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论文题目(小二加黑,times new roman,居中)


Zhan San

(小三,times new roman,居中)

A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Fundamental Theories

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

(小三,times new roman,居中)

Shandong Sport University

Jinan, China

June 10, 2010

(小三,times new roman,居中)


Abstract(小三,Times New roman,加黑,居中,1.5行距)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(小四,times new roman, 1.5行距)

Key words:(小四加黑,word不大写,与上文空一行)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(各词用分号隔开,分号后在英文输入状态下有一个空格)

摘要(小三,宋体,居中,加黑,两字之间空两格,1.5行距)Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( 小四,宋体, 1.5行距)

关键词:(小四加黑,与上文空一行)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (各词用分号隔开,分号后在汉语输入状态没有空格)


Contents(三号Times New Roman加黑居中1.5行距全部一页)

1.0 xxxxxxxxxxx------------------------------------------------------------------1

2.0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx----------------------------------------------2

2.1 xxxxxxxxxx-------------------------------------------------------------2


3.0 xxxxxxxxxxxx----------------------------------------------------------------3

4.0xxxxxxxxxxxxxx -------------------------------------------------------------6

4.1 xxxxxxxxxxxx-----------------------------------------------------------6

4.2 xxxxxxxxxx--------------------------------------------------------------7

4.3 xxxxxxxx-----------------------------------------------------------------7

5.0 xxxxxxxxxx-------------------------------------------------------------------7


5.1.1 xxxxxxxxxx-------------------------------------------------------8

5.1.2 xxxxxxxxx---------------------------------------------------------8

5.2 xxxxxxxxxxxxx----------------------------------------------------------9

5.2.1 xxxxxxxxxxx----------------------------------------------------- 9

5.2.2 xxxxxxxxxx--------------------------------------------------------9

5.3 xxxxxxxxx ------------------------------------------------------------- 10

5.4 xxxxxxxxxx------------------------------------------------------------ 11

6.0 Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------12 References------------------------------------------------------------------------13 Acknowledgements-------------------------------------------------------------15 (目录四号,Times New Roman,1.5行距,全部一页)


xxxxxxx(题目:小二加黑,times new roman, 居中)1.0 xxxx(一级标题:小三加黑,times new roman,左对齐. 一级标题之间空一行)

2.0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2.1 xxxxxxxxxxx(二级标题四号加黑,times new roman, 左对齐)2. 1. 1 xxxxxxxxxxxx(三级标题小四加黑,times new roman,左对齐)

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(小四,times new roman,1.5行距,下同)

References(空两行,不单独起一页,小三,加黑,times New roman,左对齐)

[1] Canale, M. & M. Swain. Theoretical bases of communicative approaches to

second language teaching and learning[J]. Applied Linguistics, 1980, (1).

[2] 高强、赵娜. Focus on form理论与中学英语语法教学[J]. 山东师范大学外国语

学院学报, 2007, (4).




(空四行,三号,加黑,居中,TimesNew roman,下空一


I am greatly indebted to my supervisor Mr. Li Si, who has given me valuable advice and enlightened me on a number of academic problems concerning my thesis.

(四号,Times New roman,1.5行距)


A Study of Middle School English Grammar

Teaching in the CLT Framework 交际语言教学模式下中学英语语法教学研究


Zhan San

A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Fundamental Theories

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Shandong Sport University

Jinan, China

June 10, 2010

Abstract(小三,Times New roman,加黑,居中,1.5行距)As an essential part of language, grammar plays an important role in the process of language learning. Grammar teaching is a heatedly discussed topic in foreign language teaching circle. Since the application of CLT in China, grammar teaching has caused more concern than before. This thesis illustrates the necessity of grammar teaching in the theoretical and practical perspectives. In theory, the goal of CLT is to cultivate students’ communicative competence and grammatical competence is part of it, so CLT does not exclude grammar teaching but include it. In practice, Chinese realistic conditions determine that grammar should be taught in the CLT framework. Then this thesis proposes some strategies to improve grammar teaching, which tends to give some enlightenment to English teachers. (小四,times new roman, 1.5行距)

Key words:(小四加黑,word不大写,与上文空一行)grammar teaching; CLT (communicative language teaching); communicative competence; grammatical competence(各词用分号隔开,分号后在英文输入状态下有一个空格)




1.0 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------1

2.0 An Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching----------------2

2.1 Features of CLT---------------------------------------------------------2

2.2 Principles of CLT-------------------------------------------------------3

3.0 Necessity of Grammar Teaching in the CLT Framework---------------3

4.0 Realistic Reasons of Teaching Grammar in China-----------------------6

4.1 Environment of English Learning-------------------------------------6

4.2 Goal of English Learning-----------------------------------------------7

4.3 Form of English Assessment-------------------------------------------7

5.0 Strategies of Grammar Teaching in the CLT Framework---------------7

5.1 Creating Authentic Situations------------------------------------------8

5.1.1 Making Full Use of the Classroom-----------------------------8

5.1.2 Creating Situations with Pictures-------------------------------8

5.2 Organizing Communicative Activities--------------------------------9

5.2.1 Role-playing------------------------------------------------------ 9

5.2.2 Adopting Discussion and Debate--------------------------------9

5.3 Teaching Grammar in Discourse--------------------------------------10

5.4 Making Old Things New-----------------------------------------------11

6.0 Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------12 References---------------------------------------------------------------------13 Acknowledgements-------------------------------------------------------------15



A Study of Middle School English Grammar Teaching in the CLT Framework(小二加黑,times new roman,


1.0 Introduction(一级标题小三加黑,times new roman,左对齐)

As an essential component of language, grammar plays an important role in the process of language learning. Grammar is also a hot topic in foreign language teaching research. Looking back at the history of foreign language teaching in China, we can find that people’s different attitudes to grammar have become a clue of modern foreign language teaching research.

Grammar-translation method occupied English teaching for a very long time. In the traditional class, the teacher was the center of the classroom and the focus was on teaching grammatical structures and rules, and students were forced to memorize these rules. In the 1970s, communicative language teaching (CLT)arose and won great popularity among many countries. CLT aims to cultivate learners’communicative competence, and it advocates learning language through use. In the 1980s, CLT was introduced to China and carried out throughout the whole country. However, the application of CLT in middle school English teaching makes grammar teaching a prominent problem. Because of vague or even misleading conceptions of CLT, some teachers think that CLT excludes grammar teaching and it is unnecessary to teach grammar in a CLT class, while some other teachers, deeply influenced by traditional ways, still spend too much time teaching grammatical structures. Both of the two cases are bad to students, because the former makes students fail to output grammatically correct sentences, and the latter makes students lose interest in learning


On the basis of CLT, this thesis aims to make clear two points: (1) Should grammar be taught in middle school English teaching? (2) How to teach? In this thesis, a brief introduction to CLT is made at first, which can help clarify the understanding of CLT. Then an attempt is made to illustrate the necessity of grammar teaching in middle school from four perspectives: (1) The relationship between communicative competence and linguistic competence demonstrates that CLT dose not exclude grammar teaching, because linguistic competence is part of communicative competence; (2) The environment of English learning in China requires grammar teaching; (3) The goal of English learning needs grammar teaching; (4) Grammar is still an important component in various examinations. Finally, some strategies are put forward concerning grammar teaching in the CLT framework. (小四,times new roman,1.5行距,下同)

2.0 An Introduction to Communicative Language Teaching

2.1 Features of CLT(二级标题四号加黑,times new roman,左对齐)

Hymes (1972) first introduced the concept of “communicative competence”, which refers to the ability not only to apply grammatical rules of a language in order to form grammatically correct sentences but also to know when and where to use these rules and to whom. However, “Hymes’communicative competence, which is socialinguitically-oritented on the basis of one’s native language, does not seem to be very suitable for foreign language teaching” (Gao, 2003: 51). Later, Canale and Swain (1980) combined the concept of communicative competence with foreign language teaching, and developed it into four components, namely, grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence and strategic competence. On the basis of the theory of communicative competence, a new approach to language teaching —communicative language teaching —arose, and it emphasizes that the goal of language teaching is to develop learners’ communicative competence.

In order to help understand CLT clearly, many scholars make statements about

the features of CLT. As pointed out by Littlewood (2000: 1): “one of the most characteristic features of communicative language teaching is that it pays systematic attention to functional as well as structural aspects of language, combining these into a more fully communicative view.”

Nunan (1991) lists five features of CLT:

1.an emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target


2.the introduction of authentic texts into learning situation.

3.the provision of opportunities for learners to focus not only on language but

also on the learning process itself.

4.an enhancement of learners’own personal experience as important

contributing elements to classroom learning.

5.an attempt to link classroom language learning with language activities


These five features show that CLT pays much attention to the needs and interest of learners, so students become the center of the class and the language teacher do not play a dominant role. CLT is quite different from traditional approach, so it is necessary to understand the principles of CLT.

2.2Principles of CLT

On the basis of previous literature (e.g. Nunan, 1991), the principles of CLT could be summarized as being context-oriented, experience-based and learner-centered.

By being context-oriented is meant that a new item should be presented and practiced in context. From a communicative point of view, language items only take on meaning as a result of the context in which it is used, that is to say, an item devoid of context cannot properly be said to have a meaning at all. For example, one word may have many meanings in the dictionary, but it is the context in which it is set that decides which meaning is right and suitable.

Learner-centeredness means that learners are the center of the classroom. CLT

lays emphasis on learners and learning. Learners are seen as active participants, rather than passive recipients of information provided by the teacher or the textbook. CLT involves learners in the whole process of learning and makes learners learn by doing. Therefore, teachers are no longer regarded as an authority on language, but a facilitator, a manager and an advisor of learners.

3.0 Necessity of Grammar Teaching in the CLT Framework

As the fact that the goal of English teaching is to cultivate learners’communicative competence has been accepted by researchers and English teachers, CLT has been widely applied in our country. The emergence of CLT makes some teachers think that CLT is advanced and objects to the traditional method, so they neglect grammar teaching in the classroom. However, the overlook of grammar brings about bad influences, that is, students cannot output grammatically correct sentences. Many teachers are confused whether grammar should be taught or not. Of course the answer is affirmative.

In fact, CLT does not exclude grammar teaching, and this can be illustrated from the relationship between grammatical competence and communicative competence.

According to Hymes, communicative competence refers to the ability of how to use knowledge of rules to understand and produce appropriate language in a variety of sociocultural settings, and he (1972: 19) thinks communicative competence includes:

1.knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the language;

2.knowledge of rules of speaking (e.g. how to begin and end conversation );

3.knowing language function (e.g. agreeing, disagreeing, arguing and advising.


4.knowing how to use language appropriately (talking to a friend is different

from talking to your boss);

Hymes’interpretation of communicative competence puts grammar in the first part, so grammar is necessary to cultivate communicative competence.

Latter, Canale and Swain (1980) developed a new interpretation of

communicative competence consisting of four components:

1.Grammatical competence. It is the knowledge of lexical items and of rules of

morphology, syntax, sentence, grammar, semantics and phonology.

2.Sociolinguistic competence. It is the knowledge of social-cultural rules of

language and discourse.

3.Discourse competence. It is the ability to connect sentences in stretches of

discourse and form a meaningful whole out of a series of utterances.

4.Strategic competence. It is the verbal or nonverbal communicative strategies

that may be called into action to compensate for breakdowns in

communication due to performance variables or due to insufficient


Canale and Swain (1980) agreed that both grammatical competence and sociolinguistic competence are important elements in any theoretical framework of communicative competence. They(1980: 5) say: “just as Hymes (1972) was able to say that there are rules of grammar that would be useless without rules of language use, so we feel that there are rules of language use that would be useless without rules of grammar.” S o grammar is necessary and essential for communication to take place Littlewood (2000: 6) suggests that the following four domains of skill make up a person’s communicative competence and must be recognized in foreign language learning and teaching.

1.The learner must attain as high a degree as possible of linguistic competence,

that is, he must develop skills in manipulating the linguistic system, to the

point where he can use it spontaneously and flexibly in order to express his

intended message.

2.The learner must distinguish between the forms which he has mastered as a

part of his linguistic competence, and the communicative functions which

they perform. In other words, items mastered as part of a linguistic system

must also be understood as a part of communicative system.

3.The learner must develop skills and strategies for using language to

communicate meanings as effectively as possible in concrete situations. He

must learn to use feedback to judge his success, and if necessary, remedy

failure by using different language.

4.The learner must become aware of the social meaning of language forms.

For many learners, this may not entail the ability to vary their own speech to

suit different social circumstances, but rather the ability to use generally

acceptable forms and avoid potential offensive ones.

In Littlewood’s definition of communicative competence, linguistic competence also occupies a prominent position. He stated the importance of grammar as follows: “A communicative approach to the content of a course need not involve abandoning the use of structural criteria for selection and sequencing, …, Mastery of the structural system is still the basic requirement for using language to communicative one’s own meanings”(Littlewood, 2000: 77).

Wilkins (1976: 66) also admitted the importance of grammar. As argued by him, “it is taken here to be almost axiomatic that the acquisition of the grammatical system of a language remains a most important element in language learning. The grammar is the means through which linguistic creativity is ultimately achieved and an inadequate knowledge of the grammar would lead to a serious limitation on the capacity for communication” (Wilkins, 1976: 66).

From the analysis and statements above, it could be safely concluded that grammar is necessary in the CLT framework, and the application of CLT does not exclude grammar teaching. “Without grammatical knowledge as the founda tion, it is impossible for language learners to go far in developing their communicative competence of a foreign language”(Gao, 2003: 51).

4.0 Realistic Reasons of Teaching Grammar in China

4.1 Environment of English Learning

According to Krashen (1981), grammar teaching is unnecessary, because language including grammar can emerge as a result of comprehensible input. That is to say, being exposed to the target language environment, learners can naturally

acquire it and internalize the grammar rules. This is partly true in acquiring a second language, but English is typically taught as a foreign language in China, and learning plays a more important role than acquisition in the process of mastering English.

Second language teaching takes place within the target language community, while foreign language teaching is carried out outside the target language environment, mostly in the classroom. Foreign language learning usually requires more formal instruction for the lack of environmental support.

Acquisition refers to subconscious learning in the natural environment, which is not influenced by explicit formal instruction. Learning a language is a conscious process of language development, which needs the intended and explicit formal instruction in the artificial environment such as the language classroom.

As most Chinese students learn English in China, which is far away from English speaking countries, they cannot acquire English and internalize grammatical rules by being exposed to it. In some poor areas, teachers and textbooks are the only language source, so language input is limited. What is worse, students have to deal with other subjects and the time and energy assigned to English learning is limited, so the chances for them to acquire English are very small. The formal instruction in the class will overcome the difficulties of poor acquisitional environment and accelerate their learning process.

4.2 Goal of English Learning

The goal of English learning is not simply to improve spoken English, but to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills wholly. Students will come across many long and complex sentences in the process of reading. A mastery of grammatical rules will undoubtedly help them to analyze these complicated sentences, and this will give them a sense of success and help them build their confidence.

In the beginning stage of the application of CLT, many teachers paid much attention to fluency. They spent much time practicing listening and speaking skills in the classroom and avoided explicit grammar teaching. As a result, students could not output correctly without enough knowledge of grammar. Their English level could not

be improved to a large extent, and their interest and confidence would be affected badly.

In the course of cultivating communicative competence, accuracy is as important as fluency and is the basis for successful communication. “When people speak and write, grammar will function as a monitor to make sure that their production is accurate” (Gao, 2003: 51).

4.3 Form of English Assessment

In China, it is difficult to avoid grammar-based test for students. They need adequate grammatical rules to deal with many kinds of examinations. Tests for High School and National Matriculation English Test are two important entrance examinations for Chinese students. Passing them to enter excellent high schools or colleges for further education is most students’dream. Though the design of these examinations has changed a lot, grammar-oriented exercises still occupy an important place. Therefore students have to know the rules of English grammar in order to do well in such tests.

5.0 Strategies of Grammar Teaching in the CLT Framework

The goal of middle school grammar teaching is not only to make students master the grammar structures but also to make them communicate successfully using appropriate grammatical rules. As grammar is necessary and important, teachers should adopt flexible ways to promote grammar teaching.

5.1 Creating Authentic Situations

In order to make students learn grammar more easily, teachers can create authentic situations to present grammatical points. The situation can be authentic or semi-authentic but should be close to students’ life.

5. 1. 1Making Full Use of the Classroom(三级标题小四加黑,times new roman,左对齐)

If it is necessary and available, teachers can make full use of the classroom.

For example, when presenting “there be” structure, the teacher can describe the

classroom using the following sentences:

There is a blackboard in our classroom.

There are four windows in our classroom.

There are two doors in our classroom.

There is a box on the desk.

Now, students may realize the function and the meaning of this structure, and then the teacher may encourage students to discover the rules by themselves.

Next, the teacher makes some corrections and assures the students’ guesses with proper structure.

Finally, the teacher encourages students to describe their bedrooms or drawing rooms with the learned structure.

5. 1. 2 Creating Authentic Situations With Pictures

There are many pictures in English textbooks, so the teacher can make full use of these pictures to carry out the teaching process. The pictures can give students a lively impression.

For example, if the teacher wants to teach the present continuous tense to the students, he or she can use the picture on Page 17, Book 2 of Go for it! (Liu Daoyi: 2005)

Teacher: Look at the picture, what can you see?

Students: We can see a lot of boys and girls.

Teacher: What are they doing? (It is a new item and the teacher may translate while writing it down on the blackboard.)

Students: They…(Students now have a desire to express what the boys and girls in the pictures are doing)

The strong desire will make them listen to the teacher’s illustration with high attention. The teacher can also collect some pictures in daily life so that they will use them in the future.

5.2 Organizing Communicative Activities

5. 2. 1 Role-Playing

Role-playing activities are those in which students are asked to imagine who they are in different situations and act accordingly. Most students like to play games, so role-playing will undoubtedly stimulate their interest. They will focus on the knowledge as well as the activities.

For example, there is a story happening in a mall, and the passive voice of the past progressive aspect can be introduced in the story.

First, the teacher assigns the role, student A plays the customer, student B plays the thief and the teacher is the director and seller. After the teacher tells A and B how to play, the rest see the following scene:

A is selecting goods,

B is walking to A and picking the purse out from A’s bag and runs quickly. A feels her bag moved, suddenly she sees B running nervously, and finds her purse stolen, then she shouts loudly: “oh, my bag is cut, my purse is stolen”.

Hearing A’s shouts, the seller also shouts: “Let’s chase the thief”, then they are chasing the chief. At the same time, the teacher speaks in a high voice: “Her bag is cut, and the thief is being chased”, at the same time, the teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard and asks the students to follow her.

When the game is finished, the teacher may ask two questions: (1) What happened to the customer? (2) What happened to the chief? Then the students will answer actively: “Her purse was stolen, the thief was being chased.”At last, the teacher summaries the rule and function of the passive voice of the past progressive aspect.

5. 2. 2 Discussion and Debate

Discussions and debates are meaningful communicative activities, in which students can exchange opinions freely and illustrate their own views in the target language. However, it is likely to be successful for upper-intermediate and advanced level learners. Besides, the teacher may make some changes by starting with some controlled practice, and then lead the work into more communicative activities. Here is an example.

First, the teacher tells students to write down the sentence he reads.

How do you think smoking in public places? (Possibly, it’s the focus of the


毕业论文(设计) 任务书 毕业论文(设计)题目------------------------------------------ 课题类型:理论研究课题来源: 自选 系别:外语学院专业:英语班级:姓名:学号: , 1)学生提出选题的初步设想,教师制定计划任务书2009.6.28——2009.7.4 2)学生搜集、阅读、整理与论文有关的资料,根据指导教师下达的毕业论文任务书要求构思论文框架,编写论文提纲,向指导教师提出开题报告2009.7.5——2009.9.30 3)撰写论文一稿并上交老师2009.10.1——2009.11. 30 4)指导教师将初稿修改意见反馈给学生,要求学生完成并上交二稿2009.12.1——2010.3.1 5)反馈二稿,完成三稿,进行毕业论文中期检查2010.3.1——2010.3.30 6)论文修改,按规定格式定稿上交,并做好论文答辩的准备工作2010.4.1——2010.4.10

7)指导老师评语、成绩,评阅教师评语,工作小组审定2010.4.10——2010.4.27 8)论文答辩,系毕业论文领导小组审核、总结并上报2010.4.28——2010.4.30 毕业论文开题报告(经老师指导并审核,由学生抄写,要求书写工整) ,讨论和 The numbers in the street signs 3.2.2 The other public signs The effect of translation The analysis of classical examples 4 The styles and principles 4.1 The styles 4.1.1 The use of abbreviated words 4.1.2 Characters and drawing signs are frequently used


商务英语论文题目 1、论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响 2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 4、商标名称的翻译与策略 5、汉语中新词汇的翻译技巧 6、商务谈判中的语言艺术 7、商务谈判的文化障碍 8、商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用 9、商务英语函电翻译技巧 10、商务谈判中英语的重要性 11、浅谈商务英语写作时避免修饰语错位的方法 12、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用 13、浅谈涉外合同英语特色 14、电子商务对国际贸易的影响及对策 15、商务谈判的艺术性 16、跨文化的商务谈判 17、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 18、如何翻译好日常商务文书 19、商务英语信函的语体分析 20、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 21、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 22、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧 23、论跨文化因素对商业广告英语翻译的影响 24、跨文化商务交际中的语言和非语言因素 25、浅谈英语告示语的语言特色与翻译 26、商务英语阅读研究 27、商务英语写作问题研究 28、商务英语考试技巧研究 29、商务英语听力策略研究 30、英语口语或语法在商务领域中的应用 31、商务函电交流研究 32、商务英语学习方法 33、跨文化交际与中西文化冲突 34、国际商务中的跨文化交际问题 35、商务谈判中的跨文化冲突 36、国际商务谈判中应注意的文化因素 37、国际商务谈判中的“文化壁垒” 38、广告英语的分类及分析 39、虚拟语气与商务英语表达 40、跨文化交际在商务英语学习中的运用 41、商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力的培养 42、商务英语在国际营销中的作用


英语专业毕业论文范文两篇 英语专业毕业论文范文两篇 篇一 摘要:提高中专学生的听力水平,是教师关注的重点。本文提出影响中专学生英语听力水平的两大因素:知识性障碍与非知识性障碍。笔者在分析这两大因素是如何影响学生听力的基础上,得出提高学生英语听力水平的途径,主要从课堂教学及课外活动进行说明。 关键词: 中专英语教育越来越侧重培养英语综合应用的能力,而英语听力是英语学习的基础,也是英语教学过程中比较薄弱的环节。那么影响听力的因素有哪些呢? 一、影响中专学生听力水平的因素 一般而言,影响中专学生听力的因素很多,对这些因素归类整理,主要分为两类:知识性障碍和非知识性障碍。 (一)知识性障碍包括语言知识性障碍和文化背景障碍。 1.语言障碍包括语音、语速、词汇、语法、语言思维等环节存在问题。 (1)发音不标准导致语音的辨别能力低。学生掌握不好英语标准发音,在听的过程中即使是自己认识的单词,会由于发音不同也难以听辨出来。此外英语中发音相似仅有微小差别的单词很多,于是由于发音不标准很容易使单词混淆。 (2)语速连贯能力弱,导致辨音能力差。英语单词有弱读、重读、连读、爆破、语气、语调的升降等,在连贯的语流中该词的发音会发生变化。学生缺乏辨识这些单词的能力,同时英文正常速度比中文正常速度快10倍,因此学生平时能正确发音的单词也不能正确分辨出来。 (3)词汇量的大小,对词汇的熟练掌握程度会影响听力的效果。大多数单词在字典上有多种意思,单词在不同的环境中词义会不同。学生对单词的掌握不够全面,只是知晓某单词的部分意思,他们听的过程中只能根据自己熟悉的词义去理解,往往与听力内容不相符,会误解了听到的句子意思。 (4)语法的掌握程度影响听力理解。学生对句子的结构,英语中的进行时、完成时等没


一、学校体育类: 二、1、试论我国学校体育的现状和发展趋势 三、2、谈因材施教在体育教学中的应用 四、3、试论体育道德形成的要求和规则 五、4、论体育与智力开发 六、5、体育教育对学生体育能力培养的研究 七、6、体育在发展学生个性方面的地位和作用 八、7、试论体育教育中学生个性差异与个性发展 九、8、试论体育教育中的审美渗透 十、9、体育技术学习与体能发展问题的研究 十一、10、体育教学运动负荷的调整与控制的探讨 十二、11、女生体育教学的特点与指导实践的研究 十三、12、论体育教学手段现代化的意义和作用 十四、13、X X地区(学校)学生体质的调查与分析 十五、14、对课间操内容和形式的改进研究 十六、15、初论体育课外活动的性质与特点 十七、16、论体育在素质教育中的地位和作用 十八、17、(某地区)学校体育发展现状及发展战略的研究 十九、18、关于优化中(小)学体育教学内容的研究 二十、19、新的教学方法(或电化教学)在体育教学中的运用的研究 二十一、20、论教学艺术与体育教学艺术 二十二、21、论体育教学中的品德教育及意志培养 二十三、22、中(小)学生体育知识水平和体育意识的调查研究 二十四、23、关于中(小)学建立单项(或健身、健美、体育娱乐)俱乐部的二十五、可行性及具体对策的研究 二十六、24、论学校体育管理的原则与方法 二十七、25、论学校体育的阶段效益与长远效益。 二十八、26、浅析变异系数在教学、训练中的应用 二十九、27、平均数、标准差在运用会报名中的应用 三十、28、运用体育统计知识改进体育课教学 三十一、29、运用“回归分析预测成绩”之我见 三十二、30、利用假设检验知识改进训练方法 三十三、 三十四、二、基础理论类: 三十五、1、心率指标在体育教学和训练中的应用及原理 三十六、2、浅谈有氧运动与无氧运动的训练 三十七、3、促进运动机能形成的方法和手段 三十八、4、谈肌肉力量训练 三十九、5、用能量代谢原理谈运动训练的设计 四十、6、从无氧域指标的分析中谈有氧工作训练的最佳化问题 四十一、7、对肌肉工作前初长度的适度拉长提高力学效果的生理学分析 四十二、8、试论运动生理学在体育教学和训练科学化中的作用 四十三、9、用运动生理学原理与自己从事的体育实践相结合的体会、总结 四十四、文献综述或具体的实验等


2012届商务英语专业毕业论文参考题目 1、论文化因素对英汉翻译的影响 2、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 3、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 4、商标名称的翻译与策略 5、汉语中新词汇的翻译技巧 6、因特网辅助英语写作 7、网络与外语学习 8、如何对待阅读理解中的生词 9、商务谈判中的语言艺术 10、商务谈判的文化障碍 11、商务英语课程设置的探讨 12、跨文化因素对英汉翻译的影响 13、商务英语的特点及翻译技巧 14、商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用 15、单证员在国际贸易中的地位 16、商务英语函电翻译技巧 17、商务谈判中英语的重要性 18、商标名称的翻译与策略 19、商务函电翻译的用词技巧 20、、我国外贸出口品牌战略的实施与研究 21、英语写作中常见中式英语分析 22、汉译英中遇到新词语的译法问题 23、汉语中新词汇的翻译技巧 24、商务英语的特征与翻译 25、商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探讨 26、单证员跟单员等资格证书现状思考 27、礼仪在商务谈判中的作用 28、浅谈涉外合同英语特色 29、国际商务单证的作用及种类 30、我国出口包装面临的技术壁垒及应对措施 31、浅析海运提单的风险及防范措施 32、商务谈判的艺术性 33、跨文化的商务谈判 34、美国英语习语与文化 35、中美日常交际中的文化差异 36、中西方文化差异及语言体现 37、商务英语交往中的礼貌原则 38、如何翻译好日常商务文书 39、商务英语信函的语体分析 40、浅谈商务信函的文体特征 41、英语商务信函和合同中被动语态的语用意义及其翻译 42、商务英语汉英翻译中从句的运用技巧


毕 业 文 学生姓名: 艾中华 专业班级: 英语2011级1班 指导教师: 赵莉 教授 学 院: 外国语学院 2017年6月 中文题名,一般不宜超过21 字,如果有些细节必须放进标题, 为避免冗长可分成主标题和副标 题。楷体小一 副标题的破折号:插入—>符号—>特殊符号 长划线 ★注意:为避免改变模版格式,题 目建议手工输入。 参照此处格式替换姓名、 班级等内容。楷体小三居中 ★注意:为避免改变模版格式, 此处内容请手工输入替换。 ★注意:为避免改变模版格式,此处内容请手 工输入替换。

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摘要 Abstract 1 1.1 1.1.1三级标题一 (1) 1.1.2三级标题二 (1) 1.2二级标题二 (1) 2[单击此处输入标题,页眉会自动更新].................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 2.1二级标题一 (2) 2.1.1三级标题一 (2) 2.1.2三级标题二 (2) 2.2二级标题二 (2) 2.3 Summary ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。3[单击此处输入标题,页眉会自动更新]. (3) 3.1二级标题一 (3) 3.1.1三级标题一 (3) 3.1.2三级标题二 (3) 3.2二级标题二 (3) 3.3 Summary ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。4[单击此处输入标题,页眉会自动更新]. (4) 4.1二级标题一 (4) 4.1.1三级标题一 (4) 4.1.2三级标题二 (4) 4.2二级标题二 (4) 4.2.1三级标题一 (4) 4.2.2三级标题二 (4) 4.3二级标题三 (4) 4.4 Summary (4) Conclusion .................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


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公路街道14.6 14 14.5 14.5 13.6 13.6 12.4 13. 9 不固定10.5 11.3 10.3 11.2 10.4 11.5 10.2 10. 8 合计 /% 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 从表2可以看出,新农村农民参加体育锻炼的项目主要有篮球、芦笙舞蹈、铜鼓舞、登山、拔河,其中篮球项目多为农村男性群体,而广场舞蹈、铜鼓舞则多为农村女性群体。参加登山、拔河、长跑等项目则逐渐减少。形成这种趋势的原因主要有两点:一是因为在大部分农村中只有一块运动场即篮球场,加之在各种节庆活动如吃新节、苗年节、翻鼓节、春节等或在各种闲暇时的娱乐活动都在运动场举行,所以篮球场成为农村地区唯一的运动场所和举行各种运动项目的唯一场地。二是由于镇府对农村体育的资金投入不够,从而导致农村的各种体育设施不齐全,各种现代锻炼健身项目无法开展。 表2农民参加体育锻炼的项目调查表 项目芦笙 舞蹈 铜鼓 舞 篮 球 登 山 拔 河 长 跑 负 重 跑 乒 乓 球 象 棋 百分 比(%)65.5 62.7 61. 4 45. 6 42. 7 37. 8 36.7 20.4 20 .8 3.2 农民对体育健身与健康的认识状况分析 表3农民对体育健身与健康的认识状况调查表 认知程度公庄 镇/% 杨村 镇/% 平陵 镇/% 龙江 镇/% 柏塘 镇/% 杨侨 镇% 石坝 镇/% 合 计


毕业设计(论文)任务书 设计(论文)题目. 学生姓名.学号. 所属系(部)基础部. 所在专业商务英语. 起止日期2007年5月~6月. 设计地点扬州工业职业技术学院. 指导教师. 教研室主任孙丽娟. 教学系主任邓光. 扬州工业职业技术学院基础部制

商务英语专业毕业设计(论文)任务书 一、撰写毕业论文的目的 进一步提高学生的英语阅读、翻译、写作能力,文字表达能力,信息搜集与分析处理能力,独立思考问题并能理论联系实际,运用商务知识分析问题和解决问题的能力。检查学生对所学专业理论知识和基本技能的掌握程度,并将论文成绩作为学生能否毕业的主要依据之一。 二、撰写毕业论文的步骤 (一)准备阶段 1、明确指导教师。根据基础部毕业论文指导工作小组的安排,每个学生明确自己的指导教师,建立联系方式。 2、确定选题方向。选题应结合商务英语专业培养目标,体现英文词语用法比较、英文翻译或写作技巧、英文函电制作、英语谈判策略与技巧、英语在商贸活动中的特殊用法等方向。学生可根据自身能力、兴趣或实习工作实际确定选题,也可由指导教师指定,要求一人一题。选题必须征求指导教师的意见,得到指导教师的确认。 3、撰写开题报告。学生根据选题在指导教师指导下完成开题报告。开题报告格式与内容应包括:学生姓名、专业、班级、学号、课题名称、指导教师姓名、职称与学位、课题类别、课题的内容与要求、前言(课题研究的目的与意义、课题的国内外研究现状与趋势、课题欲解决的问题)、课题研究方案的比较与评价(课题研究的思路、角度与方法)、课题研究的预期效果及指标、作者工作安排(包括选题、调研、收集资料、论证、开题、撰写初稿、修改、定稿的打印等各个阶段)、参考文献以及指导教师意见等(详见《扬州工业职业技术学院毕业论文开题报告书》)。 (二)撰写阶段 1、撰写论文提纲。学生根据选题、工作计划安排,按要求在指定时间


商务英语专业论文 摘要:为有效降低国际贸易交易成本、提高贸易效率,营造更加有利的对外贸易机会,对商务英语函电在国际贸易中的变化及作用进行了深入分析,从而了解商务英语函电对对 外贸易成本造成的改变与推动作用。 关键词:商务英语;对外贸易;国际交流 近年来,全球经济化形势日益加剧,国际贸易活动越发频繁。在科学技术的带动下, 各国之间的贸易往来更加密切,有效的贸易交流与沟通就更显重要。从国际贸易角度来看,不同国家的买卖双方相距遥远,面对面洽谈的机会更是少之又少。因此,我们有必要了解 商务英语函电的意义和作用,推动国际贸易交流。 1商务英语函电的含义 商务英语函电是利用商业事务英语传递相关商务信息的函电,是对外贸易活动重要的 基础。商务英语函电质量在很大程度上影响着商务活动的成败,它早已成为对外贸易活动 中的重要组成部分。作为当前国际上的通用语言,英语是国际商务活动中进行信息传递的 主要语种。与常用英语相比,商务英语有着较强的专业性和独特语言特点。随着经济全球 化程度的不断加快,国际贸易活动日渐频繁,商务英语函电能够准确、细致地向各方传递 所需的贸易信息,更好地解决了供需间的信息连接问题,建立了各国、各企业间有效的交 流沟通桥梁,创造了更多的商业洽谈机会,提高了信息的有效性和实用性。商务函电交流 过程是发出者顺利编码、接收者顺利解码的过程。针对对外商务交流途径而言,商务英语 函电就是鉴于外贸知识背景,利用现代化通信工具进行语言表达的电子书信。纸质书信、 电子邮件及传真等都是商务英语函电载体,但其载体又不仅限于此,专业贸易用语及缩略 用语等均是其主要内容。商务英语函电分类标准众多,按照其使用功能主要可分为答复函、来函处理、联络函、任命函、邀请函以及慰问函等多种形式。根据商务英语函电内容范围 有仲裁、保险、索赔、包装、询盘、发盘等。 2国际贸易中商务英语函电的基本功能 2.1寻找新商业伙伴、发展贸易客户在传统国际贸易过程当中,发展贸易客户成本较高,其根本原因在于信息的不对称和不充分。当今社会是一个信息化程度较高的时代,信 息公开程度较高,尤其是互联网等方式的应用,更是打破了贸易信息的时间、空间、地域 上的限制,这就为我国国际贸易活动节省了大量人力、物力支出,有效提升了贸易工作效率。发展贸易客户、寻找新的贸易客户可以通过宣传自己及别人的宣传,进一步接触潜在 贸易客户,并主动与其进行联系洽谈。经验证,通过这种方式的宣传和努力,充分发挥了 宣传作用。 2.2商务交流及沟通信息技术手段的应用推动了商务交流与沟通,而商务英语函电作 为主要的交流沟通方式,经过充分有效的准备,能够将贸易活动变化阐述清楚,并加以补充,这些步骤从根本上决定了国际贸易的成败。因此,想要在国际贸易活动当中充分发挥


论文中的引用格式 1.1 间接引用(citations) A.如果引用只涉及一个作家的某本专著或文章,而作家的名字在自己的行 文中没有出现, 将该作家的姓氏和出版的时间用括弧括起来,放在句子结尾,注意该括弧算作句子的一部分,标点符号应放在括弧之后。 例: It has been argued that teachers’ role is to provide the students with optimal condition that can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar results (Bloom, 1976). B.如果引用所涉及到的作家的名字已经出现在行文中, 只需要在名字后面 加上括弧, 填入出版时间即可。 例:Gould (1988) attributes Darwin’s success to his gift for making the appropriate metaphor. C.如果引用涉及到的作家和著作的出版时间在行文中已出现,那就不再需 要单独的夹注了。 例:In a 1988 article, Gould explores some of Darwin’s most effective metaphors. D.如果引用涉及到的著作是由两位作者合著,则每次引用时都需把两位作 者的姓氏注出来,在夹注中用“&”,在行文中则用“and”连接两个作者。例:The disadvantages of the multiple regression analysis is that it cannot show the complex interrelations between independent variable (Bryman & Cramer, 1990). Bryman and Cramer (ibid.) also pointed out that… E.如涉及到的作者超过两人,少于六人,第一次加夹注时,写出所有作者 的姓氏,以后每次引用,只需写出第一作者的姓氏,其后加上“et al.” 即可。 例:Scientists have isolated a gene connected to circadian rhythms in plants (Millar, Straum, Chory, Chua, & Kay, 1995: 1163). They identified the mutations that activated light-dependent pathways (Millar, et al., 1995: 1165) F.如果引用涉及到的著作由六位以上的作者合著,加注时只需写出第一作 者的姓氏,其后加上“et al.”即可。 例:Naiman et al. (1978)found a similar relationship, although I this case effo rt’on the part of the learners was also associated with instrumental motivation (subsequent citations) (Ellis, 1954: 512).


新农村体育的发展现状及对策 (嘉应学院体育教育专业,X碧锋) 摘要:采用文献、问卷调查和访问调查等方法,以新农村建设为契机,对XXXX地区农村体育的发展现状进行分析,找出本地区农村体育的发展在新农村建设中存在的问题,并结合当地实际提出相应的对策,为本地区农村体育发展及新农村建设提供参考。 关键词:XX;XX;新农村;农村体育;发展现状;对策 1 引言 建设社会主义新农村是党的十六届五中全会提出的在新时期贯彻落实科学发展观,全面建设小康社会,构建社会主义和谐社会的一项重大战略举措。所谓社会主义新农村是指在社会主义制度下,以农村社会经济发展为基础,以社会全面进步为标志的社会状态。具体而言,就是新房舍、新设施、新环境、新农民和新风尚等方面。加强农村的社会主义精神文明建设,提高农民的综合素质,发展好建设新农村体育无疑是一种积极有效的方法。2006年中央一号文件《中共中央国务院关于推进社会主义新农村建设的若干意见》指出:按照生产发展,生活宽裕,乡风文明,村容整洁,管理XX的要求,构建农村公共文化服务体系,推动新农村建设中农村体育的发展[1]。文件集中体现了农村体育在推进社会主义新农村建设过程中的重要功能和作用。发展农村体育,有利于促进农村社会的物质文明和精神文明的发展,有利于改善农村精神面貌,繁荣农村经济,促进和谐社会的发展。 新农村体育是指在建设社会主义新农村的大背景下,以农村人们为对象,为提高和满足农村人民的生存和生活质量而开展的体育娱乐活动。它是以提高农民身心健康水平,丰富农民精神文化生活,促进社会主义物质文明和精神文明为主要目的的群众性体育活动[2]。以新农村建设为契机,对XXXX地区农村体育的发展现状进行研究,经实地

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