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In a world where comparisons happen non-stop, it is difficult to look outside yourself and to ever be __1__with who you are. There's always someone who's a bit __2__. The only solution is to reach inside and measure against what Warren Buffett calls your own inner yardstick. There is no more 3 measure for comparison than who you were yesterday, last week or last decade, when you were at your 4 .

Nothing useful ever comes from comparison to others. Either you see yourself as better than someone and you get 5 , or you see someone else as better than you and you feel like all your hard work is for 6 . It is a fool's game. Not one of us is 7 alike. The only direct and honest comparison is within yourself. Everything else is apples to oranges.

My opinion is that you are only 8 to compare yourself to someone else if their life 9 is the same as your own. Good luck finding that match. And one thing is for sure. No matter how hard you work and how 10 you are, there will always be someone who can run a little faster, jump a little higher, score a little better or look a little nicer in a swimsuit. And if there's not, you can bet someone is coming up fast behind you. So how can you always win in life? Become your best 11 .

Having an image of your most recent past limits is the perfect thing to 12 you to the next level. If you ran 7 flights of stairs yesterday, then do 8 today. Who 13 if the guy next to you did 15? It doesn't make a bit of 14 . You are a more fit person today than you were yesterday. Your own progress is all you need.

If you 15 to a slightly higher standard of yourself every day, you will always be at the top of your game.

1. A. patient B. strict C. content D. concerned

2. A. stronger B. better C. lazier D. wiser

3. A. useful B. careful C. accurate D. powerful

4. A. end B. best C. side D. convenience

5. A. satisfied B. inspired C. busy D. lazy

6. A. nothing B. fun C. sure D. success

7. A. really B. exactly C. fully D. actually

8. A. instructed B. suggested C. allowed D. directed

9. A. situation B. position C. occasion D. accommodation

10. A. diligent B. addicted C. optimistic D. dedicated

11. A. assistant B. competitor C. coach D. teacher

12. A. lead B. expose C. push D. cause

13. A. cares B. says C. wonders D. asks

14. A. effort B. sense C. change D. difference

15. A. tend B. devote C. commit D. contribute



The only 16 (survive) of an accident in which a ship is sunk at sea was washed up on a small, island where nobody lived, He prayed excitedly that God would come to 17 rescue, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming.

Disappointedly, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect himself and to store his few possessions. But then one day, after searching for food, he arrived home, only 18 (find) his little hut in flames, with the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened; everything was lost. He was filled 19 grief and anger. "God, how could you do this to me!" he cried. Early the next day, however, he 20 (awaken) by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island . 21 had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was here?" asked 22 weary man of his rescuers. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied.

It is easy to get 23 (discourage) when things are going bad. But we shouldn't lose heart, 24 God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground it just may be a smoke signal that tells God to give love and kindness. For all the negative things 25 we have to say to ourselves, God has a positive answer for it.





Sparrow is a fast-food chain with 200 restaurants. Some years ago, the group to which Sparrow belonged was taken over by another company. Although Sparrow showed no sign of declining, the chain was generally in an unhealthy state. With more and more fast-food concepts reaching the market, the Sparrow menu had to struggle for attention. And to make matters worse, its new owner had no plans to give it the funds it required.

Sparrow failed to grow for another two years. Until a new CEO, Carl Pearson, decided to build up its market share. He did a survey, which showed that consumers who already used Sparrow restaurants were extremely positive about the chain, while customers of other fast-food chains were unwilling to turn away from them. Sparrow had to develop a new promotional campaign.

Pearson faced a battle over the future of the Sparrow brand. The chain’s owner now favored rebranding Sparrow as Marcy’s restaurants. Pearson resisted, arguing for an advertising campaign designed to convince customers that visits to Sparrow restaurants were fun. Such an attempt to establish a positive relationship between a company and the general public was unusual for that time. Pearson strongly believed that numbers were the key to success, rather than custo mers’speeding power. Finally, the owner accepted his idea.

The campaign itself changed the traditional advertising style of the fast-food industry. The TV ads of Sparrow focused on entertainment and featured original songs performed by a variety of stars. Instead of showing the superiority of a specific product, the intention was to put Sparrow in

the hearts of potential customers.

Pearson also made other decisions which he believed would contribute to the new Sparrow image. For example, he offered to lower the rent of any restaurants which achieved a certain increase in their turnover (营业额) .

These efforts paid off, and Sparrow soon became one of the most successful fast-food chains in the regions where it operated.

26. Which was one of the problems Sparrow faced before Pearson became CEO?

A. The number of its customers was declining

B. It was in need of financial support

C. Its customers found the food unhealthy

D. Most of its restaurants were closed

27. What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Customers of Sparrow restaurants

B. other fast-food chains

C. Customers of other fast-food chains

D. Sparrow restaurants

28. For what purpose did Pearson start the advertising campaign?

A. To lean about customers’ spending power.

B. To stress the unusual tradition of Sparrow

C. To build a good relationship with the public

D. To meet the challenge from Marcy’s restaurants.

29. The TV ads of Sparrow ________ .

A. changed people’s views on pop stars

B. amused the public with original songs

C. focused on the superiority of its products

D. influenced the eating habits of the audience

30. What was Pearson’s achievement as a CEO?

A. He managed to pay off Sparrow’s debts.

B. He made Sparrow much more competitive

C. He helped Sparrow take over a company

D. He improved the welfare of Sparrow employees


"No air-conditioning? How can you sleep?" a friend asks, horrified. I've just told him that my family has decided to shut the air-conditioner off, and cut our electric bill.

On this first night of our cost-cutting adventure, it's only eighty-five degrees. We're not going to suffer, but the three kids grumble anyway.

"It's too hot to sleep." my thirteen-year-old daughter complains.

"I'm about to die from this heat." her brother says.

"Just try it tonight." I tell them. In truth, I'm too tired to argue for long. My face is sweaty. But I lie quietly, listening to the cricket (蟋蟀) choirs (合唱) outside. That reminds me of childhood.

I think about grandma, who lived to ninety-two and was still in charge of my mother's garden until a few weeks ago before she died. And then I'm back there in her house and the summer heat of my childhood. I moved my pillow to the foot of my grandmother's bed, and angled my face toward the open window. I turned the pillow over, hunting for the cooler side.

Grandma saw me struggling, "If you just watch for the breeze (light wind)," she said, "you'll cool off and fall asleep."

She cranked up(拉起)the Venetian blinds(百叶窗). I stared at the white curtain, willing it to move. Lying still in waiting, I suddenly noticed life outside the window, the bug(虫子)choruses, neighbors, porch-sitting late, speaking in soft words that comforted me.

"Mom, did you hear that?" my seven-year-old asks, "I think it's an owl(猫头鹰)family."

"Probably." I tell him, "Just keep listening..."

Without the noisy air-conditioner, the house is strangely peaceful, and the night noises seem close enough to touch. I hope I'm awake tonight, when the first breeze sneaks in.

31. What does the underlined word "grumble" mean?

A. shout

B. lose temper

C. give up

D. complain

32. The author mentions her childhood to_____.

A. memorize her considerate and kind grandmother

B. suggest a way of handling a night without air-conditioning

C. share her childhood experience of going without air-conditioning

D. convince the readers of the possibility of life without air-conditioning

33. How did the author's grandmother help the author feel cooler?

A. She opened the windows and drew the curtains.

B. She asked the author to observe the soft wind.

C. She found the cooler side of pillow for the author.

D. She persuaded the author to listen to the noise outside.

34. Finally, the children feel ________ without the air-conditioner on.

A. peaceful

B. intolerable

C. bored

D. unimaginable

35. What is the best title of this passage?

A. Life with no air-conditioner

B. A night full of memory

C. Waiting for the breeze

D. A childhood memory


I found out one time that doing a favor for someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I was in the eighth grade at the time, and we were having a final test. During the test, the girl sitting next to me whispered something, but I didn’t understand. So I leaned over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me if I had an extra pen. She showed me that hers was out of ink and would not write. I happened to have an extra one, so I took it out of my pocket and put it on her desk.

Later, after the test papers had been turned in, the teacher asked me to stay in the room when all the other students were dismissed. As soon as we were alone she began to talk to me about what it meant to grow up; she talked about how important it was to stand on your own two feet and be responsible for your own acts. For a long time, she talked about honesty and emphasized the fact that when people do something dishonest, they are really cheating themselves. She made me promise that I would think seriously about all the things she had said, and then she told me I could leave. I walked out of the room wondering why she had chosen to talk to me about all those things.

Later on, I found out that she thought I had cheated on the test. When she saw me lean over to talk to the girl next to me, it looked as if I was copying answers from the girl’s test paper. I tried to explain about the pen, but all she could say was it seemed very very strange to her that I hadn’t talked of anything about the pen the day she talked to me right after the test. Even if I tried to

explain that I was just doing the girl a favor by letting her use my pen, I am sure she continued to believe that I had cheated on the test.

36. The story took place exactly ____________ .

A. in the teacher’s office

B. in an exam room

C. in the school

D. in the language lab

37. The girl wanted to borrow a pen, because ____________ .

A. she had not brought a pen with her

B. there was something wrong with her own

C. she had lost her own on her way to school

D. her own had been taken away by someone

38. The teacher saw all this, so she asked the boy ____________.

A. to go on writing his paper

B. to stop whispering

C. to leave the room immediately

D. to stay behind after the exam

39. The thing(s) emphasized in her talk was (were) ____________ .

A. honesty

B. sense of duty

C. seriousness

D. all of the above

40. The boy knew everything ____________.

A. the moment he was asked to stay behind

B. when the teacher started talking about honesty

C. only some time later

D. when he was walking out of the room


More and more, the operation of our business, governments, and financial institutions are controlled by information that exists only inside computer memories. Anyone clever enough to change this information for his own purposes can obtain big reward. Even worse, a number of people who have done this and been caught at it have managed to get away without punishment.

It’s easy for computer crimes to go undetected(未被发现的)if no one checks up on what the computer is doing. But even if the crime is detected, the criminal may walk away not only unpunished but with a glowing recommendation from his former employers.

Of course, we have no statistics on crimes that go undetected. But it’s disturbing to note how

many of the crimes we do know about were detected by accident, not by systematic inspections or other security procedures. The computer criminals who have been caught may have been the victims of uncommonly bad luck.

Unlike other lawbreakers, who must leave the country, commit suicide, or go to prison, computer criminals sometimes escape punishment, demanding not only that they not be charged but that they be given good suggestions and perhaps other benefits. All too often, their demands have been met.

Why?Because company managers are afraid of the bad publicity that would result in if the public found out that their computer had been misused. They hesitate at the thought of a criminal boasting( 吹嘘) in open court of how he juggled(诈骗) the most confidential records right under the noses of the company’s managers, accountants, and security staff. And so another computer criminal departs with just the recommendations he needs to continue his crimes elsewhere.

41. It can be concluded from the passage that ________.

A. computer crimes are the most serious problem in the operation of financial institutions.

B. it is still impossible to detect computer crimes today.

C. people commit computer crimes at the request of their company.

D. computer criminals escape punishment because they can’t be detected.

42. It is implied in the third paragraph that_______.

A. many more computer crimes go undetected than those which are discovered.

B. the rapid increase of computer crimes is a troublesome problem.

C. most computer criminals are smart enough to cover up their crimes.

D. most computer criminals who are caught blame their bad luck.

43. Which of the following statements is mentioned in the passage?

A. A strict law against computer crimes must be enforced.

B. Companies usually hesitate to uncover computer crimes to protect their reputation.

C. Companies will guard against computer crimes to protect their reputation.

D. Companies need to be more careful about their confidential(机密的)information.

44. What may happen to computer criminals once they are caught?

A. With a bad reputation they can hardly find another job.

B. They will be denied access to confidential records.

C. They may walk away and easily find another job.

D. They must leave the country to go to jail.

45. The passage is mainly about_________.

A. why computer criminals are not able to escape punishment

B. why computer crimes can’t be removed.

C. why computer crimes are difficult to detect by systematic inspections.

D. how computer criminals manage to get good recommendations from their former





A. Pathways for Getting to Better Water Quality: The Citizen Effect

Author(s) :Lois Wright Morton

Publisher: Springer

Date: 2010-12-06

B. Operation of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants,Vol. 3

Author(s) : Water Environment Federation

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional

Date: 2007-10-05

C.Growing Your Own Fruit & Veg Author(s) : Geoff Stebbings

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

Date: 2009-03-13

D.English Grammar for the Utterly Confused Author(s) : Dave Jacke

Publisher: Language Press

Date: 2007-10-20

E Ms. LaGrange Is Strange

Author(s) : Dan Gutman

Pictured by Jim Paillot

Date: 2005-09-01

F. The Next Green Revolution:

Essential Steps to a Healthy, Sustainable Agriculture

Author(s) : Raymond Poincelot

Publisher: CRC Press

Date: 2001


46.The “bible” of the water quality industry – updated to reflect the latest trends, technologies, and

regulations, it’s the industry flagship book. Presented in three shrinkwrapped, hardcover volumes, this classic resource incorporates the experiences, best practices, and innovations from thousands of wastewater plants. Taken as a whole, these three volumes represent the most complete package of information available to the wastewater treatment industry.

47.We’re using this book in our sustainable agriculture class and so far it’s been very insightful

and informative. Lots of incredible information and statistics from a man who has been on both sides of the agriculture fence. Looking forward to the rest of the read.

48.Save money and eat fresh with this hands-on guide to home-growing. This is the only way to

enjoy delicious, garden-fresh fruit and vegetables all year round. This practical manual gives you the lowdown on everything from finding the right tools and choosing which plants to grow, to nurturing your crops and bringing in your first harvest. The easy-to-follow advice will help you become a confident and successful kitchen gardener.

49.This book is about accomplishing change in how land is managed in agricultural watersheds.

Wide-ranging case studies repeatedly document that plans, policies, and regulations are not adequate substitutes for the empowerment of people. Ultimately change on the land is managed and accomplished by the people that live on land within each watershed.

50.Something weird is going on! She talks funny and she’s from some other country called France!

She thinks the vomitorium is a fancy restaurant! She grows her own food right out of the ground! Yuck! Plus, she’s writing secret messages in the mashed potatoes!

四. 写作(共两节,满分40分)


你校外籍教师Linda生日将至,你代表学校赠送给Linda一部健美机(body-building machine)作为生日礼物,以下是产品说明:

参考词汇: 保修一年one-year guarantee









Florence Chadwick was born in California in 1918. She grew up on the beach and began competing as a swimmer at the age of six, when her uncle entered her in a race. For the next 19 years, she continued as a competitive swimmer.

On July 4, 1952, at the age of 34, Chadwick attempted to become the first woman to swim 21 miles across the Catalina Channel, from a port on the California coast. That day the ocean was ice cold, the fog was so thick that she could hardly see the support boats that followed her, and sharks swam around her. Several times, her support crew used guns to drive away the sharks. While Americans watched on televisions, her mother and her trainer, who were in one of the support boats, encouraged her to keep going. However, after 15 hours and 55 minutes, with only a half mile to go, she felt that she couldn’t go on, and begged to be taken out of the water.

Later, Chadwick told a reporter, “Look,I’m not excusing myself, but if I had seen land I know, I could have made it.” The fog had made her unable to see her swimming goal, and it made her feel she was getting nowhere. Two months later, she tried again. Although the fog was still heavy, yet this time she made it with the goal rooted in her mind. She knew behind the fog was the land she pursued.



2.以约120个词就“Goal and Success”的主题谈谈你的看法,内容包括:1)分析Chadwick第一次失败和第二次成功的原因;










完形填空1-5 CBCB D 6-10AB CAD 11-15 B CADC


16. survivor 17. his 18. to find 19. with 20. was awakened

21. It 22. the 23. discouraged 24. because \ as\for 25. that 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

26-30 BBCBB 31-35 DCBAC 36—40 BBDAC

41—45 AABCB 46—50 BFCAE


The body-building machine helps to keep the body in shape and relieve stress from daily work. As it is made of plastic and steel of good quality, it is both light and safe. Besides, the product is meant for those aged from 18 to 60, and it is also easy and convenient to practise with it. With one-year guarantee, consumers can enjoy the service of taking the on-line course of body building for three months for free. For any questions or further information, please call 4006-888-180.


Goal and Success

An American woman swimmer Chadwick succeeded in crossing the Catalina Channel after failing in her first attempt. It was a goal in her mind that enabled her to make it. (30词) Chadwick failed in her first attempt because she couldn’t see the “land”(goal). But later, with the goal rooted in her mind, she had firm belief and finally succeeded.

This story sets us thinking a lot. A clear goal is a must on the way to success. If we work very hard but with no goal in mind, we will have slight chances of succeeding in the end.

How can we achieve our goal? Firstly, we should make a practical plan, which is the first step towards success. Secondly, we should take firm measures to ensure that the plan is carried out. Thirdly, under no circumstances should we give up. Only in this way can we reach the beautiful “land”. (120词)

【要点综述】本文讲诉了面临问题的快餐连锁Sparrow通过新任首席执行官Carl Pearson在其广告方面的一系列运作之后重获成功的这一事实。


麻醉学个人简历范文 麻醉学个人简历范文目前所在:湛江年龄: 19 户口所在:梅州国籍:中国 婚姻状况:未婚民族: 培训认证:未参加身高: 161 cm 诚信徽章:未申请体重:人才类型:在校学生 应聘职位:医院管理人员:,麻醉医生: 工作年限: 2 职称: 求职类型:实习可到职日期:随时公司性质:所属行业:服务业湛江市团委起止年月:2019-09 ~ 2019-08 担任职位:志愿者毕业院校:广东医学院 最高学历:本科获得学位: 毕业日期: 2019-06 专业一:麻醉学专业二: 起始年月终止年月学校(机构)所学专业获得证书证书编号外语:英语良好粤语水平: 其它外语能力: 国语水平: 工作能力及其他专长勤奋好学,诚恳踏实,积极向上,有较强的责任心,善于观察,做事认真,易于沟通,能够尽自己最大的努力去完成上级交给的任务。父亲:曾胜先,是一个普通的群众,初中文化程度,但他却是一个非常重视教育的人,所以心里总想着要为教育事业做些什么。他以前是在黄槐电力公司做技工的,

后来由于黄槐大兴煤矿透水事件,很多相关联的产业迁移或者倒闭,所以父亲所在的电力公司也因经营不下去而倒闭。失业后父亲决定做一些与教育事业相关的工作,于是父亲去应聘黄槐中学的教职工,经验丰富的父亲得到了这份工作,并很快就胜任了。从此有学生开始喊父亲“老师”,听到这个称呼,父亲心里甜滋滋的。后来父亲承包起黄槐中学的食堂,负责黄槐中学学生的饮食。如今,父亲每天都跟学生打交道,大多数的时间都花在为学生服务上。正因为有如此热衷于支持教育事业的父亲,才把我培育成为一名有理想、有知识、有文化的大学生;更使我成为了一名肯上进、敢拼搏、忠于奉献的青年。 母亲:刘玲英,汉族,初中文化程度,于1987年初中毕业,1990年在亲戚朋友的帮助下结识我父亲,并于当年嫁给我父亲。在我很小的时候,母亲就细心地教导我一些做人做事的道理,以至从小到大,我在面临很多事中都受益颇多,能够从容不迫的处理这些事情。可以说我是在母亲的严格教育中一天天长大的,母亲曾告诫我:“要做一个诚实守信的人,认真学习科学文化知识,长大后要对社会做贡献。”母亲曾今是一名幼师,她很喜欢小孩子,总是能很有耐心地教导那些调皮的小朋友们,所以小朋友们都非常喜欢她。后来,父亲承包黄槐中学的食堂,由于缺人手,母亲主动放弃自己的工作来帮助父亲。 妹妹:曾思媚,2019年5月出生,现就读于沐彬中学,在校学习认真,成绩优秀。


包头四中2018-2019学年度第一学期期中考试 高三年级英语试题 第一部分:听力(见第 11页) 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题 2分,共30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳。 A Five of the most beautiful villages Sidi Bou Said in Tunisia This village seems to disappear into the sky. All the houses are painted white and the skies are clear. It's not surprising that the life here is very relaxing, and it is also home to plenty of cafes and art galleries. Wengen in Switzerland Do you ever wonder how the world was before cars were invented? The village called Wengen might just help you realize your dreams. Cars have been banned from this area for close to 100 years, and everything looks like it was taken right out of Heidi. The locals have kept their Swiss culture undamaged. Shirakawa-go in Japan This village is certainly known for its unusual houses with triangular roofs which seem to resemble hands joined in prayer. It's designed to keep snow from piling up on top of houses. These houses are the symbol of the area but there aren't many of them left anymore. Eze in France France in itself is pretty, but its most attractive village is Eze. This community seems to be frozen in time. This village is the perfect melting pot of cultures because of its closeness to Nice. During the Middle Ages, it was desired by invaders(侵略者),and while this was a cause of sadness for the local people in the past, today the village enjoys its rich heritage(遗产).The architecture here is so diverse. Bibury in England


2009-2010学年度高三第一次质量检测 英语试卷 本试卷分五部分。满分120分。考试时间120分钟。 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How did the woman do that? A. She is on a diet. B. She exercises daily. C. Both A and B. 2. What is Mary probably doing now? A. She is cooking at home. B. She is doing her homework. C. She is singing and dancing 3. What can we learn about Jane? A. She often hurries to make a phone call. B. She usually makes short phone calls C. She often stays on the phone too long. 4. What does the man ask the woman to do? A. To lend him her umbrella. B. To post the letter for him. C. To go to the post office with him. 5. How often do Johnson’s parents write to him? A. Once a month. B. Once a year. C. More than once a month. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What is the schedule of the school bus? A. The first bus leaves at 6 am, the second at 12 am, the third at 7 pm. B. The first bus leaves at 7 am, the second at 11:40 am, the third at 6 pm. C. The first bus leaves at 7 am, the second at 12 am, the third at 6 pm. 7. Where can the woman find the timetable of the buses? A. At the bus headquarter station. B. On the bus station sign. C. On the wall of the waiting hall. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。


上海市金山中学2015届高三上学期期中考试英语试题 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Short Conversations Directions: In section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Sewing. B. Cooking. C. Art. D. Computer. 2. A. Singing. B. Playing the piano. C. Playing drums. D. Acting. 3. A. His bike. B. Jane’s bike. C. The key to his room. D. The key to his bike. 4. A. The man doesn’t like a car, b ut his wife does. B. The man’s wife doesn’t like a car. C. The man wanted to buy a car for a long time. D. The man can afford to buy a car at last. 5. A. To school. B. To her room. C. To the grocery store. D. To her friend’s house . 6. A. Bob can’t help. B. Bob will help. C. Bob is unkind. D. Bob wants money. 7. A. The new apartment is cheaper. B. She likes to listen to the radio. C. She prefers a larger apartment. D. She needs a quieter place. 8. A. On foot. B. By taxi. C. By their own car. D. By bus. 9. A. He is the same as before. B. He is sick in bed. C. He is better. D. His condition is worse. 10. A. $160. B.$150. C. $120. D. $50. Section B Passages Directions: In part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. regularly. B. predictably. C. always. D. rarely 12. A. It causes great damage. B. It extends to the ocean floor.


2019年兴宁重点高中排名,兴宁所有高中学校分数线排名榜 2019年兴宁重点高中排名,兴宁所有高中学校分数线排名榜 每年兴宁中考前,很多家长都关心兴宁所有的中考学校名单及排名,那么2019年兴宁中考已经就要来了,中考填报志愿选择一所好的高中学校是一件非常重要的事情,本文爱扬整理了关于2019年兴宁重点高中排名,兴宁所有高中学校分数线排名榜的相关信息,希望兴宁的考生和家长在填报志愿的时候可以参考。 一、2019年兴宁高中学校排名 二、兴宁一中学校简介及排名 兴宁一中是梅州市重点中学、广东省一级学校,学校创办于1906年,是一所历史悠久,具有光荣传统的高级中学。学校一贯以校风好,质量高,办学有特色,输送人才多而享誉海内外。 该校占地面积7.1万平方米,建筑面积5.058万多平方米,现有教学班48个,学生2600多人,教职工240人,其中特级教师1人,高级教师38人,一级教师80人。近年来,该校以创办全国示范性高中和培养高素质“四有”人才为目标,全面贯彻国家教育方针,大力实施素质教育,深化教育教学改革,强化教育教学管理,学校形成了“勤奋、求实、团结、进取”的优良校风,“严谨善教、好学多思”的优良教风和学风,而且形成“两全五会”(全面贯彻教育方针、全面实施素质教育,让学生学会做人、学会求知、学会健体、学会生活、学会创造)的办学特色。 该校坚持德育为首,大力加强德育工作领导,建立了学科渗透,校内外结合,多层次、多渠道,全方位的德育工作体系,形成了自己的德育特色。学校优良校风不断发扬,教育教学质量持续提高,该校近年来连续三次被评为“广东省文明单位”。 三、宋声中学学校简介及排名


海淀区高三年级第一学期期中练习 英语2011.11 本试卷共12页,共150分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1.考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。 2.答题前考生务必将答题卡上的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔填写。 3.答题卡上选择题必须用2B铅笔作答,将选中项涂满涂黑,黑度以盖住框内字母为准,修改时用橡皮擦除干净。非选择题必须用黑色字迹的签字笔按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,未在对应的答题区域内作答或超出答题区域作答的均不得分。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 1. Where are the speakers? A. In a post office. B. In a restaurant. C. In a shopping mall. 2. What is the weather like now? A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy. 3. What class will the woman take? A. Gymnastics. B. Geography. C. Science. 4. Which of the following does the man like best? A. Classical music. B. Pop songs. C. Foreign songs. 5. What is the man doing? A. Offering a suggestion. B. Making an invitation. C. Asking for permission. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) 听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Why does the man choose to take an evening course? A. He works during the day. B. He takes data processing. C. He hates day courses. 7. When is the course in computer programming given? A. On Thursdays. B. On Fridays. C. On Mondays. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 英语第1页(共12页)


高三英语上学期期中试题 班级:________ 姓名:___________分数 一.单项选择。(共80分) ()1.To finish the task, we’ve tried three times , and after dinner we’ll try ______time . ] A the fourth B a fourth C fourth D four ( ) 2. The children were hungry and the salad _______quickly . A was eating up B ate up C was eaten up D had eaten up ( )3. Han Meimei is _______Chinese girl . Lucy is ______English girl . A a ; a B an ; an C a; an D an ; a ( )4. _______are _____for cutting things . A Knife ; used B knives , used C Knife ; using D Knifes , used ( )5. My watch is not the only thing _______is missing . A that B what C which D who ( )6. We had hoped that he _____longer . A stays B have stayed C stayed D would stay ( )7. _______I have your name , please ? Yes . Michael . M-I -C-H-A-E-L A Must B Will C May D Need ( )8. Tell him____the light . A to don’t turn on B not to turn on C to not turn on D not turning on ( )9. Do you need more time to complete the task ? Yes . Another ten days _____enough. A is B was C are D were ( )10. I’m going to take part in China’s Got Talent next month . ____! I am sure you will win . A Never mind B Good luck C What a pity D My pleasuer ( )11. _______does it take from our school to the farm by bus ? About one hour and half . A How far B How long C How often D How soon ( )12. It’s no good _______. You’d better give it up . A to smoke B smoking C smokes D smoke ( )13. John thinks you are wrong , _______? A doesn’t he B does he C are you D aren’t you ( )14.If you want to rent a better room , you’ll have to pay _______fifty dollars . A another B other C the other D more ( )15.Would you like to join us in the game ? ______, but I have something important to do . A I’d love to B I will C I won’t D I would ( )16. ________, she spends 150 yuan on books every month . A On average B In average C On an average D At an average ( )17. I think she is suitable ______the job ______by her teacher . A for ; chosen B to ; choosing C to ; chosen D for ; choosing


江苏省前黄高级中学高三期中考试英语试卷 2006.11 第一卷(选择题共105分) 第一部分:听力 第一节(共5小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How much will the woman pay if she buys two skirts ? A.$18. B.$19. C.$20. 2.What will the speakers discuss ? A.A report . B.A computer . C.A report on computer . 3.What are the speakers talking about ? A.A child . B.A room . C.A present . 4.What can we learn from this conversation ? A.The woman does not get along well with the man . B.The woman does not get along well with her roommate . C.The man will talk with the woman’s roommate . 5.Where are the two speakers now ? A.On the first floor . B.On the fourth floor . C.On the fifth floor. 第二节(共15小题;每题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.What was the woman doing before she went home ? A.Typing a report . B.Rewriting a report . C.Reviewing a report . 7.Where did the woman have her dinner ? A.In a restaurant . B.In her office . C.At home . 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.Why does the man feel surprised ? A.The woman has found a new job . B.The woman doesn’t feel like leaving . C.The woman disagrees with him . 9.What does the woman say about her department ? A.there is a lack of trust . B.There are serious problems . C.There is too much pressure . 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.What are the speakers talking about ?


2017-2018学年度上学期高三英语试题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,卷面分数120分。考试用时100分钟。 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A I have had all kinds of interesting neighbors since the early days of my life. When I was a baby I would stand in my wooden crib(婴儿床) and watch the world go by through the window. Some neighbors watched me watching the world go by with by big, wondering eyes and found me very interesting. They used to call me “the beauty at the window”. The early neighbors I could remember were from the second house I lived in. Peter and Paul were twins. We went to play school together although they were a year older than me. I well remember the Alsatian they had which ran into me when I was invited to their fifth birthday party. Needless to say, I was well-known for my loud screams after the party. But they said the pet was scared of my screams and didn’t appear until the party was over. Peter and Paul were the first boys who encouraged me to climb the gate. I could never tell the difference between boy and girl behaviors—I just did what I thought was fun. Not only did I have a great time performing that first climb, I also got my skirts dirty, and was criticized by my mother. The Japanese neighbors I had living in this same house were my favorite, as they introduced me to sea-salt baked shrimps (烤虾) which were so crisp that you could eat the shrimp totally. They gave me some seaweed for my birthday. Thankfully, no other member in my family enjoyed the seaweed as I did. Perhaps what my mother used to joke to me was true, that I was picked up out of the dustbin that belonged to a Japanese home. Maybe sometimes it is difficult to find good neighbors in this society. But all it takes is a spark(火花) to get a fire going. I have decided to be that spark wherever I live and pass love on to my neighbors. 21. We can guess "the Alsatian" in the twin brothers' home is ___________. A. a small child B. an interesting toy C. a dog D. a bicycle 22. From the passage we can know that the author___________. A. enjoyed the Japanese neighbors' cooking style most B. had difficulty getting on with the twin brothers' family C. was described as interesting when playing with boys D. had many neighbors that worked in restaurants 23. What can we infer from the passage? A. The author often moved to other places. B. Peter and Paul liked to play tricks on others. C. The neighbors the author had were good at cooking. D. The author had a good relationship with her neighbors. B Below are four ads on the website.Artful Experience It’s an artful experience even if you’re artistically challenged. Adults, teens, and children of all ages are welcome at Contemporary Art studio. We provide everything: stamps, idea books, a little coaching, and a lot of encouragement. Dr op in anytime. It’s creative fun for everyone to paint your own potter y(陶器)! No experience needed. Our studio will show you how. It’s as easy as 1-2-3! sumplastpl@https://www.doczj.com/doc/006577969.html, Chinese-English Translator This is an excellent opportunity for recent graduates looking to put their Chinese skills to use. Requirements: native speaker of English; business translation experience is preferre d but not a must; able to fulfill several projects on time; excellent reading skills in Chinese. If interested, please email staff@https://www.doczj.com/doc/006577969.html, or call 453-268-130. Ancient Object Market Here you find a large variety of old European furniture, statues and paintings. We also offer a large selection of clocks in bronze, wood, white metal. Organizing buying tours based on the needs of our clients is something else we do. We pick you up from the airport, make hotel reservations and drive you around to the best wholesale(批发) dealers. Our email is artworkdeal@com. ________________ We are delighted to offer you an efficient and reasonable priced service of high- class car rentals (租赁) with qualified drivers. S uitable for your journeys to and/or from Rome’s airports or other destinations. We will be there to meet you on your arrival at the airport and drive you to your destination in complete safety and comfort. If you need the service, please call 668-556-429. 24. Contemporary Art studio is a place where ________. A. one can enjoy many kinds of artworks B. one can learn how to paint on pottery C. one can make pottery by himself/herself D. one can improve his/her painting skills greatly 25. Who may be suitable for a Chinese- English translator? A. An American graduate who is good at Chinese. B. A Chinese graduate who majored in business. C. A Chinese college student who has good English writing skills. D. An American college student who i s interested in English translation. 26. If Mr. Black wants to buy a painting, he can ___________. A. send an email to sumplastpl@https://www.doczj.com/doc/006577969.html, B. send an email to artworkdeal@com C. call 453-268-130 D. call 668-556-429 27. Which of the following can be the best title for the fourth advertisement? A. Nice Rome trips B. Airport Car Rentals With Drivers C. Cheap Car Tours D. Flight Service To Pick You Up C To the mom I used to be:


高三级英语第二次模拟考试试卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Bread Garrett’s Comedy Club Category: Comedy Best known for his role on the Emmy award-winning sitcom (情景喜剧) Everybody Loves Raymond, Brad Garrett returns to his Vegas roots with his comedy club at the MGM Grand. It is a good place to check out when you need a break from work. Prices from: $56.40 and up Age restriction: Must be 21 years of age or older Show Length: 115 minutes Mac King Comedy Magic Show Category: Comedy, Magic The Mac King Comedy Magic Show is different every afternoon, with lots of audience participation. He is willing to make fun of himself instead of his guests in order to make everyone feel welcome and entertained. The afternoon is kid-friendly from start to finish. Still, whether you’re eight or 80, you won’t be able to figure out King’s secrets. Prices from: $40.90 and up Age restriction: No age restriction Show Length: 90 minutes The Mentalist, Gerry McCambridge Category: Comedy, Magic Using his skills as a “mentalist”, Gerry McCambridge shocks the crowds as he uses his abilities to predict just what audience members will do next. Anyone who has seen the show has walked away in disbelief, amazed by his unusual power. Prices from: $34.99 and up Age restriction: Under 13 will not be admitted into the theater Show Length: 75 minutes Rock of Ages Category: Plays & Musicals The cheerful Rock of Ages brings audiences back to the times of big hair and even bigger bands with 28 popular roc k songs from the 80s including “Every Rose Has Its Thorn,” “I Wanna Know What Love Is,” “Here I Go Again,” and more. Rock of Ages has been nominated(提名) for five Tony Awards including Best Musical and Best Direction of a Musical. It also received a Drama League nomination for Distinguished Production for a Musical. Prices from: $74.00 and up Age restriction: Must be 15 years of age or older Show Length: 125 minutes

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