid)清炒野菜(Fried wild vegetables)

酸辣大白菜(Sour and hot Chinese cabbage)清炒凉瓜(Plain fried gourd)咖喱炒饭

(fried rice with curry)手杆面(Hand-made noodles )星洲炒意大利粉(Singapore fried

spaghetti)多士面包(toast)千层蛋糕(Multi-layer cake)七层糕(Indonesian rice

cake with )皇帝蕉(Little sweet and tasty bananas)毛薯(Tasty sweet potatoes)

木薯(Cassava)西瓜汁(Water melon juice)橙汁(Orange juice)石榴汁(Pomegranate

juice)椒盐(Spiced salt)盐(Table salt)酱油(Soya sauce)陈醋(Mature vinegar)

胡椒粉(Pepper)铁观音茶(Tieguanyin Tea)乌龙茶(Wulong Tea)香草兰绿茶(Green tea

with vanilla)玉兰花茶(Yulan magnolia Tea)鹧鸪茶(Partridge Tea)环岛自行车赛

用餐指南A Guide to the Meals for Hainan Cycling Race自助餐晚餐Buffet Dinner保

底人数:300人55元/位Capacity of Seats: 300 persons 55yuan/person用餐时间Meal

Time沙律·冷拼Salad·Cold Dishes:什锦蔬菜沙律Assorted Relishes Salad 华道夫沙

律Waldorf Salad德国土豆沙律 German Potatoes Salad白切文昌鸡 Blanched Wenchang

Chicken 维嘉醉香鸭 Waika Crisp Duck 卤水拼盘 Mixed Brined Dishes日本寿司拼盘

Japanese Mixed Dishes (Sesi)罗宋汤Russian Borsch 鸡汁什菌汤Chicken Sauce &

Mushroom Soup奶油南瓜汤Cream & Pumpkin Soup威灵顿牛柳 Sirloin Steak香煎鱼扒 Deep

Fried Grilled Fish 奶油烤土豆 Creamed Roasted Potatoes 意大利千层面Italian

Multiple-layer Noodles米兰猪扒Millan Grilled Pork 香煎鸡扒/磨菇汁 Deep Fried &

Grilled Chicken in Mushroom Sauce 白灼虾 Blanched Prawns 清蒸海上鲜 Steamed Seafood红烧小黄牛Veal in Soy Sauce大

白菜炒木耳Fried Cabbage with Fungus南瓜炒肉片Fried Pumpkin with Sliced Meat萝

卜牛腩Brisket of Beef & Turnip清炒时蔬 Plain Fried Vegetables 主食·粗粮类

Cereal白米饭、稀饭 Cooked Rice, Porridge 扬州炒饭Yangzhou Fried Rice煮玉米Boiled

Corn煮地瓜Boiled Sweet Potatoes 拌面\配:西红柿、肉末(自己拌)Two of the items

above are mixed with noodles and served with tomatoes or meat. (Served by yourself)

面包Bread餐包Tasty Little Bread迷你法包French Mini-bread 榴莲酥 Crisp Durian 金

华萝卜酥 Crisp Turnip Cake农夫包Wheat Dough Cake丹麦包Danish Pastries牛角包

Croissant甜品Desserts:百合红腰豆糖水Lily and String Bean in Syrup 水果蛋糕Cake

with Fruit香橙慕司 Cake with Orange Taste 椰汁西米露Coconut Juice in Sago Syrup

橙汁Orange Juice热咖啡Hot Coffee牛奶 Milk 菠萝汁Pineapple Juice 冰块Ice

Cube各式水果Assorted Fruit果汁 Fruit Juice 微波炉一台 A Microwave Oven沙律·冷

拼:Salad . Cold Dishes:什锦蔬菜沙律Assorted Vegetables Salad牛肉粉丝沙律 Beef

and Rice Noodles Salad 香橙胡萝卜沙律Orange and Carrot Salad维嘉水晶鸡Waika

Steamed Chicken 维嘉卤水鸭Duck in Soy Sauce烧味拼盘Mixed Pork Chop in Soy Sauce

匈牙利牛肉汤 Hungarian Beef Soup 周打海鲜汤Seafood Soup明火煲例汤Guangdong Style

热菜:Hot Dishes 黑椒牛扒 Grilled Beef with Black Pepper豉汁蒸排骨Steamed Pork Steak in Bean Sauce意大利蔬菜比萨 Italian Pizza with Vegetables香草烤土豆角Roast Potatoes with Vanilla 黑椒牛柳丝炒意大利面 Fried Spaghetti with Sirloin Steak And Black Pepper西式香草烤鸡Western Roast Chicken with Vanilla椒盐海白虾 Spiced Salted Prawn香煎海上鲜Deep Fried Seafood粉丝什菜煲 Braised Pickled Tuber Mustard with Bean Vermicelli葱花煎蛋Fried Egg with Shallot Flower松仁炒玉米 Fried Corn with Pinecone 清炒时蔬Plain Fried Vegetables虾仁炒饭Fried Rice with Shrimps叉烧酥Crisp Bread with Roast Pork 脯味香芋酥 Crisp Taro with Dried Meat and Preserved Fruit黑森林蛋糕Cake with Chocolate and Cream巧克力慕司雪 Cake with Chocolate 银耳红枣White Fungus and Chinese Dates雪梨银耳糖水Snow Pears and White Fungus in Syrup酸奶Yoghurt西柚汁Pomelo Juice奶油土豆Creamed Potatoes 泰式炸春卷 Thai Deep Fried Spring Rolls烟肉片Sliced Bacon早餐肠 Steamed Mixed Pork Wieners法兰西多士 French Toast煎薄饼Deep Fried Pancake干炒河粉Fried Rice Noodles香煎火腿片Fried Sliced Ham炸脆奶 Crisp Corn Flour with Milk 蒜蓉小塘菜Fried Greens with Garlic 清蒸排骨Steamed Pork Chop炸鸡翅Deep Fried Chicken Wings蒸菜包 Steamed Bun Filled with Vegetables 蒸叉烧包Steamed Bun Filled with Roast Pork蒸芋头包 Steamed Bun Filled with Taro维嘉虾饺皇 Waika Dumplings Filled with Shrimps黑椒牛仔骨 Beef Chop with Black Pepper 白灼水饺 Blanched Dumplings (Jiaozi)咸水角Deep Fried Dough with Meat白粥 Plain Porridge冬菇鸡丝粥Porridge with Shredded Chicken and Black Mushroom皮蛋瘦肉粥 Porridge with Preserved Eggs and Pork配:榨菜、花生米、葱花、小鱼干、萝卜干Served with pickled tuber mustard, groundnut, shallot flower, fried little fish or dried turnip豆浆Soya Bean Milk油条Deep Fried Twisted Dough Sticks 明档Guangdong Style客前煎蛋Fried Eggs烫青菜 Steamed Greens中餐厅特色The Special of Chinese Restaurant例盘Regular中盘Larger Size椰青炖文昌鸡Stewed Wenchang Chicken with Coconut柠檬焖加积鸭Braised Jiaji Duck with Lemon茗材煲东山羊Dongshan Mutton with Y am啤酒鋦和乐蟹Baked Hele Crabs with Beer时价Current Price卤水鸡蛋Marinated Eggs in Brown Sauce京酱牛腩Braised Brisket of Beef in Brown Sauce凉拌青瓜Cucumber in Soy Sauce凉拌西红柿Tomato in Soy Sauce油炸花生米Deep Fried Peanut凤凰玉米羹Mixed Soup with Corn兴隆树叶蛋汤Soup with Leaves and Egg肉茸玉米羹Soup with Corn and Minced Meat紫菜蛋花汤Soup with Laver and Egg西红蛋花汤Soup with Tomato and Egg

海南风味菜Hainan Local Flavors清蒸和乐蟹Steamed Hele Crab东南亚风味菜The Southeast Asian Flavor Dishes咖喱鸡Chicken with Curry柠檬鸭Duck with Lemon3.沙爹牛

肉Roasted Beef Strings印度香菇鸡Braised Chicken with Mushrooms精点小炒Frying Delicacies椒盐鲜鱿Spiced Salt Fried Squid陈皮牛柳Stewed Fillet Steak with Orange Peel秘制蒜香骨Fried Pork Ribs with Garlic椒盐排骨Spiced Salt Pork Chop尖椒炒肚片Fried Pork Maw with Green Pepper水煮牛肉Boiled Beef大白菜炒咸肉Fried Cabbage with Bacon土豆红烧肉Pork and Potato Braised in Brown Sauce四川回锅肉Pork Braised in Brown Sauce with Sichuan Flavor红烧河鱼Fish Braised in Brown Sauce唐醋河鱼Sweet and Sour Fish孜然牛肉Fried Sliced Beef in Soy Sauce西芹炒鲜鱿Fried Squid with Cress红烧茄子Eggplants Braised in Brown Sauce 铁板类Fajita铁板鲜鱿Grilled Squid in soy sauce罗定铁板鸡Grilled Chicken in soy sauce锅仔Chafing-Dishes锅仔杂锦鱼丸Assorted V egetables with Fish Ball锅仔白菜豆腐香菇丸Cabbage with Bean Cured and Mushroom锅仔咖喱鸡Chicken with Curry时蔬类

V egetables葱茸时蔬Fried Minced Shallot净炒四角豆Fried Kidney Bean蚝油时蔬Fried


饭店服务员常用英语口语 1、What?kind?of?rooms(foods)?would?you?like?to?have?您需要什么样的房间(吃什么样的菜)? 2、 Here?is?a?brochure?of?our?hotel?and?t ariff. 这是介绍我们饭店的小册子和价目表。3、 We'll?give?you?a?10%(ten?percent?)?di scount.? 我们给您九折优惠。 4、 We'll?offer?tour?guides?complimentary ?breakfasts.? 我们给陪同提供免费早餐。 5、We?accept?your?terms.? 我们接受您的条件。 6、May?I?introduce?myself?? 让我介绍我自己。 7、 May?I?present?you?a?litter?souvenir??请接受我们的一点小纪念品。 8、Let's?drink?to?our?friendship!? 为我们的友谊干杯! 9、 Let?me?propose?a?toast?to?the?health ?of?our?guests!? 建议为在座客人的健康干杯! 10、Cheers!(Bottoms!)? 干杯! 11、How?do?you?like?Chinese?food??您喜欢中国菜吗? 12、 What?do?you?think?of?our?service??您对我们的服务有什么意见?

13、 Thank?you?for?your?comments(compli ment,?suggestions).? 谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)14、 I'm?afraid?it's?against?the?hotel's?regul ations.? 这是违反饭店规章制度的。 15、 In?our?hotel?we?don't?accept?tips.? 我们饭店是不收小费的。 16、 It's?our?pleasure?to?serve?our?guests? well.? 我们为能为客人服务好而感到高兴。 17、Thank?you?all?the?same.? 然而,还是要谢谢您。 16、 I'm?afraid?you'll?have?to?pay?for?the? damage.? 您必须赔偿。 17、 Thank?you?for?telling?us?about?it.? 谢谢您告诉我们 18、 I'll?look?into?the?mater?right?away.?我马上去处理这件事情。 19、 I?assure?you?it?wont?happen?again.?我保证此类事情不会再发生。 20、Please?don't?worry,?sir?(madam)?先生(夫人),请不必担心。 21、 I?will?send?someone?up?to?your?room? right?away.?


顾客: 请问贵酒店位于哪里? How about your hotel’s location? 请问贵酒店是几星级的? What’s the level of your hotel? 请问贵酒店有什么设施? How about your hotel’s facilities? 请问贵酒店有什么房间类型? What kind of room do you have? 请问贵酒店有接车服务吗? Does your hotel have pick-up service? 请问贵酒店有没有免费接机服务? Do you have a transfer service from airport to hotel free of charge? 我想预定客房。 I’d like to make a reservation. 我想订一个房间,五月2号到4号,请问你们还有空房吗 I need a room for three days from May 2 to May 4. Do you have any vacancies? 我想更改/取消预订。 I’d like to change/cancel a re servation. 我将会较晚到本酒店,但请为我保留预订 I’ll arrive late, but please keep my reservation. 我想延住多两天,直到9号 I’d like to extend it for two more nights until the 9th. 服务员: 我们酒店位于市镇。本酒店离咸阳机场30分钟车程,到西安火车站只需15钟车程。Well, our hotel located in 。。。town, 。。。. The hotel is only 30 minutes from Xianyang airport and 15 minutes to Xi’an railway station ,by car. 本酒店是五星级的酒店。 Our hotel is a five-star hotel. 本酒店有四种类型餐馆,大堂吧,会议室,健身会所,游泳池,商场。 We have four kinds of restaurant, lobby bar, conference room, health center, swimming pool and shop prince。. 我们酒店有标准房,高级房,豪华房,行政房。除此之外还有总统套房。而且我们酒店还设有不吸烟楼层及连通房。 We have standard, superior, deluxe, executive rooms. There is also one presidential suite as well. Furthermore, we have a floor of non-smoking rooms, and we also have some connecting rooms. 请问需要预订哪一类型的房间? May I have the room type, please? /What kind of room would you like to reserve? 请问您需要订哪一天?什么时候入住及退房?/请问您打算逗留多长时间?/请问大概什么时候到酒店,先生? Which dates would you like to book? When will you check in and check out?/ How long will you stay in our hotel?/ What time do you expect to arrive , Sir?


一、Numerals (数字) (一)基数词 1、第一类: zero 0 one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 eleven 11 twelve 12 2、第二类: thirteen 13 fourteen 14 fifteen 15 sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen 18 nineteen 19 3、第三类: twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50 sixty 60 seventy 70 eighty 80 ninety 90 4、第四类: twenty-one 21 forty-six 46 seventy-eight 78 ninety-five 95 5、第五类: 100 one hundred 101 one hundred and one 156 one hundred and fifty-six 192 one hundred and ninety-two 200 two hundred 6、第六类: 1,000 one thousand 1,001 one thousand and one 1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundred 2,034 two thousand and thirty-four

6,502 six thousand five hundred and two (二)序数词 下面把1-99的序数词也分为四个类。 1、第一类 first (1st) 第一second (2nd) 第二third (3rd) 第三 (在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同。)这类序数词只有三个,在整个序数词里面是特殊的,就和第一类基数词一样,需要逐个地硬记下来。 2、第二类: fourth (4th) 第四fifth (5th) 第五sixth (6th) 第六seventh (7th) 第七 eighth (8th) 第八 ninth (9th) 第九 tenth (10th) 第十eleventh (11th) 第十一twelfth (12th) 第十二thirteenth (13th) 第十三fourteenth (14th) 第十四fifteenth (15th) 第十五sixteenth (16th) 第十六seventeenth (17th) 第十七eighteenth (18th) 第十八 nineteenth (19th) 第十九 3、第三类: twentieth (20th) 第二十 thirtieth (30th) 第三十 fortieth (40th) 第四十 fiftieth (50th) 第五十 sixtieth (60th) 第六十 seventieth (70th) 第七十 eightieth (80th) 第八十 ninetieth (90th) 第九十 这一类全是十位整数的序数词,共八个。它们的构成 方法是:先将相应的十位整数的基数词词尾-t y中的 y改成i,然后在加上后缀-eth。 4、第四类: thirty-first (31st) 第三十一 sixty-second (62nd) 第六十二


company 陪伴,同伴 single room 单人房 double room 双人房 intend 想要,打算 party (参加共同活动的)一批,一组,一组人date 日期,日子 kind 种,类 bath 浴室 shower 淋浴 suite (一套)房间 deluxe 豪华的 presidential 总统的,总统职务的 available 可用的,合用的,可得到的,可到达的fully 完全地,彻底地 name 名字,姓,姓名,名称 address 地址 the phone number 电话号码 be able to 能,会 guarantee 保证,担保,包,管 occupancy 占有,占用 peak 最高的,高峰的 arrival 到来,到达 departure 启程,离开,出发 book 预定,定 hotel 旅馆 offer 提出,提供 discount 折扣 vacancy 空,空房间 solid 全部地 be full up 全满 include 包括,包含 major 较大范围的,主要的 international 国际的,世界的 provide with 提供 mini-bar 小冰柜 sort 种类,类别 price 价格,价钱 dollar 美元 service 服务,服侍 of course 当然 rate 价格,费用 tax extra 另加税金 look forward to 期待,希望 receive 接待,接见,欢迎 guest 旅客,宿客 welcome to 欢迎到来 bellboy 行李员,旅客服务员 madam 夫人,女士,太太 trip 旅行,旅程 take care of管理,照看 baggage 行李, carry 运送,手提 suitcase 手提箱,衣箱lead 带领,引领,领路 give sb.a hand帮...的忙 allow 允许,准许 wish 愿,希望 pleasant 令人愉快的,舒适的 enjoy 享受 a good time 快乐时光 pleasure 快乐,愉快,高兴 not at all 不用谢,没关系 mention 提及,提到 registration登记,注册 at one's service 为...服务 behind 在后面,在...背后 remember 记住,记得 return 送还,还归 firmly 稳固地 go to bed 上床睡觉 check 检查,核对 list 名单,一览表 fill to 填写 form 表格 have a look 看一看 passport 护照 mind 介意,反对 fill out 填写 prepare 准备,预备 key card 出入证 seat 座位 file 档案 identification身分的证明 straight 马上,立刻 separately 单独地 opposite 在...的对面 gift 礼品,礼物 elevator [美]电梯 directly 直接地 straight 笔直的 traffic 交通 distance 直接地 intersection 交叉点,十字路口 suggest 建议,提出(意见,计划)等popular 受欢迎的,大众(或某种人)喜爱的tourist 旅行者,游览者,观光者 famous 著名的,出名的 tourist attraction 旅游胜地 history 历史 direction 方向,方位 well-known 出名的,众所周知的 scene 景色,景象 attractive 有吸引人的,引起兴趣的interest 兴趣 dynasty 王朝,朝代 classical 古典的


酒店常用英语-打铃服务 Ring the Bell 打铃服务 -Did you ring,madam?-是你按铃吗,太太? -Yes.Kindly turn off the air-conditioner in this room.I've tried to do so,but I can't. -是的,麻烦你把这屋的空调器关掉。我自己已经试过了,可我关不动。 -Yes,madam.There's something wrong with the switch;perhaps it needs repairing .-好的,太太。这个开关有点毛病,大概需要修理一下了。 -What can I do for you,sir?-先生,你有什么事要我办吗? -The light has fused.Please change the bulb for me.-电灯泡坏了,请换一个。 -The light of this room is dim,please get me a brighter one.-房间里灯光太暗,可否调一只亮灯泡? -There is no water in the bottle.-热水瓶没水了。 -The tea cup is dirty.Please get some glasses for me.-茶杯脏了,请拿几只玻璃杯来。 -Please bring me some ice blocks.-请拿些冰块来。 -I've got some coffee.Please get me some cube sugar.-我自己有咖啡,请拿几块方糖来。 -I should like you to bring me some hot watcr.-我想请你给我送些热水来。 -Please buy tow packets of Zhonghua cigarettes(filter tipped)and a box of match for me. -我要两包带过滤嘴的"中华"香烟和一盒火柴。


翻译对照词汇表 Restaurant 酒店里面的称为餐厅,酒店外的可以叫饭馆或者餐馆都可以 B&B 家庭式酒店 Boutique hotel 精品酒店 Resort 度假村 King-size 特大号床 Queen-size 大号床 Twin beds 双床房 Single bed 单床房 Double room 双人间 Single room 单人间 Suite 套房 Studio suite 公寓套房 Adjoining room 相邻房 Connecting room 连通房 Executive Floor 行政楼层 Bellboy 行李员 Concierge 礼宾 Receptionist 前台接待 Reception/Front desk 前台 Coach 旅游大巴 Reservation 预订(不是预定) Doorman 门房门童 Housekeeping staff 客房清洁人员 Room service 客房服务,有时特指客房送餐服务Ground 花园 Tip 小费 Service charge 服务费 Turn down 开夜床服务(指的是傍晚的时候再次整理房间,使客人晚上睡的舒服) Executive room 商务房 Shuttle bus 班车 Do Not Disturb Sign /DND sign请勿打扰牌 Please Make Up sign /PMU sign 请收拾房间牌check-out 退房 check-in 登记入住 lobby 大堂 Owner response: 业主回复 酒店岗位: Porter门房 Hotel Concierge酒店礼宾部 Procurement Manager; Purchasing Manager采购部经理Food & Beverage Manager; Catering Manager餐饮部经理 Table Hostess餐桌女服务员 Kitchen Hand; Kitchen Help; Kitchen Worker厨工 Cook; Chef厨师Head Chef厨师长 Cook炊事员 Assistant Manager大堂副理 Lobby Manager大堂经理 Tourist Guide导游 Sauce Cook调味汁厨师 Restaurant Manager饭店经理 Rooms Division Manager房务部经理 Second Chef副厨师长 Second Waiter副领班 Trainee Manager见习经理 Receptionist接待员 Bar Operative酒吧服务员 Hotel Accountant酒店会计 Chief Accountant; Financial Controller酒店主管会计;财务总监 Housekeeping Manager客房部经理 Executive Housekeeper; Head Housekeeper客房部主管Chambermaid客房女服务员 Head Waiter ;Captain领班 Floor Attendant楼层服务员 Travel Agent 旅游中介 Doorman门童 Pantryman配餐员 Front Desk Manager前台经理 Front Office Supervisor前台领班 Front Office Manager前厅经理 Assistant Front Office Manager前厅副理 Cleaner清洁工 Food Checker食品检验员 Vegetable Cook蔬菜厨师 Materials Manager物料经理 Western-Style Restaurant Manager西餐部经理Executive Assistant Manager行政副经理 Assistant Banquet Manager宴会部副经理 Banquet Manager宴会部经理 Night Manager夜班经理 Hotel Greeter迎宾员 Reservation Manager预订部经理 Chinese-Style Restaurant Manager中餐部经理Resident Manager驻店经理 Front Clerk; Reception Clerk总台接待员 room reservation客房预定 fully booked客满 types of rooms房间种类 double room双人房 standard room标准房 twin room双床房


1. 幕墙国际会议自我介绍: 名字:My english name is andrew. 公司:I am representing JiangHe curtain wall company. 职责(主要负责事物):I am in charge of structural calculation/design&fabrication drawing/tender drawing. 2. 我是刚毕业的学生: I am a fresh graduate. 3. 幕墙中常用的变形:deflection, 而不是deformation. Deflection: the degree to which the moving part on a measuring instrument moves away from zero. Deformation: the progress of changing the shape of something in a way that spoil its usefulness or appearance. dead load 永久荷载 4. 常用的荷载缩写 wind load 风荷载 live load 活荷载 5.表面处理可分为两种: Natural Anodise Black Anodise Bronze Anodise 镀铜色

Hot dipped galvanize 热镀 stick curtain wall system 框架式幕墙 6. Electrical galvanize 电镀 unitised curtain wall system 单元式幕墙 Tower 主楼分格 division 方管 square section 7. Podium 群楼格栅 lattice 圆管 round pipe Primary gasket 第一胶条 primary bracket steel primary bracket 8. gasket 转角连接t Secondary gasket 第二胶条 secondary bracket secondary U-shape bracket


五星级酒店服务英语大全 国外生活必备英文词汇全搜索,住宿篇1 前台: company 陪伴,同伴 single room 单人房 double room 双人房 intend 想要,打算 party (参加共同活动的)一批,一组,一组人 date 日期,日子 kind 种,类 bath 浴室 shower 淋浴 suite (一套)房间 deluxe 豪华的 presidential 总统的,总统职务的 available 可用的,合用的,可得到的,可到达的 fully 完全地,彻底地 name 名字,姓,姓名,名称 address 地址 the phone number 电话号码 be able to 能,会 guarantee 保证,担保,包,管 occupancy 占有,占用 peak 最高的,高峰的 arrival 到来,到达 departure 启程,离开,出发 book 预定,定 hotel 旅馆

offer 提出,提供 discount 折扣 vacancy 空,空房间 solid 全部地 be full up 全满 include 包括,包含 major 较大范围的,主要的 international 国际的,世界的 provide with 提供 mini-bar 小冰柜 sort 种类,类别 price 价格,价钱 dollar 美元 service 服务,服侍 of course 当然 rate 价格,费用 tax extra 另加税金 look forward to 期待,希望 receive 接待,接见,欢迎 guest 旅客,宿客 welcome to 欢迎到来 bellboy 行李员,旅客服务员 madam 夫人,女士,太太 trip 旅行,旅程 take care of管理,照看 baggage 行李, carry 运送,手提 suitcase 手提箱,衣箱 show 带领,指引,给看 lead 带领,引领,领路give sb.a hand帮...的忙 allow 允许,准许 wish 愿,希望 pleasant 令人愉快的,舒适的 enjoy 享受 a good time 快乐时光 pleasure 快乐,愉快,高兴 not at all 不用谢,没关系 mention 提及,提到


酒店常用接待服务英语欢迎语: (1) 欢迎光临我们酒店! Welcome to our hotel! (2) 欢迎您来这里进餐。 Welcome to have meals here. (3) 欢迎您再度光临,很高兴再见到您。 Welcome back. Nice to see you again. *禁语:喂!您好哇! Hello. Hi. Well. 问候语: (1) 您好!(初次见面) How do you do? (2) 您好吗!布莱克先生。(见到常客) How are you today. Mr.Black? (3) 早上好!先生/夫人。 Good morning. Sir/Madam. (4) 下午好! Good afternoon. (5) 晚上好! Good evening. (6) 多日不见,您好吗? Long time no see. How are you? (7) 我很好,谢谢!先生您好吗?(回答问候时) Very well, Thank you, And yourself Sir? (8) 早上好!这里是——,能为您效劳吗? Good morning. This is - - ,May I help you? (9) 希望您在我们酒店住得愉快!

Hope your enjoy your stay in our Hotel. *禁语: (1) 您吃过饭了吗? Have you had lunch (breakfast dinner) (2) 您到哪里去啊? Where are you going? (3) 什么事? Yes? What? 祝贺语: (1) 恭喜您! Congratulations! (2) 祝您生日快乐! Wish you a Happy birthday! (3) 祝您新年快乐! Happy new year to you! (4) 祝您周末愉快! Wish you a good weekend! (5) 祝您圣诞快乐! Merry Christmas! 征询语: (1) 先生,我能为您效劳吗? May I help you, Sir? (2) 先生,我能为您做些什么? What can I do for you, Sir. (3) 请问先生您喜欢吗? Do you enjoy it , Sir? (4) 布莱克先生,如果您不介意的话,我能——吗? Mr. Black, Would you mind if I ……. (5) 先生,请问您贵姓? Could I have your name, Sir?


英语分级考试复习提纲 基础级 ? Vocabulary(词汇练习)将空白处译成相应的英文或汉语 1) Words and expressions for daily use(日常用语) after在…之后 assure保证 about关于…… afraid害怕 against与…相对的 anything任何事 beg乞求 b efore在…之前 behind在…后面 begin开始 bitter苦的 bother打扰 book书,预定 ceiling天花板 c lock钟 congratulations祝贺 Christmas圣诞 color颜色 complaint投诉 call呼叫,电话 dark黑的,暗的 discount折扣 direction方向 downstairs下楼 day天,日子 date日期 delicious美味的 end终点 enjoy喜欢,享受 excuse借口 for为…… fully满的 greeting问候 good好的 guest客人 give给 get得到,达到 go去 half半how…怎样 hotel酒店 happy高兴,快乐的 hope希望 house房子 hot热的 here这里 hour 小时 help帮助 have有 it它 interrupt打扰 know知道 think想 like喜欢 leave离开 last最后的,最近的 light灯,淡的 long长的 left左边 me et认识 massage按摩 message信息 mind介意,思想 madam女士 may也许 minute分钟 matter事件,麻烦 month月 meal餐 number数字 name名字 night夜晚 nice美好的 now现在的 on在…之上 order点单 pardon原谅,重复 point点 percent百分比 past过去的pleasure愉快,荣幸 quarter一刻,季度 regulations规章 r eport报告 right对的,右边的 room房间 second秒,第二 stay停留 same一样的 season季节 s weet甜的 sour酸的 salty咸的 signature签名 sign信号,签 side边 see看见 service服务 step脚步,台阶 smoke烟,抽烟 sir先生 tell告诉 table桌子 this这个 that那个 turn转弯 tour旅行 today今天 tomorrow明天 time时间 too 也… taste品尝,品位 terrible糟糕的 take拿,取 upstairs上楼 week星期 weekend周末 way路 worry担心 will将… wait等待 welcome欢迎 weat her天气 yesterday昨天 year年 2) Greetings 问候 How do you do! Good morning/afternoon/evening! How are you (doing)? Nice to meet/see you! Welcome to Hongfu Hotel! 3) Asking & inquiring 征询用语 Would you like to leave a message? 您需要留口信么? I beg your pardon? 您能再说一遍么? What do you think of our service? 您觉得我们的服务怎么样? May I know your name/room number? 能告诉我您的名字/房号么? May I take your order now? 现在可以点菜了么? May I have your signature please?/Please sign here.请签字。


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- 320) How much do you want to convert? 您想换多少钱? 321) Would you please endorse this check? 请在这张支票上签个字好吗? 322) Please count the money. 请把这钱数一下。 323) We have different kinds of accounts here. Which kind would you like to open? 我们这儿有各类帐户,您想开那一种? 324) Would you like a deposit account or a current account? 您想存定期,还中活期? 325) How do you want to send this letter? 您想如何邮寄这封信? 326) Ordinary mail or air mail? 您寄普通邮件,还是航空邮件? 327) Normally it takes about one week for an air-mail letter to reach America. 通常情况下,航空邮件到达美国需要大约一个星期。 328) Your letter is overweight and you have to pay one yuan more. 你的信超重,你得再付一块我。 329) What does this parcel contain? 这个包裹里包的什么东西? 330) What’s in side this parcel? 这包裹里是什么? 331) Do you want to register this letter? ---------------------------------------------------------精品文档---------------------------------------------------------


问候与接待: )晚上好!下午好!(早上好!你好! ) !(Good morning/afternoon/evening!Hello 我能帮你什么忙吗? What can I do for you?/May I help you? 您能重复一遍吗? I beg your pardon? 可以请您慢一点吗?Would you please slow down? 请稍等一下。 Please wait a minute/second/moment. 感谢与应答: 非常感谢。Thank you very much. 谢谢您的合作。Thanks for your cooperation! 不客气。You are welcome!/It’s my pleasure!/ Don’t mention it! 道歉与应答: I’m sorry对不起!! 对不起,让您久等了。 Sorry to keep you waiting. 很抱歉打扰您。 Sorry to trouble you. 很抱歉,这是规定。I’m terribly sorry, but this is the rule. Never mind./ 没关系。It doesn’t matter. 告别: 再见! /See you later! !Goodbye 祝您旅途愉快! Have a nice trip!

欢迎下次再来中国。 Welcome to China again. Communication(1 ) 1 对话 机场职员S: Staff 旅客P: Passenger 您能告诉我餐厅在哪吗? P: Could you tell me where the restaurant is located? ] down to Basement Level One and it’s right ?S: Certainly. Take the elevator ['eliveit there. 可以,乘电梯到地下一层就是。 P: Where are the elevators? 电梯在哪里? 自动扶梯在那 ] over there. ?leit?S: The elevators are beside the escalators['esk 边,电梯在自动扶梯旁边。 知道了。非常感谢。 P: Got it. Thank you very much. 不客气。S: You are welcome. 对话 Communication(2) 2 P: Excuse me. Do you know where I can find something to read? 麻烦您了,请问您知道哪里可以买到读物? a beside bookstore a see will you and ahead corner second the at left Turn S: restaurant. 在前面第二个拐角左转,你会看到在餐厅旁边有一家书店。 P: OK. Thanks. 好的。谢谢。 不客气。 S: My pleasure.


国外生活必备英文词汇全搜索-住宿篇1 前台: company 陪伴,同伴single room 单人房double room 双人房intend 想要,打算party (参加共同活动的)一批,一组,一组人date 日期,日子 kind 种,类 bath 浴室 shower 淋浴 suite (一套)房间deluxe 豪华的presidential 总统的,总统职务的 available 可用的,合用的,可得到的,可到达的fully 完全地,彻底地name 名字,姓,姓名,名称 address 地址 the phone number 电话号码 be able to 能,会guarantee 保证,担保,包,管 occupancy 占有,占用peak 最高的,高峰的arrival 到来,到达departure 启程,离开,出发 book 预定,定 hotel 旅馆 offer 提出,提供discount 折扣 vacancy 空,空房间solid 全部地 be full up 全满include 包括,包含major 较大范围的,主要的 international 国际的,世界的 provide with 提供 mini-bar 小冰柜 sort 种类,类别 price 价格,价钱 dollar 美元 service 服务,服侍 of course 当然 rate 价格,费用 tax extra 另加税金look forward to 期待,希望 receive 接待,接见,欢迎 guest 旅客,宿客welcome to 欢迎到来bellboy 行李员,旅客服务员 madam 夫人,女士,太太 trip 旅行,旅程 take care of管理,照看 baggage 行李, carry 运送,手提 suitcase 手提箱,衣箱 show 带领,指引,给看 lead 带领,引领,领路 give sb.a hand帮...的 忙 allow 允许,准许 wish 愿,希望 pleasant 令人愉快的, 舒适的 enjoy 享受 a good time 快乐时光 pleasure 快乐,愉快, 高兴 not at all 不用谢,没 关系 mention 提及,提到 registration登记,注册 at one's service 为... 服务 behind 在后面,在...背 后 remember 记住,记得 return 送还,还归 firmly 稳固地 go to bed 上床睡觉 check 检查,核对 list 名单,一览表 fill to 填写 form 表格 have a look 看一看 passport 护照 mind 介意,反对 fill out 填写 prepare 准备,预备 key card 出入证 seat 座位 file 档案 identification身分的 证明 straight 马上,立刻 separately 单独地 opposite 在...的对面 gift 礼品,礼物 elevator [美]电梯 directly 直接地 straight 笔直的 traffic 交通 distance 直接地 intersection 交叉点, 十字路口 suggest 建议,提出(意 见,计划)等 popular 受欢迎的,大众 (或某种人)喜爱的 tourist 旅行者,游览 者,观光者 famous 著名的,出名的 tourist attraction 旅 游胜地 history 历史 direction 方向,方位 well-known 出名的,众 所周知的 scene 景色,景象 attractive 有吸引人 的,引起兴趣的 interest 兴趣 dynasty 王朝,朝代 classical 古典的 architecture建筑风格 exquisite 精致的,精巧 的 artistic value 艺术价 值 chance 机会 feast one's eyes让某人 一包眼福 typical 典型的,代表性 的 pearl 珍珠 The Jade Buddha Temple 玉佛寺 what's more 另外 construction建造,构 造,结构 magnificent 壮丽的,宏 伟的 enjoy 欣赏,喜爱 stamp 邮票 stick 粘贴,张贴 envelope 信封,封套 sticker 背后有粘胶的 标签 ticket 票 airline 航空公司 wonder 想知道 consider 考虑,细想 in advance 预先 economy 经济 time-table 时刻表 flight 班机 airport 机场 国外生活必备英文词汇 全搜索-住宿篇2 rear stalls 戏院正方后 座 in order 妥当,就绪 suppose 猜想,料想,想 象 matinee 日戏 dress circle戏院的二楼 厅 cancel 取消 except 除...之外 performance 演出 acrobatic 杂技的 prefer 更喜欢 exchange 兑换,(货币) 交换 bill 钞票,纸币 currency 货币 according to根据...所 说,按照 equivalent 相等的,相 当的 note 纸币 sign 签名,署名 exchange memo 兑换水单 counter 柜台 prohibit 禁止,阻止 government 政府 information 信息 bottom line 底线 endorse 在(支票等)背 面签名,背书 signature 签名,署名 top line 头一行 receipt 收据,收条 amount 数额 certificate 单据 purchase 买,购买,购 置,所购物 countersign 副署,连署 in duplicate(正副)一 式两份 policy 政策,方针 understand 懂,理解 awfully 非常,很 describe 描绘,叙述, 形容 apologize 道歉 trouble 麻烦,烦恼 manager 经理 solve 解决 carelessness粗心,疏 忽,粗枝大叶 advise to 劝... inconvenience 不方便 toilet 洗室 sincerely 真诚地,诚恳 地,真挚地 previous 先的,前的 occupant 占有人,占用 者,居住者 access 进入 responsible 有责任的, (应)责任的 necklace 项圈,项链 safety box 保险柜 arrange 安排 in touch with 联系,接 触 as soon as 一...就... try one's best 努力, 尽力 possible 可能的 regulation 规则,规章, 法规 noise 噪音,嘈杂声 several 几个,数个 misunderstand 误会,误 解 explain 解释,说明 relax 放松 calm 使平静,使镇定 in charge 主管 housemaid 客房服务员 release 再出租 measure 措施,方法 understaffed人员太少 的,人员不足的 accommodation cost 宿 费 cashier 出纳 check in 入住登记 check out 办理退房手续 deluxe suite豪华套间 dining hall 餐厅 double room 双人间 foreign exchange counter 外币兑换处 hotel directory 旅馆指 南 hotel lobby 饭店大堂 hotel rates 房价 information desk 总台 porter 行李员 reservation desk 预定 处 room charge sheet 房价 表 room with bath 带有浴 室的客房 room with good ventilation 通风良好 的客房 single room 单人间 suite 套间 telephone operator 总 机接线员 in touch with 联系,接 触 as soon as 一...就... try one's best 努力, 尽力 possible 可能的 regulation 规则,规章, 法规 noise 噪音,嘈杂声 several 几个,数个 misunderstand 误会,误 解 explain 解释,说明 relax 放松 calm 使平静,使镇定 in charge 主管 housemaid 客房服务员 release 再出租 measure 措施,方法 understaffed人员太少 的,人员不足的 accommodation cost 宿 费 cashier 出纳 check in 入住登记 check out 办理退房手续 deluxe suite豪华套间 dining hall 餐厅 double room 双人间 foreign exchange

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